/* * BonusEnum.cpp, part of VCMI engine * * Authors: listed in file AUTHORS in main folder * * License: GNU General Public License v2.0 or later * Full text of license available in license.txt file, in main folder * */ #include "StdInc.h" #include "BonusEnum.h" #include "../JsonNode.h" VCMI_LIB_NAMESPACE_BEGIN #define BONUS_NAME(x) { #x, BonusType::x }, const std::map<std::string, BonusType> bonusNameMap = { BONUS_LIST }; #undef BONUS_NAME #define BONUS_VALUE(x) { #x, BonusValueType::x }, const std::map<std::string, BonusValueType> bonusValueMap = { BONUS_VALUE_LIST }; #undef BONUS_VALUE #define BONUS_SOURCE(x) { #x, BonusSource::x }, const std::map<std::string, BonusSource> bonusSourceMap = { BONUS_SOURCE_LIST }; #undef BONUS_SOURCE #define BONUS_ITEM(x) { #x, BonusDuration::x }, const std::map<std::string, BonusDuration::Type> bonusDurationMap = { BONUS_ITEM(PERMANENT) BONUS_ITEM(ONE_BATTLE) BONUS_ITEM(ONE_DAY) BONUS_ITEM(ONE_WEEK) BONUS_ITEM(N_TURNS) BONUS_ITEM(N_DAYS) BONUS_ITEM(UNTIL_BEING_ATTACKED) BONUS_ITEM(UNTIL_ATTACK) BONUS_ITEM(STACK_GETS_TURN) BONUS_ITEM(COMMANDER_KILLED) BONUS_ITEM(UNTIL_OWN_ATTACK) { "UNITL_BEING_ATTACKED", BonusDuration::UNTIL_BEING_ATTACKED }//typo, but used in some mods }; #undef BONUS_ITEM #define BONUS_ITEM(x) { #x, BonusLimitEffect::x }, const std::map<std::string, BonusLimitEffect> bonusLimitEffect = { BONUS_ITEM(NO_LIMIT) BONUS_ITEM(ONLY_DISTANCE_FIGHT) BONUS_ITEM(ONLY_MELEE_FIGHT) }; #undef BONUS_ITEM namespace BonusDuration { JsonNode toJson(const Type & duration) { std::vector<std::string> durationNames; for(auto durBit = 0; durBit < duration.size(); durBit++) { if(duration[durBit]) durationNames.push_back(vstd::findKey(bonusDurationMap, duration & Type().set(durBit))); } if(durationNames.size() == 1) { return JsonUtils::stringNode(durationNames[0]); } else { JsonNode node(JsonNode::JsonType::DATA_VECTOR); for(const std::string & dur : durationNames) node.Vector().push_back(JsonUtils::stringNode(dur)); return node; } } } VCMI_LIB_NAMESPACE_END