#include "StdInc.h" #include "CGarrisonInt.h" #include "../gui/CGuiHandler.h" #include "../CGameInfo.h" #include "../CPlayerInterface.h" #include "../widgets/Buttons.h" #include "../widgets/TextControls.h" #include "../windows/CCreatureWindow.h" #include "../windows/GUIClasses.h" #include "../../CCallback.h" #include "../../lib/CGeneralTextHandler.h" #include "../../lib/CCreatureHandler.h" #include "../../lib/mapObjects/CGHeroInstance.h" #include "../../lib/CGameState.h" /* * CGarrisonInt.cpp, part of VCMI engine * * Authors: listed in file AUTHORS in main folder * * License: GNU General Public License v2.0 or later * Full text of license available in license.txt file, in main folder * */ void CGarrisonSlot::setHighlight(bool on) { if (on) selectionImage->enable(); //show else selectionImage->disable(); //hide } void CGarrisonSlot::hover (bool on) { ////Hoverable::hover(on); if(on) { std::string temp; if(creature) { if(owner->getSelection()) { if(owner->getSelection() == this) { temp = CGI->generaltexth->tcommands[4]; //View %s boost::algorithm::replace_first(temp,"%s",creature->nameSing); } else if (owner->getSelection()->creature == creature) { temp = CGI->generaltexth->tcommands[2]; //Combine %s armies boost::algorithm::replace_first(temp,"%s",creature->nameSing); } else if (owner->getSelection()->creature) { temp = CGI->generaltexth->tcommands[7]; //Exchange %s with %s boost::algorithm::replace_first(temp,"%s",owner->getSelection()->creature->nameSing); boost::algorithm::replace_first(temp,"%s",creature->nameSing); } else { logGlobal->warnStream() << "Warning - shouldn't be - highlighted void slot "<getSelection(); logGlobal->warnStream() << "Highlighted set to nullptr"; owner->selectSlot(nullptr); } } else { if(upg == EGarrisonType::UP) { temp = CGI->generaltexth->tcommands[12]; //Select %s (in garrison) } else if(owner->armedObjs[0] && (owner->armedObjs[0]->ID == Obj::TOWN || owner->armedObjs[0]->ID == Obj::HERO)) { temp = CGI->generaltexth->tcommands[32]; //Select %s (visiting) } else { temp = CGI->generaltexth->allTexts[481]; //Select %s } boost::algorithm::replace_first(temp,"%s",creature->nameSing); } } else { if(owner->getSelection()) { const CArmedInstance *highl = owner->getSelection()->getObj(); if( highl->needsLastStack() //we are moving stack from hero's && highl->stacksCount() == 1 //it's only stack && owner->getSelection()->upg != upg //we're moving it to the other garrison ) { temp = CGI->generaltexth->tcommands[5]; //Cannot move last army to garrison } else { temp = CGI->generaltexth->tcommands[6]; //Move %s boost::algorithm::replace_first(temp,"%s",owner->getSelection()->creature->nameSing); } } else { temp = CGI->generaltexth->tcommands[11]; //Empty } } GH.statusbar->setText(temp); } else { GH.statusbar->clear(); } } const CArmedInstance * CGarrisonSlot::getObj() const { return owner->armedObjs[upg]; } /// @return Whether the unit in the slot belongs to the current player. bool CGarrisonSlot::our() const { return owner->owned[upg]; } /// @return Whether the unit in the slot belongs to an ally but not to the current player. bool CGarrisonSlot::ally() const { if(!getObj()) return false; return PlayerRelations::ALLIES == LOCPLINT->cb->getPlayerRelations(LOCPLINT->playerID, getObj()->tempOwner); } /// The creature slot has been clicked twice, therefore the creature info should be shown /// @return Whether the view should be refreshed bool CGarrisonSlot::viewInfo() { UpgradeInfo pom; LOCPLINT->cb->getUpgradeInfo(getObj(), ID, pom); bool canUpgrade = getObj()->tempOwner == LOCPLINT->playerID && pom.oldID>=0; //upgrade is possible bool canDismiss = getObj()->tempOwner == LOCPLINT->playerID && (getObj()->stacksCount()>1 || !getObj()->needsLastStack()); std::function upgr = nullptr; std::function dism = nullptr; if(canUpgrade) upgr = [=] (CreatureID newID) { LOCPLINT->cb->upgradeCreature(getObj(), ID, newID); }; if(canDismiss) dism = [=] { LOCPLINT->cb->dismissCreature(getObj(), ID); }; owner->selectSlot(nullptr); owner->setSplittingMode(false); for(auto & elem : owner->splitButtons) elem->block(true); redraw(); GH.pushInt(new CStackWindow(myStack, dism, pom, upgr)); return true; } /// The selection is empty, therefore the creature should be moved /// @return Whether the view should be refreshed bool CGarrisonSlot::highlightOrDropArtifact() { bool artSelected = false; if (CWindowWithArtifacts* chw = dynamic_cast(GH.topInt())) //dirty solution { const std::shared_ptr commonInfo = chw->artSets.front()->commonInfo; if (const CArtifactInstance *art = commonInfo->src.art) { const CGHeroInstance *srcHero = commonInfo->src.AOH->getHero(); artSelected = true; if (myStack) // try dropping the artifact only if the slot isn't empty { ArtifactLocation src(srcHero, commonInfo->src.slotID); ArtifactLocation dst(myStack, ArtifactPosition::CREATURE_SLOT); if (art->canBePutAt(dst, true)) { //equip clicked stack if(dst.getArt()) { //creature can wear only one active artifact //if we are placing a new one, the old one will be returned to the hero's backpack LOCPLINT->cb->swapArtifacts(dst, ArtifactLocation(srcHero, dst.getArt()->firstBackpackSlot(srcHero))); } LOCPLINT->cb->swapArtifacts(src, dst); } } } } if (!artSelected && creature) { owner->selectSlot(this); if(creature) { for(auto & elem : owner->splitButtons) elem->block(!our()); } } redraw(); return true; } /// The creature is only being partially moved /// @return Whether the view should be refreshed bool CGarrisonSlot::split() { const CGarrisonSlot * selection = owner->getSelection(); owner->p2 = ID; // store the second stack pos owner->pb = upg; // store the second stack owner (up or down army) owner->setSplittingMode(false); int minLeft=0, minRight=0; if(upg != selection->upg) // not splitting within same army { if(selection->getObj()->stacksCount() == 1 // we're splitting away the last stack && selection->getObj()->needsLastStack() ) { minLeft = 1; } // destination army can't be emptied, unless we're rebalancing two stacks of same creature if(getObj()->stacksCount() == 1 && selection->creature == creature && getObj()->needsLastStack() ) { minRight = 1; } } int countLeft = selection->myStack ? selection->myStack->count : 0; int countRight = myStack ? myStack->count : 0; GH.pushInt(new CSplitWindow(selection->creature, std::bind(&CGarrisonInt::splitStacks, owner, _1, _2), minLeft, minRight, countLeft, countRight)); return true; } /// If certain creates cannot be moved, the selection should change /// Force reselection in these cases /// * When attempting to take creatures from ally /// * When attempting to swap creatures with an ally /// * When attempting to take unremovable units /// @return Whether reselection must be done bool CGarrisonSlot::mustForceReselection() const { const CGarrisonSlot * selection = owner->getSelection(); bool withAlly = selection->our() ^ our(); if (!creature || !selection->creature) return false; // Attempt to take creatures from ally (select theirs first) if (!selection->our()) return true; // Attempt to swap creatures with ally (select ours first) if (selection->creature != creature && withAlly) return true; if (!owner->removableUnits) { if (selection->upg == EGarrisonType::UP) return true; else return creature || upg == EGarrisonType::UP; } return false; } void CGarrisonSlot::clickRight(tribool down, bool previousState) { if(creature && down) { GH.pushInt(new CStackWindow(myStack, true)); } } void CGarrisonSlot::clickLeft(tribool down, bool previousState) { if(down) { bool refr = false; const CGarrisonSlot * selection = owner->getSelection(); if(!selection) refr = highlightOrDropArtifact(); else if(selection == this) refr = viewInfo(); // Re-highlight if troops aren't removable or not ours. else if (mustForceReselection()) { if(creature) owner->selectSlot(this); redraw(); refr = true; } else { const CArmedInstance * selectedObj = owner->armedObjs[selection->upg]; bool lastHeroStackSelected = false; if(selectedObj->stacksCount() == 1 && owner->getSelection()->upg != upg && dynamic_cast(selectedObj)) { lastHeroStackSelected = true; } if((owner->getSplittingMode() || LOCPLINT->shiftPressed()) // split window && (!creature || creature == selection->creature)) { refr = split(); } else if(!creature && lastHeroStackSelected) // split all except last creature LOCPLINT->cb->splitStack(selectedObj, owner->armedObjs[upg], selection->ID, ID, selection->myStack->count - 1); else if(creature != selection->creature) // swap LOCPLINT->cb->swapCreatures(owner->armedObjs[upg], selectedObj, ID, selection->ID); else if(lastHeroStackSelected) // merge last stack to other hero stack refr = split(); else // merge LOCPLINT->cb->mergeStacks(selectedObj, owner->armedObjs[upg], selection->ID, ID); } if(refr) { // Refresh Statusbar hover(false); hover(true); } } } void CGarrisonSlot::update() { if (getObj() != nullptr) { addUsedEvents(LCLICK | RCLICK | HOVER); myStack = getObj()->getStackPtr(ID); creature = myStack ? myStack->type : nullptr; } else { removeUsedEvents(LCLICK | RCLICK | HOVER); myStack = nullptr; creature = nullptr; } if (creature) { creatureImage->enable(); creatureImage->setFrame(creature->iconIndex); stackCount->enable(); stackCount->setText(boost::lexical_cast(myStack->count)); } else { creatureImage->disable(); stackCount->disable(); } } CGarrisonSlot::CGarrisonSlot(CGarrisonInt *Owner, int x, int y, SlotID IID, CGarrisonSlot::EGarrisonType Upg, const CStackInstance * Creature): ID(IID), owner(Owner), myStack(Creature), creature(Creature ? Creature->type : nullptr), upg(Upg) { OBJ_CONSTRUCTION_CAPTURING_ALL; if (getObj()) addUsedEvents(LCLICK | RCLICK | HOVER); pos.x += x; pos.y += y; std::string imgName = owner->smallIcons ? "cprsmall" : "TWCRPORT"; creatureImage = new CAnimImage(imgName, creature ? creature->iconIndex : 0); if (!creature) creatureImage->disable(); selectionImage = new CAnimImage(imgName, 1); selectionImage->disable(); if(Owner->smallIcons) { pos.w = 32; pos.h = 32; } else { pos.w = 58; pos.h = 64; } stackCount = new CLabel(pos.w, pos.h, owner->smallIcons ? FONT_TINY : FONT_MEDIUM, BOTTOMRIGHT, Colors::WHITE); if (!creature) stackCount->disable(); else stackCount->setText(boost::lexical_cast(myStack->count)); } void CGarrisonInt::addSplitBtn(CButton * button) { addChild(button); button->recActions = defActions; splitButtons.push_back(button); button->block(getSelection() == nullptr); } void CGarrisonInt::createSlots() { OBJ_CONSTRUCTION_CAPTURING_ALL; int distance = interx + (smallIcons? 32 : 58); for(int i=0; i<2; i++) { std::vector garrisonSlots; garrisonSlots.resize(7); if (armedObjs[i]) { for(auto & elem : armedObjs[i]->Slots()) { garrisonSlots[elem.first.getNum()] = new CGarrisonSlot(this, i*garOffset.x + (elem.first.getNum()*distance), i*garOffset.y, elem.first, static_cast(i), elem.second); } } for(int j=0; j<7; j++) { if(!garrisonSlots[j]) garrisonSlots[j] = new CGarrisonSlot(this, i*garOffset.x + (j*distance), i*garOffset.y, SlotID(j), static_cast(i), nullptr); if (twoRows && j>=4) { garrisonSlots[j]->moveBy(Point(-126, 37)); } } std::copy(garrisonSlots.begin(), garrisonSlots.end(), std::back_inserter(availableSlots)); } } void CGarrisonInt::recreateSlots() { selectSlot(nullptr); setSplittingMode(false); for(auto & elem : splitButtons) elem->block(true); for(CGarrisonSlot * slot : availableSlots) slot->update(); } void CGarrisonInt::splitClick() { if(!getSelection()) return; setSplittingMode(!getSplittingMode()); redraw(); } void CGarrisonInt::splitStacks(int, int amountRight) { LOCPLINT->cb->splitStack(armedObjs[getSelection()->upg], armedObjs[pb], getSelection()->ID, p2, amountRight); } CGarrisonInt::CGarrisonInt(int x, int y, int inx, const Point &garsOffset, SDL_Surface *pomsur, const Point& SurOffset, const CArmedInstance *s1, const CArmedInstance *s2, bool _removableUnits, bool smallImgs, bool _twoRows ) : highlighted(nullptr), inSplittingMode(false), interx(inx), garOffset(garsOffset), pb(false), smallIcons(smallImgs), removableUnits(_removableUnits), twoRows(_twoRows) { setArmy(s1, false); setArmy(s2, true); pos.x += x; pos.y += y; createSlots(); } const CGarrisonSlot * CGarrisonInt::getSelection() { return highlighted; } void CGarrisonInt::selectSlot(CGarrisonSlot *slot) { if (slot != highlighted) { if (highlighted) highlighted->setHighlight(false); highlighted = slot; for (auto button : splitButtons) button->block(highlighted == nullptr || !slot->our()); if (highlighted) highlighted->setHighlight(true); } } void CGarrisonInt::setSplittingMode(bool on) { assert(on == false || highlighted != nullptr); //can't be in splitting mode without selection if (inSplittingMode || on) { for(CGarrisonSlot * slot : availableSlots) { if(slot!=getSelection()) slot->setHighlight( ( on && (slot->our() || slot->ally()) && (slot->creature == nullptr || slot->creature == getSelection()->creature))); } inSplittingMode = on; } } bool CGarrisonInt::getSplittingMode() { return inSplittingMode; } void CGarrisonInt::setArmy(const CArmedInstance *army, bool bottomGarrison) { owned[bottomGarrison] = army ? (army->tempOwner == LOCPLINT->playerID || army->tempOwner == PlayerColor::UNFLAGGABLE) : false; armedObjs[bottomGarrison] = army; } CGarrisonWindow::CGarrisonWindow( const CArmedInstance *up, const CGHeroInstance *down, bool removableUnits ): CWindowObject(PLAYER_COLORED, "GARRISON") { OBJ_CONSTRUCTION_CAPTURING_ALL; garr = new CGarrisonInt(92, 127, 4, Point(0,96), background->bg, Point(93,127), up, down, removableUnits); { CButton *split = new CButton(Point(88, 314), "IDV6432.DEF", CButton::tooltip(CGI->generaltexth->tcommands[3], ""), [&]{ garr->splitClick(); } ); removeChild(split); garr->addSplitBtn(split); } quit = new CButton(Point(399, 314), "IOK6432.DEF", CButton::tooltip(CGI->generaltexth->tcommands[8], ""), [&]{ close(); }, SDLK_RETURN); std::string titleText; if (down->tempOwner == up->tempOwner) titleText = CGI->generaltexth->allTexts[709]; else { //assume that this is joining monsters dialog if(up->Slots().size() > 0) { titleText = CGI->generaltexth->allTexts[35]; boost::algorithm::replace_first(titleText, "%s", up->Slots().begin()->second->type->namePl); } else logGlobal->error("Invalid armed instance for garrison window."); } new CLabel(275, 30, FONT_BIG, CENTER, Colors::YELLOW, titleText); new CAnimImage("CREST58", up->getOwner().getNum(), 0, 28, 124); new CAnimImage("PortraitsLarge", down->portrait, 0, 29, 222); } CGarrisonHolder::CGarrisonHolder() { } void CWindowWithGarrison::updateGarrisons() { garr->recreateSlots(); }