#include "StdInc.h" #include "TextControls.h" #include "Buttons.h" #include "Images.h" #include "../CMessage.h" #include "../gui/CGuiHandler.h" #include "../../lib/CGeneralTextHandler.h" //for Unicode related stuff /* * TextControls.cpp, part of VCMI engine * * Authors: listed in file AUTHORS in main folder * * License: GNU General Public License v2.0 or later * Full text of license available in license.txt file, in main folder * */ std::string CLabel::visibleText() { return text; } void CLabel::showAll(SDL_Surface * to) { CIntObject::showAll(to); if(!visibleText().empty()) blitLine(to, pos, visibleText()); } CLabel::CLabel(int x, int y, EFonts Font /*= FONT_SMALL*/, EAlignment Align, const SDL_Color &Color /*= Colors::WHITE*/, const std::string &Text /*= ""*/) :CTextContainer(Align, Font, Color), text(Text) { type |= REDRAW_PARENT; autoRedraw = true; pos.x += x; pos.y += y; pos.w = pos.h = 0; bg = nullptr; if (alignment == TOPLEFT) // causes issues for MIDDLE { pos.w = graphics->fonts[font]->getStringWidth(visibleText().c_str()); pos.h = graphics->fonts[font]->getLineHeight(); } } Point CLabel::getBorderSize() { return Point(0, 0); } std::string CLabel::getText() { return text; } void CLabel::setText(const std::string &Txt) { text = Txt; if(autoRedraw) { if(bg || !parent) redraw(); else parent->redraw(); } } CMultiLineLabel::CMultiLineLabel(Rect position, EFonts Font, EAlignment Align, const SDL_Color &Color, const std::string &Text): CLabel(position.x, position.y, Font, Align, Color, Text), visibleSize(0, 0, position.w, position.h) { pos.w = position.w; pos.h = position.h; splitText(Text); } void CMultiLineLabel::setVisibleSize(Rect visibleSize) { this->visibleSize = visibleSize; redraw(); } void CMultiLineLabel::scrollTextBy(int distance) { scrollTextTo(visibleSize.y + distance); } void CMultiLineLabel::scrollTextTo(int distance) { Rect size = visibleSize; size.y = distance; setVisibleSize(size); } void CMultiLineLabel::setText(const std::string &Txt) { splitText(Txt); CLabel::setText(Txt); } void CTextContainer::blitLine(SDL_Surface *to, Rect destRect, std::string what) { const IFont * f = graphics->fonts[font]; Point where = destRect.topLeft(); // input is rect in which given text should be placed // calculate proper position for top-left corner of the text if (alignment == TOPLEFT) { where.x += getBorderSize().x; where.y += getBorderSize().y; } if (alignment == CENTER) { where.x += (int(destRect.w) - int(f->getStringWidth(what))) / 2; where.y += (int(destRect.h) - int(f->getLineHeight())) / 2; } if (alignment == BOTTOMRIGHT) { where.x += getBorderSize().x + destRect.w - f->getStringWidth(what); where.y += getBorderSize().y + destRect.h - f->getLineHeight(); } size_t begin = 0; std::string delimeters = "{}"; size_t currDelimeter = 0; do { size_t end = what.find_first_of(delimeters[currDelimeter % 2], begin); if (begin != end) { std::string toPrint = what.substr(begin, end - begin); if (currDelimeter % 2) // Enclosed in {} text - set to yellow f->renderTextLeft(to, toPrint, Colors::YELLOW, where); else // Non-enclosed text, use default color f->renderTextLeft(to, toPrint, color, where); begin = end; where.x += f->getStringWidth(toPrint); } currDelimeter++; } while (begin++ != std::string::npos); } CTextContainer::CTextContainer(EAlignment alignment, EFonts font, SDL_Color color): alignment(alignment), font(font), color(color) {} void CMultiLineLabel::showAll(SDL_Surface * to) { CIntObject::showAll(to); const IFont * f = graphics->fonts[font]; // calculate which lines should be visible int totalLines = lines.size(); int beginLine = visibleSize.y; int endLine = getTextLocation().h + visibleSize.y; if (beginLine < 0) beginLine = 0; else beginLine /= f->getLineHeight(); if (endLine < 0) endLine = 0; else endLine /= f->getLineHeight(); endLine++; // and where they should be displayed Point lineStart = getTextLocation().topLeft() - visibleSize + Point(0, beginLine * f->getLineHeight()); Point lineSize = Point(getTextLocation().w, f->getLineHeight()); CSDL_Ext::CClipRectGuard guard(to, getTextLocation()); // to properly trim text that is too big to fit for (int i = beginLine; i < std::min(totalLines, endLine); i++) { if (!lines[i].empty()) //non-empty line blitLine(to, Rect(lineStart, lineSize), lines[i]); lineStart.y += f->getLineHeight(); } } void CMultiLineLabel::splitText(const std::string &Txt) { lines.clear(); const IFont * f = graphics->fonts[font]; int lineHeight = f->getLineHeight(); lines = CMessage::breakText(Txt, pos.w, font); textSize.y = lineHeight * lines.size(); textSize.x = 0; for(const std::string &line : lines) vstd::amax( textSize.x, f->getStringWidth(line.c_str())); redraw(); } Rect CMultiLineLabel::getTextLocation() { // this method is needed for vertical alignment alignment of text // when height of available text is smaller than height of widget // in this case - we should add proper offset to display text at required position if (pos.h <= textSize.y) return pos; Point textSize(pos.w, graphics->fonts[font]->getLineHeight() * lines.size()); Point textOffset(pos.w - textSize.x, pos.h - textSize.y); switch(alignment) { case TOPLEFT: return Rect(pos.topLeft(), textSize); case CENTER: return Rect(pos.topLeft() + textOffset / 2, textSize); case BOTTOMRIGHT: return Rect(pos.topLeft() + textOffset, textSize); } assert(0); return Rect(); } CLabelGroup::CLabelGroup(EFonts Font, EAlignment Align, const SDL_Color &Color): font(Font), align(Align), color(Color) {} void CLabelGroup::add(int x, int y, const std::string &text) { OBJ_CONSTRUCTION_CAPTURING_ALL; new CLabel(x, y, font, align, color, text); } CTextBox::CTextBox(std::string Text, const Rect &rect, int SliderStyle, EFonts Font /*= FONT_SMALL*/, EAlignment Align /*= TOPLEFT*/, const SDL_Color &Color /*= Colors::WHITE*/): sliderStyle(SliderStyle), slider(nullptr) { OBJ_CONSTRUCTION_CAPTURING_ALL; label = new CMultiLineLabel(rect, Font, Align, Color); type |= REDRAW_PARENT; pos.x += rect.x; pos.y += rect.y; pos.h = rect.h; pos.w = rect.w; assert(pos.w >= 40); //we need some space setText(Text); } void CTextBox::sliderMoved(int to) { label->scrollTextTo(to); } void CTextBox::resize(Point newSize) { pos.w = newSize.x; pos.h = newSize.y; label->pos.w = pos.w; label->pos.h = pos.h; if (slider) vstd::clear_pointer(slider); // will be recreated if needed later setText(label->getText()); // force refresh } void CTextBox::setText(const std::string &text) { label->pos.w = pos.w; // reset to default before textSize.y check label->setText(text); if(label->textSize.y <= label->pos.h && slider) { // slider is no longer needed vstd::clear_pointer(slider); } else if(slider) { // decrease width again if slider still used label->pos.w = pos.w - 32; label->setText(text); } else if(label->textSize.y > label->pos.h) { // create slider and update widget label->pos.w = pos.w - 32; label->setText(text); OBJ_CONSTRUCTION_CAPTURING_ALL; slider = new CSlider(Point(pos.w - 32, 0), pos.h, std::bind(&CTextBox::sliderMoved, this, _1), label->pos.h, label->textSize.y, 0, false, CSlider::EStyle(sliderStyle)); slider->setScrollStep(graphics->fonts[label->font]->getLineHeight()); } } void CGStatusBar::setText(const std::string & Text) { if(!textLock) CLabel::setText(Text); } void CGStatusBar::clear() { setText(""); } CGStatusBar::CGStatusBar(CPicture *BG, EFonts Font /*= FONT_SMALL*/, EAlignment Align /*= CENTER*/, const SDL_Color &Color /*= Colors::WHITE*/) : CLabel(BG->pos.x, BG->pos.y, Font, Align, Color, "") { init(); bg = BG; addChild(bg); pos = bg->pos; getBorderSize(); textLock = false; } CGStatusBar::CGStatusBar(int x, int y, std::string name/*="ADROLLVR.bmp"*/, int maxw/*=-1*/) : CLabel(x, y, FONT_SMALL, CENTER) { OBJ_CONSTRUCTION_CAPTURING_ALL; init(); bg = new CPicture(name); pos = bg->pos; if((unsigned int)maxw < pos.w) { vstd::amin(pos.w, maxw); bg->srcRect = new Rect(0, 0, maxw, pos.h); } textLock = false; } CGStatusBar::~CGStatusBar() { GH.statusbar = oldStatusBar; } void CGStatusBar::show(SDL_Surface * to) { showAll(to); } void CGStatusBar::init() { oldStatusBar = GH.statusbar; GH.statusbar = this; } Point CGStatusBar::getBorderSize() { //Width of borders where text should not be printed static const Point borderSize(5,1); switch(alignment) { case TOPLEFT: return Point(borderSize.x, borderSize.y); case CENTER: return Point(pos.w/2, pos.h/2); case BOTTOMRIGHT: return Point(pos.w - borderSize.x, pos.h - borderSize.y); } assert(0); return Point(); } void CGStatusBar::lock(bool shouldLock) { textLock = shouldLock; } CTextInput::CTextInput(const Rect &Pos, EFonts font, const CFunctionList &CB): CLabel(Pos.x, Pos.y, font, CENTER), cb(CB) { type |= REDRAW_PARENT; focus = false; pos.h = Pos.h; pos.w = Pos.w; captureAllKeys = true; bg = nullptr; addUsedEvents(LCLICK | KEYBOARD | TEXTINPUT); giveFocus(); } CTextInput::CTextInput( const Rect &Pos, const Point &bgOffset, const std::string &bgName, const CFunctionList &CB ) :cb(CB) { focus = false; pos += Pos; captureAllKeys = true; OBJ_CONSTRUCTION; bg = new CPicture(bgName, bgOffset.x, bgOffset.y); addUsedEvents(LCLICK | KEYBOARD | TEXTINPUT); giveFocus(); } CTextInput::CTextInput(const Rect &Pos, SDL_Surface *srf) { focus = false; pos += Pos; captureAllKeys = true; OBJ_CONSTRUCTION; bg = new CPicture(Pos, 0, true); Rect hlp = Pos; if(srf) CSDL_Ext::blitSurface(srf, &hlp, *bg, nullptr); else SDL_FillRect(*bg, nullptr, 0); pos.w = bg->pos.w; pos.h = bg->pos.h; bg->pos = pos; addUsedEvents(LCLICK | KEYBOARD | TEXTINPUT); giveFocus(); } void CTextInput::focusGot() { CSDL_Ext::startTextInput(&pos); } void CTextInput::focusLost() { CSDL_Ext::stopTextInput(); } std::string CTextInput::visibleText() { return focus ? text + newText + "_" : text; } void CTextInput::clickLeft( tribool down, bool previousState ) { if(down && !focus) giveFocus(); } void CTextInput::keyPressed( const SDL_KeyboardEvent & key ) { if(!focus || key.state != SDL_PRESSED) return; if(key.keysym.sym == SDLK_TAB) { moveFocus(); GH.breakEventHandling(); return; } bool redrawNeeded = false; #ifdef VCMI_SDL1 std::string oldText = text; #endif // 0 switch(key.keysym.sym) { case SDLK_DELETE: // have index > ' ' so it won't be filtered out by default section return; case SDLK_BACKSPACE: if(!newText.empty()) { Unicode::trimRight(newText); redrawNeeded = true; } else if(!text.empty()) { Unicode::trimRight(text); redrawNeeded = true; } break; default: #ifdef VCMI_SDL1 if (key.keysym.unicode < ' ') return; else { text += key.keysym.unicode; //TODO 16-/>8 redrawNeeded = true; } #endif // 0 break; } #ifdef VCMI_SDL1 filters(text, oldText); #endif // 0 if (redrawNeeded) { redraw(); cb(text); } } void CTextInput::setText( const std::string &nText, bool callCb ) { CLabel::setText(nText); if(callCb) cb(text); } bool CTextInput::captureThisEvent(const SDL_KeyboardEvent & key) { if(key.keysym.sym == SDLK_RETURN || key.keysym.sym == SDLK_KP_ENTER) return false; #ifdef VCMI_SDL1 //this should allow all non-printable keys to go through (for example arrows) if (key.keysym.unicode < ' ') return false; return true; #else return false; #endif } #ifndef VCMI_SDL1 void CTextInput::textInputed(const SDL_TextInputEvent & event) { if(!focus) return; std::string oldText = text; text += event.text; filters(text,oldText); if (text != oldText) { redraw(); cb(text); } newText = ""; } void CTextInput::textEdited(const SDL_TextEditingEvent & event) { if(!focus) return; newText = event.text; redraw(); cb(text+newText); } #endif void CTextInput::filenameFilter(std::string & text, const std::string &) { static const std::string forbiddenChars = "<>:\"/\\|?*\r\n"; //if we are entering a filename, some special characters won't be allowed size_t pos; while ((pos = text.find_first_of(forbiddenChars)) != std::string::npos) text.erase(pos, 1); } void CTextInput::numberFilter(std::string & text, const std::string & oldText, int minValue, int maxValue) { assert(minValue < maxValue); if (text.empty()) text = "0"; size_t pos = 0; if (text[0] == '-') //allow '-' sign as first symbol only pos++; while (pos < text.size()) { if (text[pos] < '0' || text[pos] > '9') { text = oldText; return; //new text is not number. } pos++; } try { int value = boost::lexical_cast(text); if (value < minValue) text = boost::lexical_cast(minValue); else if (value > maxValue) text = boost::lexical_cast(maxValue); } catch(boost::bad_lexical_cast &) { //Should never happen. Unless I missed some cases logGlobal->warnStream() << "Warning: failed to convert "<< text << " to number!"; text = oldText; } } CFocusable::CFocusable() { focusables.push_back(this); } CFocusable::~CFocusable() { if(inputWithFocus == this) { focusLost(); inputWithFocus = nullptr; } focusables -= this; } void CFocusable::giveFocus() { if(inputWithFocus) { inputWithFocus->focus = false; inputWithFocus->focusLost(); inputWithFocus->redraw(); } focus = true; inputWithFocus = this; focusGot(); redraw(); } void CFocusable::moveFocus() { auto i = vstd::find(focusables, this), ourIt = i; for(i++; i != ourIt; i++) { if(i == focusables.end()) i = focusables.begin(); if((*i)->active) { (*i)->giveFocus(); break;; } } }