 * MapFormatH3M.h, part of VCMI engine
 * Authors: listed in file AUTHORS in main folder
 * License: GNU General Public License v2.0 or later
 * Full text of license available in license.txt file, in main folder

#pragma once

#include "CMapService.h"
#include "MapFeaturesH3M.h"


class CGHeroInstance;
class MapReaderH3M;
class CArtifactInstance;
class CGObjectInstance;
class CGSeerHut;
class IQuestObject;
class CGTownInstance;
class CCreatureSet;
class CInputStream;
class TextIdentifier;
class CGPandoraBox;

class ObjectInstanceID;
class BuildingID;
class ObjectTemplate;
class SpellID;
class PlayerColor;
class int3;

class DLL_LINKAGE CMapLoaderH3M : public IMapLoader
	 * Default constructor.
	 * @param stream a stream containing the map data
	CMapLoaderH3M(const std::string & mapName, const std::string & modName, const std::string & encodingName, CInputStream * stream);

	 * Destructor.

	 * Loads the VCMI/H3 map file.
	 * @return a unique ptr of the loaded map class
	std::unique_ptr<CMap> loadMap() override;

	 * Loads the VCMI/H3 map header.
	 * @return a unique ptr of the loaded map header class
	std::unique_ptr<CMapHeader> loadMapHeader() override;

	 * Initializes the map object from parsing the input buffer.
	void init();

	 * Reads the map header.
	void readHeader();

	 * Reads player information.
	void readPlayerInfo();

	 * Reads victory/loss conditions.
	void readVictoryLossConditions();

	 * Reads team information.
	void readTeamInfo();

	 * Reads the list of map flags.
	void readMapOptions();

	 * Reads the list of allowed heroes.
	void readAllowedHeroes();

	 * Reads the list of disposed heroes.
	void readDisposedHeroes();

	 * Reads the list of allowed artifacts.
	void readAllowedArtifacts();

	 * Reads the list of allowed spells and abilities.
	void readAllowedSpellsAbilities();

	 * Loads artifacts of a hero.
	 * @param hero the hero which should hold those artifacts
	void loadArtifactsOfHero(CGHeroInstance * hero);

	 * Loads an artifact to the given slot of the specified hero.
	 * @param hero the hero which should hold that artifact
	 * @param slot the artifact slot where to place that artifact
	 * @return true if it loaded an artifact
	bool loadArtifactToSlot(CGHeroInstance * hero, int slot);

	 * Read rumors.
	void readRumors();

	 * Reads predefined heroes.
	void readPredefinedHeroes();

	 * Reads terrain data.
	void readTerrain();

	 * Reads custom(map) def information.
	void readObjectTemplates();

	 * Reads objects(towns, mines,...).
	void readObjects();

	/// Reads single object from input stream based on template
	CGObjectInstance * readObject(std::shared_ptr<const ObjectTemplate> objectTemplate, const int3 & objectPosition, const ObjectInstanceID & idToBeGiven);

	CGObjectInstance * readEvent(const int3 & objectPosition);
	CGObjectInstance * readMonster(const int3 & objectPosition, const ObjectInstanceID & idToBeGiven);
	CGObjectInstance * readHero(const int3 & initialPos, const ObjectInstanceID & idToBeGiven);
	CGObjectInstance * readSeerHut(const int3 & initialPos);
	CGObjectInstance * readTown(const int3 & position, std::shared_ptr<const ObjectTemplate> objTempl);
	CGObjectInstance * readSign(const int3 & position);
	CGObjectInstance * readWitchHut();
	CGObjectInstance * readScholar();
	CGObjectInstance * readGarrison(const int3 & mapPosition);
	CGObjectInstance * readArtifact(const int3 & position, std::shared_ptr<const ObjectTemplate> objTempl);
	CGObjectInstance * readResource(const int3 & position, std::shared_ptr<const ObjectTemplate> objTempl);
	CGObjectInstance * readMine(const int3 & position, std::shared_ptr<const ObjectTemplate> objTempl);
	CGObjectInstance * readPandora(const int3 & position);
	CGObjectInstance * readDwelling(const int3 & position);
	CGObjectInstance * readDwellingRandom(const int3 & position, std::shared_ptr<const ObjectTemplate> objTempl);
	CGObjectInstance * readShrine();
	CGObjectInstance * readHeroPlaceholder(const int3 & position);
	CGObjectInstance * readGrail(const int3 & position, std::shared_ptr<const ObjectTemplate> objectTemplate);
	CGObjectInstance * readPyramid(const int3 & position, std::shared_ptr<const ObjectTemplate> objTempl);
	CGObjectInstance * readQuestGuard(const int3 & position);
	CGObjectInstance * readShipyard(const int3 & mapPosition, std::shared_ptr<const ObjectTemplate> objectTemplate);
	CGObjectInstance * readLighthouse(const int3 & mapPosition);
	CGObjectInstance * readGeneric(const int3 & position, std::shared_ptr<const ObjectTemplate> objectTemplate);
	CGObjectInstance * readBank(const int3 & position, std::shared_ptr<const ObjectTemplate> objectTemplate);

	 * Reads a creature set.
	 * @param out the loaded creature set
	 * @param number the count of creatures to read
	void readCreatureSet(CCreatureSet * out, int number);

	 * Reads a quest for the given quest guard.
	 * @param guard the quest guard where that quest should be applied to
	void readBoxContent(CGPandoraBox * object, const int3 & position);

	 * Reads a quest for the given quest guard.
	 * @param guard the quest guard where that quest should be applied to
	void readQuest(IQuestObject * guard, const int3 & position);

	void readSeerHutQuest(CGSeerHut * hut, const int3 & position);

	 * Reads events.
	void readEvents();

	* read optional message and optional guards
	void readMessageAndGuards(std::string & message, CCreatureSet * guards, const int3 & position);

	/// reads string from input stream and converts it to unicode
	std::string readBasicString();

	/// reads string from input stream, converts it to unicode and attempts to translate it
	std::string readLocalizedString(const TextIdentifier & identifier);

	void setOwnerAndValidate(const int3 & mapPosition, CGObjectInstance * object, const PlayerColor & owner);

	void afterRead();

	MapFormatFeaturesH3M features;

	/** List of templates loaded from the map, used on later stage to create
	 *  objects but not needed for fully functional CMap */
	std::vector<std::shared_ptr<const ObjectTemplate>> templates;

	/** ptr to the map object which gets filled by data from the buffer */
	CMap * map;

	 * ptr to the map header object which gets filled by data from the buffer.
	 * (when loading a map then the mapHeader ptr points to the same object)
	std::unique_ptr<CMapHeader> mapHeader;
	std::unique_ptr<MapReaderH3M> reader;
	CInputStream * inputStream;

	std::string mapName;
	std::string modName;
	std::string fileEncoding;
