/* * BattleObstacleController.cpp, part of VCMI engine * * Authors: listed in file AUTHORS in main folder * * License: GNU General Public License v2.0 or later * Full text of license available in license.txt file, in main folder * */ #include "StdInc.h" #include "BattleObstacleController.h" #include "BattleInterface.h" #include "BattleFieldController.h" #include "BattleAnimationClasses.h" #include "BattleStacksController.h" #include "BattleRenderer.h" #include "CreatureAnimation.h" #include "../CMusicHandler.h" #include "../CGameInfo.h" #include "../CPlayerInterface.h" #include "../gui/CGuiHandler.h" #include "../render/Canvas.h" #include "../render/IRenderHandler.h" #include "../../CCallback.h" #include "../../lib/battle/CObstacleInstance.h" #include "../../lib/ObstacleHandler.h" BattleObstacleController::BattleObstacleController(BattleInterface & owner): owner(owner), timePassed(0.f) { auto obst = owner.getBattle()->battleGetAllObstacles(); for(auto & elem : obst) { if ( elem->obstacleType == CObstacleInstance::MOAT ) continue; // handled by siege controller; loadObstacleImage(*elem); } } void BattleObstacleController::loadObstacleImage(const CObstacleInstance & oi) { AnimationPath animationName = oi.getAnimation(); if (animationsCache.count(animationName) == 0) { if (oi.obstacleType == CObstacleInstance::ABSOLUTE_OBSTACLE) { // obstacle uses single bitmap image for animations auto animation = GH.renderHandler().createAnimation(); animation->setCustom(animationName.getName(), 0, 0); animationsCache[animationName] = animation; animation->preload(); } else { auto animation = GH.renderHandler().loadAnimation(animationName); animationsCache[animationName] = animation; animation->preload(); } } obstacleAnimations[oi.uniqueID] = animationsCache[animationName]; } void BattleObstacleController::obstacleRemoved(const std::vector<ObstacleChanges> & obstacles) { for(const auto & oi : obstacles) { auto & obstacle = oi.data["obstacle"]; if (!obstacle.isStruct()) { logGlobal->error("I don't know how to animate removal of this obstacle"); continue; } auto animation = GH.renderHandler().loadAnimation(AnimationPath::fromJson(obstacle["appearAnimation"])); animation->preload(); auto first = animation->getImage(0, 0); if(!first) continue; //we assume here that effect graphics have the same size as the usual obstacle image // -> if we know how to blit obstacle, let's blit the effect in the same place Point whereTo = getObstaclePosition(first, obstacle); //AFAIK, in H3 there is no sound of obstacle removal owner.stacksController->addNewAnim(new EffectAnimation(owner, AnimationPath::fromJson(obstacle["appearAnimation"]), whereTo, obstacle["position"].Integer(), 0, true)); obstacleAnimations.erase(oi.id); //so when multiple obstacles are removed, they show up one after another owner.waitForAnimations(); } } void BattleObstacleController::obstaclePlaced(const std::vector<std::shared_ptr<const CObstacleInstance>> & obstacles) { for(const auto & oi : obstacles) { auto side = owner.getBattle()->playerToSide(owner.curInt->playerID); if(!oi->visibleForSide(side.value(), owner.getBattle()->battleHasNativeStack(side.value()))) continue; auto animation = GH.renderHandler().loadAnimation(oi->getAppearAnimation()); animation->preload(); auto first = animation->getImage(0, 0); if(!first) continue; //we assume here that effect graphics have the same size as the usual obstacle image // -> if we know how to blit obstacle, let's blit the effect in the same place Point whereTo = getObstaclePosition(first, *oi); CCS->soundh->playSound( oi->getAppearSound() ); owner.stacksController->addNewAnim(new EffectAnimation(owner, oi->getAppearAnimation(), whereTo, oi->pos)); //so when multiple obstacles are added, they show up one after another owner.waitForAnimations(); loadObstacleImage(*oi); } } void BattleObstacleController::showAbsoluteObstacles(Canvas & canvas) { //Blit absolute obstacles for(auto & obstacle : owner.getBattle()->battleGetAllObstacles()) { if(obstacle->obstacleType == CObstacleInstance::ABSOLUTE_OBSTACLE) { auto img = getObstacleImage(*obstacle); if(img) canvas.draw(img, Point(obstacle->getInfo().width, obstacle->getInfo().height)); } if (obstacle->obstacleType == CObstacleInstance::USUAL) { if (obstacle->getInfo().isForegroundObstacle) continue; auto img = getObstacleImage(*obstacle); if(img) { Point p = getObstaclePosition(img, *obstacle); canvas.draw(img, p); } } } } void BattleObstacleController::collectRenderableObjects(BattleRenderer & renderer) { for (auto obstacle : owner.getBattle()->battleGetAllObstacles()) { if (obstacle->obstacleType == CObstacleInstance::ABSOLUTE_OBSTACLE) continue; if (obstacle->obstacleType == CObstacleInstance::MOAT) continue; if (obstacle->obstacleType == CObstacleInstance::USUAL && !obstacle->getInfo().isForegroundObstacle) continue; renderer.insert(EBattleFieldLayer::OBSTACLES, obstacle->pos, [this, obstacle]( BattleRenderer::RendererRef canvas ){ auto img = getObstacleImage(*obstacle); if(img) { Point p = getObstaclePosition(img, *obstacle); canvas.draw(img, p); } }); } } void BattleObstacleController::tick(uint32_t msPassed) { timePassed += msPassed / 1000.f; } std::shared_ptr<IImage> BattleObstacleController::getObstacleImage(const CObstacleInstance & oi) { int framesCount = timePassed * AnimationControls::getObstaclesSpeed(); std::shared_ptr<CAnimation> animation; // obstacle is not loaded yet, don't show anything if (obstacleAnimations.count(oi.uniqueID) == 0) return nullptr; animation = obstacleAnimations[oi.uniqueID]; assert(animation); if(animation) { int frameIndex = framesCount % animation->size(0); return animation->getImage(frameIndex, 0); } return nullptr; } Point BattleObstacleController::getObstaclePosition(std::shared_ptr<IImage> image, const CObstacleInstance & obstacle) { int offset = obstacle.getAnimationYOffset(image->height()); Rect r = owner.fieldController->hexPositionLocal(obstacle.pos); r.y += 42 - image->height() + offset; return r.topLeft(); } Point BattleObstacleController::getObstaclePosition(std::shared_ptr<IImage> image, const JsonNode & obstacle) { auto animationYOffset = obstacle["animationYOffset"].Integer(); auto offset = image->height() % 42; if(obstacle["needAnimationOffsetFix"].Bool() && offset > 37) animationYOffset -= 42; offset += animationYOffset; Rect r = owner.fieldController->hexPositionLocal(obstacle["position"].Integer()); r.y += 42 - image->height() + offset; return r.topLeft(); }