/* * ComboBox.cpp, part of VCMI engine * * Authors: listed in file AUTHORS in main folder * * License: GNU General Public License v2.0 or later * Full text of license available in license.txt file, in main folder * */ #include "StdInc.h" #include "ComboBox.h" #include "Slider.h" #include "Images.h" #include "TextControls.h" #include "../gui/CGuiHandler.h" #include "../gui/WindowHandler.h" ComboBox::DropDown::Item::Item(const JsonNode & config, ComboBox::DropDown & _dropDown, Point position) : InterfaceObjectConfigurable(LCLICK | HOVER, position), dropDown(_dropDown) { build(config); if(auto w = widget<CIntObject>("hoverImage")) { pos.w = w->pos.w; pos.h = w->pos.h; w->disable(); } setRedrawParent(true); } void ComboBox::DropDown::Item::updateItem(int idx, const void * _item) { item = _item; if(auto w = widget<CLabel>("labelName")) { if(dropDown.comboBox.getItemText) w->setText(dropDown.comboBox.getItemText(idx, item)); } } void ComboBox::DropDown::Item::hover(bool on) { auto h = widget<CIntObject>("hoverImage"); auto w = widget<CLabel>("labelName"); if(h && w) { if(w->getText().empty() || on == false) h->disable(); else h->enable(); } redraw(); } void ComboBox::DropDown::Item::clickPressed(const Point & cursorPosition) { if(isHovered()) dropDown.setItem(item); } void ComboBox::DropDown::Item::clickReleased(const Point & cursorPosition) { dropDown.clickPressed(cursorPosition); dropDown.clickReleased(cursorPosition); } ComboBox::DropDown::DropDown(const JsonNode & config, ComboBox & _comboBox, Point dropDownPosition): InterfaceObjectConfigurable(LCLICK | HOVER), comboBox(_comboBox) { REGISTER_BUILDER("item", &ComboBox::DropDown::buildItem); if(comboBox.onConstructItems) comboBox.onConstructItems(curItems); addCallback("sliderMove", std::bind(&ComboBox::DropDown::sliderMove, this, std::placeholders::_1)); pos = comboBox.pos + dropDownPosition; build(config); if(auto w = widget<CSlider>("slider")) { w->setAmount(curItems.size()); } //FIXME: this should be done by InterfaceObjectConfigurable, but might have side-effects pos = children.front()->pos; for (auto const & child : children) pos = pos.include(child->pos); updateListItems(); } std::shared_ptr<ComboBox::DropDown::Item> ComboBox::DropDown::buildItem(const JsonNode & config) { auto position = readPosition(config["position"]); items.push_back(std::make_shared<Item>(config, *this, position)); return items.back(); } void ComboBox::DropDown::sliderMove(int slidPos) { auto w = widget<CSlider>("slider"); if(!w) return; // ignore spurious call when slider is being created updateListItems(); redraw(); } bool ComboBox::DropDown::receiveEvent(const Point & position, int eventType) const { if (eventType == LCLICK) return true; // we want drop box to close when clicking outside drop box borders return CIntObject::receiveEvent(position, eventType); } void ComboBox::DropDown::clickPressed(const Point & cursorPosition) { if (!pos.isInside(cursorPosition)) { assert(GH.windows().isTopWindow(this)); GH.windows().popWindows(1); } } void ComboBox::DropDown::updateListItems() { int elemIdx = 0; if(auto w = widget<CSlider>("slider")) elemIdx = w->getValue(); for(auto item : items) { if(elemIdx < curItems.size()) { item->updateItem(elemIdx, curItems[elemIdx]); elemIdx++; } else { item->updateItem(elemIdx); } } } void ComboBox::DropDown::setItem(const void * item) { comboBox.setItem(item); assert(GH.windows().isTopWindow(this)); GH.windows().popWindows(1); } ComboBox::ComboBox(Point position, const AnimationPath & defName, const std::pair<std::string, std::string> & help, const JsonNode & dropDownDescriptor, Point dropDownPosition, EShortcut key, bool playerColoredButton): CButton(position, defName, help, 0, key, playerColoredButton) { addCallback([this, dropDownDescriptor, dropDownPosition]() { GH.windows().createAndPushWindow<ComboBox::DropDown>(dropDownDescriptor, *this, dropDownPosition); }); } void ComboBox::setItem(const void * item) { auto w = std::dynamic_pointer_cast<CLabel>(getOverlay()); if( w && getItemText) setTextOverlay(getItemText(0, item), w->font, w->color); if(onSetItem) onSetItem(item); } void ComboBox::setItem(int id) { std::vector<const void *> tempItems; onConstructItems(tempItems); setItem(tempItems.at(id)); }