/* * TextControls.cpp, part of VCMI engine * * Authors: listed in file AUTHORS in main folder * * License: GNU General Public License v2.0 or later * Full text of license available in license.txt file, in main folder * */ #include "StdInc.h" #include "VideoWidget.h" #include "TextControls.h" #include "IVideoHolder.h" #include "../CGameInfo.h" #include "../gui/CGuiHandler.h" #include "../media/ISoundPlayer.h" #include "../media/IVideoPlayer.h" #include "../render/Canvas.h" #include "../render/IScreenHandler.h" #include "../../lib/filesystem/Filesystem.h" VideoWidgetBase::VideoWidgetBase(const Point & position, const VideoPath & video, bool playAudio) : VideoWidgetBase(position, video, playAudio, 1.0) { } VideoWidgetBase::VideoWidgetBase(const Point & position, const VideoPath & video, bool playAudio, float scaleFactor) : playAudio(playAudio), scaleFactor(scaleFactor) { addUsedEvents(TIME); pos += position; playVideo(video); } VideoWidgetBase::~VideoWidgetBase() = default; void VideoWidgetBase::playVideo(const VideoPath & fileToPlay) { OBJECT_CONSTRUCTION; JsonPath subTitlePath = fileToPlay.toType<EResType::JSON>(); JsonPath subTitlePathVideoDir = subTitlePath.addPrefix("VIDEO/"); if(CResourceHandler::get()->existsResource(subTitlePath)) subTitleData = JsonNode(subTitlePath); else if(CResourceHandler::get()->existsResource(subTitlePathVideoDir)) subTitleData = JsonNode(subTitlePathVideoDir); float preScaleFactor = 1; VideoPath videoFile = fileToPlay; if(GH.screenHandler().getScalingFactor() > 1) { std::vector<int> factorsToCheck = {GH.screenHandler().getScalingFactor(), 4, 3, 2}; for(auto factorToCheck : factorsToCheck) { std::string name = boost::algorithm::to_upper_copy(videoFile.getName()); boost::replace_all(name, "VIDEO/", std::string("VIDEO") + std::to_string(factorToCheck) + std::string("X/")); auto p = VideoPath::builtin(name).addPrefix("VIDEO" + std::to_string(factorToCheck) + "X/"); if(CResourceHandler::get()->existsResource(p)) { preScaleFactor = 1.0 / static_cast<float>(factorToCheck); videoFile = p; break; } } } videoInstance = CCS->videoh->open(videoFile, scaleFactor * preScaleFactor); if (videoInstance) { pos.w = videoInstance->size().x; pos.h = videoInstance->size().y; if(!subTitleData.isNull()) subTitle = std::make_unique<CMultiLineLabel>(Rect(0, (pos.h / 5) * 4, pos.w, pos.h / 5), EFonts::FONT_HIGH_SCORE, ETextAlignment::CENTER, Colors::WHITE); } if (playAudio) { loadAudio(fileToPlay); if (isActive()) startAudio(); } } void VideoWidgetBase::show(Canvas & to) { if(videoInstance) videoInstance->show(pos.topLeft(), to); if(subTitle) subTitle->showAll(to); } void VideoWidgetBase::loadAudio(const VideoPath & fileToPlay) { if (!playAudio) return; audioData = CCS->videoh->getAudio(fileToPlay); } void VideoWidgetBase::startAudio() { if(audioData.first == nullptr) return; audioHandle = CCS->soundh->playSound(audioData); if(audioHandle != -1) { CCS->soundh->setCallback( audioHandle, [this]() { this->audioHandle = -1; } ); } } void VideoWidgetBase::stopAudio() { if(audioHandle != -1) { CCS->soundh->resetCallback(audioHandle); CCS->soundh->stopSound(audioHandle); audioHandle = -1; } } std::string VideoWidgetBase::getSubTitleLine(double timestamp) { if(subTitleData.isNull()) return {}; for(auto & segment : subTitleData.Vector()) if(timestamp > segment["timeStart"].Float() && timestamp < segment["timeEnd"].Float()) return segment["text"].String(); return {}; } void VideoWidgetBase::activate() { CIntObject::activate(); if(audioHandle != -1) CCS->soundh->resumeSound(audioHandle); else startAudio(); if(videoInstance) videoInstance->activate(); } void VideoWidgetBase::deactivate() { CIntObject::deactivate(); CCS->soundh->pauseSound(audioHandle); if(videoInstance) videoInstance->deactivate(); } void VideoWidgetBase::showAll(Canvas & to) { if(videoInstance) videoInstance->show(pos.topLeft(), to); if(subTitle) subTitle->showAll(to); } void VideoWidgetBase::tick(uint32_t msPassed) { if(videoInstance) { videoInstance->tick(msPassed); if(!videoInstance->videoEnded() && subTitle) subTitle->setText(getSubTitleLine(videoInstance->timeStamp())); if(videoInstance->videoEnded()) { videoInstance.reset(); stopAudio(); onPlaybackFinished(); // WARNING: onPlaybackFinished call may destoy `this`. Make sure that this is the very last operation in this method! } } } VideoWidget::VideoWidget(const Point & position, const VideoPath & prologue, const VideoPath & looped, bool playAudio) : VideoWidgetBase(position, prologue, playAudio) , loopedVideo(looped) { } VideoWidget::VideoWidget(const Point & position, const VideoPath & looped, bool playAudio) : VideoWidgetBase(position, looped, playAudio) , loopedVideo(looped) { } void VideoWidget::onPlaybackFinished() { playVideo(loopedVideo); } VideoWidgetOnce::VideoWidgetOnce(const Point & position, const VideoPath & video, bool playAudio, IVideoHolder * owner) : VideoWidgetBase(position, video, playAudio) , owner(owner) { } VideoWidgetOnce::VideoWidgetOnce(const Point & position, const VideoPath & video, bool playAudio, float scaleFactor, IVideoHolder * owner) : VideoWidgetBase(position, video, playAudio, scaleFactor) , owner(owner) { } void VideoWidgetOnce::onPlaybackFinished() { owner->onVideoPlaybackFinished(); }