/* * PriorityEvaluator.h, part of VCMI engine * * Authors: listed in file AUTHORS in main folder * * License: GNU General Public License v2.0 or later * Full text of license available in license.txt file, in main folder * */ #pragma once #include "fl/Headers.h" #include "../Goals/CGoal.h" #include "../Pathfinding/AIPathfinder.h" VCMI_LIB_NAMESPACE_BEGIN class CGWitchHut; VCMI_LIB_NAMESPACE_END namespace NKAI { class BuildingInfo; class Nullkiller; class RewardEvaluator { public: const Nullkiller * ai; RewardEvaluator(const Nullkiller * ai) : ai(ai) {} uint64_t getArmyReward(const CGObjectInstance * target, const CGHeroInstance * hero, const CCreatureSet * army, bool checkGold) const; int getGoldCost(const CGObjectInstance * target, const CGHeroInstance * hero, const CCreatureSet * army) const; float getEnemyHeroStrategicalValue(const CGHeroInstance * enemy) const; float getResourceRequirementStrength(int resType) const; float getStrategicalValue(const CGObjectInstance * target) const; float getTotalResourceRequirementStrength(int resType) const; float evaluateWitchHutSkillScore(const CGWitchHut * hut, const CGHeroInstance * hero, HeroRole role) const; float getSkillReward(const CGObjectInstance * target, const CGHeroInstance * hero, HeroRole role) const; int32_t getGoldReward(const CGObjectInstance * target, const CGHeroInstance * hero) const; uint64_t getUpgradeArmyReward(const CGTownInstance * town, const BuildingInfo & bi) const; uint64_t getEnemyHeroDanger(const AIPath & path) const; uint64_t getEnemyHeroDanger(const int3 & tile, uint8_t turn) const; }; struct DLL_EXPORT EvaluationContext { float movementCost; std::map movementCostByRole; int manaCost; uint64_t danger; float closestWayRatio; float armyLossPersentage; float armyReward; int32_t goldReward; int32_t goldCost; float skillReward; float strategicalValue; HeroRole heroRole; uint8_t turn; RewardEvaluator evaluator; float enemyHeroDangerRatio; EvaluationContext(const Nullkiller * ai); }; class IEvaluationContextBuilder { public: virtual ~IEvaluationContextBuilder() = default; virtual void buildEvaluationContext(EvaluationContext & evaluationContext, Goals::TSubgoal goal) const = 0; }; class Nullkiller; class PriorityEvaluator { public: PriorityEvaluator(const Nullkiller * ai); ~PriorityEvaluator(); void initVisitTile(); float evaluate(Goals::TSubgoal task); private: const Nullkiller * ai; fl::Engine * engine; fl::InputVariable * armyLossPersentageVariable; fl::InputVariable * heroRoleVariable; fl::InputVariable * mainTurnDistanceVariable; fl::InputVariable * scoutTurnDistanceVariable; fl::InputVariable * turnVariable; fl::InputVariable * goldRewardVariable; fl::InputVariable * armyRewardVariable; fl::InputVariable * dangerVariable; fl::InputVariable * skillRewardVariable; fl::InputVariable * strategicalValueVariable; fl::InputVariable * rewardTypeVariable; fl::InputVariable * closestHeroRatioVariable; fl::InputVariable * goldPreasureVariable; fl::InputVariable * goldCostVariable; fl::InputVariable * fearVariable; fl::OutputVariable * value; std::vector> evaluationContextBuilders; EvaluationContext buildEvaluationContext(Goals::TSubgoal goal) const; }; }