/* * BonusEnum.h, part of VCMI engine * * Authors: listed in file AUTHORS in main folder * * License: GNU General Public License v2.0 or later * Full text of license available in license.txt file, in main folder * */ #pragma once VCMI_LIB_NAMESPACE_BEGIN class JsonNode; #define BONUS_LIST \ BONUS_NAME(NONE) \ BONUS_NAME(LEVEL_COUNTER) /* for commander artifacts*/ \ BONUS_NAME(MOVEMENT) /*Subtype is 1 - land, 0 - sea*/ \ BONUS_NAME(MORALE) \ BONUS_NAME(LUCK) \ BONUS_NAME(PRIMARY_SKILL) /*uses subtype to pick skill; additional info if set: 1 - only melee, 2 - only distance*/ \ BONUS_NAME(SIGHT_RADIUS) \ BONUS_NAME(MANA_REGENERATION) /*points per turn*/ \ BONUS_NAME(FULL_MANA_REGENERATION) /*all mana points are replenished every day*/ \ BONUS_NAME(NONEVIL_ALIGNMENT_MIX) /*good and neutral creatures can be mixed without morale penalty*/ \ BONUS_NAME(SURRENDER_DISCOUNT) /*%*/ \ BONUS_NAME(STACKS_SPEED) /*additional info - percent of speed bonus applied after direct bonuses; >0 - added, <0 - subtracted to this part*/ \ BONUS_NAME(FLYING_MOVEMENT) /*value - penalty percentage*/ \ BONUS_NAME(SPELL_DURATION) \ BONUS_NAME(WATER_WALKING) /*value - penalty percentage*/ \ BONUS_NAME(NEGATE_ALL_NATURAL_IMMUNITIES) \ BONUS_NAME(STACK_HEALTH) \ BONUS_NAME(GENERATE_RESOURCE) /*daily value, uses subtype (resource type)*/ \ BONUS_NAME(CREATURE_GROWTH) /*for legion artifacts: value - week growth bonus, subtype - monster level if aplicable*/ \ BONUS_NAME(WHIRLPOOL_PROTECTION) /*hero won't lose army when teleporting through whirlpool*/ \ BONUS_NAME(SPELL) /*hero knows spell, val - skill level (0 - 3), subtype - spell id*/ \ BONUS_NAME(SPELLS_OF_LEVEL) /*hero knows all spells of given level, val - skill level; subtype - level*/ \ BONUS_NAME(SPELLS_OF_SCHOOL) /*hero knows all spells of given school, subtype - spell school; 0 - air, 1 - fire, 2 - water, 3 - earth*/ \ BONUS_NAME(BATTLE_NO_FLEEING) /*for shackles of war*/ \ BONUS_NAME(MAGIC_SCHOOL_SKILL) /* //eg. for magic plains terrain, subtype: school of magic (0 - all, 1 - fire, 2 - air, 4 - water, 8 - earth), value - level*/ \ BONUS_NAME(FREE_SHOOTING) /*stacks can shoot even if otherwise blocked (sharpshooter's bow effect)*/ \ BONUS_NAME(OPENING_BATTLE_SPELL) /*casts a spell at expert level at beginning of battle, val - spell power, subtype - spell id*/ \ BONUS_NAME(IMPROVED_NECROMANCY) /* raise more powerful creatures: subtype - creature type raised, addInfo - [required necromancy level, required stack level], val - necromancy level for this purpose */ \ BONUS_NAME(CREATURE_GROWTH_PERCENT) /*increases growth of all units in all towns, val - percentage*/ \ BONUS_NAME(FREE_SHIP_BOARDING) /*movement points preserved with ship boarding and landing*/ \ BONUS_NAME(FLYING) \ BONUS_NAME(SHOOTER) \ BONUS_NAME(CHARGE_IMMUNITY) \ BONUS_NAME(ADDITIONAL_ATTACK) \ BONUS_NAME(UNLIMITED_RETALIATIONS) \ BONUS_NAME(NO_MELEE_PENALTY) \ BONUS_NAME(JOUSTING) /*for champions*/ \ BONUS_NAME(HATE) /*eg. angels hate devils, subtype - ID of hated creature, val - damage bonus percent */ \ BONUS_NAME(KING) /* val - required slayer bonus val to affect */\ BONUS_NAME(MAGIC_RESISTANCE) /*in % (value)*/ \ BONUS_NAME(CHANGES_SPELL_COST_FOR_ALLY) /*in mana points (value) , eg. mage*/ \ BONUS_NAME(CHANGES_SPELL_COST_FOR_ENEMY) /*in mana points (value) , eg. pegasus */ \ BONUS_NAME(SPELL_AFTER_ATTACK) /* subtype - spell id, value - chance %, addInfo[0] - level, addInfo[1] -> [0 - all attacks, 1 - shot only, 2 - melee only] */ \ BONUS_NAME(SPELL_BEFORE_ATTACK) /* subtype - spell id, value - chance %, addInfo[0] - level, addInfo[1] -> [0 - all attacks, 1 - shot only, 2 - melee only] */ \ BONUS_NAME(SPELL_RESISTANCE_AURA) /*eg. unicorns, value - resistance bonus in % for adjacent creatures*/ \ BONUS_NAME(LEVEL_SPELL_IMMUNITY) /*creature is immune to all spell with level below or equal to value of this bonus */ \ BONUS_NAME(BLOCK_MAGIC_ABOVE) /*blocks casting spells of the level > value */ \ BONUS_NAME(BLOCK_ALL_MAGIC) /*blocks casting spells*/ \ BONUS_NAME(TWO_HEX_ATTACK_BREATH) /*eg. dragons*/ \ BONUS_NAME(SPELL_DAMAGE_REDUCTION) /*eg. golems; value - reduction in %, subtype - spell school; -1 - all, 0 - air, 1 - fire, 2 - water, 3 - earth*/ \ BONUS_NAME(NO_WALL_PENALTY) \ BONUS_NAME(NON_LIVING) /*eg. golems, cannot be rised or healed, only neutral morale */ \ BONUS_NAME(RANDOM_SPELLCASTER) /*eg. master genie, val - level*/ \ BONUS_NAME(BLOCKS_RETALIATION) /*eg. naga*/ \ BONUS_NAME(SPELL_IMMUNITY) /*subid - spell id*/ \ BONUS_NAME(MANA_CHANNELING) /*value in %, eg. familiar*/ \ BONUS_NAME(SPELL_LIKE_ATTACK) /*subtype - spell, value - spell level; range is taken from spell, but damage from creature; eg. magog*/ \ BONUS_NAME(THREE_HEADED_ATTACK) /*eg. cerberus*/ \ BONUS_NAME(GENERAL_DAMAGE_PREMY) \ BONUS_NAME(MIND_IMMUNITY) \ BONUS_NAME(FIRE_SHIELD) \ BONUS_NAME(UNDEAD) \ BONUS_NAME(HP_REGENERATION) /*creature regenerates val HP every new round*/ \ BONUS_NAME(MANA_DRAIN) /*value - spell points per turn*/ \ BONUS_NAME(LIFE_DRAIN) \ BONUS_NAME(DOUBLE_DAMAGE_CHANCE) /*value in %, eg. dread knight*/ \ BONUS_NAME(RETURN_AFTER_STRIKE) \ BONUS_NAME(SPELLCASTER) /*subtype - spell id, value - level of school, additional info - weighted chance. use SPECIFIC_SPELL_POWER, CREATURE_SPELL_POWER or CREATURE_ENCHANT_POWER for calculating the power*/ \ BONUS_NAME(CATAPULT) \ BONUS_NAME(ENEMY_DEFENCE_REDUCTION) /*in % (value) eg. behemots*/ \ BONUS_NAME(GENERAL_DAMAGE_REDUCTION) /* shield / air shield effect, also armorer skill/petrify effect for subtype -1*/ \ BONUS_NAME(GENERAL_ATTACK_REDUCTION) /*eg. while stoned or blinded - in %,// subtype not used, use ONLY_MELEE_FIGHT / DISTANCE_FIGHT*/ \ BONUS_NAME(DEFENSIVE_STANCE) /* val - bonus to defense while defending */ \ BONUS_NAME(ATTACKS_ALL_ADJACENT) /*eg. hydra*/ \ BONUS_NAME(MORE_DAMAGE_FROM_SPELL) /*value - damage increase in %, subtype - spell id*/ \ BONUS_NAME(FEAR) \ BONUS_NAME(FEARLESS) \ BONUS_NAME(NO_DISTANCE_PENALTY) \ BONUS_NAME(ENCHANTER)/* for Enchanter spells, val - skill level, subtype - spell id, additionalInfo - cooldown */ \ BONUS_NAME(HEALER) \ BONUS_NAME(SIEGE_WEAPON) \ BONUS_NAME(HYPNOTIZED) \ BONUS_NAME(NO_RETALIATION) /*temporary bonus for basilisk, unicorn and scorpicore paralyze*/\ BONUS_NAME(ADDITIONAL_RETALIATION) /*value - number of additional retaliations*/ \ BONUS_NAME(MAGIC_MIRROR) /* value - chance of redirecting in %*/ \ BONUS_NAME(ALWAYS_MINIMUM_DAMAGE) /*unit does its minimum damage from range; subtype: -1 - any attack, 0 - melee, 1 - ranged, value: additional damage penalty (it'll subtracted from dmg), additional info - multiplicative anti-bonus for dmg in % [eg 20 means that creature will inflict 80% of normal minimal dmg]*/ \ BONUS_NAME(ALWAYS_MAXIMUM_DAMAGE) /*eg. bless effect, subtype: -1 - any attack, 0 - melee, 1 - ranged, value: additional damage, additional info - multiplicative bonus for dmg in %*/ \ BONUS_NAME(ATTACKS_NEAREST_CREATURE) /*while in berserk*/ \ BONUS_NAME(IN_FRENZY) /*value - level*/ \ BONUS_NAME(SLAYER) /*value - level*/ \ BONUS_NAME(FORGETFULL) /*forgetfulness spell effect, value - level*/ \ BONUS_NAME(NOT_ACTIVE) /* subtype - spell ID (paralyze, blind, stone gaze) for graphical effect*/ \ BONUS_NAME(NO_LUCK) /*eg. when fighting on cursed ground*/ \ BONUS_NAME(NO_MORALE) /*eg. when fighting on cursed ground*/ \ BONUS_NAME(DARKNESS) /*val = radius */ \ BONUS_NAME(SPECIAL_SPELL_LEV) /*subtype = id, val = value per level in percent*/\ BONUS_NAME(SPELL_DAMAGE) /*val = value, now works for sorcery, subtype - spell school; -1 - all, 0 - air, 1 - fire, 2 - water, 3 - earth*/\ BONUS_NAME(SPECIFIC_SPELL_DAMAGE) /*subtype = id of spell, val = value*/\ BONUS_NAME(SPECIAL_PECULIAR_ENCHANT) /*blesses and curses with id = val dependent on unit's level, subtype = 0 or 1 for Coronius*/\ BONUS_NAME(SPECIAL_UPGRADE) /*subtype = base, additionalInfo = target */\ BONUS_NAME(DRAGON_NATURE) \ BONUS_NAME(CREATURE_DAMAGE)/*subtype 0 = both, 1 = min, 2 = max*/\ BONUS_NAME(SHOTS)\ BONUS_NAME(DEATH_STARE) /*subtype 0 - gorgon, 1 - commander*/\ BONUS_NAME(POISON) /*val - max health penalty from poison possible*/\ BONUS_NAME(BIND_EFFECT) /*doesn't do anything particular, works as a marker)*/\ BONUS_NAME(ACID_BREATH) /*additional val damage per creature after attack, additional info - chance in percent*/\ BONUS_NAME(RECEPTIVE) /*accepts friendly spells even with immunity*/\ BONUS_NAME(CASTS) /*how many times creature can cast activated spell*/ \ BONUS_NAME(SPECIFIC_SPELL_POWER) /* value used for Thunderbolt and Resurrection cast by units, subtype - spell id */\ BONUS_NAME(CREATURE_SPELL_POWER) /* value per unit, divided by 100 (so faerie Dragons have 800)*/ \ BONUS_NAME(CREATURE_ENCHANT_POWER) /* total duration of spells cast by creature */ \ BONUS_NAME(ENCHANTED) /* permanently enchanted with spell subID of level = val, if val > 3 then spell is mass and has level of val-3*/ \ BONUS_NAME(REBIRTH) /* val - percent of life restored, subtype = 0 - regular, 1 - at least one unit (sacred Phoenix) */\ BONUS_NAME(DISGUISED) /* subtype - spell level */\ BONUS_NAME(VISIONS) /* subtype - spell level */\ BONUS_NAME(NO_TERRAIN_PENALTY) /* subtype - terrain type */\ BONUS_NAME(SOUL_STEAL) /*val - number of units gained per enemy killed, subtype = 0 - gained units survive after battle, 1 - they do not*/ \ BONUS_NAME(TRANSMUTATION) /*val - chance to trigger in %, subtype = 0 - resurrection based on HP, 1 - based on unit count, additional info - target creature ID (attacker default)*/\ BONUS_NAME(SUMMON_GUARDIANS) /*val - amount in % of stack count, subtype = creature ID*/\ BONUS_NAME(CATAPULT_EXTRA_SHOTS) /*val - power of catapult effect, requires CATAPULT bonus to work*/\ BONUS_NAME(RANGED_RETALIATION) /*allows shooters to perform ranged retaliation*/\ BONUS_NAME(BLOCKS_RANGED_RETALIATION) /*disallows ranged retaliation for shooter unit, BLOCKS_RETALIATION bonus is for melee retaliation only*/\ BONUS_NAME(MANUAL_CONTROL) /* manually control warmachine with id = subtype, chance = val */ \ BONUS_NAME(WIDE_BREATH) /* initial desigh: dragon breath affecting multiple nearby hexes */\ BONUS_NAME(FIRST_STRIKE) /* first counterattack, then attack if possible */\ BONUS_NAME(SYNERGY_TARGET) /* dummy skill for alternative upgrades mod */\ BONUS_NAME(SHOOTS_ALL_ADJACENT) /* H4 Cyclops-like shoot (attacks all hexes neighboring with target) without spell-like mechanics */\ BONUS_NAME(BLOCK_MAGIC_BELOW) /*blocks casting spells of the level < value */ \ BONUS_NAME(DESTRUCTION) /*kills extra units after hit, subtype = 0 - kill percentage of units, 1 - kill amount, val = chance in percent to trigger, additional info - amount/percentage to kill*/ \ BONUS_NAME(SPECIAL_CRYSTAL_GENERATION) /*crystal dragon crystal generation*/ \ BONUS_NAME(NO_SPELLCAST_BY_DEFAULT) /*spellcast will not be default attack option for this creature*/ \ BONUS_NAME(GARGOYLE) /* gargoyle is special than NON_LIVING, cannot be rised or healed */ \ BONUS_NAME(SPECIAL_ADD_VALUE_ENCHANT) /*specialty spell like Aenin has, increased effect of spell, additionalInfo = value to add*/\ BONUS_NAME(SPECIAL_FIXED_VALUE_ENCHANT) /*specialty spell like Melody has, constant spell effect (i.e. 3 luck), additionalInfo = value to fix.*/\ BONUS_NAME(TOWN_MAGIC_WELL) /*one-time pseudo-bonus to implement Magic Well in the town*/\ BONUS_NAME(LIMITED_SHOOTING_RANGE) /*limits range of shooting creatures, doesn't adjust any other mechanics (half vs full damage etc). val - range in hexes, additional info - optional new range for broken arrow mechanic */\ BONUS_NAME(LEARN_BATTLE_SPELL_CHANCE) /*skill-agnostic eagle eye chance. subtype = 0 - from enemy, 1 - TODO: from entire battlefield*/\ BONUS_NAME(LEARN_BATTLE_SPELL_LEVEL_LIMIT) /*skill-agnostic eagle eye limit, subtype - school (-1 for all), others TODO*/\ BONUS_NAME(PERCENTAGE_DAMAGE_BOOST) /*skill-agnostic archery and offence, subtype is 0 for offence and 1 for archery*/\ BONUS_NAME(LEARN_MEETING_SPELL_LIMIT) /*skill-agnostic scholar, subtype is -1 for all, TODO for others (> 0)*/\ BONUS_NAME(ROUGH_TERRAIN_DISCOUNT) /*skill-agnostic pathfinding*/\ BONUS_NAME(WANDERING_CREATURES_JOIN_BONUS) /*skill-agnostic diplomacy*/\ BONUS_NAME(BEFORE_BATTLE_REPOSITION) /*skill-agnostic tactics, bonus for allowing tactics*/\ BONUS_NAME(BEFORE_BATTLE_REPOSITION_BLOCK) /*skill-agnostic tactics, bonus for blocking opposite tactics. For now donble side tactics is TODO.*/\ BONUS_NAME(HERO_EXPERIENCE_GAIN_PERCENT) /*skill-agnostic learning, and we can use it as a global effect also*/\ BONUS_NAME(UNDEAD_RAISE_PERCENTAGE) /*Percentage of killed enemy creatures to be raised after battle as undead*/\ BONUS_NAME(MANA_PER_KNOWLEDGE) /*Percentage rate of translating 10 hero knowledge to mana, used to intelligence and global bonus*/\ BONUS_NAME(HERO_GRANTS_ATTACKS) /*If hero can grant additional attacks to creature, value is number of attacks, subtype is creatureID*/\ BONUS_NAME(BONUS_DAMAGE_PERCENTAGE) /*If hero can grant conditional damage to creature, value is percentage, subtype is creatureID*/\ BONUS_NAME(BONUS_DAMAGE_CHANCE) /*If hero can grant additional damage to creature, value is chance, subtype is creatureID*/\ BONUS_NAME(MAX_LEARNABLE_SPELL_LEVEL) /*This can work as wisdom before. val = max learnable spell level*/\ BONUS_NAME(SPELL_SCHOOL_IMMUNITY) /*This bonus will work as spell school immunity for all spells, subtype - spell school: 0 - air, 1 - fire, 2 - water, 3 - earth. Any is not handled for reducing overlap from LEVEL_SPELL_IMMUNITY*/\ BONUS_NAME(NEGATIVE_EFFECTS_IMMUNITY) /*This bonus will work as spell school immunity for negative effects from spells of school, subtype - spell school: -1 - any, 0 - air, 1 - fire, 2 - water, 3 - earth*/\ /* end of list */ #define BONUS_SOURCE_LIST \ BONUS_SOURCE(ARTIFACT)\ BONUS_SOURCE(ARTIFACT_INSTANCE)\ BONUS_SOURCE(OBJECT)\ BONUS_SOURCE(CREATURE_ABILITY)\ BONUS_SOURCE(TERRAIN_NATIVE)\ BONUS_SOURCE(TERRAIN_OVERLAY)\ BONUS_SOURCE(SPELL_EFFECT)\ BONUS_SOURCE(TOWN_STRUCTURE)\ BONUS_SOURCE(HERO_BASE_SKILL)\ BONUS_SOURCE(SECONDARY_SKILL)\ BONUS_SOURCE(HERO_SPECIAL)\ BONUS_SOURCE(ARMY)\ BONUS_SOURCE(CAMPAIGN_BONUS)\ BONUS_SOURCE(SPECIAL_WEEK)\ BONUS_SOURCE(STACK_EXPERIENCE)\ BONUS_SOURCE(COMMANDER) /*TODO: consider using simply STACK_INSTANCE */\ BONUS_SOURCE(GLOBAL) /*used for base bonuses which all heroes or all stacks should have*/\ BONUS_SOURCE(OTHER) /*used for defensive stance and default value of spell level limit*/ #define BONUS_VALUE_LIST \ BONUS_VALUE(ADDITIVE_VALUE)\ BONUS_VALUE(BASE_NUMBER)\ BONUS_VALUE(PERCENT_TO_ALL)\ BONUS_VALUE(PERCENT_TO_BASE)\ BONUS_VALUE(PERCENT_TO_SOURCE) /*Adds value only to bonuses with same source*/\ BONUS_VALUE(PERCENT_TO_TARGET_TYPE) /*Adds value only to bonuses with SourceType target*/\ BONUS_VALUE(INDEPENDENT_MAX) /*used for SPELL bonus */\ BONUS_VALUE(INDEPENDENT_MIN) //used for SECONDARY_SKILL_PREMY bonus enum class BonusType { #define BONUS_NAME(x) x, BONUS_LIST #undef BONUS_NAME }; namespace BonusDuration //when bonus is automatically removed { using Type = std::bitset<10>; extern JsonNode toJson(const Type & duration); constexpr Type PERMANENT = 1 << 0; constexpr Type ONE_BATTLE = 1 << 1; //at the end of battle constexpr Type ONE_DAY = 1 << 2; //at the end of day constexpr Type ONE_WEEK = 1 << 3; //at the end of week (bonus lasts till the end of week, thats NOT 7 days constexpr Type N_TURNS = 1 << 4; //used during battles, after battle bonus is always removed constexpr Type N_DAYS = 1 << 5; constexpr Type UNTIL_BEING_ATTACKED = 1 << 6; /*removed after attack and counterattacks are performed*/ constexpr Type UNTIL_ATTACK = 1 << 7; /*removed after attack and counterattacks are performed*/ constexpr Type STACK_GETS_TURN = 1 << 8; /*removed when stack gets its turn - used for defensive stance*/ constexpr Type COMMANDER_KILLED = 1 << 9; }; enum class BonusSource { #define BONUS_SOURCE(x) x, BONUS_SOURCE_LIST #undef BONUS_SOURCE NUM_BONUS_SOURCE /*This is a dummy value, which will be always last*/ }; enum class BonusLimitEffect { NO_LIMIT = 0, ONLY_DISTANCE_FIGHT=1, ONLY_MELEE_FIGHT, //used to mark bonuses for attack/defense primary skills from spells like Precision (distance only) }; enum class BonusValueType { #define BONUS_VALUE(x) x, BONUS_VALUE_LIST #undef BONUS_VALUE }; extern DLL_LINKAGE const std::map bonusNameMap; extern DLL_LINKAGE const std::map bonusValueMap; extern DLL_LINKAGE const std::map bonusSourceMap; extern DLL_LINKAGE const std::map bonusDurationMap; extern DLL_LINKAGE const std::map bonusLimitEffect; VCMI_LIB_NAMESPACE_END