#include "StdInc.h" #include "CCallback.h" #include "lib/CCreatureHandler.h" #include "client/CGameInfo.h" #include "lib/CGameState.h" #include "lib/BattleState.h" #include "client/CPlayerInterface.h" #include "client/Client.h" #include "lib/map.h" #include "lib/CBuildingHandler.h" #include "lib/CDefObjInfoHandler.h" #include "lib/CGeneralTextHandler.h" #include "lib/CHeroHandler.h" #include "lib/CObjectHandler.h" #include "lib/Connection.h" #include "lib/NetPacks.h" #include "client/mapHandler.h" #include "lib/CSpellHandler.h" #include "lib/CArtHandler.h" #include "lib/GameConstants.h" #ifdef min #undef min #endif #ifdef max #undef max #endif #include "lib/UnlockGuard.h" /* * CCallback.cpp, part of VCMI engine * * Authors: listed in file AUTHORS in main folder * * License: GNU General Public License v2.0 or later * Full text of license available in license.txt file, in main folder * */ template bool isType(CPack *pack) { return pack->getType() == N; } bool CCallback::teleportHero(const CGHeroInstance *who, const CGTownInstance *where) { CastleTeleportHero pack(who->id, where->id, 1); sendRequest(&pack); return true; } bool CCallback::moveHero(const CGHeroInstance *h, int3 dst) { MoveHero pack(dst,h->id); sendRequest(&pack); return true; } void CCallback::selectionMade(int selection, int asker) { QueryReply pack(asker,selection); pack.player = player; sendRequest(&pack); } void CCallback::recruitCreatures(const CGObjectInstance *obj, ui32 ID, ui32 amount, si32 level/*=-1*/) { if(player!=obj->tempOwner && obj->ID != 106) return; RecruitCreatures pack(obj->id,ID,amount,level); sendRequest(&pack); } bool CCallback::dismissCreature(const CArmedInstance *obj, int stackPos) { if(((player>=0) && obj->tempOwner != player) || (obj->stacksCount()<2 && obj->needsLastStack())) return false; DisbandCreature pack(stackPos,obj->id); sendRequest(&pack); return true; } bool CCallback::upgradeCreature(const CArmedInstance *obj, int stackPos, int newID) { UpgradeCreature pack(stackPos,obj->id,newID); sendRequest(&pack); return false; } void CCallback::endTurn() { tlog5 << "Player " << (unsigned)player << " ended his turn." << std::endl; EndTurn pack; sendRequest(&pack); //report that we ended turn } int CCallback::swapCreatures(const CArmedInstance *s1, const CArmedInstance *s2, int p1, int p2) { ArrangeStacks pack(1,p1,p2,s1->id,s2->id,0); sendRequest(&pack); return 0; } int CCallback::mergeStacks(const CArmedInstance *s1, const CArmedInstance *s2, int p1, int p2) { ArrangeStacks pack(2,p1,p2,s1->id,s2->id,0); sendRequest(&pack); return 0; } int CCallback::splitStack(const CArmedInstance *s1, const CArmedInstance *s2, int p1, int p2, int val) { ArrangeStacks pack(3,p1,p2,s1->id,s2->id,val); sendRequest(&pack); return 0; } bool CCallback::dismissHero(const CGHeroInstance *hero) { if(player!=hero->tempOwner) return false; DismissHero pack(hero->id); sendRequest(&pack); return true; } // int CCallback::getMySerial() const // { // boost::shared_lock lock(*gs->mx); // return gs->players[player].serial; // } bool CCallback::swapArtifacts(const IArtifactSetBase * src, ui16 pos1, const IArtifactSetBase * dest, ui16 pos2) { const CStackInstance * stack1 = dynamic_cast(src); const CStackInstance * stack2 = dynamic_cast(dest); const CGHeroInstance * hero1 = dynamic_cast(src); const CGHeroInstance * hero2 = dynamic_cast(dest); ExchangeArtifacts ea(0,0,0,0); if (hero1 && hero2) { if(player!=hero1->tempOwner && player!=hero2->tempOwner) //player can exchange artifacts only between his own heroes return false; else { ExchangeArtifacts ea(hero1->id, hero2->id, pos1, pos2); sendRequest(&ea); return true; } } else if (hero1 && stack2) //move artifact from hero to stack { ea.hid1 = hero1->id; ea.s2 = StackLocation(stack2->armyObj, stack2->armyObj->findStack(stack2)); ea.slot1 = pos1; ea.slot2 = pos2; sendRequest(&ea); return true; } else if (stack1 && hero2) //move artifacts from stakc to hero { ea.s1 = StackLocation(stack1->armyObj, stack1->armyObj->findStack(stack1)); ea.hid2 = hero2->id; ea.slot1 = pos1; ea.slot2 = pos2; sendRequest(&ea); return true; } else if (stack1 && stack2) { //TODO: merge stacks? return false; } else return false; } /** * Assembles or disassembles a combination artifact. * @param hero Hero holding the artifact(s). * @param artifactSlot The worn slot ID of the combination- or constituent artifact. * @param assemble True for assembly operation, false for disassembly. * @param assembleTo If assemble is true, this represents the artifact ID of the combination * artifact to assemble to. Otherwise it's not used. */ bool CCallback::assembleArtifacts (const CGHeroInstance * hero, ui16 artifactSlot, bool assemble, ui32 assembleTo) { if (player != hero->tempOwner) return false; AssembleArtifacts aa(hero->id, artifactSlot, assemble, assembleTo); sendRequest(&aa); return true; } bool CCallback::buildBuilding(const CGTownInstance *town, si32 buildingID) { //CGTownInstance * t = const_cast(town); if(town->tempOwner!=player) return false; if(!canBuildStructure(town, buildingID)) return false; // const CBuilding *b = CGI->buildh->buildings[t->subID][buildingID]; // for(int i=0;iresources.size();i++) // if(b->resources[i] > gs->players[player].resources[i]) // return false; //lack of resources BuildStructure pack(town->id,buildingID); sendRequest(&pack); return true; } int CBattleCallback::battleMakeAction(BattleAction* action) { assert(action->actionType == BattleAction::HERO_SPELL); MakeCustomAction mca(*action); sendRequest(&mca); return 0; } void CBattleCallback::sendRequest(const CPack* request) { int requestID = cl->sendRequest(request, player); if(waitTillRealize) { tlog5 << boost::format("We'll wait till request %d is answered.\n") % requestID; unique_ptr unlocker; //optional, if flag set if(unlockGsWhenWaiting) unlocker = make_unique(getGsMutex()); cl->waitingRequest.waitWhileContains(requestID); } } void CCallback::swapGarrisonHero( const CGTownInstance *town ) { if(town->tempOwner != player) return; GarrisonHeroSwap pack(town->id); sendRequest(&pack); } void CCallback::buyArtifact(const CGHeroInstance *hero, int aid) { if(hero->tempOwner != player) return; BuyArtifact pack(hero->id,aid); sendRequest(&pack); } void CCallback::trade(const CGObjectInstance *market, int mode, int id1, int id2, int val1, const CGHeroInstance *hero/* = NULL*/) { TradeOnMarketplace pack; pack.market = market; pack.hero = hero; pack.mode = mode; pack.r1 = id1; pack.r2 = id2; pack.val = val1; sendRequest(&pack); } void CCallback::setFormation(const CGHeroInstance * hero, bool tight) { const_cast(hero)-> formation = tight; SetFormation pack(hero->id,tight); sendRequest(&pack); } void CCallback::setSelection(const CArmedInstance * obj) { SetSelection ss; ss.player = player; ss.id = obj->id; sendRequest(&(CPackForClient&)ss); if(obj->ID == GameConstants::HEROI_TYPE) { if(cl->pathInfo->hero != obj) //calculate new paths only if we selected a different hero cl->calculatePaths(static_cast(obj)); //nasty workaround. TODO: nice workaround cl->gs->getPlayer(player)->currentSelection = obj->id; } } void CCallback::recruitHero(const CGObjectInstance *townOrTavern, const CGHeroInstance *hero) { ui8 i=0; for(; iplayers[player].availableHeroes.size(); i++) { if(gs->players[player].availableHeroes[i] == hero) { HireHero pack(i,townOrTavern->id); pack.player = player; sendRequest(&pack); return; } } } bool CCallback::getPath(int3 src, int3 dest, const CGHeroInstance * hero, CPath &ret) { return gs->getPath(src,dest,hero, ret); } void CCallback::save( const std::string &fname ) { cl->save(fname); } void CCallback::sendMessage(const std::string &mess) { PlayerMessage pm(player, mess); sendRequest(&(CPackForClient&)pm); } void CCallback::buildBoat( const IShipyard *obj ) { BuildBoat bb; bb.objid = obj->o->id; sendRequest(&bb); } CCallback::CCallback( CGameState * GS, int Player, CClient *C ) :CBattleCallback(GS, Player, C) { waitTillRealize = false; unlockGsWhenWaiting = false; } const CGPathNode * CCallback::getPathInfo( int3 tile ) { if (!gs->map->isInTheMap(tile)) return nullptr; validatePaths(); return &cl->pathInfo->nodes[tile.x][tile.y][tile.z]; } bool CCallback::getPath2( int3 dest, CGPath &ret ) { if (!gs->map->isInTheMap(dest)) return false; validatePaths(); boost::unique_lock pathLock(cl->pathMx); return cl->pathInfo->getPath(dest, ret); } void CCallback::recalculatePaths() { cl->calculatePaths(cl->IGameCallback::getSelectedHero(player)); } void CCallback::calculatePaths( const CGHeroInstance *hero, CPathsInfo &out, int3 src /*= int3(-1,-1,-1)*/, int movement /*= -1*/ ) { gs->calculatePaths(hero, out, src, movement); } void CCallback::dig( const CGObjectInstance *hero ) { DigWithHero dwh; dwh.id = hero->id; sendRequest(&dwh); } void CCallback::castSpell(const CGHeroInstance *hero, int spellID, const int3 &pos) { CastAdvSpell cas; cas.hid = hero->id; cas.sid = spellID; cas.pos = pos; sendRequest(&cas); } void CCallback::unregisterMyInterface() { assert(player >= 0); //works only for player callback cl->playerint.erase(player); cl->battleints.erase(player); //TODO? should callback be disabled as well? } void CCallback::validatePaths() { const CGHeroInstance *h = cl->IGameCallback::getSelectedHero(player); if(h && ( cl->pathInfo->hero != h //wrong hero || cl->pathInfo->hpos != h->getPosition(false) //wrong hero positoin || !cl->pathInfo->isValid)) //paths invalidated by game event { recalculatePaths(); } } int CCallback::mergeOrSwapStacks(const CArmedInstance *s1, const CArmedInstance *s2, int p1, int p2) { if(s1->getCreature(p1) == s2->getCreature(p2)) return mergeStacks(s1, s2, p1, p2); else return swapCreatures(s1, s2, p1, p2); } CBattleCallback::CBattleCallback(CGameState *GS, int Player, CClient *C ) { gs = GS; player = Player; cl = C; } bool CBattleCallback::battleMakeTacticAction( BattleAction * action ) { assert(cl->gs->curB->tacticDistance); MakeAction ma; ma.ba = *action; sendRequest(&ma); return true; }