/* * CGoal.h, part of VCMI engine * * Authors: listed in file AUTHORS in main folder * * License: GNU General Public License v2.0 or later * Full text of license available in license.txt file, in main folder * */ #pragma once #include "AbstractGoal.h" #include "../FuzzyHelper.h" #include "../VCAI.h" struct HeroPtr; class VCAI; namespace Goals { template class DLL_EXPORT CGoal : public AbstractGoal { public: CGoal(EGoals goal = INVALID) : AbstractGoal(goal) { priority = 0; isElementar = false; isAbstract = false; value = 0; aid = -1; objid = -1; resID = -1; tile = int3(-1, -1, -1); town = nullptr; } OSETTER(bool, isElementar) OSETTER(bool, isAbstract) OSETTER(float, priority) OSETTER(int, value) OSETTER(int, resID) OSETTER(int, objid) OSETTER(int, aid) OSETTER(int3, tile) OSETTER(HeroPtr, hero) OSETTER(CGTownInstance *, town) OSETTER(int, bid) void accept(VCAI * ai) override { ai->tryRealize(static_cast(*this)); //casting enforces template instantiation } float accept(FuzzyHelper * f) override { return f->evaluate(static_cast(*this)); //casting enforces template instantiation } CGoal * clone() const override { return new T(static_cast(*this)); //casting enforces template instantiation } TSubgoal iAmElementar() { setisElementar(true); //FIXME: it's not const-correct, maybe we shoudl only set returned clone? TSubgoal ptr; ptr.reset(clone()); return ptr; } template void serialize(Handler & h, const int version) { h & static_cast(*this); //h & goalType & isElementar & isAbstract & priority; //h & value & resID & objid & aid & tile & hero & town & bid; } virtual bool operator==(const AbstractGoal & g) const override { if(goalType != g.goalType) return false; return (*this) == (dynamic_cast(g)); } virtual bool operator==(const T & other) const = 0; }; }