#ifndef __CHEROHANDLER_H__ #define __CHEROHANDLER_H__ #include "../global.h" #include #include #include /* * CHeroHandler.h, part of VCMI engine * * Authors: listed in file AUTHORS in main folder * * License: GNU General Public License v2.0 or later * Full text of license available in license.txt file, in main folder * */ class CHeroClass; class CDefHandler; class CGameInfo; class CGHeroInstance; class DLL_EXPORT CHero { public: std::string name; int ID; int lowStack[3], highStack[3]; //amount of units; described below std::string refTypeStack[3]; //reference names of units appearing in hero's army if he is recruited in tavern CHeroClass * heroClass; EHeroClasses heroType; //hero class std::vector > secSkillsInit; //initial secondary skills; first - ID of skill, second - level of skill (1 - basic, 2 - adv., 3 - expert) //bool operator<(CHero& drugi){if (ID < drugi.ID) return true; else return false;} template void serialize(Handler &h, const int version) { h & name & ID & lowStack & highStack & refTypeStack & heroType & ID; //hero class pointer is restored by herohandler } }; class DLL_EXPORT CHeroClass { public: ui32 skillLimit; //how many secondary skills can hero learn std::string name; float aggression; int initialAttack, initialDefence, initialPower, initialKnowledge; std::vector > primChance;//primChance[PRIMARY_SKILL_ID] - first is for levels 2 - 9, second for 10+;;; probability (%) of getting point of primary skill when getting new level std::vector proSec; //probabilities of gaining secondary skills (out of 112), in id order int selectionProbability[9]; //probability of selection in towns std::vector terrCosts; //default costs of going through terrains: dirt, sand, grass, snow, swamp, rough, subterranean, lava, water, rock; -1 means terrain is imapassable int chooseSecSkill(const std::set & possibles) const; //picks secondary skill out from given possibilities CHeroClass(); ~CHeroClass(); template void serialize(Handler &h, const int version) { h & skillLimit & name & aggression & initialAttack & initialDefence & initialPower & initialKnowledge & primChance & proSec & selectionProbability & terrCosts; } }; struct DLL_EXPORT CObstacleInfo { int ID; std::string defName, blockmap, //blockmap: X - blocked, N - not blocked, L - description goes to the next line, staring with the left bottom hex allowedTerrains; /*terrains[i]: 1. sand/shore 2. sand/mesas 3. dirt/birches 4. dirt/hills 5. dirt/pines 6. grass/hills 7. grass/pines 8. lava 9. magic plains 10. snow/mountains 11. snow/trees 12. subterranean 13. swamp/trees 14. fiery fields 15. rock lands 16. magic clouds 17. lucid pools 18. holy ground 19. clover field 20. evil fog 21. "favourable winds" text on magic plains background 22. cursed ground 23. rough 24. ship to ship 25. ship*/ int getWidth(); //returns width of obstacle in hexes int getHeight(); //returns height of obstacle in hexes std::vector getBlocked(int hex); //returns vector of hexes blocked by obstacle when it's placed on hex 'hex' template void serialize(Handler &h, const int version) { h & ID & defName & blockmap & allowedTerrains; } }; class DLL_EXPORT CHeroHandler { public: std::vector heroes; //było nodrze std::vector heroClasses; std::vector expPerLevel; //expPerLEvel[i] is amount of exp needed to reach level i; if it is not in this vector, multiplicate last value by 1,2 to get next value struct SBallisticsLevelInfo { ui8 keep, tower, gate, wall; //chance to hit in percent (eg. 87 is 87%) ui8 shots; //how many shots we have ui8 noDmg, oneDmg, twoDmg; //chances for shot dealing certain dmg in percent (eg. 87 is 87%); must sum to 100 ui8 sum; //I don't know if it is useful for anything, but it's in config file template void serialize(Handler &h, const int version) { h & keep & tower & gate & wall & shots & noDmg & oneDmg & twoDmg & sum; } }; std::vector ballistics; //info about ballistics ability per level; [0] - none; [1] - basic; [2] - adv; [3] - expert std::map obstacles; //info about obstacles that may be placed on battlefield void loadObstacles(); unsigned int level(unsigned int experience); unsigned int reqExp(unsigned int level); void loadHeroes(); void loadHeroClasses(); void initHeroClasses(); void initTerrainCosts(); CHeroHandler(); ~CHeroHandler(); template void serialize(Handler &h, const int version) { h & heroClasses & heroes & expPerLevel & ballistics & obstacles; if(!h.saving) { //restore class pointers for (int i=0; iheroClass = heroClasses[heroes[i]->heroType]; } } } }; #endif // __CHEROHANDLER_H__