#include "CAdvmapInterface.h" #include "SDL_Extensions.h" #include "hch/CDefHandler.h" #include "CGameInfo.h" #include "hch/CLodHandler.h" #include "hch/CGeneralTextHandler.h" #include "hch/CTownHandler.h" #include "CCallback.h" #include "client/CConfigHandler.h" #include "client/Graphics.h" #include "CBattleInterface.h" AdventureMapButton::AdventureMapButton () { type=2; abs=true; active=false; ourObj=NULL; state=0; blocked = actOnDown = false; } //AdventureMapButton::AdventureMapButton( std::string Name, std::string HelpBox, boost::function<void()> Callback, int x, int y, std::string defName, bool activ, std::vector<std::string> * add, bool playerColoredButton) //{ // init(Callback, Name, HelpBox, playerColoredButton, defName, add, x, y, activ); //} AdventureMapButton::AdventureMapButton( const std::string &Name, const std::string &HelpBox, const CFunctionList<void()> &Callback, int x, int y, const std::string &defName,int key, std::vector<std::string> * add, bool playerColoredButton ) { std::map<int,std::string> pom; pom[0] = Name; init(Callback, pom, HelpBox, playerColoredButton, defName, add, x, y, key); } AdventureMapButton::AdventureMapButton( const std::map<int,std::string> &Name, const std::string &HelpBox, const CFunctionList<void()> &Callback, int x, int y, const std::string &defName, int key, std::vector<std::string> * add /*= NULL*/, bool playerColoredButton /*= false */ ) { init(Callback, Name, HelpBox, playerColoredButton, defName, add, x, y, key); } AdventureMapButton::AdventureMapButton( const std::string &Name, const std::string &HelpBox, const CFunctionList<void()> &Callback, config::ButtonInfo *info, int key/*=0*/ ) { std::map<int,std::string> pom; pom[0] = Name; init(Callback, pom, HelpBox, info->playerColoured, info->defName, &info->additionalDefs, info->x, info->y, key); } void AdventureMapButton::clickLeft (tribool down) { if(blocked) return; if (down) state=1; else state=0; show(); if (actOnDown && down) { pressedL=state; //if(!callback.empty()) callback(); } else if (!actOnDown && pressedL && (down==false)) { pressedL=state; //if(!callback.empty()) callback(); } else { pressedL=state; } } void AdventureMapButton::clickRight (tribool down) { if(helpBox.size()) //there is no point to show window with nothing inside... LOCPLINT->adventureInt->handleRightClick(helpBox,down,this); } void AdventureMapButton::hover (bool on) { Hoverable::hover(on); std::string *name = (vstd::contains(hoverTexts,state)) ? (&hoverTexts[state]) : (vstd::contains(hoverTexts,0) ? (&hoverTexts[0]) : NULL); if(name) //if there is no name, there is nohing to display also { if (LOCPLINT->curint == static_cast<CMainInterface*>(LOCPLINT->battleInt)) //for battle buttons { if(on && LOCPLINT->battleInt->console->alterTxt == "") { LOCPLINT->battleInt->console->alterTxt = *name; LOCPLINT->battleInt->console->whoSetAlter = 1; } else if (LOCPLINT->battleInt->console->alterTxt == *name) { LOCPLINT->battleInt->console->alterTxt = ""; LOCPLINT->battleInt->console->whoSetAlter = 0; } } else //for other buttons { if (on) LOCPLINT->statusbar->print(*name); else if ( LOCPLINT->statusbar->getCurrent()==(*name) ) LOCPLINT->statusbar->clear(); } } } void AdventureMapButton::activate() { if (active) return; active=true; ClickableL::activate(); ClickableR::activate(); Hoverable::activate(); KeyInterested::activate(); } void AdventureMapButton::deactivate() { if (!active) return; active=false; ClickableL::deactivate(); ClickableR::deactivate(); Hoverable::deactivate(); KeyInterested::deactivate(); } void AdventureMapButton::init(const CFunctionList<void()> &Callback, const std::map<int,std::string> &Name, const std::string &HelpBox, bool playerColoredButton, const std::string &defName, std::vector<std::string> * add, int x, int y, int key) { callback = Callback; blocked = actOnDown = false; type=2; abs=true; active=false; ourObj=NULL; assignedKeys.insert(key); state=0; hoverTexts = Name; helpBox=HelpBox; //int est = LOCPLINT->playerID; //TODO use me CDefHandler * temp = CDefHandler::giveDef(defName); temp->notFreeImgs = true; for (size_t i=0;i<temp->ourImages.size();i++) { imgs.resize(1); imgs[0].push_back(temp->ourImages[i].bitmap); if(playerColoredButton) { graphics->blueToPlayersAdv(imgs[curimg][i],LOCPLINT->playerID); } } delete temp; if (add && add->size()) { imgs.resize(imgs.size()+add->size()); for (size_t i=0; i<add->size();i++) { temp = CDefHandler::giveDef((*add)[i]); temp->notFreeImgs = true; for (size_t j=0;j<temp->ourImages.size();j++) { imgs[i+1].push_back(temp->ourImages[j].bitmap); if(playerColoredButton) { graphics->blueToPlayersAdv(imgs[1+i][j],LOCPLINT->playerID); } } delete temp; } //delete add; } pos.x=x; pos.y=y; pos.w = imgs[curimg][0]->w; pos.h = imgs[curimg][0]->h -1; } void AdventureMapButton::block( bool on ) { blocked = on; state = 0; bitmapOffset = on ? 2 : 0; show(); } void CHighlightableButton::select(bool on) { selected = on; state = selected ? 3 : 0; if(selected) callback(); else callback2(); if(hoverTexts.size()>1) { hover(false); hover(true); } } void CHighlightableButton::clickLeft( tribool down ) { if(blocked) return; if (down) state=1; else state = selected ? 3 : 0; show(); if (pressedL && (down==false)) { pressedL=state; if(!onlyOn || !selected) select(!selected); } else { pressedL=state; } } CHighlightableButton::CHighlightableButton( const CFunctionList<void()> &onSelect, const CFunctionList<void()> &onDeselect, const std::map<int,std::string> &Name, const std::string &HelpBox, bool playerColoredButton, const std::string &defName, std::vector<std::string> * add, int x, int y, int key ) { onlyOn = false; init(onSelect,Name,HelpBox,playerColoredButton,defName,add,x,y,key); callback2 = onDeselect; } void CHighlightableButtonsGroup::addButton(CHighlightableButton* bt) { bt->callback += boost::bind(&CHighlightableButtonsGroup::selectionChanged,this,bt->ID); buttons.push_back(bt); } void CHighlightableButtonsGroup::addButton(const std::map<int,std::string> &tooltip, const std::string &HelpBox, const std::string &defName, int x, int y, int uid, const CFunctionList<void()> &OnSelect, int key) { CHighlightableButton *bt = new CHighlightableButton(OnSelect,0,tooltip,HelpBox,false,defName,0,x,y,key); bt->ID = uid; bt->callback += boost::bind(&CHighlightableButtonsGroup::selectionChanged,this,bt->ID); bt->onlyOn = true; buttons.push_back(bt); } CHighlightableButtonsGroup::CHighlightableButtonsGroup(const CFunctionList2<void(int)> &OnChange) { onChange = OnChange; } CHighlightableButtonsGroup::~CHighlightableButtonsGroup() { for(size_t i=0;i<buttons.size();i++) { delete buttons[i]; //TODO smartpointers } } void CHighlightableButtonsGroup::activate() { for(size_t i=0;i<buttons.size();i++) { buttons[i]->activate(); } } void CHighlightableButtonsGroup::deactivate() { for(size_t i=0;i<buttons.size();i++) { buttons[i]->deactivate(); } } void CHighlightableButtonsGroup::select(int id, bool mode) { CHighlightableButton *bt = NULL; if(mode) { for(size_t i=0;i<buttons.size() && !bt; ++i) if (buttons[i]->ID == id) bt = buttons[i]; } else { bt = buttons[id]; } bt->select(true); selectionChanged(bt->ID); } void CHighlightableButtonsGroup::selectionChanged(int to) { for(size_t i=0;i<buttons.size(); ++i) if(buttons[i]->ID!=to && buttons[i]->selected) buttons[i]->select(false); onChange(to); } void CHighlightableButtonsGroup::show(SDL_Surface * to ) { for(size_t i=0;i<buttons.size(); ++i) { buttons[i]->show(); } } void CSlider::sliderClicked() { if(!moving) { MotionInterested::activate(); moving = true; } } void CSlider::mouseMoved (const SDL_MouseMotionEvent & sEvent) { if( std::abs(sEvent.y-(pos.y+pos.h/2)) > pos.h/2+40 || std::abs(sEvent.x-(pos.x+pos.w/2)) > pos.w/2 ) return; float v = sEvent.x - pos.x - 24; v/= (pos.w - 48); v*=amount; if(v!=value) { moveTo(v); redrawSlider(); } } void CSlider::redrawSlider() { slider.show(); } void CSlider::moveLeft() { moveTo(value-1); } void CSlider::moveRight() { moveTo(value+1); } void CSlider::moveTo(int to) { if(to<0) to=0; else if(to>amount) to=amount; value = to; if(amount) { float part = (float)to/amount; part*=(pos.w-48); slider.pos.x = part + pos.x + 16; } else slider.pos.x = pos.x+16; moved(to); } void CSlider::activate() // makes button active { left.activate(); right.activate(); slider.activate(); ClickableL::activate(); } void CSlider::deactivate() // makes button inactive (but doesn't delete) { left.deactivate(); right.deactivate(); slider.deactivate(); ClickableL::deactivate(); } void CSlider::clickLeft (tribool down) { if(down) { float pw = LOCPLINT->current->motion.x-pos.x-16; float rw = pw / ((float)(pos.w-32)); if (rw>1) return; if (rw<0) return; moveTo(rw*amount); return; } if(moving) { MotionInterested::deactivate(); moving = false; } } void CSlider::show(SDL_Surface * to) { left.show(); right.show(); slider.show(); } CSlider::~CSlider() { delete imgs; } CSlider::CSlider(int x, int y, int totalw, boost::function<void(int)> Moved, int Capacity, int Amount, int Value, bool Horizontal) :capacity(Capacity),amount(Amount),value(Value),horizontal(Horizontal), moved(Moved) { moving = false; strongInterest = true; imgs = CDefHandler::giveDefEss("IGPCRDIV.DEF"); left.pos.y = slider.pos.y = right.pos.y = pos.y = y; left.pos.x = pos.x = x; right.pos.x = x + totalw - 16; left.callback = boost::bind(&CSlider::moveLeft,this); right.callback = boost::bind(&CSlider::moveRight,this); slider.callback = boost::bind(&CSlider::sliderClicked,this); left.pos.w = left.pos.h = right.pos.w = right.pos.h = slider.pos.w = slider.pos.h = pos.h = 16; pos.w = totalw; left.imgs.resize(1); right.imgs.resize(1); slider.imgs.resize(1); left.imgs[0].push_back(imgs->ourImages[0].bitmap); left.imgs[0].push_back(imgs->ourImages[1].bitmap); right.imgs[0].push_back(imgs->ourImages[2].bitmap); right.imgs[0].push_back(imgs->ourImages[3].bitmap); slider.imgs[0].push_back(imgs->ourImages[4].bitmap); left.notFreeButton = right.notFreeButton = slider.notFreeButton = true; slider.actOnDown = true; moveTo(value); } void CSlider::block( bool on ) { left.block(on); right.block(on); slider.block(on); }