#ifndef __CLIENT_H__ #define __CLIENT_H__ #include "../global.h" #include #include "../lib/IGameCallback.h" #include "../lib/CondSh.h" #include /* * Client.h, part of VCMI engine * * Authors: listed in file AUTHORS in main folder * * License: GNU General Public License v2.0 or later * Full text of license available in license.txt file, in main folder * */ struct StartInfo; class CGameState; class CGameInterface; class CConnection; class CCallback; struct BattleAction; struct SharedMem; class CClient; struct CPathsInfo; void processCommand(const std::string &message, CClient *&client); class CClient : public IGameCallback { public: CCallback *cb; std::set callbacks; //callbacks given to player interfaces std::map playerint; bool hotSeat; CConnection *serv; SharedMem *shared; BattleAction *curbaction; CPathsInfo *pathInfo; CondSh waitingRequest; std::queue packs; boost::mutex packsM; void waitForMoveAndSend(int color); //void sendRequest(const CPackForServer *request, bool waitForRealization); CClient(void); CClient(CConnection *con, StartInfo *si); ~CClient(void); void init(); void newGame(CConnection *con, StartInfo *si); //con - connection to server void endGame(bool closeConnection = true); void stopConnection(); void save(const std::string & fname); void loadGame(const std::string & fname); void run(); void finishCampaign( CCampaignState * camp ); void proposeNextMission( CCampaignState * camp ); bool terminate; // tell to terminate boost::thread *connectionHandler; //thread running run() method ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //from IGameCallback int getCurrentPlayer(); int getSelectedHero(); //not working yet, will be implement somewhen later with support for local-sim-based gameplay void changeSpells(int hid, bool give, const std::set &spells){}; bool removeObject(int objid){return false;}; void setBlockVis(int objid, bool bv){}; void setOwner(int objid, ui8 owner){}; void setHoverName(int objid, MetaString * name){}; void setObjProperty(int objid, int prop, si64 val){}; void changePrimSkill(int ID, int which, si64 val, bool abs=false){}; void changeSecSkill(int ID, int which, int val, bool abs=false){}; void showInfoDialog(InfoWindow *iw){}; void showBlockingDialog(BlockingDialog *iw, const CFunctionList &callback){}; ui32 showBlockingDialog(BlockingDialog *iw){return 0;}; //synchronous version of above void showGarrisonDialog(int upobj, int hid, bool removableUnits, const boost::function &cb){}; void showThievesGuildWindow(int requestingObjId){}; void giveResource(int player, int which, int val){}; void giveCreatures (int objid, const CGHeroInstance * h, CCreatureSet creatures) {}; void takeCreatures (int objid, TSlots creatures){}; void changeCreatureType (int objid, TSlot slot, TCreature creature){}; void showCompInfo(ShowInInfobox * comp){}; void heroVisitCastle(int obj, int heroID){}; void stopHeroVisitCastle(int obj, int heroID){}; void giveHeroArtifact(int artid, int hid, int position){}; //pos==-1 - first free slot in backpack=0; pos==-2 - default if available or backpack bool removeArtifact(int artid, int hid){return false;}; void startBattleI(const CArmedInstance *army1, const CArmedInstance *army2, int3 tile, const CGHeroInstance *hero1, const CGHeroInstance *hero2, bool creatureBank = false, boost::function cb = 0, const CGTownInstance *town = NULL){}; //use hero=NULL for no hero void startBattleI(const CArmedInstance *army1, const CArmedInstance *army2, int3 tile, boost::function cb = 0, bool creatureBank = false){}; //if any of armies is hero, hero will be used void startBattleI(const CArmedInstance *army1, const CArmedInstance *army2, boost::function cb = 0, bool creatureBank = false){}; //if any of armies is hero, hero will be used, visitable tile of second obj is place of battle void setAmount(int objid, ui32 val){}; bool moveHero(si32 hid, int3 dst, ui8 instant, ui8 asker = 255){return false;}; void giveHeroBonus(GiveBonus * bonus){}; void setMovePoints(SetMovePoints * smp){}; void setManaPoints(int hid, int val){}; void giveHero(int id, int player){}; void changeObjPos(int objid, int3 newPos, ui8 flags){}; void sendAndApply(CPackForClient * info){}; void heroExchange(si32 hero1, si32 hero2){}; ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// friend class CCallback; //handling players actions friend void processCommand(const std::string &message, CClient *&client); //handling console static void runServer(const char * portc); void waitForServer(); CPack * retreivePack(); //gets from server next pack (allocates it with new) void handlePack( CPack * pack ); //applies the given pack and deletes it void updatePaths(); ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// template void serialize(Handler &h, const int version); }; #endif // __CLIENT_H__