/* * CGeneralTextHandler.cpp, part of VCMI engine * * Authors: listed in file AUTHORS in main folder * * License: GNU General Public License v2.0 or later * Full text of license available in license.txt file, in main folder * */ #include "StdInc.h" #include "CGeneralTextHandler.h" #include "filesystem/Filesystem.h" #include "serializer/JsonSerializeFormat.h" #include "CConfigHandler.h" #include "GameSettings.h" #include "mapObjects/CQuest.h" #include "modding/CModHandler.h" #include "VCMI_Lib.h" #include "Languages.h" #include "TextOperations.h" VCMI_LIB_NAMESPACE_BEGIN /// Detects language and encoding of H3 text files based on matching against pregenerated footprints of H3 file void CGeneralTextHandler::detectInstallParameters() { using LanguageFootprint = std::array; static const std::array knownFootprints = { { { { 0.1602, 0.0000, 0.0357, 0.0054, 0.0038, 0.0017, 0.0077, 0.0214, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.1264, 0.1947, 0.2012, 0.1406, 0.0480, 0.0532 } }, { { 0.0559, 0.0000, 0.1983, 0.0051, 0.0222, 0.0183, 0.4596, 0.2405, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 } }, { { 0.0493, 0.0000, 0.1926, 0.0047, 0.0230, 0.0121, 0.4133, 0.2780, 0.0002, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0259, 0.0008 } }, { { 0.0534, 0.0000, 0.1705, 0.0047, 0.0418, 0.0208, 0.4775, 0.2191, 0.0001, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0005, 0.0036, 0.0080 } }, { { 0.0534, 0.0000, 0.1701, 0.0067, 0.0157, 0.0133, 0.4328, 0.2540, 0.0001, 0.0043, 0.0000, 0.0244, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0181, 0.0071 } }, { { 0.0548, 0.0000, 0.1744, 0.0061, 0.0031, 0.0009, 0.0046, 0.0136, 0.0000, 0.0004, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0227, 0.0061, 0.4882, 0.2252 } }, { { 0.0559, 0.0000, 0.1807, 0.0059, 0.0036, 0.0013, 0.0046, 0.0134, 0.0000, 0.0004, 0.0000, 0.0487, 0.0209, 0.0060, 0.4615, 0.1972 } }, } }; static const std::array knownLanguages = { { "chinese", "english", "french", "german", "polish", "russian", "ukrainian" } }; if(!CResourceHandler::get("core")->existsResource(TextPath::builtin("DATA/GENRLTXT.TXT"))) { Settings language = settings.write["session"]["language"]; language->String() = "english"; Settings confidence = settings.write["session"]["languageDeviation"]; confidence->Float() = 1.0; Settings encoding = settings.write["session"]["encoding"]; encoding->String() = Languages::getLanguageOptions("english").encoding; return; } // load file that will be used for footprint generation // this is one of the most text-heavy files in game and consists solely from translated texts auto resource = CResourceHandler::get("core")->load(TextPath::builtin("DATA/GENRLTXT.TXT")); std::array charCount{}; std::array footprint{}; std::array deviations{}; auto data = resource->readAll(); // compute how often each character occurs in input file for (si64 i = 0; i < data.second; ++i) charCount[data.first[i]] += 1; // and convert computed data into weights // to reduce amount of data, group footprint data into 16-char blocks. // While this will reduce precision, it should not affect output // since we expect only tiny differences compared to reference footprints for (size_t i = 0; i < 256; ++i) footprint[i/16] += static_cast(charCount[i]) / data.second; logGlobal->debug("Language footprint: %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f", footprint[0], footprint[1], footprint[2], footprint[3], footprint[4], footprint[5], footprint[6], footprint[7], footprint[8], footprint[9], footprint[10], footprint[11], footprint[12], footprint[13], footprint[14], footprint[15] ); for (size_t i = 0; i < deviations.size(); ++i) { for (size_t j = 0; j < footprint.size(); ++j) deviations[i] += std::abs((footprint[j] - knownFootprints[i][j])); } size_t bestIndex = boost::range::min_element(deviations) - deviations.begin(); for (size_t i = 0; i < deviations.size(); ++i) logGlobal->debug("Comparing to %s: %f", knownLanguages[i], deviations[i]); Settings language = settings.write["session"]["language"]; language->String() = knownLanguages[bestIndex]; Settings confidence = settings.write["session"]["languageDeviation"]; confidence->Float() = deviations[bestIndex]; Settings encoding = settings.write["session"]["encoding"]; encoding->String() = Languages::getLanguageOptions(knownLanguages[bestIndex]).encoding; } //Helper for string -> float conversion class LocaleWithComma: public std::numpunct { protected: char do_decimal_point() const override { return ','; } }; CLegacyConfigParser::CLegacyConfigParser(const TextPath & resource) { auto input = CResourceHandler::get()->load(resource); std::string modName = VLC->modh->findResourceOrigin(resource); std::string language = VLC->modh->getModLanguage(modName); fileEncoding = Languages::getLanguageOptions(language).encoding; data.reset(new char[input->getSize()]); input->read(reinterpret_cast(data.get()), input->getSize()); curr = data.get(); end = curr + input->getSize(); } std::string CLegacyConfigParser::extractQuotedPart() { assert(*curr == '\"'); curr++; // skip quote char * begin = curr; while (curr != end && *curr != '\"' && *curr != '\t') curr++; return std::string(begin, curr++); //increment curr to close quote } std::string CLegacyConfigParser::extractQuotedString() { assert(*curr == '\"'); std::string ret; while (true) { ret += extractQuotedPart(); // double quote - add it to string and continue quoted part if (curr < end && *curr == '\"') { ret += '\"'; } //extract normal part else if(curr < end && *curr != '\t' && *curr != '\r') { char * begin = curr; while (curr < end && *curr != '\t' && *curr != '\r' && *curr != '\"')//find end of string or next quoted part start curr++; ret += std::string(begin, curr); if(curr>=end || *curr != '\"') return ret; } else // end of string return ret; } } std::string CLegacyConfigParser::extractNormalString() { char * begin = curr; while (curr < end && *curr != '\t' && *curr != '\r')//find end of string curr++; return std::string(begin, curr); } std::string CLegacyConfigParser::readRawString() { if (curr >= end || *curr == '\n') return ""; std::string ret; if (*curr == '\"') ret = extractQuotedString();// quoted text - find closing quote else ret = extractNormalString();//string without quotes - copy till \t or \r curr++; return ret; } std::string CLegacyConfigParser::readString() { // do not convert strings that are already in ASCII - this will only slow down loading process std::string str = readRawString(); if (TextOperations::isValidASCII(str)) return str; return TextOperations::toUnicode(str, fileEncoding); } float CLegacyConfigParser::readNumber() { std::string input = readRawString(); std::istringstream stream(input); if(input.find(',') != std::string::npos) // code to handle conversion with comma as decimal separator stream.imbue(std::locale(std::locale(), new LocaleWithComma())); float result; if ( !(stream >> result) ) return 0; return result; } bool CLegacyConfigParser::isNextEntryEmpty() const { char * nextSymbol = curr; while (nextSymbol < end && *nextSymbol == ' ') nextSymbol++; //find next meaningfull symbol return nextSymbol >= end || *nextSymbol == '\n' || *nextSymbol == '\r' || *nextSymbol == '\t'; } bool CLegacyConfigParser::endLine() { while (curr < end && *curr != '\n') readString(); curr++; return curr < end; } void TextLocalizationContainer::registerStringOverride(const std::string & modContext, const std::string & language, const TextIdentifier & UID, const std::string & localized) { assert(!modContext.empty()); assert(!language.empty()); // NOTE: implicitly creates entry, intended - strings added by maps, campaigns, vcmi and potentially - UI mods are not registered anywhere at the moment auto & entry = stringsLocalizations[UID.get()]; entry.overrideLanguage = language; entry.overrideValue = localized; if (entry.modContext.empty()) entry.modContext = modContext; } void TextLocalizationContainer::addSubContainer(const TextLocalizationContainer & container) { subContainers.insert(&container); } void TextLocalizationContainer::removeSubContainer(const TextLocalizationContainer & container) { subContainers.erase(&container); } const std::string & TextLocalizationContainer::deserialize(const TextIdentifier & identifier) const { if(stringsLocalizations.count(identifier.get()) == 0) { for(const auto * container : subContainers) if(container->identifierExists(identifier)) return container->deserialize(identifier); logGlobal->error("Unable to find localization for string '%s'", identifier.get()); return identifier.get(); } const auto & entry = stringsLocalizations.at(identifier.get()); if (!entry.overrideValue.empty()) return entry.overrideValue; return entry.baseValue; } void TextLocalizationContainer::registerString(const std::string & modContext, const TextIdentifier & UID, const std::string & localized, const std::string & language) { assert(!modContext.empty()); assert(!Languages::getLanguageOptions(language).identifier.empty()); assert(UID.get().find("..") == std::string::npos); // invalid identifier - there is section that was evaluated to empty string //assert(stringsLocalizations.count(UID.get()) == 0); // registering already registered string? if(stringsLocalizations.count(UID.get()) > 0) { auto & value = stringsLocalizations[UID.get()]; value.baseLanguage = language; value.baseValue = localized; } else { StringState value; value.baseLanguage = language; value.baseValue = localized; value.modContext = modContext; stringsLocalizations[UID.get()] = value; } } void TextLocalizationContainer::registerString(const std::string & modContext, const TextIdentifier & UID, const std::string & localized) { assert(!getModLanguage(modContext).empty()); registerString(modContext, UID, localized, getModLanguage(modContext)); } bool TextLocalizationContainer::validateTranslation(const std::string & language, const std::string & modContext, const JsonNode & config) const { bool allPresent = true; for(const auto & string : stringsLocalizations) { if (string.second.modContext != modContext) continue; // Not our mod if (string.second.overrideLanguage == language) continue; // Already translated if (string.second.baseLanguage == language && !string.second.baseValue.empty()) continue; // Base string already uses our language if (string.second.baseLanguage.empty()) continue; // String added in localization, not present in base language (e.g. maps/campaigns) if (config.Struct().count(string.first) > 0) continue; if (allPresent) logMod->warn("Translation into language '%s' in mod '%s' is incomplete! Missing lines:", language, modContext); std::string currentText; if (string.second.overrideValue.empty()) currentText = string.second.baseValue; else currentText = string.second.overrideValue; logMod->warn(R"( "%s" : "%s",)", string.first, TextOperations::escapeString(currentText)); allPresent = false; } bool allFound = true; // for(const auto & string : config.Struct()) // { // if (stringsLocalizations.count(string.first) > 0) // continue; // // if (allFound) // logMod->warn("Translation into language '%s' in mod '%s' has unused lines:", language, modContext); // // logMod->warn(R"( "%s" : "%s",)", string.first, TextOperations::escapeString(string.second.String())); // allFound = false; // } return allPresent && allFound; } void TextLocalizationContainer::loadTranslationOverrides(const std::string & language, const std::string & modContext, const JsonNode & config) { for(const auto & node : config.Struct()) registerStringOverride(modContext, language, node.first, node.second.String()); } bool TextLocalizationContainer::identifierExists(const TextIdentifier & UID) const { return stringsLocalizations.count(UID.get()); } void TextLocalizationContainer::dumpAllTexts() { logGlobal->info("BEGIN TEXT EXPORT"); for(const auto & entry : stringsLocalizations) { if (!entry.second.overrideValue.empty()) logGlobal->info(R"("%s" : "%s",)", entry.first, TextOperations::escapeString(entry.second.overrideValue)); else logGlobal->info(R"("%s" : "%s",)", entry.first, TextOperations::escapeString(entry.second.baseValue)); } logGlobal->info("END TEXT EXPORT"); } std::string TextLocalizationContainer::getModLanguage(const std::string & modContext) { if (modContext == "core") return CGeneralTextHandler::getInstalledLanguage(); return VLC->modh->getModLanguage(modContext); } void TextLocalizationContainer::jsonSerialize(JsonNode & dest) const { for(auto & s : stringsLocalizations) { dest.Struct()[s.first].String() = s.second.baseValue; if(!s.second.overrideValue.empty()) dest.Struct()[s.first].String() = s.second.overrideValue; } } void CGeneralTextHandler::readToVector(const std::string & sourceID, const std::string & sourceName) { CLegacyConfigParser parser(TextPath::builtin(sourceName)); size_t index = 0; do { registerString( "core", {sourceID, index}, parser.readString()); index += 1; } while (parser.endLine()); } CGeneralTextHandler::CGeneralTextHandler(): victoryConditions(*this, "core.vcdesc" ), lossCondtions (*this, "core.lcdesc" ), colors (*this, "core.plcolors" ), tcommands (*this, "core.tcommand" ), hcommands (*this, "core.hallinfo" ), fcommands (*this, "core.castinfo" ), advobtxt (*this, "core.advevent" ), restypes (*this, "core.restypes" ), randsign (*this, "core.randsign" ), overview (*this, "core.overview" ), arraytxt (*this, "core.arraytxt" ), primarySkillNames(*this, "core.priskill" ), jktexts (*this, "core.jktext" ), tavernInfo (*this, "core.tvrninfo" ), tavernRumors (*this, "core.randtvrn" ), turnDurations (*this, "core.turndur" ), heroscrn (*this, "core.heroscrn" ), tentColors (*this, "core.tentcolr" ), levels (*this, "core.skilllev" ), zelp (*this, "core.help" ), allTexts (*this, "core.genrltxt" ), // pseudo-array, that don't have H3 file with same name seerEmpty (*this, "core.seerhut.empty" ), seerNames (*this, "core.seerhut.names" ), capColors (*this, "vcmi.capitalColors" ), znpc00 (*this, "vcmi.znpc00" ), // technically - wog qeModCommands (*this, "vcmi.quickExchange" ) { readToVector("core.vcdesc", "DATA/VCDESC.TXT" ); readToVector("core.lcdesc", "DATA/LCDESC.TXT" ); readToVector("core.tcommand", "DATA/TCOMMAND.TXT" ); readToVector("core.hallinfo", "DATA/HALLINFO.TXT" ); readToVector("core.castinfo", "DATA/CASTINFO.TXT" ); readToVector("core.advevent", "DATA/ADVEVENT.TXT" ); readToVector("core.restypes", "DATA/RESTYPES.TXT" ); readToVector("core.randsign", "DATA/RANDSIGN.TXT" ); readToVector("core.overview", "DATA/OVERVIEW.TXT" ); readToVector("core.arraytxt", "DATA/ARRAYTXT.TXT" ); readToVector("core.priskill", "DATA/PRISKILL.TXT" ); readToVector("core.jktext", "DATA/JKTEXT.TXT" ); readToVector("core.tvrninfo", "DATA/TVRNINFO.TXT" ); readToVector("core.turndur", "DATA/TURNDUR.TXT" ); readToVector("core.heroscrn", "DATA/HEROSCRN.TXT" ); readToVector("core.tentcolr", "DATA/TENTCOLR.TXT" ); readToVector("core.skilllev", "DATA/SKILLLEV.TXT" ); readToVector("core.cmpmusic", "DATA/CMPMUSIC.TXT" ); readToVector("core.minename", "DATA/MINENAME.TXT" ); readToVector("core.mineevnt", "DATA/MINEEVNT.TXT" ); static const char * QE_MOD_COMMANDS = "DATA/QECOMMANDS.TXT"; if (CResourceHandler::get()->existsResource(TextPath::builtin(QE_MOD_COMMANDS))) readToVector("vcmi.quickExchange", QE_MOD_COMMANDS); { CLegacyConfigParser parser(TextPath::builtin("DATA/RANDTVRN.TXT")); parser.endLine(); size_t index = 0; do { std::string line = parser.readString(); if(!line.empty()) { registerString("core", {"core.randtvrn", index}, line); index += 1; } } while (parser.endLine()); } { CLegacyConfigParser parser(TextPath::builtin("DATA/GENRLTXT.TXT")); parser.endLine(); size_t index = 0; do { registerString("core", {"core.genrltxt", index}, parser.readString()); index += 1; } while (parser.endLine()); } { CLegacyConfigParser parser(TextPath::builtin("DATA/HELP.TXT")); size_t index = 0; do { std::string first = parser.readString(); std::string second = parser.readString(); registerString("core", "core.help." + std::to_string(index) + ".hover", first); registerString("core", "core.help." + std::to_string(index) + ".help", second); index += 1; } while (parser.endLine()); } { CLegacyConfigParser parser(TextPath::builtin("DATA/PLCOLORS.TXT")); size_t index = 0; do { std::string color = parser.readString(); registerString("core", {"core.plcolors", index}, color); color[0] = toupper(color[0]); registerString("core", {"vcmi.capitalColors", index}, color); index += 1; } while (parser.endLine()); } { CLegacyConfigParser parser(TextPath::builtin("DATA/SEERHUT.TXT")); //skip header parser.endLine(); for (size_t i = 0; i < 6; ++i) { registerString("core", {"core.seerhut.empty", i}, parser.readString()); } parser.endLine(); for (size_t i = 0; i < 9; ++i) //9 types of quests { std::string questName = CQuest::missionName(static_cast(1+i)); for (size_t j = 0; j < 5; ++j) { std::string questState = CQuest::missionState(j); parser.readString(); //front description for (size_t k = 0; k < 6; ++k) { registerString("core", {"core.seerhut.quest", questName, questState, k}, parser.readString()); } parser.endLine(); } } for (size_t k = 0; k < 6; ++k) //Time limit { registerString("core", {"core.seerhut.time", k}, parser.readString()); } parser.endLine(); parser.endLine(); // empty line parser.endLine(); // header for (size_t i = 0; i < 48; ++i) { registerString("core", {"core.seerhut.names", i}, parser.readString()); parser.endLine(); } } { CLegacyConfigParser parser(TextPath::builtin("DATA/CAMPTEXT.TXT")); //skip header parser.endLine(); std::string text; size_t campaignsCount = 0; do { text = parser.readString(); if (!text.empty()) { registerString("core", {"core.camptext.names", campaignsCount}, text); campaignsCount += 1; } } while (parser.endLine() && !text.empty()); for (size_t campaign=0; campaignsettings()->getBoolean(EGameSettings::MODULE_COMMANDERS)) { if(CResourceHandler::get()->existsResource(TextPath::builtin("DATA/ZNPC00.TXT"))) readToVector("vcmi.znpc00", "DATA/ZNPC00.TXT" ); } } int32_t CGeneralTextHandler::pluralText(const int32_t textIndex, const int32_t count) const { if(textIndex == 0) return 0; if(textIndex < 0) return -textIndex; if(count == 1) return textIndex; return textIndex + 1; } size_t CGeneralTextHandler::getCampaignLength(size_t campaignID) const { assert(campaignID < scenariosCountPerCampaign.size()); if(campaignID < scenariosCountPerCampaign.size()) return scenariosCountPerCampaign[campaignID]; return 0; } std::string CGeneralTextHandler::getPreferredLanguage() { assert(!settings["general"]["language"].String().empty()); return settings["general"]["language"].String(); } std::string CGeneralTextHandler::getInstalledLanguage() { assert(!settings["session"]["language"].String().empty()); return settings["session"]["language"].String(); } std::string CGeneralTextHandler::getInstalledEncoding() { assert(!settings["session"]["encoding"].String().empty()); return settings["session"]["encoding"].String(); } std::vector CGeneralTextHandler::findStringsWithPrefix(const std::string & prefix) { std::vector result; for(const auto & entry : stringsLocalizations) { if(boost::algorithm::starts_with(entry.first, prefix)) result.push_back(entry.first); } return result; } LegacyTextContainer::LegacyTextContainer(CGeneralTextHandler & owner, std::string basePath): owner(owner), basePath(std::move(basePath)) {} std::string LegacyTextContainer::operator[](size_t index) const { return owner.translate(basePath, index); } LegacyHelpContainer::LegacyHelpContainer(CGeneralTextHandler & owner, std::string basePath): owner(owner), basePath(std::move(basePath)) {} std::pair LegacyHelpContainer::operator[](size_t index) const { return { owner.translate(basePath + "." + std::to_string(index) + ".hover"), owner.translate(basePath + "." + std::to_string(index) + ".help") }; } VCMI_LIB_NAMESPACE_END