/* * CMapDefines.h, part of VCMI engine * * Authors: listed in file AUTHORS in main folder * * License: GNU General Public License v2.0 or later * Full text of license available in license.txt file, in main folder * */ #pragma once #include "../ResourceSet.h" #include "../texts/MetaString.h" #include "../VCMI_Lib.h" #include "../TerrainHandler.h" VCMI_LIB_NAMESPACE_BEGIN class TerrainType; class RiverType; class RoadType; class CGObjectInstance; class CGTownInstance; class JsonSerializeFormat; /// The map event is an event which e.g. gives or takes resources of a specific /// amount to/from players and can appear regularly or once a time. class DLL_LINKAGE CMapEvent { public: CMapEvent(); virtual ~CMapEvent() = default; bool occursToday(int currentDay) const; bool affectsPlayer(PlayerColor player, bool isHuman) const; std::string name; MetaString message; TResources resources; std::set players; bool humanAffected; bool computerAffected; ui32 firstOccurrence; ui32 nextOccurrence; /// specifies after how many days the event will occur the next time; 0 if event occurs only one time std::vector deletedObjectsInstances; template void serialize(Handler & h) { h & name; h & message; h & resources; if (h.version >= Handler::Version::EVENTS_PLAYER_SET) { h & players; } else { ui8 playersMask = 0; h & playersMask; for (int i = 0; i < 8; ++i) if ((playersMask & (1 << i)) != 0) players.insert(PlayerColor(i)); } h & humanAffected; h & computerAffected; h & firstOccurrence; h & nextOccurrence; if(h.version >= Handler::Version::EVENT_OBJECTS_DELETION) { h & deletedObjectsInstances; } } virtual void serializeJson(JsonSerializeFormat & handler); }; /// The castle event builds/adds buildings/creatures for a specific town. class DLL_LINKAGE CCastleEvent: public CMapEvent { public: CCastleEvent() = default; std::set buildings; std::vector creatures; template void serialize(Handler & h) { h & static_cast(*this); h & buildings; h & creatures; } void serializeJson(JsonSerializeFormat & handler) override; }; /// The terrain tile describes the terrain type and the visual representation of the terrain. /// Furthermore the struct defines whether the tile is visitable or/and blocked and which objects reside in it. struct DLL_LINKAGE TerrainTile { TerrainTile(); /// Gets true if the terrain is not a rock. If from is water/land, same type is also required. inline bool entrableTerrain() const; inline bool entrableTerrain(const TerrainTile * from) const; inline bool entrableTerrain(bool allowLand, bool allowSea) const; /// Checks for blocking objects and terraint type (water / land). bool isClear(const TerrainTile * from = nullptr) const; /// Gets the ID of the top visitable object or -1 if there is none. Obj topVisitableId(bool excludeTop = false) const; CGObjectInstance * topVisitableObj(bool excludeTop = false) const; inline bool isWater() const; inline bool isLand() const; EDiggingStatus getDiggingStatus(bool excludeTop = true) const; inline bool hasFavorableWinds() const; inline bool visitable() const; inline bool blocked() const; inline const TerrainType * getTerrain() const; inline const RiverType * getRiver() const; inline const RoadType * getRoad() const; inline TerrainId getTerrainID() const; inline RiverId getRiverID() const; inline RoadId getRoadID() const; inline bool hasRiver() const; inline bool hasRoad() const; TerrainId terrainType; RiverId riverType; RoadId roadType; ui8 terView; ui8 riverDir; ui8 roadDir; /// first two bits - how to rotate terrain graphic (next two - river graphic, next two - road); /// 7th bit - whether tile is coastal (allows disembarking if land or block movement if water); 8th bit - Favorable Winds effect ui8 extTileFlags; std::vector visitableObjects; std::vector blockingObjects; template void serialize(Handler & h) { if (h.version >= Handler::Version::REMOVE_VLC_POINTERS) { h & terrainType; } else { bool isNull = false; h & isNull; if (!isNull) h & terrainType; } h & terView; if (h.version >= Handler::Version::REMOVE_VLC_POINTERS) { h & riverType; } else { bool isNull = false; h & isNull; if (!isNull) h & riverType; } h & riverDir; if (h.version >= Handler::Version::REMOVE_VLC_POINTERS) { h & roadType; } else { bool isNull = false; h & isNull; if (!isNull) h & roadType; } h & roadDir; h & extTileFlags; if (h.version < Handler::Version::REMOVE_VLC_POINTERS) { bool unused = false; h & unused; h & unused; } h & visitableObjects; h & blockingObjects; } }; inline bool TerrainTile::hasFavorableWinds() const { return extTileFlags & 128; } inline bool TerrainTile::isWater() const { return getTerrain()->isWater(); } inline bool TerrainTile::isLand() const { return getTerrain()->isLand(); } inline bool TerrainTile::visitable() const { return !visitableObjects.empty(); } inline bool TerrainTile::blocked() const { return !blockingObjects.empty(); } inline bool TerrainTile::hasRiver() const { return getRiverID() != RiverId::NO_RIVER; } inline bool TerrainTile::hasRoad() const { return getRoadID() != RoadId::NO_ROAD; } inline const TerrainType * TerrainTile::getTerrain() const { return terrainType.toEntity(VLC); } inline const RiverType * TerrainTile::getRiver() const { return riverType.toEntity(VLC); } inline const RoadType * TerrainTile::getRoad() const { return roadType.toEntity(VLC); } inline TerrainId TerrainTile::getTerrainID() const { return terrainType; } inline RiverId TerrainTile::getRiverID() const { return riverType; } inline RoadId TerrainTile::getRoadID() const { return roadType; } inline bool TerrainTile::entrableTerrain() const { return entrableTerrain(true, true); } inline bool TerrainTile::entrableTerrain(const TerrainTile * from) const { const TerrainType * terrainFrom = from->getTerrain(); return entrableTerrain(terrainFrom->isLand(), terrainFrom->isWater()); } inline bool TerrainTile::entrableTerrain(bool allowLand, bool allowSea) const { const TerrainType * terrain = getTerrain(); return terrain->isPassable() && ((allowSea && terrain->isWater()) || (allowLand && terrain->isLand())); } VCMI_LIB_NAMESPACE_END