/* * CBattleInterfaceClasses.cpp, part of VCMI engine * * Authors: listed in file AUTHORS in main folder * * License: GNU General Public License v2.0 or later * Full text of license available in license.txt file, in main folder * */ #include "StdInc.h" #include "CBattleInterfaceClasses.h" #include "CBattleInterface.h" #include "../CBitmapHandler.h" #include "../CGameInfo.h" #include "../CMessage.h" #include "../CMusicHandler.h" #include "../CPlayerInterface.h" #include "../CVideoHandler.h" #include "../Graphics.h" #include "../gui/CAnimation.h" #include "../gui/CCursorHandler.h" #include "../gui/CGuiHandler.h" #include "../gui/SDL_Extensions.h" #include "../widgets/Buttons.h" #include "../widgets/TextControls.h" #include "../windows/CCreatureWindow.h" #include "../windows/CSpellWindow.h" #include "../../CCallback.h" #include "../../lib/CStack.h" #include "../../lib/CConfigHandler.h" #include "../../lib/CCreatureHandler.h" #include "../../lib/CGameState.h" #include "../../lib/CGeneralTextHandler.h" #include "../../lib/CTownHandler.h" #include "../../lib/NetPacks.h" #include "../../lib/StartInfo.h" #include "../../lib/CondSh.h" #include "../../lib/mapObjects/CGTownInstance.h" void CBattleConsole::showAll(SDL_Surface * to) { Point textPos(pos.x + pos.w/2, pos.y + 17); if(ingcAlter.size()) { graphics->fonts[FONT_SMALL]->renderTextLinesCenter(to, CMessage::breakText(ingcAlter, pos.w, FONT_SMALL), Colors::WHITE, textPos); } else if(alterTxt.size()) { graphics->fonts[FONT_SMALL]->renderTextLinesCenter(to, CMessage::breakText(alterTxt, pos.w, FONT_SMALL), Colors::WHITE, textPos); } else if(texts.size()) { if(texts.size()==1) { graphics->fonts[FONT_SMALL]->renderTextLinesCenter(to, CMessage::breakText(texts[0], pos.w, FONT_SMALL), Colors::WHITE, textPos); } else { graphics->fonts[FONT_SMALL]->renderTextLinesCenter(to, CMessage::breakText(texts[lastShown - 1], pos.w, FONT_SMALL), Colors::WHITE, textPos); textPos.y += 16; graphics->fonts[FONT_SMALL]->renderTextLinesCenter(to, CMessage::breakText(texts[lastShown], pos.w, FONT_SMALL), Colors::WHITE, textPos); } } } bool CBattleConsole::addText(const std::string & text) { logGlobal->trace("CBattleConsole message: %s", text); if(text.size()>70) return false; //text too long! int firstInToken = 0; for(size_t i = 0; i < text.size(); ++i) //tokenize { if(text[i] == 10) { texts.push_back( text.substr(firstInToken, i-firstInToken) ); firstInToken = i+1; } } texts.push_back( text.substr(firstInToken, text.size()) ); lastShown = texts.size()-1; return true; } void CBattleConsole::alterText(const std::string &text) { //char buf[500]; //sprintf(buf, text.c_str()); //alterTxt = buf; alterTxt = text; } void CBattleConsole::eraseText(ui32 pos) { if(pos < texts.size()) { texts.erase(texts.begin() + pos); if(lastShown == texts.size()) --lastShown; } } void CBattleConsole::changeTextAt(const std::string & text, ui32 pos) { if(pos >= texts.size()) //no such pos return; texts[pos] = text; } void CBattleConsole::scrollUp(ui32 by) { if(lastShown > static_cast(by)) lastShown -= by; } void CBattleConsole::scrollDown(ui32 by) { if(lastShown + by < texts.size()) lastShown += by; } CBattleConsole::CBattleConsole() : lastShown(-1), alterTxt(""), whoSetAlter(0) {} void CBattleHero::show(SDL_Surface * to) { auto flagFrame = flagAnimation->getImage(flagAnim, 0, true); if(!flagFrame) return; //animation of flag SDL_Rect temp_rect; if(flip) { temp_rect = genRect( flagFrame->height(), flagFrame->width(), pos.x + 61, pos.y + 39); } else { temp_rect = genRect( flagFrame->height(), flagFrame->width(), pos.x + 72, pos.y + 39); } flagFrame->draw(screen, &temp_rect, nullptr); //FIXME: why screen? //animation of hero SDL_Rect rect = pos; auto heroFrame = animation->getImage(currentFrame, phase, true); if(!heroFrame) return; heroFrame->draw(to, &rect, nullptr); if(++animCount >= 4) { animCount = 0; if(++flagAnim >= flagAnimation->size(0)) flagAnim = 0; if(++currentFrame >= lastFrame) switchToNextPhase(); } } void CBattleHero::setPhase(int newPhase) { nextPhase = newPhase; switchToNextPhase(); //immediately switch to next phase and then restore idling phase nextPhase = 0; } void CBattleHero::hover(bool on) { //TODO: Make lines below work properly if (on) CCS->curh->changeGraphic(ECursor::COMBAT, 5); else CCS->curh->changeGraphic(ECursor::COMBAT, 0); } void CBattleHero::clickLeft(tribool down, bool previousState) { if(myOwner->spellDestSelectMode) //we are casting a spell return; if(boost::logic::indeterminate(down)) return; if(!myHero || down || !myOwner->myTurn) return; if(myOwner->getCurrentPlayerInterface()->cb->battleCanCastSpell(myHero, spells::Mode::HERO) == ESpellCastProblem::OK) //check conditions { for(int it=0; itbfield[it]->hovered && myOwner->bfield[it]->strictHovered) return; } CCS->curh->changeGraphic(ECursor::ADVENTURE, 0); GH.pushInt(new CSpellWindow(myHero, myOwner->getCurrentPlayerInterface())); } } void CBattleHero::clickRight(tribool down, bool previousState) { if(boost::logic::indeterminate(down)) return; Point windowPosition; windowPosition.x = (!flip) ? myOwner->pos.topLeft().x + 1 : myOwner->pos.topRight().x - 79; windowPosition.y = myOwner->pos.y + 135; InfoAboutHero targetHero; if(down && (myOwner->myTurn || settings["session"]["spectate"].Bool())) { auto h = flip ? myOwner->defendingHeroInstance : myOwner->attackingHeroInstance; targetHero.initFromHero(h, InfoAboutHero::EInfoLevel::INBATTLE); GH.pushInt(new CHeroInfoWindow(targetHero, &windowPosition)); } } void CBattleHero::switchToNextPhase() { if(phase != nextPhase) { phase = nextPhase; firstFrame = 0; lastFrame = animation->size(phase); } currentFrame = firstFrame; } CBattleHero::CBattleHero(const std::string & animationPath, bool flipG, PlayerColor player, const CGHeroInstance * hero, const CBattleInterface * owner): flip(flipG), myHero(hero), myOwner(owner), phase(1), nextPhase(0), flagAnim(0), animCount(0) { animation = std::make_shared(animationPath); animation->preload(); if(flipG) animation->verticalFlip(); if(flip) flagAnimation = std::make_shared("CMFLAGR"); else flagAnimation = std::make_shared("CMFLAGL"); flagAnimation->preload(); flagAnimation->playerColored(player); addUsedEvents(LCLICK | RCLICK | HOVER); switchToNextPhase(); } CBattleHero::~CBattleHero() = default; CBattleOptionsWindow::CBattleOptionsWindow(const SDL_Rect & position, CBattleInterface *owner) { OBJ_CONSTRUCTION_CAPTURING_ALL; pos = position; background = new CPicture("comopbck.bmp"); background->colorize(owner->getCurrentPlayerInterface()->playerID); viewGrid = new CToggleButton(Point(25, 56), "sysopchk.def", CGI->generaltexth->zelp[427], [=](bool on){owner->setPrintCellBorders(on);} ); viewGrid->setSelected(settings["battle"]["cellBorders"].Bool()); movementShadow = new CToggleButton(Point(25, 89), "sysopchk.def", CGI->generaltexth->zelp[428], [=](bool on){owner->setPrintStackRange(on);}); movementShadow->setSelected(settings["battle"]["stackRange"].Bool()); mouseShadow = new CToggleButton(Point(25, 122), "sysopchk.def", CGI->generaltexth->zelp[429], [=](bool on){owner->setPrintMouseShadow(on);}); mouseShadow->setSelected(settings["battle"]["mouseShadow"].Bool()); animSpeeds = new CToggleGroup([=](int value){ owner->setAnimSpeed(value);}); animSpeeds->addToggle(40, new CToggleButton(Point( 28, 225), "sysopb9.def", CGI->generaltexth->zelp[422])); animSpeeds->addToggle(63, new CToggleButton(Point( 92, 225), "sysob10.def", CGI->generaltexth->zelp[423])); animSpeeds->addToggle(100, new CToggleButton(Point(156, 225), "sysob11.def", CGI->generaltexth->zelp[424])); animSpeeds->setSelected(owner->getAnimSpeed()); setToDefault = new CButton (Point(246, 359), "codefaul.def", CGI->generaltexth->zelp[393], [&](){ bDefaultf(); }); setToDefault->setImageOrder(1, 0, 2, 3); exit = new CButton (Point(357, 359), "soretrn.def", CGI->generaltexth->zelp[392], [&](){ bExitf();}, SDLK_RETURN); exit->setImageOrder(1, 0, 2, 3); //creating labels labels.push_back(new CLabel(242, 32, FONT_BIG, CENTER, Colors::YELLOW, CGI->generaltexth->allTexts[392]));//window title labels.push_back(new CLabel(122, 214, FONT_MEDIUM, CENTER, Colors::YELLOW, CGI->generaltexth->allTexts[393]));//animation speed labels.push_back(new CLabel(122, 293, FONT_MEDIUM, CENTER, Colors::YELLOW, CGI->generaltexth->allTexts[394]));//music volume labels.push_back(new CLabel(122, 359, FONT_MEDIUM, CENTER, Colors::YELLOW, CGI->generaltexth->allTexts[395]));//effects' volume labels.push_back(new CLabel(353, 66, FONT_MEDIUM, CENTER, Colors::YELLOW, CGI->generaltexth->allTexts[396]));//auto - combat options labels.push_back(new CLabel(353, 265, FONT_MEDIUM, CENTER, Colors::YELLOW, CGI->generaltexth->allTexts[397]));//creature info //auto - combat options labels.push_back(new CLabel(283, 86, FONT_MEDIUM, TOPLEFT, Colors::WHITE, CGI->generaltexth->allTexts[398]));//creatures labels.push_back(new CLabel(283, 116, FONT_MEDIUM, TOPLEFT, Colors::WHITE, CGI->generaltexth->allTexts[399]));//spells labels.push_back(new CLabel(283, 146, FONT_MEDIUM, TOPLEFT, Colors::WHITE, CGI->generaltexth->allTexts[400]));//catapult labels.push_back(new CLabel(283, 176, FONT_MEDIUM, TOPLEFT, Colors::WHITE, CGI->generaltexth->allTexts[151]));//ballista labels.push_back(new CLabel(283, 206, FONT_MEDIUM, TOPLEFT, Colors::WHITE, CGI->generaltexth->allTexts[401]));//first aid tent //creature info labels.push_back(new CLabel(283, 285, FONT_MEDIUM, TOPLEFT, Colors::WHITE, CGI->generaltexth->allTexts[402]));//all stats labels.push_back(new CLabel(283, 315, FONT_MEDIUM, TOPLEFT, Colors::WHITE, CGI->generaltexth->allTexts[403]));//spells only //general options labels.push_back(new CLabel(61, 57, FONT_MEDIUM, TOPLEFT, Colors::WHITE, CGI->generaltexth->allTexts[404])); labels.push_back(new CLabel(61, 90, FONT_MEDIUM, TOPLEFT, Colors::WHITE, CGI->generaltexth->allTexts[405])); labels.push_back(new CLabel(61, 123, FONT_MEDIUM, TOPLEFT, Colors::WHITE, CGI->generaltexth->allTexts[406])); labels.push_back(new CLabel(61, 156, FONT_MEDIUM, TOPLEFT, Colors::WHITE, CGI->generaltexth->allTexts[407])); } void CBattleOptionsWindow::bDefaultf() { //TODO: implement } void CBattleOptionsWindow::bExitf() { GH.popIntTotally(this); } CBattleResultWindow::CBattleResultWindow(const BattleResult &br, const SDL_Rect & pos, CPlayerInterface &_owner) : owner(_owner) { OBJ_CONSTRUCTION_CAPTURING_ALL; this->pos = pos; CPicture * bg = new CPicture("CPRESULT"); bg->colorize(owner.playerID); exit = new CButton (Point(384, 505), "iok6432.def", std::make_pair("", ""), [&](){ bExitf();}, SDLK_RETURN); exit->setBorderColor(Colors::METALLIC_GOLD); if(br.winner==0) //attacker won { new CLabel( 59, 124, FONT_SMALL, CENTER, Colors::WHITE, CGI->generaltexth->allTexts[410]); new CLabel(408, 124, FONT_SMALL, CENTER, Colors::WHITE, CGI->generaltexth->allTexts[411]); } else //if(br.winner==1) { new CLabel( 59, 124, FONT_SMALL, CENTER, Colors::WHITE, CGI->generaltexth->allTexts[411]); new CLabel(412, 124, FONT_SMALL, CENTER, Colors::WHITE, CGI->generaltexth->allTexts[410]); } new CLabel(232, 302, FONT_BIG, CENTER, Colors::YELLOW, CGI->generaltexth->allTexts[407]); new CLabel(232, 332, FONT_SMALL, CENTER, Colors::WHITE, CGI->generaltexth->allTexts[408]); new CLabel(232, 428, FONT_SMALL, CENTER, Colors::WHITE, CGI->generaltexth->allTexts[409]); std::string sideNames[2] = {"N/A", "N/A"}; for(int i = 0; i < 2; i++) { auto heroInfo = owner.cb->battleGetHeroInfo(i); const int xs[] = {21, 392}; if(heroInfo.portrait >= 0) //attacking hero { new CAnimImage("PortraitsLarge", heroInfo.portrait, 0, xs[i], 38); sideNames[i] = heroInfo.name; } else { auto stacks = owner.cb->battleGetAllStacks(); vstd::erase_if(stacks, [i](const CStack *stack) //erase stack of other side and not coming from garrison { return stack->side != i || !stack->base; }); auto best = vstd::maxElementByFun(stacks, [](const CStack *stack){ return stack->type->AIValue; }); if(best != stacks.end()) //should be always but to be safe... { new CAnimImage("TWCRPORT", (*best)->type->idNumber+2, 0, xs[i], 38); sideNames[i] = CGI->creh->creatures[(*best)->type->idNumber]->namePl; } } } //printing attacker and defender's names new CLabel( 89, 37, FONT_SMALL, TOPLEFT, Colors::WHITE, sideNames[0]); new CLabel( 381, 53, FONT_SMALL, BOTTOMRIGHT, Colors::WHITE, sideNames[1]); //printing casualties for(int step = 0; step < 2; ++step) { if(br.casualties[step].size()==0) { new CLabel( 235, 360 + 97*step, FONT_SMALL, CENTER, Colors::WHITE, CGI->generaltexth->allTexts[523]); } else { int xPos = 235 - (br.casualties[step].size()*32 + (br.casualties[step].size() - 1)*10)/2; //increment by 42 with each picture int yPos = 344 + step*97; for(auto & elem : br.casualties[step]) { new CAnimImage("CPRSMALL", CGI->creh->creatures[elem.first]->iconIndex, 0, xPos, yPos); std::ostringstream amount; amount<battleGetMySide()); if((br.winner == 0 && weAreAttacker) || (br.winner == 1 && !weAreAttacker)) //we've won { int text=-1; switch(br.result) { case BattleResult::NORMAL: text = 304; break; case BattleResult::ESCAPE: text = 303; break; case BattleResult::SURRENDER: text = 302; break; } CCS->musich->playMusic("Music/Win Battle", false); CCS->videoh->open("WIN3.BIK"); std::string str = CGI->generaltexth->allTexts[text]; const CGHeroInstance * ourHero = owner.cb->battleGetMyHero(); if (ourHero) { str += CGI->generaltexth->allTexts[305]; boost::algorithm::replace_first(str,"%s",ourHero->name); boost::algorithm::replace_first(str,"%d",boost::lexical_cast(br.exp[weAreAttacker?0:1])); } new CTextBox(str, Rect(69, 203, 330, 68), 0, FONT_SMALL, CENTER, Colors::WHITE); } else // we lose { switch(br.result) { case BattleResult::NORMAL: { CCS->musich->playMusic("Music/LoseCombat", false); CCS->videoh->open("LBSTART.BIK"); new CLabel(235, 235, FONT_SMALL, CENTER, Colors::WHITE, CGI->generaltexth->allTexts[311]); break; } case BattleResult::ESCAPE: //flee { CCS->musich->playMusic("Music/Retreat Battle", false); CCS->videoh->open("RTSTART.BIK"); new CLabel(235, 235, FONT_SMALL, CENTER, Colors::WHITE, CGI->generaltexth->allTexts[310]); break; } case BattleResult::SURRENDER: { CCS->musich->playMusic("Music/Surrender Battle", false); CCS->videoh->open("SURRENDER.BIK"); new CLabel(235, 235, FONT_SMALL, CENTER, Colors::WHITE, CGI->generaltexth->allTexts[309]); break; } } } } CBattleResultWindow::~CBattleResultWindow() { } void CBattleResultWindow::activate() { owner.showingDialog->set(true); CIntObject::activate(); } void CBattleResultWindow::show(SDL_Surface * to) { CIntObject::show(to); CCS->videoh->update(pos.x + 107, pos.y + 70, screen, true, false); } void CBattleResultWindow::bExitf() { CPlayerInterface &intTmp = owner; //copy reference because "this" will be destructed soon GH.popIntTotally(this); if(dynamic_cast(GH.topInt())) GH.popInts(1); //pop battle interface if present //Result window and battle interface are gone. We requested all dialogs to be closed before opening the battle, //so we can be sure that there is no dialogs left on GUI stack. intTmp.showingDialog->setn(false); CCS->videoh->close(); } Point CClickableHex::getXYUnitAnim(BattleHex hexNum, const CStack * stack, CBattleInterface * cbi) { assert(cbi); Point ret(-500, -500); //returned value if(stack && stack->initialPosition < 0) //creatures in turrets { switch(stack->initialPosition) { case -2: //keep ret = cbi->siegeH->town->town->clientInfo.siegePositions[18]; break; case -3: //lower turret ret = cbi->siegeH->town->town->clientInfo.siegePositions[19]; break; case -4: //upper turret ret = cbi->siegeH->town->town->clientInfo.siegePositions[20]; break; } } else { static const Point basePos(-190, -139); // position of creature in topleft corner static const int imageShiftX = 30; // X offset to base pos for facing right stacks, negative for facing left ret.x = basePos.x + 22 * ( (hexNum.getY() + 1)%2 ) + 44 * hexNum.getX(); ret.y = basePos.y + 42 * hexNum.getY(); if (stack) { if(cbi->creDir[stack->ID]) ret.x += imageShiftX; else ret.x -= imageShiftX; //shifting position for double - hex creatures if(stack->doubleWide()) { if(stack->side == BattleSide::ATTACKER) { if(cbi->creDir[stack->ID]) ret.x -= 44; } else { if(!cbi->creDir[stack->ID]) ret.x += 44; } } } } //returning return ret + CPlayerInterface::battleInt->pos; } void CClickableHex::hover(bool on) { hovered = on; //Hoverable::hover(on); if(!on && setAlterText) { myInterface->console->alterTxt = std::string(); setAlterText = false; } } CClickableHex::CClickableHex() : setAlterText(false), myNumber(-1), accessible(true), strictHovered(false), myInterface(nullptr) { addUsedEvents(LCLICK | RCLICK | HOVER | MOVE); } void CClickableHex::mouseMoved(const SDL_MouseMotionEvent &sEvent) { if(myInterface->cellShade) { if(CSDL_Ext::SDL_GetPixel(myInterface->cellShade, sEvent.x-pos.x, sEvent.y-pos.y) == 0) //hovered pixel is outside hex { strictHovered = false; } else //hovered pixel is inside hex { strictHovered = true; } } if(hovered && strictHovered) //print attacked creature to console { const CStack * attackedStack = myInterface->getCurrentPlayerInterface()->cb->battleGetStackByPos(myNumber); if(myInterface->console->alterTxt.size() == 0 &&attackedStack != nullptr && attackedStack->owner != myInterface->getCurrentPlayerInterface()->playerID && attackedStack->alive()) { MetaString text; text.addTxt(MetaString::GENERAL_TXT, 220); attackedStack->addNameReplacement(text); myInterface->console->alterTxt = text.toString(); setAlterText = true; } } else if(setAlterText) { myInterface->console->alterTxt = std::string(); setAlterText = false; } } void CClickableHex::clickLeft(tribool down, bool previousState) { if(!down && hovered && strictHovered) //we've been really clicked! { myInterface->hexLclicked(myNumber); } } void CClickableHex::clickRight(tribool down, bool previousState) { const CStack * myst = myInterface->getCurrentPlayerInterface()->cb->battleGetStackByPos(myNumber); //stack info if(hovered && strictHovered && myst!=nullptr) { if(!myst->alive()) return; if(down) { GH.pushInt(new CStackWindow(myst, true)); } } } CHeroInfoWindow::CHeroInfoWindow(const InfoAboutHero &hero, Point *position) : CWindowObject(RCLICK_POPUP | SHADOW_DISABLED, "CHRPOP") { OBJ_CONSTRUCTION_CAPTURING_ALL; if (position != nullptr) moveTo(*position); background->colorize(hero.owner); //maybe add this functionality to base class? int attack = hero.details->primskills[0]; int defense = hero.details->primskills[1]; int power = hero.details->primskills[2]; int knowledge = hero.details->primskills[3]; int morale = hero.details->morale; int luck = hero.details->luck; int currentSpellPoints = hero.details->mana; int maxSpellPoints = hero.details->manaLimit; new CAnimImage("PortraitsLarge", hero.portrait, 0, 10, 6); //primary stats new CLabel(9, 75, EFonts::FONT_TINY, EAlignment::TOPLEFT, Colors::WHITE, CGI->generaltexth->allTexts[380] + ":"); new CLabel(9, 87, EFonts::FONT_TINY, EAlignment::TOPLEFT, Colors::WHITE, CGI->generaltexth->allTexts[381] + ":"); new CLabel(9, 99, EFonts::FONT_TINY, EAlignment::TOPLEFT, Colors::WHITE, CGI->generaltexth->allTexts[382] + ":"); new CLabel(9, 111, EFonts::FONT_TINY, EAlignment::TOPLEFT, Colors::WHITE, CGI->generaltexth->allTexts[383] + ":"); new CLabel(69, 87, EFonts::FONT_TINY, EAlignment::BOTTOMRIGHT, Colors::WHITE, std::to_string(attack)); new CLabel(69, 99, EFonts::FONT_TINY, EAlignment::BOTTOMRIGHT, Colors::WHITE, std::to_string(defense)); new CLabel(69, 111, EFonts::FONT_TINY, EAlignment::BOTTOMRIGHT, Colors::WHITE, std::to_string(power)); new CLabel(69, 123, EFonts::FONT_TINY, EAlignment::BOTTOMRIGHT, Colors::WHITE, std::to_string(knowledge)); //morale+luck new CLabel(9, 131, EFonts::FONT_TINY, EAlignment::TOPLEFT, Colors::WHITE, CGI->generaltexth->allTexts[384] + ":"); new CLabel(9, 143, EFonts::FONT_TINY, EAlignment::TOPLEFT, Colors::WHITE, CGI->generaltexth->allTexts[385] + ":"); new CAnimImage("IMRL22", morale + 3, 0, 47, 131); new CAnimImage("ILCK22", luck + 3, 0, 47, 143); //spell points new CLabel(39, 174, EFonts::FONT_TINY, EAlignment::CENTER, Colors::WHITE, CGI->generaltexth->allTexts[387]); new CLabel(39, 186, EFonts::FONT_TINY, EAlignment::CENTER, Colors::WHITE, std::to_string(currentSpellPoints) + "/" + std::to_string(maxSpellPoints)); } CStackQueue::CStackQueue(bool Embedded, CBattleInterface * _owner) : embedded(Embedded), owner(_owner) { OBJ_CONSTRUCTION_CAPTURING_ALL; if(embedded) { pos.w = QUEUE_SIZE * 37; pos.h = 46; pos.x = screen->w/2 - pos.w/2; pos.y = (screen->h - 600)/2 + 10; icons = std::make_shared("CPRSMALL"); stateIcons = std::make_shared("VCMI/BATTLEQUEUE/STATESSMALL"); } else { pos.w = 800; pos.h = 85; new CFilledTexture("DIBOXBCK", Rect(0,0, pos.w, pos.h)); icons = std::make_shared("TWCRPORT"); stateIcons = std::make_shared("VCMI/BATTLEQUEUE/STATESSMALL"); //TODO: where use big icons? //stateIcons = std::make_shared("VCMI/BATTLEQUEUE/STATESBIG"); } stateIcons->preload(); stackBoxes.resize(QUEUE_SIZE); for (int i = 0; i < stackBoxes.size(); i++) { stackBoxes[i] = new StackBox(this); stackBoxes[i]->moveBy(Point(1 + (embedded ? 36 : 80)*i, 0)); } } CStackQueue::~CStackQueue() { } void CStackQueue::update() { std::vector queueData; owner->getCurrentPlayerInterface()->cb->battleGetTurnOrder(queueData, stackBoxes.size(), 0); size_t boxIndex = 0; for(size_t turn = 0; turn < queueData.size() && boxIndex < stackBoxes.size(); turn++) { for(size_t unitIndex = 0; unitIndex < queueData[turn].size() && boxIndex < stackBoxes.size(); boxIndex++, unitIndex++) stackBoxes[boxIndex]->setStack(queueData[turn][unitIndex], turn); } for(; boxIndex < stackBoxes.size(); boxIndex++) stackBoxes[boxIndex]->setStack(nullptr); } CStackQueue::StackBox::StackBox(CStackQueue * owner) : bg(nullptr), icon(nullptr), amount(nullptr), stateIcon(nullptr) { OBJ_CONSTRUCTION_CAPTURING_ALL; bg = new CPicture(owner->embedded ? "StackQueueSmall" : "StackQueueLarge" ); pos.w = bg->pos.w; pos.h = bg->pos.h; if(owner->embedded) { icon = new CAnimImage(owner->icons, 0, 0, 5, 2); amount = new CLabel(pos.w/2, pos.h - 7, FONT_SMALL, CENTER, Colors::WHITE); } else { icon = new CAnimImage(owner->icons, 0, 0, 9, 1); amount = new CLabel(pos.w/2, pos.h - 8, FONT_MEDIUM, CENTER, Colors::WHITE); int icon_x = pos.w - 17; int icon_y = pos.h - 18; stateIcon = new CAnimImage(owner->stateIcons, 0, 0, icon_x, icon_y); stateIcon->visible = false; } } void CStackQueue::StackBox::setStack(const battle::Unit * nStack, size_t turn) { if(nStack) { bg->colorize(nStack->unitOwner()); icon->visible = true; icon->setFrame(nStack->creatureIconIndex()); amount->setText(makeNumberShort(nStack->getCount())); if(stateIcon) { if(nStack->defended(turn) || (turn > 0 && nStack->defended(turn - 1))) { stateIcon->setFrame(0, 0); stateIcon->visible = true; } else if(nStack->waited(turn)) { stateIcon->setFrame(1, 0); stateIcon->visible = true; } else { stateIcon->visible = false; } } } else { bg->colorize(PlayerColor::NEUTRAL); icon->visible = false; icon->setFrame(0); amount->setText(""); if(stateIcon) stateIcon->visible = false; } }