#include "StdInc.h" #include "CCreatureAnimation.h" #include "../../lib/CConfigHandler.h" #include "../../lib/CCreatureHandler.h" #include "../../lib/vcmi_endian.h" #include "../gui/SDL_Extensions.h" #include "../gui/SDL_Pixels.h" #include "../../lib/filesystem/Filesystem.h" #include "../../lib/filesystem/CBinaryReader.h" #include "../../lib/filesystem/CMemoryStream.h" /* * CCreatureAnimation.cpp, part of VCMI engine * * Authors: listed in file AUTHORS in main folder * * License: GNU General Public License v2.0 or later * Full text of license available in license.txt file, in main folder * */ static const SDL_Color creatureBlueBorder = { 0, 255, 255, 255 }; static const SDL_Color creatureGoldBorder = { 255, 255, 0, 255 }; static const SDL_Color creatureNoBorder = { 0, 0, 0, 0 }; SDL_Color AnimationControls::getBlueBorder() { return creatureBlueBorder; } SDL_Color AnimationControls::getGoldBorder() { return creatureGoldBorder; } SDL_Color AnimationControls::getNoBorder() { return creatureNoBorder; } CCreatureAnimation * AnimationControls::getAnimation(const CCreature * creature) { auto func = boost::bind(&AnimationControls::getCreatureAnimationSpeed, creature, _1, _2); return new CCreatureAnimation(creature->animDefName, func); } float AnimationControls::getCreatureAnimationSpeed(const CCreature * creature, const CCreatureAnimation * anim, size_t group) { CCreatureAnim::EAnimType type = CCreatureAnim::EAnimType(group); assert(creature->animation.walkAnimationTime != 0); assert(creature->animation.attackAnimationTime != 0); assert(anim->framesInGroup(type) != 0); // possible new fields for creature format: //split "Attack time" into "Shoot Time" and "Cast Time" // a lot of arbitrary multipliers, mostly to make animation speed closer to H3 const float baseSpeed = 0.1; const float speedMult = settings["battle"]["animationSpeed"].Float(); const float speed = baseSpeed / speedMult; switch (type) { case CCreatureAnim::MOVING: return speed * 2 * creature->animation.walkAnimationTime / anim->framesInGroup(type); case CCreatureAnim::MOUSEON: return baseSpeed; case CCreatureAnim::HOLDING: return baseSpeed * creature->animation.idleAnimationTime / anim->framesInGroup(type); case CCreatureAnim::SHOOT_UP: case CCreatureAnim::SHOOT_FRONT: case CCreatureAnim::SHOOT_DOWN: case CCreatureAnim::CAST_UP: case CCreatureAnim::CAST_FRONT: case CCreatureAnim::CAST_DOWN: return speed * 4 * creature->animation.attackAnimationTime / anim->framesInGroup(type); // as strange as it looks like "attackAnimationTime" does not affects melee attacks // necessary because length of these animations must be same for all creatures for synchronization case CCreatureAnim::ATTACK_UP: case CCreatureAnim::ATTACK_FRONT: case CCreatureAnim::ATTACK_DOWN: case CCreatureAnim::HITTED: case CCreatureAnim::DEFENCE: case CCreatureAnim::DEATH: return speed * 3 / anim->framesInGroup(type); case CCreatureAnim::TURN_L: case CCreatureAnim::TURN_R: return speed / 3; case CCreatureAnim::MOVE_START: case CCreatureAnim::MOVE_END: return speed / 3; case CCreatureAnim::DEAD: return speed; default: assert(0); return 1; } } float AnimationControls::getProjectileSpeed() { return settings["battle"]["animationSpeed"].Float() * 100; } float AnimationControls::getSpellEffectSpeed() { return settings["battle"]["animationSpeed"].Float() * 60; } float AnimationControls::getMovementDuration(const CCreature * creature) { return settings["battle"]["animationSpeed"].Float() * 4 / creature->animation.walkAnimationTime; } float AnimationControls::getFlightDistance(const CCreature * creature) { return creature->animation.flightAnimationDistance * 200; } CCreatureAnim::EAnimType CCreatureAnimation::getType() const { return type; } void CCreatureAnimation::setType(CCreatureAnim::EAnimType type) { assert(type >= 0); assert(framesInGroup(type) != 0); this->type = type; currentFrame = 0; once = false; play(); } CCreatureAnimation::CCreatureAnimation(std::string name, TSpeedController controller) : defName(name), speed(0.1), currentFrame(0), elapsedTime(0), type(CCreatureAnim::HOLDING), border(CSDL_Ext::makeColor(0, 0, 0, 0)), speedController(controller), once(false) { // separate block to avoid accidental use of "data" after it was moved into "pixelData" { ResourceID resID(std::string("SPRITES/") + name, EResType::ANIMATION); auto data = CResourceHandler::get()->load(resID)->readAll(); pixelData = std::move(data.first); pixelDataSize = data.second; } CBinaryReader reader(new CMemoryStream(pixelData.get(), pixelDataSize)); reader.readInt32(); // def type, unused fullWidth = reader.readInt32(); fullHeight = reader.readInt32(); int totalBlocks = reader.readInt32(); for (auto & elem : palette) { elem.r = reader.readUInt8(); elem.g = reader.readUInt8(); elem.b = reader.readUInt8(); CSDL_Ext::colorSetAlpha(elem,0); } for (int i=0; i= float(framesInGroup(type))) { // just in case of extremely low fps (or insanely high speed) while (currentFrame >= float(framesInGroup(type))) currentFrame -= framesInGroup(type); if (once) setType(CCreatureAnim::HOLDING); endAnimation(); return true; } return false; } void CCreatureAnimation::setBorderColor(SDL_Color palette) { border = palette; } int CCreatureAnimation::getWidth() const { return fullWidth; } int CCreatureAnimation::getHeight() const { return fullHeight; } float CCreatureAnimation::getCurrentFrame() const { return currentFrame; } void CCreatureAnimation::playOnce( CCreatureAnim::EAnimType type ) { setType(type); once = true; } inline int getBorderStrength(float time) { float borderStrength = fabs(vstd::round(time) - time) * 2; // generate value in range 0-1 return borderStrength * 155 + 100; // scale to 0-255 } static SDL_Color genShadow(ui8 alpha) { return CSDL_Ext::makeColor(0, 0, 0, alpha); } static SDL_Color genBorderColor(ui8 alpha, const SDL_Color & base) { #ifdef VCMI_SDL1 return CSDL_Ext::makeColor(base.r, base.g, base.b, ui8(base.unused * alpha / 256)); #else return CSDL_Ext::makeColor(base.r, base.g, base.b, ui8(base.a * alpha / 256)); #endif } static ui8 mixChannels(ui8 c1, ui8 c2, ui8 a1, ui8 a2) { return c1*a1 / 256 + c2*a2*(255 - a1) / 256 / 256; } static SDL_Color addColors(const SDL_Color & base, const SDL_Color & over) { #ifdef VCMI_SDL1 return CSDL_Ext::makeColor( mixChannels(over.r, base.r, over.unused, base.unused), mixChannels(over.g, base.g, over.unused, base.unused), mixChannels(over.b, base.b, over.unused, base.unused), ui8(over.unused + base.unused * (255 - over.unused) / 256) ); #else return CSDL_Ext::makeColor( mixChannels(over.r, base.r, over.a, base.a), mixChannels(over.g, base.g, over.a, base.a), mixChannels(over.b, base.b, over.a, base.a), ui8(over.a + base.a * (255 - over.a) / 256) ); #endif // VCMI_SDL1 } std::array CCreatureAnimation::genSpecialPalette() { std::array ret; ret[0] = genShadow(0); ret[1] = genShadow(64); ret[2] = genShadow(128); ret[3] = genShadow(128); ret[4] = genShadow(128); ret[5] = genBorderColor(getBorderStrength(elapsedTime), border); ret[6] = addColors(genShadow(128), genBorderColor(getBorderStrength(elapsedTime), border)); ret[7] = addColors(genShadow(64), genBorderColor(getBorderStrength(elapsedTime), border)); return ret; } template void CCreatureAnimation::nextFrameT(SDL_Surface * dest, bool rotate) { assert(dataOffsets.count(type) && dataOffsets.at(type).size() > size_t(currentFrame)); ui32 offset = dataOffsets.at(type).at(floor(currentFrame)); CBinaryReader reader(new CMemoryStream(pixelData.get(), pixelDataSize)); reader.getStream()->seek(offset); reader.readUInt32(); // unused, size of pixel data for this frame const ui32 defType2 = reader.readUInt32(); const ui32 fullWidth = reader.readUInt32(); /*const ui32 fullHeight =*/ reader.readUInt32(); const ui32 spriteWidth = reader.readUInt32(); const ui32 spriteHeight = reader.readUInt32(); const int leftMargin = reader.readInt32(); const int topMargin = reader.readInt32(); const int rightMargin = fullWidth - spriteWidth - leftMargin; //const int bottomMargin = fullHeight - spriteHeight - topMargin; const size_t baseOffset = reader.getStream()->tell(); assert(defType2 == 1); UNUSED(defType2); auto specialPalette = genSpecialPalette(); for (ui32 i=0; i(dest, destX + (rotate?(-j):(j)), destY, lineData[currentOffset + j], specialPalette); currentOffset += length; } else// RLE { if (type != 0) // transparency row, handle it here for speed { for (size_t j=0; j(dest, destX + (rotate?(-j):(j)), destY, type, specialPalette); } } destX += rotate ? (-length) : (length); totalRowLength += length; } } } void CCreatureAnimation::nextFrame(SDL_Surface *dest, bool attacker) { // Note: please notice that attacker value is inversed when passed further. // This is intended behavior because "attacker" actually does not needs rotation switch(dest->format->BytesPerPixel) { case 2: return nextFrameT<2>(dest, !attacker); case 3: return nextFrameT<3>(dest, !attacker); case 4: return nextFrameT<4>(dest, !attacker); default: logGlobal->errorStream() << (int)dest->format->BitsPerPixel << " bpp is not supported!!!"; } } int CCreatureAnimation::framesInGroup(CCreatureAnim::EAnimType group) const { if(dataOffsets.count(group) == 0) return 0; return dataOffsets.at(group).size(); } ui8 * CCreatureAnimation::getPixelAddr(SDL_Surface * dest, int X, int Y) const { return (ui8*)dest->pixels + X * dest->format->BytesPerPixel + Y * dest->pitch; } template inline void CCreatureAnimation::putPixelAt(SDL_Surface * dest, int X, int Y, size_t index, const std::array & special) const { if ( X < pos.x + pos.w && Y < pos.y + pos.h && X >= 0 && Y >= 0) putPixel(getPixelAddr(dest, X, Y), palette[index], index, special); } template inline void CCreatureAnimation::putPixel(ui8 * dest, const SDL_Color & color, size_t index, const std::array & special) const { if (index < 8) { const SDL_Color & pal = special[index]; #ifdef VCMI_SDL1 ColorPutter::PutColor(dest, pal.r, pal.g, pal.b, pal.unused); #else ColorPutter::PutColor(dest, pal.r, pal.g, pal.b, pal.a); #endif // 0 } else { ColorPutter::PutColor(dest, color.r, color.g, color.b); } } bool CCreatureAnimation::isDead() const { return getType() == CCreatureAnim::DEAD || getType() == CCreatureAnim::DEATH; } bool CCreatureAnimation::isIdle() const { return getType() == CCreatureAnim::HOLDING || getType() == CCreatureAnim::MOUSEON; } bool CCreatureAnimation::isMoving() const { return getType() == CCreatureAnim::MOVE_START || getType() == CCreatureAnim::MOVING || getType() == CCreatureAnim::MOVE_END; } bool CCreatureAnimation::isShooting() const { return getType() == CCreatureAnim::SHOOT_UP || getType() == CCreatureAnim::SHOOT_FRONT || getType() == CCreatureAnim::SHOOT_DOWN; } void CCreatureAnimation::pause() { speed = 0; } void CCreatureAnimation::play() { speed = 0; if (speedController(this, type) != 0) speed = 1 / speedController(this, type); }