/* * BuildThis.cpp, part of VCMI engine * * Authors: listed in file AUTHORS in main folder * * License: GNU General Public License v2.0 or later * Full text of license available in license.txt file, in main folder * */ #include "StdInc.h" #include "BuildThis.h" #include "../AIGateway.h" #include "../AIUtility.h" #include "../../../lib/constants/StringConstants.h" #include "../../../lib/entities/building/CBuilding.h" namespace NKAI { using namespace Goals; BuildThis::BuildThis(BuildingID Bid, const CGTownInstance * tid) : ElementarGoal(Goals::BUILD_STRUCTURE) { buildingInfo = BuildingInfo( tid->getTown()->buildings.at(Bid), nullptr, CreatureID::NONE, tid, nullptr); bid = Bid; town = tid; } bool BuildThis::operator==(const BuildThis & other) const { return town == other.town && bid == other.bid; } std::string BuildThis::toString() const { return "Build " + buildingInfo.name + " in " + town->getNameTranslated(); } void BuildThis::accept(AIGateway * ai) { auto b = BuildingID(bid); if(town) { if(cb->canBuildStructure(town, b) == EBuildingState::ALLOWED) { logAi->debug("Player %d will build %s in town of %s at %s", ai->playerID, town->getTown()->buildings.at(b)->getNameTranslated(), town->getNameTranslated(), town->anchorPos().toString()); cb->buildBuilding(town, b); return; } } throw cannotFulfillGoalException("Cannot build a given structure!"); } }