// default configuration for mod system loaded at launch { "textData" : { "heroClass" : 18, "artifact" : 144, "creature" : 150, "faction" : 9, "hero" : 156, "spell" : 81, "object" : 256, "terrain" : 10, "river" : 5, "road" : 4, "mapVersion" : 28 // max supported version, SoD }, "hardcodedFeatures" : { "CREEP_SIZE": 4000, "WEEKLY_GROWTH_PERCENT" : 10, "NEUTRAL_STACK_EXP_DAILY" : 500, "MAX_BUILDING_PER_TURN" : 1, "DWELLINGS_ACCUMULATE_CREATURES" : false, "ALL_CREATURES_GET_DOUBLE_MONTHS" : false, "NEGATIVE_LUCK" : false, "MAX_HEROES_AVAILABLE_PER_PLAYER" : 16, "MAX_HEROES_ON_MAP_PER_PLAYER" : 8, "WINNING_HERO_WITH_NO_TROOPS_RETREATS": true, "BLACK_MARKET_MONTHLY_ARTIFACTS_CHANGE": true, "NO_RANDOM_SPECIAL_WEEKS_AND_MONTHS": false, "ATTACK_POINT_DMG_MULTIPLIER": 0.05, //every 1 attack point damage influence in battle when attack points > defense points during creature attack "ATTACK_POINTS_DMG_MULTIPLIER_CAP": 4.0, //limit of damage increase that can be achieved by overpowering attack points "DEFENSE_POINT_DMG_MULTIPLIER": 0.025, //every 1 defense point damage influence in battle when defense points > attack points during creature attack "DEFENSE_POINTS_DMG_MULTIPLIER_CAP": 0.7, //limit of damage reduction that can be achieved by overpowering defense points //chances for new hero units count - technically random number 1-100, first element in list below generated number sets count, if none then result is number of elements + 1 "HERO_STARTING_ARMY_STACKS_COUNT_CHANCES": [10, 80], //example: [10,80] gives 10% chance for 1 stack, 70% for 2, 20% for 3. Additionally you can add -1 as last special value to start counting from 0 and allowing empty armies "DEFAULT_BUILDING_SET_DWELLING_CHANCES": [100, 50] //percent chance for dwellings to appear - for example [30,10,0,100] means 30% chance for 1st level dwelling, 10% for 2nd, 0% for 3rd, and guaranteed 4th level, no 5th, no 6th, no 7th }, "modules": { "STACK_EXPERIENCE": false, "STACK_ARTIFACTS": false, "COMMANDERS": false, "MITHRIL": false //so far unused }, "baseBonuses" : [ { "type" : "SPELL_DAMAGE", //Default spell damage "val" : 100, "valueType" : "BASE_NUMBER" } ], "heroBaseBonuses": [ { "type" : "MANA_REGENERATION", //default mana regeneration "val" : 1, "valueType" : "BASE_NUMBER" }, { "type" : "SIGHT_RADIUS", //default sight radius "val" : 5, "valueType" : "BASE_NUMBER" }, { "type" : "HERO_EXPERIENCE_GAIN_PERCENT", //default hero xp "val" : 100, "valueType" : "BASE_NUMBER" }, { "type" : "MANA_PER_KNOWLEDGE", //10 knowledge to 100 mana is default "val" : 10, "valueType" : "BASE_NUMBER" } ] }