Engine: visit tile description: visit tile priority InputVariable: mainTurnDistance description: distance to tile in turns enabled: true range: 0.000 10.000 lock-range: true term: LOWEST Ramp 0.400 0.000 term: LOW Discrete 0.000 1.000 0.500 0.800 0.800 0.300 2.000 0.000 term: MEDIUM Discrete 0.000 0.000 0.500 0.200 0.800 0.700 2.000 1.000 6.000 0.000 term: LONG Discrete 2.000 0.000 6.000 1.000 10.000 0.800 InputVariable: scoutTurnDistance description: distance to tile in turns enabled: true range: 0.000 10.000 lock-range: true term: LOWEST Ramp 0.250 0.000 term: LOW Discrete 0.000 1.000 0.500 0.800 1.000 0.000 term: MEDIUM Discrete 0.000 0.000 0.500 0.200 1.000 1.000 2.500 0.300 4.000 0.000 term: LONG Discrete 1.000 0.000 1.500 0.200 3.000 0.800 10.000 1.000 InputVariable: goldReward description: estimated amount of gold received enabled: true range: 0.000 5000.000 lock-range: true term: LOWEST Triangle 0.000 100.000 200.000 term: SMALL Triangle 100.000 200.000 400.000 term: MEDIUM Triangle 200.000 400.000 1000.000 term: BIG Triangle 400.000 1000.000 5000.000 term: HUGE Ramp 1000.000 5000.000 InputVariable: armyReward enabled: true range: 0.000 10000.000 lock-range: false term: NONE Ramp 100.000 0.000 term: LOW Triangle 0.000 700.000 3000.000 term: HIGH Ramp 3000.000 10000.000 term: MEDIUM Triangle 700.000 3000.000 8000.000 InputVariable: armyLoss enabled: true range: 0.000 1.000 lock-range: false term: LOW Ramp 0.200 0.000 term: MEDIUM Triangle 0.000 0.200 0.500 term: HIGH Ramp 0.200 0.500 term: ALL Ramp 0.700 1.000 InputVariable: heroRole enabled: true range: -0.100 1.100 lock-range: false term: SCOUT Rectangle -0.500 0.500 term: MAIN Rectangle 0.500 1.500 InputVariable: danger enabled: true range: 0.000 10000.000 lock-range: false term: NONE Ramp 20.000 0.000 term: LOW Triangle 50.000 1000.000 2000.000 term: HIGH Ramp 2000.000 5000.000 term: MEDIUM Triangle 1000.000 2000.000 5000.000 InputVariable: skillReward enabled: true range: 0.000 10.000 lock-range: false term: NONE Ramp 1.000 0.000 term: LOW Triangle 0.000 1.000 3.000 term: MEDIUM Triangle 1.000 3.000 5.000 term: HIGH Discrete 3.000 0.000 5.000 0.800 10.000 1.000 InputVariable: rewardType enabled: true range: 0.000 3.000 lock-range: false term: SINGLE Rectangle 0.500 1.500 term: MIXED Rectangle 1.500 2.500 term: NONE Rectangle 0.000 0.500 InputVariable: closestHeroRatio enabled: true range: 0.000 1.000 lock-range: false term: LOW Discrete 0.000 1.000 0.500 0.800 0.700 0.200 1.000 0.000 term: HIGH Discrete 0.500 0.000 0.700 0.600 1.000 1.000 term: LOWEST Discrete 0.000 1.000 0.400 0.200 0.900 0.000 InputVariable: strategicalValue description: Some abstract long term benefit non gold or army or skill enabled: true range: 0.000 3.000 lock-range: false term: NONE Ramp 0.200 0.000 term: LOWEST Triangle 0.000 0.010 0.250 term: LOW Triangle 0.000 0.250 1.000 term: MEDIUM Triangle 0.250 1.000 2.000 term: HIGH Triangle 1.000 2.000 3.000 term: CRITICAL Ramp 2.000 3.000 InputVariable: goldPressure description: Ratio between weekly army cost and gold income enabled: true range: 0.000 1.000 lock-range: false term: LOW Ramp 0.300 0.000 term: HIGH Discrete 0.100 0.000 0.250 0.200 0.300 0.300 0.400 0.700 1.000 1.000 InputVariable: goldCost description: Action cost in gold enabled: true range: 0.000 1.000 lock-range: false term: NONE Ramp 0.050 0.000 term: MEDIUM Triangle 0.100 0.200 0.500 term: LOW Triangle 0.000 0.100 0.200 term: HIGH Discrete 0.200 0.000 0.300 0.600 0.500 0.900 1.000 1.000 InputVariable: turn description: Turn of goal completion. Discrete variable to sharpen boundaries between turns. Turn distances does not care about turn boundaries and just count total movement points enabled: true range: 0.000 5.000 lock-range: false term: NOW Ramp 1.000 0.999 term: NEXT Trapezoid 1.000 1.000 1.990 2.000 term: FUTURE Discrete 1.990 0.000 2.000 0.500 2.999 0.500 3.000 1.000 InputVariable: fear description: Fear strength of enemy heroes enabled: true range: 0.000 2.000 lock-range: false term: LOW Triangle 0.000 0.500 1.000 term: MEDIUM Triangle 0.500 1.000 1.500 term: HIGH Ramp 1.000 1.800 InputVariable: armyGrowth enabled: true range: 0.000 20000.000 lock-range: false term: NONE Ramp 100.000 0.000 term: SMALL Triangle 0.000 1000.000 3000.000 term: MEDIUM Triangle 1000.000 3000.000 8000.000 term: BIG Triangle 3000.000 8000.000 20000.000 term: HUGE Ramp 8000.000 20000.000 OutputVariable: Value enabled: true range: -1.500 2.500 lock-range: false aggregation: AlgebraicSum defuzzifier: Centroid 100 default: 0.500 lock-previous: false term: WORST Binary -1.000 -inf 0.700 term: BAD Rectangle -1.000 -0.700 0.500 term: BASE Rectangle -0.200 0.200 0.350 term: MEDIUM Rectangle 0.910 1.090 0.500 term: SMALL Rectangle 0.960 1.040 0.600 term: BITHIGH Rectangle 0.850 1.150 0.400 term: HIGH Rectangle 0.750 1.250 0.400 term: HIGHEST Rectangle 0.500 1.500 0.350 term: CRITICAL Ramp 0.500 2.000 0.500 RuleBlock: basic enabled: true conjunction: AlgebraicProduct disjunction: AlgebraicSum implication: AlgebraicProduct activation: General rule: if heroRole is MAIN then Value is BASE rule: if heroRole is SCOUT then Value is BASE rule: if heroRole is MAIN and armyGrowth is HUGE and fear is not HIGH then Value is HIGH rule: if heroRole is MAIN and armyGrowth is BIG and mainTurnDistance is LOW then Value is HIGH rule: if heroRole is MAIN and armyGrowth is BIG and mainTurnDistance is MEDIUM and fear is not HIGH then Value is BITHIGH rule: if heroRole is MAIN and armyGrowth is BIG and mainTurnDistance is LONG and fear is not HIGH then Value is MEDIUM rule: if armyLoss is ALL then Value is WORST rule: if turn is not NOW then Value is BAD with 0.1 rule: if closestHeroRatio is LOWEST and heroRole is SCOUT then Value is WORST rule: if closestHeroRatio is LOW and heroRole is SCOUT then Value is BAD rule: if closestHeroRatio is LOWEST and heroRole is MAIN then Value is BAD rule: if heroRole is SCOUT and turn is NOW and mainTurnDistance is LONG then Value is WORST rule: if heroRole is SCOUT and turn is NOW and mainTurnDistance is MEDIUM then Value is BAD rule: if heroRole is SCOUT and turn is NEXT and mainTurnDistance is LONG then Value is BAD rule: if heroRole is SCOUT and turn is NOW and scoutTurnDistance is LONG then Value is BAD rule: if heroRole is SCOUT and fear is HIGH then Value is BAD with 0.8 rule: if heroRole is SCOUT and fear is MEDIUM then Value is BAD with 0.5 rule: if heroRole is MAIN and fear is HIGH then Value is BAD with 0.5 rule: if heroRole is MAIN and fear is MEDIUM then Value is BAD with 0.2 RuleBlock: strategicalValue enabled: true conjunction: AlgebraicProduct disjunction: NormalizedSum implication: AlgebraicProduct activation: General rule: if heroRole is MAIN and strategicalValue is HIGH and turn is NOW then Value is HIGHEST rule: if heroRole is MAIN and strategicalValue is HIGH and turn is not NOW and mainTurnDistance is LOW and fear is not HIGH then Value is HIGHEST rule: if heroRole is MAIN and strategicalValue is HIGH and mainTurnDistance is MEDIUM and fear is not HIGH then Value is HIGHEST with 0.5 rule: if heroRole is MAIN and strategicalValue is HIGH and mainTurnDistance is LONG and fear is not HIGH then Value is HIGH rule: if heroRole is MAIN and strategicalValue is MEDIUM and mainTurnDistance is LOW then Value is HIGH rule: if heroRole is MAIN and strategicalValue is MEDIUM and mainTurnDistance is MEDIUM and fear is not HIGH then Value is BITHIGH rule: if heroRole is MAIN and strategicalValue is MEDIUM and mainTurnDistance is LONG and fear is not HIGH then Value is MEDIUM rule: if heroRole is MAIN and strategicalValue is LOW and mainTurnDistance is LOW and fear is not HIGH then Value is MEDIUM rule: if heroRole is MAIN and strategicalValue is LOW and mainTurnDistance is MEDIUM and fear is not HIGH then Value is SMALL rule: if heroRole is SCOUT and strategicalValue is HIGH and danger is not NONE and turn is NOW then Value is HIGH rule: if heroRole is SCOUT and strategicalValue is HIGH and danger is not NONE and turn is not NOW and scoutTurnDistance is LOW and fear is not HIGH then Value is HIGH rule: if heroRole is SCOUT and strategicalValue is HIGH and danger is not NONE and scoutTurnDistance is MEDIUM and fear is not HIGH then Value is HIGH with 0.5 rule: if heroRole is SCOUT and strategicalValue is HIGH and danger is not NONE and scoutTurnDistance is LONG and fear is not HIGH then Value is BITHIGH rule: if heroRole is SCOUT and strategicalValue is MEDIUM and danger is not NONE and scoutTurnDistance is LOW then Value is BITHIGH rule: if heroRole is SCOUT and strategicalValue is MEDIUM and danger is not NONE and scoutTurnDistance is MEDIUM and fear is not HIGH then Value is MEDIUM rule: if heroRole is SCOUT and strategicalValue is MEDIUM and danger is not NONE and scoutTurnDistance is LONG and fear is not HIGH then Value is SMALL rule: if heroRole is SCOUT and strategicalValue is LOW and danger is not NONE and scoutTurnDistance is LOW and fear is not HIGH then Value is SMALL rule: if heroRole is SCOUT and strategicalValue is HIGH and danger is NONE and turn is NOW then Value is HIGHEST rule: if heroRole is SCOUT and strategicalValue is HIGH and danger is NONE and turn is not NOW and scoutTurnDistance is LOW and fear is not HIGH then Value is HIGHEST rule: if heroRole is SCOUT and strategicalValue is HIGH and danger is NONE and scoutTurnDistance is MEDIUM and fear is not HIGH then Value is HIGHEST with 0.5 rule: if heroRole is SCOUT and strategicalValue is HIGH and danger is NONE and scoutTurnDistance is LONG and fear is not HIGH then Value is HIGH rule: if heroRole is SCOUT and strategicalValue is MEDIUM and danger is NONE and scoutTurnDistance is LOW then Value is HIGH rule: if heroRole is SCOUT and strategicalValue is MEDIUM and danger is NONE and scoutTurnDistance is MEDIUM and fear is not HIGH then Value is BITHIGH rule: if heroRole is SCOUT and strategicalValue is MEDIUM and danger is NONE and scoutTurnDistance is LONG and fear is not HIGH then Value is MEDIUM rule: if heroRole is SCOUT and strategicalValue is LOW and danger is NONE and scoutTurnDistance is LOW and fear is not HIGH then Value is MEDIUM rule: if heroRole is SCOUT and strategicalValue is LOW and danger is NONE and scoutTurnDistance is MEDIUM and fear is not HIGH then Value is SMALL rule: if armyLoss is HIGH and strategicalValue is LOW then Value is BAD rule: if armyLoss is HIGH and strategicalValue is MEDIUM then Value is BAD with 0.7 rule: if strategicalValue is CRITICAL and heroRole is MAIN then Value is CRITICAL rule: if strategicalValue is CRITICAL and heroRole is SCOUT then Value is CRITICAL with 0.7 RuleBlock: armyReward enabled: true conjunction: AlgebraicProduct disjunction: AlgebraicSum implication: AlgebraicProduct activation: General rule: if heroRole is MAIN and armyReward is HIGH and mainTurnDistance is LOW and fear is not HIGH then Value is HIGHEST rule: if heroRole is MAIN and armyReward is HIGH and mainTurnDistance is MEDIUM and fear is not HIGH then Value is HIGH rule: if heroRole is MAIN and armyReward is HIGH and mainTurnDistance is LONG and fear is not HIGH then Value is BITHIGH rule: if heroRole is MAIN and armyReward is MEDIUM and mainTurnDistance is LOW then Value is HIGH rule: if heroRole is MAIN and armyReward is MEDIUM and mainTurnDistance is MEDIUM and fear is not HIGH then Value is BITHIGH rule: if heroRole is MAIN and armyReward is MEDIUM and mainTurnDistance is LONG and fear is not HIGH then Value is MEDIUM rule: if heroRole is MAIN and armyReward is LOW and mainTurnDistance is LOW and fear is not HIGH then Value is MEDIUM rule: if heroRole is MAIN and armyReward is LOW and mainTurnDistance is MEDIUM and fear is not HIGH then Value is SMALL rule: if heroRole is SCOUT and armyReward is HIGH and danger is NONE and scoutTurnDistance is LOW and fear is not HIGH then Value is HIGH rule: if heroRole is SCOUT and armyReward is HIGH and danger is NONE and scoutTurnDistance is MEDIUM and fear is not HIGH then Value is HIGH with 0.7 rule: if heroRole is SCOUT and armyReward is HIGH and danger is NONE and scoutTurnDistance is LONG and fear is not HIGH then Value is BITHIGH rule: if heroRole is SCOUT and armyReward is MEDIUM and danger is NONE and scoutTurnDistance is LOW then Value is HIGH with 0.7 rule: if heroRole is SCOUT and armyReward is MEDIUM and danger is NONE and scoutTurnDistance is MEDIUM and fear is not HIGH then Value is BITHIGH rule: if heroRole is SCOUT and armyReward is MEDIUM and danger is NONE and scoutTurnDistance is LONG and fear is not HIGH then Value is MEDIUM rule: if heroRole is SCOUT and armyReward is LOW and danger is NONE and scoutTurnDistance is LOW and fear is not HIGH then Value is MEDIUM rule: if heroRole is SCOUT and armyReward is LOW and danger is NONE and scoutTurnDistance is MEDIUM and fear is not HIGH then Value is SMALL RuleBlock: gold enabled: true conjunction: AlgebraicProduct disjunction: AlgebraicSum implication: AlgebraicProduct activation: General rule: if goldReward is HUGE and goldPressure is HIGH and heroRole is SCOUT and danger is NONE then Value is HIGHEST rule: if goldReward is HUGE and goldPressure is HIGH and heroRole is SCOUT and danger is not NONE and armyLoss is LOW then Value is BITHIGH rule: if goldReward is HUGE and heroRole is MAIN and danger is not NONE and armyLoss is LOW then Value is HIGHEST rule: if goldReward is HUGE and goldPressure is HIGH and heroRole is MAIN and danger is NONE then Value is HIGH rule: if goldReward is BIG and goldPressure is HIGH and heroRole is SCOUT and danger is NONE then Value is HIGH rule: if goldReward is BIG and goldPressure is HIGH and heroRole is SCOUT and danger is not NONE then Value is MEDIUM rule: if goldReward is BIG and goldPressure is HIGH and heroRole is MAIN and danger is not NONE and armyLoss is LOW then Value is HIGH rule: if goldReward is BIG and goldPressure is HIGH and heroRole is MAIN and danger is NONE then Value is MEDIUM rule: if goldReward is MEDIUM and goldPressure is HIGH and heroRole is SCOUT and danger is NONE then Value is BITHIGH rule: if goldReward is MEDIUM and goldPressure is HIGH and heroRole is SCOUT and danger is not NONE then Value is SMALL rule: if goldReward is MEDIUM and goldPressure is HIGH and heroRole is MAIN and danger is not NONE and armyLoss is LOW then Value is BITHIGH rule: if goldReward is SMALL and goldPressure is HIGH and heroRole is SCOUT and danger is NONE then Value is MEDIUM rule: if goldReward is SMALL and goldPressure is HIGH and heroRole is MAIN and danger is not NONE and armyLoss is LOW then Value is SMALL rule: if goldReward is LOWEST then Value is SMALL with 0.1 rule: if goldReward is SMALL then Value is SMALL with 0.2 rule: if goldReward is MEDIUM then Value is SMALL with 0.5 rule: if goldReward is BIG then Value is SMALL rule: if goldReward is HUGE then Value is BITHIGH RuleBlock: skill reward enabled: true conjunction: AlgebraicProduct disjunction: AlgebraicSum implication: AlgebraicProduct activation: General rule: if heroRole is MAIN and skillReward is LOW and mainTurnDistance is LOWEST and fear is not HIGH then Value is HIGH rule: if heroRole is MAIN and skillReward is MEDIUM and mainTurnDistance is LOWEST and fear is not HIGH then Value is HIGHEST rule: if heroRole is MAIN and skillReward is HIGH and mainTurnDistance is LOWEST and fear is not HIGH then Value is HIGHEST rule: if heroRole is MAIN and skillReward is LOW and mainTurnDistance is LOW and fear is not HIGH then Value is BITHIGH rule: if heroRole is MAIN and skillReward is MEDIUM and mainTurnDistance is LOW and fear is not HIGH then Value is HIGH rule: if heroRole is MAIN and skillReward is HIGH and mainTurnDistance is LOW and fear is not HIGH then Value is HIGHEST rule: if heroRole is MAIN and skillReward is LOW and mainTurnDistance is MEDIUM and fear is not HIGH then Value is MEDIUM rule: if heroRole is MAIN and skillReward is MEDIUM and mainTurnDistance is MEDIUM and fear is not HIGH then Value is BITHIGH rule: if heroRole is MAIN and skillReward is HIGH and mainTurnDistance is MEDIUM and fear is not HIGH then Value is HIGH rule: if heroRole is MAIN and skillReward is LOW and mainTurnDistance is LONG and fear is not HIGH then Value is SMALL rule: if heroRole is MAIN and skillReward is MEDIUM and mainTurnDistance is LONG and fear is not HIGH then Value is MEDIUM rule: if heroRole is MAIN and skillReward is HIGH and mainTurnDistance is LONG and fear is not HIGH then Value is BITHIGH