/* * MapOverlayLogVisualizer.cpp, part of VCMI engine * * Authors: listed in file AUTHORS in main folder * * License: GNU General Public License v2.0 or later * Full text of license available in license.txt file, in main folder * */ #include "StdInc.h" #include "MapOverlayLogVisualizer.h" #include "MapViewModel.h" #include "../../lib/logging/VisualLogger.h" #include "../render/Canvas.h" #include "../render/Colors.h" #include "../render/EFont.h" #include "../render/IFont.h" #include "../render/IScreenHandler.h" #include "../render/IRenderHandler.h" #include "../render/Graphics.h" #include "../gui/TextAlignment.h" #include "../gui/CGuiHandler.h" MapOverlayLogVisualizer::MapOverlayLogVisualizer(Canvas & target, std::shared_ptr model) : target(target), model(model) { } void MapOverlayLogVisualizer::drawLine(int3 start, int3 end) { auto level = model->getLevel(); if(start.z != level || end.z != level) return; int scaling = GH.screenHandler().getScalingFactor(); auto pStart = model->getTargetTileArea(start).center(); auto pEnd = model->getTargetTileArea(end).center(); Rect viewPortRaw = target.getRenderArea(); Rect viewPort(viewPortRaw.topLeft() / scaling, viewPortRaw.dimensions() / scaling ); Point workaroundOffset(8,8); // not sure why it is needed. Removing leads to incorrect clipping near view edges if(viewPort.isInside(pStart + workaroundOffset) && viewPort.isInside(pEnd + workaroundOffset)) { target.drawLine(pStart, pEnd, ColorRGBA(255, 255, 0), ColorRGBA(255, 0, 0)); } } void MapOverlayLogVisualizer::drawText( int3 tile, int lineNumber, const std::string & text, const std::optional & background) { const Point offset = Point(6, 6); auto level = model->getLevel(); if(tile.z != level) return; auto pStart = offset + model->getTargetTileArea(tile).topLeft(); auto viewPort = target.getRenderArea(); ColorRGBA color = Colors::YELLOW; if(background) { color = ((background->b + background->r + background->g) < 300) ? Colors::WHITE : Colors::BLACK; } if(viewPort.isInside(pStart)) { const auto & font = GH.renderHandler().loadFont(FONT_TINY); int w = font->getStringWidth(text); int h = font->getLineHeight(); pStart.y += h * lineNumber; if(background) { target.drawColor(Rect(pStart, Point(w + 4, h)), *background); pStart.x += 2; } target.drawText(pStart, EFonts::FONT_TINY, color, ETextAlignment::TOPLEFT, text); } }