#include "CBattleInterface.h" #include "CGameInfo.h" #include "../hch/CLodHandler.h" #include "SDL_Extensions.h" #include "CAdvmapInterface.h" #include "AdventureMapButton.h" #include "../hch/CObjectHandler.h" #include "../hch/CHeroHandler.h" #include "../hch/CDefHandler.h" #include "../hch/CSpellHandler.h" #include "CMessage.h" #include "CCursorHandler.h" #include "../CCallback.h" #include "../lib/CGameState.h" #include "../hch/CGeneralTextHandler.h" #include "CCreatureAnimation.h" #include "Graphics.h" #include "CSpellWindow.h" #include "CConfigHandler.h" #include #include #include "../lib/CondSh.h" #include "../lib/NetPacks.h" #include "CPlayerInterface.h" #include "../hch/CVideoHandler.h" #include "../hch/CTownHandler.h" #include #include #include #ifndef __GNUC__ const double M_PI = 3.14159265358979323846; #else #define _USE_MATH_DEFINES #include #endif /* * CBattleInterface.cpp, part of VCMI engine * * Authors: listed in file AUTHORS in main folder * * License: GNU General Public License v2.0 or later * Full text of license available in license.txt file, in main folder * */ extern SDL_Surface * screen; extern SDL_Color zwykly; CondSh CBattleInterface::animsAreDisplayed; struct CMP_stack2 { inline bool operator ()(const CStack& a, const CStack& b) { return (a.Speed())>(b.Speed()); } } cmpst2 ; static void transformPalette(SDL_Surface * surf, float rCor, float gCor, float bCor) { SDL_Color * colorsToChange = surf->format->palette->colors; for(int g=0; gformat->palette->ncolors; ++g) { if((colorsToChange+g)->b != 132 && (colorsToChange+g)->g != 231 && (colorsToChange+g)->r != 255) //it's not yellow border { (colorsToChange+g)->r = (float)((colorsToChange+g)->r) * rCor; (colorsToChange+g)->g = (float)((colorsToChange+g)->g) * gCor; (colorsToChange+g)->b = (float)((colorsToChange+g)->b) * bCor; } } } ////////////////////////Battle helpers //general anim void CBattleAnimation::endAnim() { for(std::list >::iterator it = owner->pendingAnims.begin(); it != owner->pendingAnims.end(); ++it) { if(it->first == this) { it->first = NULL; } } } bool CBattleAnimation::isEarliest(bool perStackConcurrency) { int lowestMoveID = owner->animIDhelper + 5; for(std::list >::iterator it = owner->pendingAnims.begin(); it != owner->pendingAnims.end(); ++it) { CBattleStackAnimation * stAnim = dynamic_cast(it->first); CBattleStackAnimation * thAnim = dynamic_cast(this); if(perStackConcurrency && stAnim && thAnim && stAnim->stackID != thAnim->stackID) continue; CReverseAnim * revAnim = dynamic_cast(stAnim); if(revAnim && thAnim && stAnim && stAnim->stackID == thAnim->stackID && revAnim->priority) return false; if(it->first) amin(lowestMoveID, it->first->ID); } return ID == lowestMoveID; } CBattleAnimation::CBattleAnimation(CBattleInterface * _owner) : owner(_owner), ID(_owner->animIDhelper++) {} //Dummy animation bool CDummyAnim::init() { return true; } void CDummyAnim::nextFrame() { counter++; if(counter > howMany) endAnim(); } void CDummyAnim::endAnim() { CBattleAnimation::endAnim(); delete this; } CDummyAnim::CDummyAnim(CBattleInterface * _owner, int howManyFrames) : CBattleAnimation(_owner), howMany(howManyFrames), counter(0) { } //effect animation bool CSpellEffectAnim::init() { if(!isEarliest(false)) return false; if(effect == 12) //armageddon { if(effect == -1 || graphics->battleACToDef[effect].size() != 0) { CDefHandler * anim; if(customAnim.size()) anim = CDefHandler::giveDef(customAnim); else anim = CDefHandler::giveDef(graphics->battleACToDef[effect][0]); for(int i=0; i * anim->width < owner->pos.w ; ++i) { for(int j=0; j * anim->height < owner->pos.h ; ++j) { SBattleEffect be; be.effectID = ID; be.anim = CDefHandler::giveDef(graphics->battleACToDef[effect][0]); be.frame = 0; be.maxFrame = be.anim->ourImages.size(); be.x = i * anim->width + owner->pos.x; be.y = j * anim->height + owner->pos.y; owner->battleEffects.push_back(be); } } } else //there is nothing to play { endAnim(); return false; } } else // Effects targeted at a specific creature/hex. { if(effect == -1 || graphics->battleACToDef[effect].size() != 0) { const CStack* destStack = owner->curInt->cb->battleGetStackByPos(destTile, false); Rect &tilePos = owner->bfield[destTile].pos; SBattleEffect be; be.effectID = ID; if(customAnim.size()) be.anim = CDefHandler::giveDef(customAnim); else be.anim = CDefHandler::giveDef(graphics->battleACToDef[effect][0]); be.frame = 0; be.maxFrame = be.anim->ourImages.size(); if(effect == 1) be.maxFrame = 3; switch (effect) { case -1: be.x = x; be.y = y; break; case 0: // Prayer and Lightning Bolt. case 1: // Position effect with it's bottom center touching the bottom center of affected tile(s). be.x = tilePos.x + tilePos.w/2 - be.anim->width/2; be.y = tilePos.y + tilePos.h - be.anim->height; break; default: // Position effect with it's center touching the top center of affected tile(s). be.x = tilePos.x + tilePos.w/2 - be.anim->width/2; be.y = tilePos.y - be.anim->height/2; break; } // Correction for 2-hex creatures. if (destStack != NULL && destStack->hasFeatureOfType(StackFeature::DOUBLE_WIDE)) be.x += (destStack->attackerOwned ? -1 : 1)*tilePos.w/2; owner->battleEffects.push_back(be); } else //there is nothing to play { endAnim(); return false; } } //battleEffects return true; } void CSpellEffectAnim::nextFrame() { //notice: there may be more than one effect in owner->battleEffects correcponding to this animation (ie. armageddon) for(std::list::iterator it = owner->battleEffects.begin(); it != owner->battleEffects.end(); ++it) { if(it->effectID == ID) { ++(it->frame); if(it->frame == it->maxFrame) { endAnim(); break; } else { it->x += dx; it->y += dy; } } } } void CSpellEffectAnim::endAnim() { CBattleAnimation::endAnim(); std::vector::iterator> toDel; for(std::list::iterator it = owner->battleEffects.begin(); it != owner->battleEffects.end(); ++it) { if(it->effectID == ID) { toDel.push_back(it); } } for(int b=0; banim; owner->battleEffects.erase(toDel[b]); } delete this; } CSpellEffectAnim::CSpellEffectAnim(CBattleInterface * _owner, ui32 _effect, int _destTile, int _dx, int _dy) :CBattleAnimation(_owner), effect(_effect), destTile(_destTile), customAnim(""), dx(_dx), dy(_dy) { } CSpellEffectAnim::CSpellEffectAnim(CBattleInterface * _owner, std::string _customAnim, int _x, int _y, int _dx, int _dy) :CBattleAnimation(_owner), effect(-1), destTile(0), customAnim(_customAnim), x(_x), y(_y), dx(_dx), dy(_dy) { } //stack's aniamtion CBattleStackAnimation::CBattleStackAnimation(CBattleInterface * _owner, int stack) : CBattleAnimation(_owner), stackID(stack) { } bool CBattleStackAnimation::isToReverseHlp(int hexFrom, int hexTo, bool curDir) { int fromMod = hexFrom % BFIELD_WIDTH; int fromDiv = hexFrom / BFIELD_WIDTH; int toMod = hexTo % BFIELD_WIDTH; if(curDir && fromMod < toMod) return false; else if(curDir && fromMod > toMod) return true; else if(curDir && fromMod == toMod) { return fromDiv % 2 == 0; } else if(!curDir && fromMod < toMod) return true; else if(!curDir && fromMod > toMod) return false; else if(!curDir && fromMod == toMod) { return fromDiv % 2 == 1; } tlog1 << "Catastrope in CBattleStackAnimation::isToReverse!" << std::endl; return false; //should never happen } bool CBattleStackAnimation::isToReverse(int hexFrom, int hexTo, bool curDir, bool toDoubleWide, bool toDir) { if(hexTo < 0) //turret return false; if(toDoubleWide) { return isToReverseHlp(hexFrom, hexTo, curDir) && (toDir ? isToReverseHlp(hexFrom, hexTo-1, curDir) : isToReverseHlp(hexFrom, hexTo+1, curDir) ); } else { return isToReverseHlp(hexFrom, hexTo, curDir); } } //revering animation bool CReverseAnim::init() { if(owner->creAnims[stackID] == NULL || owner->creAnims[stackID]->getType() == 5) { endAnim(); return false; //there is no such creature } if(!priority && !isEarliest(false)) return false; owner->creAnims[stackID]->setType(8); return true; } void CReverseAnim::nextFrame() { if(partOfAnim == 1) //first part of animation { if(owner->creAnims[stackID]->onLastFrameInGroup()) { partOfAnim = 2; } } else if(partOfAnim == 2) { if(!secondPartSetup) { owner->creDir[stackID] = !owner->creDir[stackID]; const CStack * curs = owner->curInt->cb->battleGetStackByID(stackID, false); Point coords = CBattleHex::getXYUnitAnim(hex, owner->creDir[stackID], curs, owner); owner->creAnims[stackID]->pos.x = coords.x; //creAnims[stackID]->pos.y = coords.second; if(curs->hasFeatureOfType(StackFeature::DOUBLE_WIDE)) { if(curs->attackerOwned) { if(!owner->creDir[stackID]) owner->creAnims[stackID]->pos.x -= 44; } else { if(owner->creDir[stackID]) owner->creAnims[stackID]->pos.x += 44; } } owner->creAnims[stackID]->setType(7); secondPartSetup = true; } if(owner->creAnims[stackID]->onLastFrameInGroup()) { endAnim(); } } } void CReverseAnim::endAnim() { CBattleAnimation::endAnim(); if( owner->curInt->cb->battleGetStackByID(stackID) )//don't do that if stack is dead owner->creAnims[stackID]->setType(2); delete this; } CReverseAnim::CReverseAnim(CBattleInterface * _owner, int stack, int dest, bool _priority) : CBattleStackAnimation(_owner, stack), partOfAnim(1), hex(dest), secondPartSetup(false), priority(_priority) { } //defence anim bool CDefenceAnim::init() { //checking initial conditions //if(owner->creAnims[stackID]->getType() != 2) //{ // return false; //} if(IDby == -1 && owner->battleEffects.size() > 0) return false; int lowestMoveID = owner->animIDhelper + 5; for(std::list >::iterator it = owner->pendingAnims.begin(); it != owner->pendingAnims.end(); ++it) { CDefenceAnim * defAnim = dynamic_cast(it->first); if(defAnim && defAnim->stackID != stackID) continue; CBattleAttack * attAnim = dynamic_cast(it->first); if(attAnim && attAnim->stackID != stackID) continue; const CStack * attacker = owner->curInt->cb->battleGetStackByID(IDby, false); if(IDby != -1) { int attackerAnimType = owner->creAnims[IDby]->getType(); if( attackerAnimType == 11 && attackerAnimType == 12 && attackerAnimType == 13 && owner->creAnims[IDby]->getFrame() < attacker->creature->attackClimaxFrame ) return false; } CReverseAnim * animAsRev = dynamic_cast(it->first); if(animAsRev && animAsRev->priority) return false; if(it->first) amin(lowestMoveID, it->first->ID); } if(ID > lowestMoveID) return false; const CStack * attacker = owner->curInt->cb->battleGetStackByID(IDby, false); const CStack * attacked = owner->curInt->cb->battleGetStackByID(stackID, false); //reverse unit if necessary if(attacker && isToReverse(attacked->position, attacker->position, owner->creDir[stackID], attacker->hasFeatureOfType(StackFeature::DOUBLE_WIDE), owner->creDir[IDby])) { owner->addNewAnim(new CReverseAnim(owner, stackID, attacked->position, true)); return false; } //unit reversed if(byShooting) //delay hit animation { for(std::list::const_iterator it = owner->projectiles.begin(); it != owner->projectiles.end(); ++it) { if(it->creID == attacker->creature->idNumber) { return false; } } } //initializing int maxLen = 0; if(killed) { CGI->soundh->playSound(battle_sound(attacked->creature, killed)); owner->creAnims[stackID]->setType(5); //death } else { // TODO: this block doesn't seems correct if the unit is defending. CGI->soundh->playSound(battle_sound(attacked->creature, wince)); owner->creAnims[stackID]->setType(3); //getting hit } return true; //initialized successfuly } void CDefenceAnim::nextFrame() { if(!killed && owner->creAnims[stackID]->getType() != 3) { owner->creAnims[stackID]->setType(3); } if(!owner->creAnims[stackID]->onLastFrameInGroup()) { if( owner->creAnims[stackID]->getType() == 5 && (owner->animCount+1)%(4/owner->curInt->sysOpts.animSpeed)==0 && !owner->creAnims[stackID]->onLastFrameInGroup() ) { owner->creAnims[stackID]->incrementFrame(); } } else { endAnim(); } } void CDefenceAnim::endAnim() { //restoring animType if(owner->creAnims[stackID]->getType() == 3) owner->creAnims[stackID]->setType(2); //printing info to console if(IDby!=-1) owner->printConsoleAttacked(stackID, dmg, amountKilled, IDby); const CStack * attacker = owner->curInt->cb->battleGetStackByID(IDby, false); const CStack * attacked = owner->curInt->cb->battleGetStackByID(stackID, false); CBattleAnimation::endAnim(); delete this; } CDefenceAnim::CDefenceAnim(SStackAttackedInfo _attackedInfo, CBattleInterface * _owner) : CBattleStackAnimation(_owner, _attackedInfo.ID), dmg(_attackedInfo.dmg), amountKilled(_attackedInfo.amountKilled), IDby(_attackedInfo.IDby), byShooting(_attackedInfo.byShooting), killed(_attackedInfo.killed) { } ////move anim bool CBattleStackMoved::init() { if( !isEarliest(false) ) return false; //a few useful variables steps = owner->creAnims[stackID]->framesInGroup(0)*owner->getAnimSpeedMultiplier()-1; whichStep = 0; int hexWbase = 44, hexHbase = 42; const CStack * movedStack = owner->curInt->cb->battleGetStackByID(stackID, false); if(!movedStack || owner->creAnims[stackID]->getType() == 5) { endAnim(); return false; } bool twoTiles = movedStack->hasFeatureOfType(StackFeature::DOUBLE_WIDE); Point begPosition = CBattleHex::getXYUnitAnim(curStackPos, movedStack->attackerOwned, movedStack, owner); Point endPosition = CBattleHex::getXYUnitAnim(destHex, movedStack->attackerOwned, movedStack, owner); int mutPos = BattleInfo::mutualPosition(curStackPos, destHex); //reverse unit if necessary if((begPosition.x > endPosition.x) && owner->creDir[stackID] == true) { owner->addNewAnim(new CReverseAnim(owner, stackID, curStackPos, true)); return false; } else if ((begPosition.x < endPosition.x) && owner->creDir[stackID] == false) { owner->addNewAnim(new CReverseAnim(owner, stackID, curStackPos, true)); return false; } if(owner->creAnims[stackID]->getType() != 0) { owner->creAnims[stackID]->setType(0); } //unit reversed if(owner->moveSh <= 0) owner->moveSh = CGI->soundh->playSound(battle_sound(movedStack->creature, move), -1); //step shift calculation posX = owner->creAnims[stackID]->pos.x, posY = owner->creAnims[stackID]->pos.y; // for precise calculations ;] if(mutPos == -1 && movedStack->hasFeatureOfType(StackFeature::FLYING)) { steps *= distance; steps /= 2; //to make animation faster stepX = (endPosition.x - (float)begPosition.x)/steps; stepY = (endPosition.y - (float)begPosition.y)/steps; } else { switch(mutPos) { case 0: stepX = (-1.0)*((float)hexWbase)/(2.0f*steps); stepY = (-1.0)*((float)hexHbase)/((float)steps); break; case 1: stepX = ((float)hexWbase)/(2.0f*steps); stepY = (-1.0)*((float)hexHbase)/((float)steps); break; case 2: stepX = ((float)hexWbase)/((float)steps); stepY = 0.0; break; case 3: stepX = ((float)hexWbase)/(2.0f*steps); stepY = ((float)hexHbase)/((float)steps); break; case 4: stepX = (-1.0)*((float)hexWbase)/(2.0f*steps); stepY = ((float)hexHbase)/((float)steps); break; case 5: stepX = (-1.0)*((float)hexWbase)/((float)steps); stepY = 0.0; break; } } //step shifts calculated return true; } void CBattleStackMoved::nextFrame() { //moving instructions posX += stepX; owner->creAnims[stackID]->pos.x = posX; posY += stepY; owner->creAnims[stackID]->pos.y = posY; ++whichStep; if(whichStep == steps) { endAnim(); } } void CBattleStackMoved::endAnim() { const CStack * movedStack = owner->curInt->cb->battleGetStackByID(stackID); CBattleAnimation::endAnim(); if(movedStack) { bool twoTiles = movedStack->hasFeatureOfType(StackFeature::DOUBLE_WIDE); if(endMoving) { owner->addNewAnim(new CBattleMoveEnd(owner, stackID, destHex)); } Point coords = CBattleHex::getXYUnitAnim(destHex, owner->creDir[stackID], movedStack, owner); owner->creAnims[stackID]->pos = coords; if(!endMoving && twoTiles && bool(movedStack->attackerOwned) && (owner->creDir[stackID] != bool(movedStack->attackerOwned) )) //big attacker creature is reversed owner->creAnims[stackID]->pos.x -= 44; else if(!endMoving && twoTiles && (! bool(movedStack->attackerOwned) ) && (owner->creDir[stackID] != bool(movedStack->attackerOwned) )) //big defender creature is reversed owner->creAnims[stackID]->pos.x += 44; } if(owner->moveSh >= 0) { CGI->soundh->stopSound(owner->moveSh); owner->moveSh = -1; } delete this; } CBattleStackMoved::CBattleStackMoved(CBattleInterface * _owner, int _number, int _destHex, bool _endMoving, int _distance) : CBattleStackAnimation(_owner, _number), destHex(_destHex), endMoving(_endMoving), distance(_distance), stepX(0.0f), stepY(0.0f) { curStackPos = owner->curInt->cb->battleGetPos(stackID); } //move started bool CBattleMoveStart::init() { if( !isEarliest(false) ) return false; const CStack * movedStack = owner->curInt->cb->battleGetStackByID(stackID, false); if(!movedStack || owner->creAnims[stackID]->getType() == 5) { CBattleMoveStart::endAnim(); return false; } CGI->soundh->playSound(battle_sound(movedStack->creature, startMoving)); return true; } void CBattleMoveStart::nextFrame() { if(owner->creAnims[stackID]->onLastFrameInGroup()) { endAnim(); } else { if((owner->animCount+1)%(4/owner->curInt->sysOpts.animSpeed)==0) owner->creAnims[stackID]->incrementFrame(); } } void CBattleMoveStart::endAnim() { CBattleAnimation::endAnim(); delete this; } CBattleMoveStart::CBattleMoveStart(CBattleInterface * _owner, int stack) : CBattleStackAnimation(_owner, stack) { } //move finished bool CBattleMoveEnd::init() { if( !isEarliest(true) ) return false; const CStack * movedStack = owner->curInt->cb->battleGetStackByID(stackID, false); if(!movedStack || owner->creAnims[stackID]->framesInGroup(21) == 0 || owner->creAnims[stackID]->getType() == 5) { endAnim(); return false; } CGI->soundh->playSound(battle_sound(movedStack->creature, endMoving)); owner->creAnims[stackID]->setType(21); return true; } void CBattleMoveEnd::nextFrame() { if(owner->creAnims[stackID]->onLastFrameInGroup()) { endAnim(); } } void CBattleMoveEnd::endAnim() { CBattleAnimation::endAnim(); if(owner->creAnims[stackID]->getType() != 5) owner->creAnims[stackID]->setType(2); //resetting to default CGI->curh->show(); delete this; } CBattleMoveEnd::CBattleMoveEnd(CBattleInterface * _owner, int stack, int destTile) : CBattleStackAnimation(_owner, stack), destinationTile(destTile) { } //general attack anim void CBattleAttack::nextFrame() { if(owner->creAnims[stackID]->getType() != group) owner->creAnims[stackID]->setType(group); if(owner->creAnims[stackID]->onFirstFrameInGroup()) { if(shooting) CGI->soundh->playSound(battle_sound(attackingStack->creature, shoot)); else CGI->soundh->playSound(battle_sound(attackingStack->creature, attack)); } else if(owner->creAnims[stackID]->onLastFrameInGroup()) { owner->creAnims[stackID]->setType(2); endAnim(); return; //execution of endAnim deletes this !!! } } bool CBattleAttack::checkInitialConditions() { return isEarliest(false); } CBattleAttack::CBattleAttack(CBattleInterface * _owner, int _stackID, int _dest, int _attackedID) : CBattleStackAnimation(_owner, _stackID), dest(_dest) { attackedStack = owner->curInt->cb->battleGetStackByID(_attackedID, false); attackingStack = owner->curInt->cb->battleGetStackByID(_stackID, false); assert(attackingStack && "attackingStack is NULL in CBattleAttack::CBattleAttack !\n"); if(attackingStack->creature->idNumber != 145) //catapult is allowed to attack not-creature { assert(attackedStack && "attackedStack is NULL in CBattleAttack::CBattleAttack !\n"); } else //catapult can attack walls only { assert(owner->curInt->cb->battleGetWallUnderHex(_dest) >= 0); } attackingStackPosBeforeReturn = attackingStack->position; } ////melee attack bool CMeleeAttack::init() { if( !CBattleAttack::checkInitialConditions() ) return false; //if(owner->creAnims[stackID]->getType()!=2) //{ // return false; //} if(!attackingStack || owner->creAnims[stackID]->getType() == 5) { endAnim(); return false; } int reversedShift = 0; //shift of attacking stack's position due to reversing if(attackingStack->attackerOwned) { if(attackingStack->hasFeatureOfType(StackFeature::DOUBLE_WIDE) && BattleInfo::mutualPosition(attackingStackPosBeforeReturn, dest) == -1) { if(BattleInfo::mutualPosition(attackingStackPosBeforeReturn + (attackingStack->attackerOwned ? -1 : 1), dest) >= 0) //if reversing stack will make its position adjacent to dest { reversedShift = (attackingStack->attackerOwned ? -1 : 1); } } } else //if(astack->attackerOwned) { if(attackingStack->hasFeatureOfType(StackFeature::DOUBLE_WIDE) && BattleInfo::mutualPosition(attackingStackPosBeforeReturn, dest) == -1) { if(BattleInfo::mutualPosition(attackingStackPosBeforeReturn + (attackingStack->attackerOwned ? -1 : 1), dest) >= 0) //if reversing stack will make its position adjacent to dest { reversedShift = (attackingStack->attackerOwned ? -1 : 1); } } } //reversing stack if necessary if(isToReverse(attackingStackPosBeforeReturn, dest, owner->creDir[stackID], attackedStack->hasFeatureOfType(StackFeature::DOUBLE_WIDE), owner->creDir[attackedStack->ID])) { owner->addNewAnim(new CReverseAnim(owner, stackID, attackingStackPosBeforeReturn, true)); return false; } //reversed IDby = attackedStack->ID; shooting = false; posShiftDueToDist = reversedShift; static const int mutPosToGroup[] = {11, 11, 12, 13, 13, 12}; int mutPos = BattleInfo::mutualPosition(attackingStackPosBeforeReturn + reversedShift, dest); switch(mutPos) //attack direction { case 0: case 1: case 2: case 3: case 4: case 5: group = mutPosToGroup[mutPos]; break; default: tlog1<<"Critical Error! Wrong dest in stackAttacking! dest: "< >::const_iterator it = owner->pendingAnims.begin(); it != owner->pendingAnims.end(); ++it) { CBattleMoveStart * anim = dynamic_cast(it->first); CReverseAnim * anim2 = dynamic_cast(it->first); if( (anim && anim->stackID == stackID) || (anim2 && anim2->stackID == stackID ) ) return; }*/ CBattleAttack::nextFrame(); } void CMeleeAttack::endAnim() { CBattleAnimation::endAnim(); delete this; } CMeleeAttack::CMeleeAttack(CBattleInterface * _owner, int attacker, int _dest, int _attackedID) : CBattleAttack(_owner, attacker, _dest, _attackedID) { } //shooting anim bool CShootingAnim::init() { if( !CBattleAttack::checkInitialConditions() ) return false; const CStack * shooter = attackingStack; if(!shooter || owner->creAnims[stackID]->getType() == 5) { endAnim(); return false; } //projectile float projectileAngle; //in radians; if positive, projectiles goes up float straightAngle = 0.2f; //maximal angle in radians between straight horizontal line and shooting line for which shot is considered to be straight (absoulte value) int fromHex = shooter->position; projectileAngle = atan2(float(abs(dest - fromHex)/BFIELD_WIDTH), float(abs(dest - fromHex)%BFIELD_WIDTH)); if(fromHex < dest) projectileAngle = -projectileAngle; SProjectileInfo spi; spi.creID = shooter->creature->idNumber; spi.reverse = !shooter->attackerOwned; spi.step = 0; spi.frameNum = 0; spi.spin = CGI->creh->idToProjectileSpin[spi.creID]; Point xycoord = CBattleHex::getXYUnitAnim(shooter->position, true, shooter, owner); Point destcoord; if(attackedStack) { destcoord = CBattleHex::getXYUnitAnim(dest, false, attackedStack, owner); } else //catapult attack { destcoord.x = -160 + 22 * ( ((dest/BFIELD_WIDTH) + 1)%2 ) + 44 * (dest % BFIELD_WIDTH); destcoord.y = -139 + 42 * (dest/BFIELD_WIDTH); } destcoord.x += 250; destcoord.y += 210; //TODO: find a better place to shoot if(projectileAngle > straightAngle) //upper shot { spi.x = xycoord.x + 200 + shooter->creature->upperRightMissleOffsetX; spi.y = xycoord.y + 100 - shooter->creature->upperRightMissleOffsetY; } else if(projectileAngle < -straightAngle) //lower shot { spi.x = xycoord.x + 200 + shooter->creature->lowerRightMissleOffsetX; spi.y = xycoord.y + 150 - shooter->creature->lowerRightMissleOffsetY; } else //straight shot { spi.x = xycoord.x + 200 + shooter->creature->rightMissleOffsetX; spi.y = xycoord.y + 125 - shooter->creature->rightMissleOffsetY; } spi.lastStep = sqrt((float)((destcoord.x - spi.x)*(destcoord.x - spi.x) + (destcoord.y - spi.y) * (destcoord.y - spi.y))) / 40; if(spi.lastStep == 0) spi.lastStep = 1; spi.dx = (destcoord.x - spi.x) / spi.lastStep; spi.dy = (destcoord.y - spi.y) / spi.lastStep; //set starting frame if(spi.spin) { spi.frameNum = 0; } else { spi.frameNum = ((M_PI/2.0f - projectileAngle) / (2.0f *M_PI) + 1/((float)(2*(owner->idToProjectile[spi.creID]->ourImages.size()-1)))) * (owner->idToProjectile[spi.creID]->ourImages.size()-1); } //set delay spi.animStartDelay = CGI->creh->creatures[spi.creID].attackClimaxFrame; owner->projectiles.push_back(spi); //attack aniamtion if(attackedStack) IDby = attackedStack->ID; else IDby = -1; posShiftDueToDist = 0; shooting = true; if(projectileAngle > straightAngle) //upper shot group = 14; else if(projectileAngle < -straightAngle) //lower shot group = 16; else //straight shot group = 15; return true; } void CShootingAnim::nextFrame() { for(std::list >::const_iterator it = owner->pendingAnims.begin(); it != owner->pendingAnims.end(); ++it) { CBattleMoveStart * anim = dynamic_cast(it->first); CReverseAnim * anim2 = dynamic_cast(it->first); if( (anim && anim->stackID == stackID) || (anim2 && anim2->stackID == stackID && anim2->priority ) ) return; } CBattleAttack::nextFrame(); } void CShootingAnim::endAnim() { CBattleAnimation::endAnim(); delete this; } CShootingAnim::CShootingAnim(CBattleInterface * _owner, int attacker, int _dest, int _attackedID, bool _catapult, int _catapultDmg) : CBattleAttack(_owner, attacker, _dest, _attackedID), catapultDamage(_catapultDmg), catapult(_catapult) { if(catapult) //catapult attack { owner->addNewAnim( new CSpellEffectAnim(owner, "SGEXPL.DEF", -130 + 22 * ( ((dest/BFIELD_WIDTH) + 1)%2 ) + 44 * (dest % BFIELD_WIDTH) + owner->pos.x, -50 + 42 * (dest/BFIELD_WIDTH) + owner->pos.y )); } } //////////////////////// void CBattleInterface::addNewAnim(CBattleAnimation * anim) { pendingAnims.push_back( std::make_pair(anim, false) ); animsAreDisplayed.setn(true); } CBattleInterface::CBattleInterface(CCreatureSet * army1, CCreatureSet * army2, CGHeroInstance *hero1, CGHeroInstance *hero2, const SDL_Rect & myRect, CPlayerInterface * att, CPlayerInterface * defen) : attackingHeroInstance(hero1), defendingHeroInstance(hero2), animCount(0), activeStack(-1), stackToActivate(-1), mouseHoveredStack(-1), previouslyHoveredHex(-1), currentlyHoveredHex(-1), spellDestSelectMode(false), spellToCast(NULL), givenCommand(NULL), myTurn(false), resWindow(NULL), animIDhelper(0), moveStarted(false), moveSh(-1), siegeH(NULL), bresult(NULL), queue(NULL), attackerInt(att), defenderInt(defen), curInt(att) { ObjectConstruction h__l__p(this); animsAreDisplayed.setn(false); pos = myRect; strongInterest = true; givenCommand = new CondSh(NULL); //create stack queue bool embedQueue = screen->h < 700; queue = new CStackQueue(embedQueue, this); if(!embedQueue && curInt->sysOpts.showQueue) { pos.y += queue->pos.h / 2; //center whole window queue->moveTo(Point(pos.x, pos.y - queue->pos.h)); // queue->pos.x = pos.x; // queue->pos.y = pos.y - queue->pos.h; // pos.h += queue->pos.h; // center(); } queue->update(); //preparing siege info const CGTownInstance * town = curInt->cb->battleGetDefendedTown(); if(town && town->hasFort()) { siegeH = new SiegeHelper(town, this); } curInt->battleInt = this; //initializing armies this->army1 = army1; this->army2 = army2; std::map stacks = curInt->cb->battleGetStacks(); for(std::map::iterator b=stacks.begin(); b!=stacks.end(); ++b) { newStack(b->second.ID); } //preparing menu background and terrain if(siegeH) { background = BitmapHandler::loadBitmap( siegeH->getSiegeName(0), false ); ui8 siegeLevel = curInt->cb->battleGetSiegeLevel(); if(siegeLevel >= 2) //citadel or castle { //print moat/mlip SDL_Surface * moat = BitmapHandler::loadBitmap( siegeH->getSiegeName(13) ), * mlip = BitmapHandler::loadBitmap( siegeH->getSiegeName(14) ); std::pair moatPos = CGI->heroh->wallPositions[siegeH->town->town->typeID][10], mlipPos = CGI->heroh->wallPositions[siegeH->town->town->typeID][11]; if(moat) //eg. tower has no moat blitAt(moat, moatPos.first,moatPos.second, background); if(mlip) //eg. tower has no mlip blitAt(mlip, mlipPos.first, mlipPos.second, background); SDL_FreeSurface(moat); SDL_FreeSurface(mlip); } } else { std::vector< std::string > & backref = graphics->battleBacks[ curInt->cb->battleGetBattlefieldType() ]; background = BitmapHandler::loadBitmap(backref[ rand() % backref.size()], false ); } //preparing menu background menu = BitmapHandler::loadBitmap("CBAR.BMP"); graphics->blueToPlayersAdv(menu, hero1->tempOwner); //preparing graphics for displaying amounts of creatures amountNormal = BitmapHandler::loadBitmap("CMNUMWIN.BMP"); CSDL_Ext::alphaTransform(amountNormal); transformPalette(amountNormal, 0.59f, 0.19f, 0.93f); amountPositive = BitmapHandler::loadBitmap("CMNUMWIN.BMP"); CSDL_Ext::alphaTransform(amountPositive); transformPalette(amountPositive, 0.18f, 1.00f, 0.18f); amountNegative = BitmapHandler::loadBitmap("CMNUMWIN.BMP"); CSDL_Ext::alphaTransform(amountNegative); transformPalette(amountNegative, 1.00f, 0.18f, 0.18f); amountEffNeutral = BitmapHandler::loadBitmap("CMNUMWIN.BMP"); CSDL_Ext::alphaTransform(amountEffNeutral); transformPalette(amountEffNeutral, 1.00f, 1.00f, 0.18f); ////blitting menu background and terrain blitAt(background, pos.x, pos.y); blitAt(menu, pos.x, 556 + pos.y); CSDL_Ext::update(); //preparing buttons and console bOptions = new AdventureMapButton (CGI->generaltexth->zelp[381].first, CGI->generaltexth->zelp[381].second, boost::bind(&CBattleInterface::bOptionsf,this), 3 + pos.x, 561 + pos.y, "icm003.def", SDLK_o); bSurrender = new AdventureMapButton (CGI->generaltexth->zelp[379].first, CGI->generaltexth->zelp[379].second, boost::bind(&CBattleInterface::bSurrenderf,this), 54 + pos.x, 561 + pos.y, "icm001.def", SDLK_s); bFlee = new AdventureMapButton (CGI->generaltexth->zelp[380].first, CGI->generaltexth->zelp[380].second, boost::bind(&CBattleInterface::bFleef,this), 105 + pos.x, 561 + pos.y, "icm002.def", SDLK_r); bAutofight = new AdventureMapButton (CGI->generaltexth->zelp[382].first, CGI->generaltexth->zelp[382].second, boost::bind(&CBattleInterface::bAutofightf,this), 157 + pos.x, 561 + pos.y, "icm004.def", SDLK_a); bSpell = new AdventureMapButton (CGI->generaltexth->zelp[385].first, CGI->generaltexth->zelp[385].second, boost::bind(&CBattleInterface::bSpellf,this), 645 + pos.x, 561 + pos.y, "icm005.def", SDLK_c); bSpell->block(true); bWait = new AdventureMapButton (CGI->generaltexth->zelp[386].first, CGI->generaltexth->zelp[386].second, boost::bind(&CBattleInterface::bWaitf,this), 696 + pos.x, 561 + pos.y, "icm006.def", SDLK_w); bDefence = new AdventureMapButton (CGI->generaltexth->zelp[387].first, CGI->generaltexth->zelp[387].second, boost::bind(&CBattleInterface::bDefencef,this), 747 + pos.x, 561 + pos.y, "icm007.def", SDLK_d); bDefence->assignedKeys.insert(SDLK_SPACE); bConsoleUp = new AdventureMapButton (std::string(), std::string(), boost::bind(&CBattleInterface::bConsoleUpf,this), 624 + pos.x, 561 + pos.y, "ComSlide.def", SDLK_UP); bConsoleDown = new AdventureMapButton (std::string(), std::string(), boost::bind(&CBattleInterface::bConsoleDownf,this), 624 + pos.x, 580 + pos.y, "ComSlide.def", SDLK_DOWN); bConsoleDown->bitmapOffset = 2; console = new CBattleConsole(); console->pos.x = 211 + pos.x; console->pos.y = 560 + pos.y; console->pos.w = 406; console->pos.h = 38; //loading hero animations if(hero1) // attacking hero { attackingHero = new CBattleHero(graphics->battleHeroes[hero1->type->heroType], 0, 0, false, hero1->tempOwner, hero1->tempOwner == curInt->playerID ? hero1 : NULL, this); attackingHero->pos = genRect(attackingHero->dh->ourImages[0].bitmap->h, attackingHero->dh->ourImages[0].bitmap->w, -40 + pos.x, pos.y); } else { attackingHero = NULL; } if(hero2) // defending hero { defendingHero = new CBattleHero(graphics->battleHeroes[hero2->type->heroType], 0, 0, true, hero2->tempOwner, hero2->tempOwner == curInt->playerID ? hero2 : NULL, this); defendingHero->pos = genRect(defendingHero->dh->ourImages[0].bitmap->h, defendingHero->dh->ourImages[0].bitmap->w, 690 + pos.x, pos.y); } else { defendingHero = NULL; } //preparing cells and hexes cellBorder = BitmapHandler::loadBitmap("CCELLGRD.BMP"); CSDL_Ext::alphaTransform(cellBorder); cellShade = BitmapHandler::loadBitmap("CCELLSHD.BMP"); CSDL_Ext::alphaTransform(cellShade); for(int h=0; hh, cellShade->w, x + pos.x, y + pos.y); bfield[h].accessible = true; bfield[h].myInterface = this; } //locking occupied positions on batlefield for(std::map::iterator it = stacks.begin(); it!=stacks.end(); ++it) //stacks gained at top of this function { if(it->second.position >= 0) //turrets have position < 0 bfield[it->second.position].accessible = false; } //loading projectiles for units for(std::map::iterator g = stacks.begin(); g != stacks.end(); ++g) { int creID = (g->second.creature->idNumber == 149) ? CGI->creh->factionToTurretCreature[siegeH->town->town->typeID] : g->second.creature->idNumber; //id of creature whose shots should be loaded if(g->second.creature->isShooting() && CGI->creh->idToProjectile[creID] != std::string()) { idToProjectile[g->second.creature->idNumber] = CDefHandler::giveDef(CGI->creh->idToProjectile[creID]); if(idToProjectile[g->second.creature->idNumber]->ourImages.size() > 2) //add symmetric images { for(int k = idToProjectile[g->second.creature->idNumber]->ourImages.size()-2; k > 1; --k) { Cimage ci; ci.bitmap = CSDL_Ext::rotate01(idToProjectile[g->second.creature->idNumber]->ourImages[k].bitmap); ci.groupNumber = 0; ci.imName = std::string(); idToProjectile[g->second.creature->idNumber]->ourImages.push_back(ci); } } for(int s=0; ssecond.creature->idNumber]->ourImages.size(); ++s) //alpha transforming { CSDL_Ext::alphaTransform(idToProjectile[g->second.creature->idNumber]->ourImages[s].bitmap); } } } //preparing graphic with cell borders cellBorders = CSDL_Ext::newSurface(background->w, background->h, cellBorder); //copying palette for(int g=0; gformat->palette->ncolors; ++g) //we assume that cellBorders->format->palette->ncolors == 256 { cellBorders->format->palette->colors[g] = cellBorder->format->palette->colors[g]; } //palette copied for(int i=0; iw; ++cellX) { for(int cellY = 0; cellY < cellBorder->h; ++cellY) { if(y+cellY < cellBorders->h && x+cellX < cellBorders->w) * ((Uint8*)cellBorders->pixels + (y+cellY) * cellBorders->pitch + (x+cellX)) |= * ((Uint8*)cellBorder->pixels + cellY * cellBorder->pitch + cellX); } } } } backgroundWithHexes = CSDL_Ext::newSurface(background->w, background->h, screen); //preparing obstacle defs std::vector obst = curInt->cb->battleGetAllObstacles(); for(int t=0; theroh->obstacles[obst[t].ID].defName); for(int n=0; nourImages.size(); ++n) { SDL_SetColorKey(idToObstacle[obst[t].ID]->ourImages[n].bitmap, SDL_SRCCOLORKEY, SDL_MapRGB(idToObstacle[obst[t].ID]->ourImages[n].bitmap->format,0,255,255)); } } for (int i = 0; i < ARRAY_COUNT(bfield); i++) { children.push_back(&bfield[i]); } } CBattleInterface::~CBattleInterface() { SDL_FreeSurface(background); SDL_FreeSurface(menu); SDL_FreeSurface(amountNormal); SDL_FreeSurface(amountNegative); SDL_FreeSurface(amountPositive); SDL_FreeSurface(amountEffNeutral); SDL_FreeSurface(cellBorders); SDL_FreeSurface(backgroundWithHexes); delete bOptions; delete bSurrender; delete bFlee; delete bAutofight; delete bSpell; delete bWait; delete bDefence; delete bConsoleUp; delete bConsoleDown; delete console; delete givenCommand; delete attackingHero; delete defendingHero; delete queue; SDL_FreeSurface(cellBorder); SDL_FreeSurface(cellShade); for(std::map< int, CCreatureAnimation * >::iterator g=creAnims.begin(); g!=creAnims.end(); ++g) delete g->second; for(std::map< int, CDefHandler * >::iterator g=idToProjectile.begin(); g!=idToProjectile.end(); ++g) delete g->second; for(std::map< int, CDefHandler * >::iterator g=idToObstacle.begin(); g!=idToObstacle.end(); ++g) delete g->second; delete siegeH; curInt->battleInt = NULL; } void CBattleInterface::setPrintCellBorders(bool set) { curInt->sysOpts.printCellBorders = set; curInt->sysOpts.settingsChanged(); redrawBackgroundWithHexes(activeStack); GH.totalRedraw(); } void CBattleInterface::setPrintStackRange(bool set) { curInt->sysOpts.printStackRange = set; curInt->sysOpts.settingsChanged(); redrawBackgroundWithHexes(activeStack); GH.totalRedraw(); } void CBattleInterface::setPrintMouseShadow(bool set) { curInt->sysOpts.printMouseShadow = set; curInt->sysOpts.settingsChanged(); } void CBattleInterface::activate() { activateKeys(); activateMouseMove(); activateRClick(); bOptions->activate(); bSurrender->activate(); bFlee->activate(); bAutofight->activate(); bSpell->activate(); bWait->activate(); bDefence->activate(); bConsoleUp->activate(); bConsoleDown->activate(); for(int b=0; bactivate(); if(defendingHero) defendingHero->activate(); if(curInt->sysOpts.showQueue) queue->activate(); LOCPLINT->cingconsole->activate(); } void CBattleInterface::deactivate() { deactivateKeys(); deactivateMouseMove(); deactivateRClick(); bOptions->deactivate(); bSurrender->deactivate(); bFlee->deactivate(); bAutofight->deactivate(); bSpell->deactivate(); bWait->deactivate(); bDefence->deactivate(); bConsoleUp->deactivate(); bConsoleDown->deactivate(); for(int b=0; bdeactivate(); if(defendingHero) defendingHero->deactivate(); if(curInt->sysOpts.showQueue) queue->deactivate(); LOCPLINT->cingconsole->deactivate(); } void CBattleInterface::show(SDL_Surface * to) { std::map stacks = curInt->cb->battleGetStacks(); //used in a few places ++animCount; if(!to) //"evaluating" to to = screen; SDL_Rect buf; SDL_GetClipRect(to, &buf); SDL_SetClipRect(to, &pos); //printing background and hexes if(activeStack != -1 && creAnims[activeStack]->getType() != 0) //show everything with range { blitAt(backgroundWithHexes, pos.x, pos.y, to); } else { //showing background blitAt(background, pos.x, pos.y, to); if(curInt->sysOpts.printCellBorders) { CSDL_Ext::blit8bppAlphaTo24bpp(cellBorders, NULL, to, &pos); } } //printing hovered cell for(int b=0; bspellh->spells[spellToCast->additionalInfo]; ui8 schoolLevel = 0; if( curInt->cb->battleGetStackByID(activeStack)->attackerOwned ) { if(attackingHeroInstance) schoolLevel = attackingHeroInstance->getSpellSchoolLevel(&spToCast); } else { if(defendingHeroInstance) schoolLevel = defendingHeroInstance->getSpellSchoolLevel(&spToCast); } //obtaining range and printing it std::set shaded = spToCast.rangeInHexes(b, schoolLevel); for(std::set::iterator it = shaded.begin(); it != shaded.end(); ++it) //for spells with range greater then one hex { if(curInt->sysOpts.printMouseShadow && (*it % BFIELD_WIDTH != 0) && (*it % BFIELD_WIDTH != 16)) { int x = 14 + ((*it/BFIELD_WIDTH)%2==0 ? 22 : 0) + 44*(*it%BFIELD_WIDTH) + pos.x; int y = 86 + 42 * (*it/BFIELD_WIDTH) + pos.y; CSDL_Ext::blit8bppAlphaTo24bpp(cellShade, NULL, to, &genRect(cellShade->h, cellShade->w, x, y)); } } } else if(curInt->sysOpts.printMouseShadow) //when not casting spell { int x = 14 + ((b/BFIELD_WIDTH)%2==0 ? 22 : 0) + 44*(b%BFIELD_WIDTH) + pos.x; int y = 86 + 42 * (b/BFIELD_WIDTH) + pos.y; CSDL_Ext::blit8bppAlphaTo24bpp(cellShade, NULL, to, &genRect(cellShade->h, cellShade->w, x, y)); } } } SDL_SetClipRect(to, &buf); //restoring previous clip_rect //prevents blitting outside this window SDL_GetClipRect(to, &buf); SDL_SetClipRect(to, &pos); //preparing obstacles to be shown std::vector obstacles = curInt->cb->battleGetAllObstacles(); std::multimap hexToObstacle; for(int b=0; bheroh->obstacles[obstacles[b].ID].getMaxBlocked(obstacles[b].pos); hexToObstacle.insert(std::make_pair(position, b)); } ////showing units //a lot of work... std::vector stackAliveByHex[BFIELD_SIZE]; //double loop because dead stacks should be printed first for(std::map::iterator j=stacks.begin(); j!=stacks.end(); ++j) { if(creAnims.find(j->second.ID) == creAnims.end()) //eg. for summoned but not yet handled stacks continue; if(creAnims[j->second.ID]->getType() != 5 && j->second.position >= 0) //don't show turrets here stackAliveByHex[j->second.position].push_back(j->second.ID); } std::vector stackDeadByHex[BFIELD_SIZE]; for(std::map::iterator j=stacks.begin(); j!=stacks.end(); ++j) { if(creAnims.find(j->second.ID) == creAnims.end()) //eg. for summoned but not yet handled stacks continue; if(creAnims[j->second.ID]->getType() == 5) stackDeadByHex[j->second.position].push_back(j->second.ID); } //handle animations for(std::list >::iterator it = pendingAnims.begin(); it != pendingAnims.end(); ++it) { if(!it->first) //this animation should be deleted continue; if(!it->second) { it->second = it->first->init(); } if(it->second && it->first) it->first->nextFrame(); } //delete anims int preSize = pendingAnims.size(); for(std::list >::iterator it = pendingAnims.begin(); it != pendingAnims.end(); ++it) { if(it->first == NULL) { pendingAnims.erase(it); it = pendingAnims.begin(); break; } } if(preSize > 0 && pendingAnims.size() == 0) { //action finished, restore the interface if(!active) activate(); //restoring good directions of stacks for(std::map::const_iterator it = stacks.begin(); it != stacks.end(); ++it) { if(creDir[it->second.ID] != bool(it->second.attackerOwned) && it->second.alive()) { addNewAnim(new CReverseAnim(this, it->second.ID, it->second.position, false)); } } //activation of next stack if(pendingAnims.size() == 0 && stackToActivate != -1) { activateStack(); } //anims ended animsAreDisplayed.setn(false); } for(int b=0; bnextFrame(to, creAnims[stackDeadByHex[b][v]]->pos.x, creAnims[stackDeadByHex[b][v]]->pos.y, creDir[stackDeadByHex[b][v]], animCount, false); //increment always when moving, never if stack died } } std::vector flyingStacks; //flying stacks should be displayed later, over other stacks and obstacles for(int b=0; bgetType() != 0) showAliveStack(curStackID, stacks, to); else flyingStacks.push_back(curStackID); } //showing obstacles std::pair::const_iterator, std::multimap::const_iterator> obstRange = hexToObstacle.equal_range(b); for(std::multimap::const_iterator it = obstRange.first; it != obstRange.second; ++it) { CObstacleInstance & curOb = obstacles[it->second]; std::pair shift = CGI->heroh->obstacles[curOb.ID].posShift; int x = ((curOb.pos/BFIELD_WIDTH)%2==0 ? 22 : 0) + 44*(curOb.pos%BFIELD_WIDTH) + pos.x + shift.first; int y = 86 + 42 * (curOb.pos/BFIELD_WIDTH) + pos.y + shift.second; std::vector &images = idToObstacle[curOb.ID]->ourImages; //reference to animation of obstacle blitAt(images[((animCount+1)/(4/curInt->sysOpts.animSpeed))%images.size()].bitmap, x, y, to); } //showing wall pieces showPieceOfWall(to, b, stacks); } for(int b=0; bshow(to); if(defendingHero) defendingHero->show(to); projectileShowHelper(to);//showing projectiles //showing spell effects if(battleEffects.size()) { for(std::list::iterator it = battleEffects.begin(); it!=battleEffects.end(); ++it) { SDL_Surface * bitmapToBlit = it->anim->ourImages[(it->frame)%it->anim->ourImages.size()].bitmap; SDL_BlitSurface(bitmapToBlit, NULL, to, &genRect(bitmapToBlit->h, bitmapToBlit->w, it->x, it->y)); } } SDL_SetClipRect(to, &buf); //restoring previous clip_rect //showing menu background and console blitAt(menu, pos.x, 556 + pos.y, to); console->show(to); //showing buttons bOptions->show(to); bSurrender->show(to); bFlee->show(to); bAutofight->show(to); bSpell->show(to); bWait->show(to); bDefence->show(to); bConsoleUp->show(to); bConsoleDown->show(to); //showing window with result of battle if(resWindow) { resWindow->show(to); } //showing in-game console LOCPLINT->cingconsole->show(to); Rect posWithQueue = Rect(pos.x, pos.y, 800, 600); if(curInt->sysOpts.showQueue) { if(!queue->embedded) { posWithQueue.y -= queue->pos.h; posWithQueue.h += queue->pos.h; } //showing queue if(!bresult) queue->showAll(to); else queue->blitBg(to); //blit only background, stacks are deleted } //printing border around interface if(screen->w != 800 || screen->h !=600) { CMessage::drawBorder(curInt->playerID,to,posWithQueue.w + 28, posWithQueue.h + 28, posWithQueue.x-14, posWithQueue.y-15); } } void CBattleInterface::keyPressed(const SDL_KeyboardEvent & key) { if(key.keysym.sym == SDLK_q && key.state == SDL_PRESSED) { if(curInt->sysOpts.showQueue) //hide queue hideQueue(); else showQueue(); curInt->sysOpts.settingsChanged(); } else if(key.keysym.sym == SDLK_ESCAPE && spellDestSelectMode) { endCastingSpell(); } } void CBattleInterface::mouseMoved(const SDL_MouseMotionEvent &sEvent) { if(activeStack>=0 && !spellDestSelectMode) { mouseHoveredStack = -1; int myNumber = -1; //number of hovered tile for(int g=0; gcurh->changeGraphic(1, 6); if(console->whoSetAlter == 0) { console->alterTxt = ""; } } else { if(std::find(shadedHexes.begin(),shadedHexes.end(),myNumber) == shadedHexes.end()) { const CStack *shere = curInt->cb->battleGetStackByPos(myNumber); const CStack *sactive = curInt->cb->battleGetStackByID(activeStack); if(shere) { if(shere->owner == curInt->playerID) //our stack { CGI->curh->changeGraphic(1,5); //setting console text char buf[500]; sprintf(buf, CGI->generaltexth->allTexts[297].c_str(), shere->amount == 1 ? shere->creature->nameSing.c_str() : shere->creature->namePl.c_str()); console->alterTxt = buf; console->whoSetAlter = 0; mouseHoveredStack = shere->ID; if(creAnims[shere->ID]->getType() == 2 && creAnims[shere->ID]->framesInGroup(1) > 0) { creAnims[shere->ID]->playOnce(1); } } else if(curInt->cb->battleCanShoot(activeStack,myNumber)) //we can shoot enemy { CGI->curh->changeGraphic(1,3); //setting console text char buf[500]; //calculating estimated dmg std::pair estimatedDmg = curInt->cb->battleEstimateDamage(sactive->ID, shere->ID); std::ostringstream estDmg; estDmg << estimatedDmg.first << " - " << estimatedDmg.second; //printing sprintf(buf, CGI->generaltexth->allTexts[296].c_str(), shere->amount == 1 ? shere->creature->nameSing.c_str() : shere->creature->namePl.c_str(), sactive->shots, estDmg.str().c_str()); console->alterTxt = buf; console->whoSetAlter = 0; } else if(isTileAttackable(myNumber)) //available enemy (melee attackable) { CCursorHandler *cursor = CGI->curh; const CBattleHex &hoveredHex = bfield[myNumber]; const double subdividingAngle = 2.0*M_PI/6.0; // Divide a hex into six sectors. const double hexMidX = hoveredHex.pos.x + hoveredHex.pos.w/2; const double hexMidY = hoveredHex.pos.y + hoveredHex.pos.h/2; const double cursorHexAngle = M_PI - atan2(hexMidY - cursor->ypos, cursor->xpos - hexMidX) + subdividingAngle/2; const double sector = fmod(cursorHexAngle/subdividingAngle, 6.0); const int zigzagCorrection = !((myNumber/BFIELD_WIDTH)%2); // Off-by-one correction needed to deal with the odd battlefield rows. std::vector sectorCursor; // From left to bottom left. sectorCursor.push_back(8); sectorCursor.push_back(9); sectorCursor.push_back(10); sectorCursor.push_back(11); sectorCursor.push_back(12); sectorCursor.push_back(7); const bool doubleWide = curInt->cb->battleGetStackByID(activeStack)->hasFeatureOfType(StackFeature::DOUBLE_WIDE); bool aboveAttackable = true, belowAttackable = true; // Exclude directions which cannot be attacked from. // Check to the left. if (myNumber%BFIELD_WIDTH <= 1 || !vstd::contains(shadedHexes, myNumber - 1)) { sectorCursor[0] = -1; } // Check top left, top right as well as above for 2-hex creatures. if (myNumber/BFIELD_WIDTH == 0) { sectorCursor[1] = -1; sectorCursor[2] = -1; aboveAttackable = false; } else { if (doubleWide) { bool attackRow[4] = {true, true, true, true}; if (myNumber%BFIELD_WIDTH <= 1 || !vstd::contains(shadedHexes, myNumber - BFIELD_WIDTH - 2 + zigzagCorrection)) attackRow[0] = false; if (!vstd::contains(shadedHexes, myNumber - BFIELD_WIDTH - 1 + zigzagCorrection)) attackRow[1] = false; if (!vstd::contains(shadedHexes, myNumber - BFIELD_WIDTH + zigzagCorrection)) attackRow[2] = false; if (myNumber%BFIELD_WIDTH >= BFIELD_WIDTH - 2 || !vstd::contains(shadedHexes, myNumber - BFIELD_WIDTH + 1 + zigzagCorrection)) attackRow[3] = false; if (!(attackRow[0] && attackRow[1])) sectorCursor[1] = -1; if (!(attackRow[1] && attackRow[2])) aboveAttackable = false; if (!(attackRow[2] && attackRow[3])) sectorCursor[2] = -1; } else { if (!vstd::contains(shadedHexes, myNumber - BFIELD_WIDTH - 1 + zigzagCorrection)) sectorCursor[1] = -1; if (!vstd::contains(shadedHexes, myNumber - BFIELD_WIDTH + zigzagCorrection)) sectorCursor[2] = -1; } } // Check to the right. if (myNumber%BFIELD_WIDTH >= BFIELD_WIDTH - 2 || !vstd::contains(shadedHexes, myNumber + 1)) { sectorCursor[3] = -1; } // Check bottom right, bottom left as well as below for 2-hex creatures. if (myNumber/BFIELD_WIDTH == BFIELD_HEIGHT - 1) { sectorCursor[4] = -1; sectorCursor[5] = -1; belowAttackable = false; } else { if (doubleWide) { bool attackRow[4] = {true, true, true, true}; if (myNumber%BFIELD_WIDTH <= 1 || !vstd::contains(shadedHexes, myNumber + BFIELD_WIDTH - 2 + zigzagCorrection)) attackRow[0] = false; if (!vstd::contains(shadedHexes, myNumber + BFIELD_WIDTH - 1 + zigzagCorrection)) attackRow[1] = false; if (!vstd::contains(shadedHexes, myNumber + BFIELD_WIDTH + zigzagCorrection)) attackRow[2] = false; if (myNumber%BFIELD_WIDTH >= BFIELD_WIDTH - 2 || !vstd::contains(shadedHexes, myNumber + BFIELD_WIDTH + 1 + zigzagCorrection)) attackRow[3] = false; if (!(attackRow[0] && attackRow[1])) sectorCursor[5] = -1; if (!(attackRow[1] && attackRow[2])) belowAttackable = false; if (!(attackRow[2] && attackRow[3])) sectorCursor[4] = -1; } else { if (!vstd::contains(shadedHexes, myNumber + BFIELD_WIDTH + zigzagCorrection)) sectorCursor[4] = -1; if (!vstd::contains(shadedHexes, myNumber + BFIELD_WIDTH - 1 + zigzagCorrection)) sectorCursor[5] = -1; } } // Determine index from sector. int cursorIndex; if (doubleWide) { sectorCursor.insert(sectorCursor.begin() + 5, belowAttackable ? 13 : -1); sectorCursor.insert(sectorCursor.begin() + 2, aboveAttackable ? 14 : -1); if (sector < 1.5) cursorIndex = sector; else if (sector >= 1.5 && sector < 2.5) cursorIndex = 2; else if (sector >= 2.5 && sector < 4.5) cursorIndex = (int) sector + 1; else if (sector >= 4.5 && sector < 5.5) cursorIndex = 6; else cursorIndex = (int) sector + 2; } else { cursorIndex = sector; } // Find the closest direction attackable, starting with the right one. // FIXME: Is this really how the original H3 client does it? int i = 0; while (sectorCursor[(cursorIndex + i)%sectorCursor.size()] == -1) i = i <= 0 ? 1 - i : -i; // 0, 1, -1, 2, -2, 3, -3 etc.. cursor->changeGraphic(1, sectorCursor[(cursorIndex + i)%sectorCursor.size()]); //setting console info char buf[500]; //calculating estimated dmg std::pair estimatedDmg = curInt->cb->battleEstimateDamage(sactive->ID, shere->ID); std::ostringstream estDmg; estDmg << estimatedDmg.first << " - " << estimatedDmg.second; //printing sprintf(buf, CGI->generaltexth->allTexts[36].c_str(), shere->amount == 1 ? shere->creature->nameSing.c_str() : shere->creature->namePl.c_str(), estDmg.str().c_str()); console->alterTxt = buf; console->whoSetAlter = 0; } else //unavailable enemy { CGI->curh->changeGraphic(1,0); console->alterTxt = ""; console->whoSetAlter = 0; } } else if( sactive && sactive->hasFeatureOfType(StackFeature::CATAPULT) && isCatapultAttackable(myNumber) ) //catapulting { CGI->curh->changeGraphic(1,16); console->alterTxt = ""; console->whoSetAlter = 0; } else //empty unavailable tile { CGI->curh->changeGraphic(1,0); console->alterTxt = ""; console->whoSetAlter = 0; } } else //available tile { //setting console text and cursor const CStack *sactive = curInt->cb->battleGetStackByID(activeStack); if(sactive) //there can be a moment when stack is dead ut next is not yet activated { char buf[500]; if(sactive->hasFeatureOfType(StackFeature::FLYING)) { CGI->curh->changeGraphic(1,2); sprintf(buf, CGI->generaltexth->allTexts[295].c_str(), sactive->amount == 1 ? sactive->creature->nameSing.c_str() : sactive->creature->namePl.c_str()); } else { CGI->curh->changeGraphic(1,1); sprintf(buf, CGI->generaltexth->allTexts[294].c_str(), sactive->amount == 1 ? sactive->creature->nameSing.c_str() : sactive->creature->namePl.c_str()); } console->alterTxt = buf; console->whoSetAlter = 0; } } } } else if(spellDestSelectMode) { int myNumber = -1; //number of hovered tile for(int g=0; gcurh->changeGraphic(1, 0); //setting console text console->alterTxt = CGI->generaltexth->allTexts[23]; console->whoSetAlter = 0; } else { //get dead stack if we cast resurrection or animate dead const CStack * stackUnder = curInt->cb->battleGetStackByPos(myNumber, spellToCast->additionalInfo != 38 && spellToCast->additionalInfo != 39); if(stackUnder && spellToCast->additionalInfo == 39 && !stackUnder->hasFeatureOfType(StackFeature::UNDEAD)) //animate dead can be cast only on undead creatures stackUnder = NULL; bool whichCase; //for cases 1, 2 and 3 switch(spellSelMode) { case 1: whichCase = stackUnder && curInt->playerID == stackUnder->owner; break; case 2: whichCase = stackUnder && curInt->playerID != stackUnder->owner; break; case 3: whichCase = stackUnder; break; } switch(spellSelMode) { case 0: CGI->curh->changeGraphic(3, 0); //setting console text char buf[500]; sprintf(buf, CGI->generaltexth->allTexts[26].c_str(), CGI->spellh->spells[spellToCast->additionalInfo].name.c_str()); console->alterTxt = buf; console->whoSetAlter = 0; break; case 1: case 2: case 3: if( whichCase ) { CGI->curh->changeGraphic(3, 0); //setting console text char buf[500]; std::string creName = stackUnder->amount > 1 ? stackUnder->creature->namePl : stackUnder->creature->nameSing; sprintf(buf, CGI->generaltexth->allTexts[27].c_str(), CGI->spellh->spells[spellToCast->additionalInfo].name.c_str(), creName.c_str()); console->alterTxt = buf; console->whoSetAlter = 0; break; } else { CGI->curh->changeGraphic(1, 0); //setting console text console->alterTxt = CGI->generaltexth->allTexts[23]; console->whoSetAlter = 0; } break; case 4: //TODO: implement this case if( blockedByObstacle(myNumber) ) { CGI->curh->changeGraphic(3, 0); } else { CGI->curh->changeGraphic(1, 0); } break; } } } } void CBattleInterface::clickRight(tribool down, bool previousState) { if(!down && spellDestSelectMode) { endCastingSpell(); } } void CBattleInterface::bOptionsf() { if(spellDestSelectMode) //we are casting a spell return; CGI->curh->changeGraphic(0,0); SDL_Rect temp_rect = genRect(431, 481, 160, 84); CBattleOptionsWindow * optionsWin = new CBattleOptionsWindow(temp_rect, this); GH.pushInt(optionsWin); } void CBattleInterface::bSurrenderf() { if(spellDestSelectMode) //we are casting a spell return; } void CBattleInterface::bFleef() { if(spellDestSelectMode) //we are casting a spell return; if( curInt->cb->battleCanFlee() ) { CFunctionList ony = boost::bind(&CBattleInterface::reallyFlee,this); curInt->showYesNoDialog(CGI->generaltexth->allTexts[28],std::vector(), ony, 0, false); } else { std::vector comps; std::string heroName; //calculating fleeing hero's name if(attackingHeroInstance) if(attackingHeroInstance->tempOwner == curInt->cb->getMyColor()) heroName = attackingHeroInstance->name; if(defendingHeroInstance) if(defendingHeroInstance->tempOwner == curInt->cb->getMyColor()) heroName = defendingHeroInstance->name; //calculating text char buffer[1000]; sprintf(buffer, CGI->generaltexth->allTexts[340].c_str(), heroName.c_str()); //printing message curInt->showInfoDialog(std::string(buffer), comps); } } void CBattleInterface::reallyFlee() { giveCommand(4,0,0); CGI->curh->changeGraphic(0, 0); } void CBattleInterface::bAutofightf() { if(spellDestSelectMode) //we are casting a spell return; } void CBattleInterface::bSpellf() { if(spellDestSelectMode) //we are casting a spell return; CGI->curh->changeGraphic(0,0); const CGHeroInstance * chi = NULL; if(attackingHeroInstance->tempOwner == curInt->playerID) chi = attackingHeroInstance; else chi = defendingHeroInstance; CSpellWindow * spellWindow = new CSpellWindow(genRect(595, 620, (conf.cc.resx - 620)/2, (conf.cc.resy - 595)/2), chi, curInt); GH.pushInt(spellWindow); } void CBattleInterface::bWaitf() { if(spellDestSelectMode) //we are casting a spell return; if(activeStack != -1) giveCommand(8,0,activeStack); } void CBattleInterface::bDefencef() { if(spellDestSelectMode) //we are casting a spell return; if(activeStack != -1) giveCommand(3,0,activeStack); } void CBattleInterface::bConsoleUpf() { if(spellDestSelectMode) //we are casting a spell return; console->scrollUp(); } void CBattleInterface::bConsoleDownf() { if(spellDestSelectMode) //we are casting a spell return; console->scrollDown(); } void CBattleInterface::newStack(int stackID) { const CStack * newStack = curInt->cb->battleGetStackByID(stackID); Point coords = CBattleHex::getXYUnitAnim(newStack->position, newStack->owner == attackingHeroInstance->tempOwner, newStack, this);; if(newStack->position < 0) //turret { const CCreature & turretCreature = CGI->creh->creatures[ CGI->creh->factionToTurretCreature[siegeH->town->town->typeID] ]; creAnims[stackID] = new CCreatureAnimation(turretCreature.animDefName); } else { creAnims[stackID] = new CCreatureAnimation(newStack->creature->animDefName); } creAnims[stackID]->setType(2); creAnims[stackID]->pos = Rect(coords.x, coords.y, creAnims[newStack->ID]->fullWidth, creAnims[newStack->ID]->fullHeight); creDir[stackID] = newStack->attackerOwned; } void CBattleInterface::stackRemoved(int stackID) { delete creAnims[stackID]; creAnims.erase(stackID); creDir.erase(stackID); } void CBattleInterface::stackActivated(int number) { //givenCommand = NULL; stackToActivate = number; if(pendingAnims.size() == 0) activateStack(); } void CBattleInterface::stackMoved(int number, int destHex, bool endMoving, int distance) { addNewAnim(new CBattleStackMoved(this, number, destHex, endMoving, distance)); } void CBattleInterface::stacksAreAttacked(std::vector attackedInfos) { for(int h = 0; h < attackedInfos.size(); ++h) { addNewAnim(new CDefenceAnim(attackedInfos[h], this)); } } void CBattleInterface::stackAttacking(int ID, int dest, int attackedID) { addNewAnim(new CMeleeAttack(this, ID, dest, attackedID)); } void CBattleInterface::newRound(int number) { console->addText(CGI->generaltexth->allTexts[412]); //unlock spellbook //bSpell->block(!curInt->cb->battleCanCastSpell()); //don't unlock spellbook - this should be done when we have axctive creature //handle regeneration std::map stacks = curInt->cb->battleGetStacks(); for(std::map::const_iterator it = stacks.begin(); it != stacks.end(); ++it) { if( it->second.hasFeatureOfType(StackFeature::HP_REGENERATION) && it->second.alive() ) displayEffect(74, it->second.position); if( it->second.hasFeatureOfType(StackFeature::FULL_HP_REGENERATION, 0) && it->second.alive() ) displayEffect(4, it->second.position); if( it->second.hasFeatureOfType(StackFeature::FULL_HP_REGENERATION, 1) && it->second.alive() ) displayEffect(74, it->second.position); } } void CBattleInterface::giveCommand(ui8 action, ui16 tile, ui32 stack, si32 additional) { if(!curInt->cb->battleGetStackByID(stack) && action != 1 && action != 4 && action != 5) { return; } BattleAction * ba = new BattleAction(); //is deleted in CPlayerInterface::activeStack() ba->side = defendingHeroInstance ? (curInt->playerID == defendingHeroInstance->tempOwner) : false; ba->actionType = action; ba->destinationTile = tile; ba->stackNumber = stack; ba->additionalInfo = additional; //some basic validations switch(action) { case 6: assert(curInt->cb->battleGetStackByPos(additional)); //stack to attack must exist case 2: case 7: case 9: assert(tile < BFIELD_SIZE); break; } myTurn = false; activeStack = -1; givenCommand->setn(ba); } bool CBattleInterface::isTileAttackable(const int & number) const { for(size_t b=0; b obstacles = curInt->cb->battleGetAllObstacles(); std::set coveredHexes; for(int b = 0; b < obstacles.size(); ++b) { std::vector blocked = CGI->heroh->obstacles[obstacles[b].ID].getBlocked(obstacles[b].pos); for(int w = 0; w < blocked.size(); ++w) coveredHexes.insert(blocked[w]); } return vstd::contains(coveredHexes, hex); } bool CBattleInterface::isCatapultAttackable(int hex) const { if(!siegeH) return false; int wallUnder = curInt->cb->battleGetWallUnderHex(hex); if(wallUnder == -1) return false; return curInt->cb->battleGetWallState(wallUnder) < 3; } void CBattleInterface::hexLclicked(int whichOne) { const CStack * actSt = curInt->cb->battleGetStackByID(activeStack); if( ((whichOne%BFIELD_WIDTH)!=0 && (whichOne%BFIELD_WIDTH)!=(BFIELD_WIDTH-1)) //if player is trying to attack enemey unit or move creature stack || (actSt->hasFeatureOfType(StackFeature::CATAPULT) && !spellDestSelectMode ) ) { if(!myTurn) return; //we are not permit to do anything if(spellDestSelectMode) { //checking destination bool allowCasting = true; bool onlyAlive = spellToCast->additionalInfo != 38 && spellToCast->additionalInfo != 39; //when casting resurrection or animate dead we should be allow to select dead stack switch(spellSelMode) { case 1: if(!curInt->cb->battleGetStackByPos(whichOne, onlyAlive) || curInt->playerID != curInt->cb->battleGetStackByPos(whichOne, onlyAlive)->owner ) allowCasting = false; break; case 2: if(!curInt->cb->battleGetStackByPos(whichOne, onlyAlive) || curInt->playerID == curInt->cb->battleGetStackByPos(whichOne, onlyAlive)->owner ) allowCasting = false; break; case 3: if(!curInt->cb->battleGetStackByPos(whichOne, onlyAlive)) allowCasting = false; break; case 4: if(!blockedByObstacle(whichOne)) allowCasting = false; break; } //destination checked if(allowCasting) { spellToCast->destinationTile = whichOne; curInt->cb->battleMakeAction(spellToCast); endCastingSpell(); } } else //we don't cast any spell { const CStack* dest = curInt->cb->battleGetStackByPos(whichOne); //creature at destination tile; -1 if there is no one if(!dest || !dest->alive()) //no creature at that tile { const CStack * sactive = curInt->cb->battleGetStackByID(activeStack); if(std::find(shadedHexes.begin(),shadedHexes.end(),whichOne)!=shadedHexes.end())// and it's in our range { CGI->curh->changeGraphic(1, 6); //cursor should be changed if(curInt->cb->battleGetStackByID(activeStack)->hasFeatureOfType(StackFeature::DOUBLE_WIDE)) { std::vector acc = curInt->cb->battleGetAvailableHexes(activeStack, false); int shiftedDest = whichOne + (curInt->cb->battleGetStackByID(activeStack)->attackerOwned ? 1 : -1); if(vstd::contains(acc, whichOne)) giveCommand(2,whichOne,activeStack); else if(vstd::contains(acc, shiftedDest)) giveCommand(2,shiftedDest,activeStack); } else { giveCommand(2,whichOne,activeStack); } } else if(sactive->hasFeatureOfType(StackFeature::CATAPULT) && isCatapultAttackable(whichOne)) //attacking (catapult) { giveCommand(9,whichOne,activeStack); } } else if(dest->owner != actSt->owner && curInt->cb->battleCanShoot(activeStack, whichOne) ) //shooting { CGI->curh->changeGraphic(1, 6); //cursor should be changed giveCommand(7,whichOne,activeStack); } else if(dest->owner != actSt->owner) //attacking { const CStack * actStack = curInt->cb->battleGetStackByID(activeStack); int attackFromHex = -1; //hex from which we will attack chosen stack switch(CGI->curh->number) { case 12: //from bottom right { bool doubleWide = actStack->hasFeatureOfType(StackFeature::DOUBLE_WIDE); int destHex = whichOne + ( (whichOne/BFIELD_WIDTH)%2 ? BFIELD_WIDTH : BFIELD_WIDTH+1 ) + (actStack->attackerOwned && doubleWide ? 1 : 0); if(vstd::contains(shadedHexes, destHex)) attackFromHex = destHex; else if(actStack->attackerOwned) //if we are attacker { if(vstd::contains(shadedHexes, destHex+1)) attackFromHex = destHex+1; } else //if we are defender { if(vstd::contains(shadedHexes, destHex-1)) attackFromHex = destHex-1; } break; } case 7: //from bottom left { int destHex = whichOne + ( (whichOne/BFIELD_WIDTH)%2 ? BFIELD_WIDTH-1 : BFIELD_WIDTH ); if(vstd::contains(shadedHexes, destHex)) attackFromHex = destHex; else if(actStack->attackerOwned) //if we are attacker { if(vstd::contains(shadedHexes, destHex+1)) attackFromHex = destHex+1; } else //if we are defender { if(vstd::contains(shadedHexes, destHex-1)) attackFromHex = destHex-1; } break; } case 8: //from left { if(actStack->hasFeatureOfType(StackFeature::DOUBLE_WIDE) && !actStack->attackerOwned) { std::vector acc = curInt->cb->battleGetAvailableHexes(activeStack, false); if(vstd::contains(acc, whichOne)) attackFromHex = whichOne - 1; else attackFromHex = whichOne - 2; } else { attackFromHex = whichOne - 1; } break; } case 9: //from top left { int destHex = whichOne - ( (whichOne/BFIELD_WIDTH)%2 ? BFIELD_WIDTH+1 : BFIELD_WIDTH ); if(vstd::contains(shadedHexes, destHex)) attackFromHex = destHex; else if(actStack->attackerOwned) //if we are attacker { if(vstd::contains(shadedHexes, destHex+1)) attackFromHex = destHex+1; } else //if we are defender { if(vstd::contains(shadedHexes, destHex-1)) attackFromHex = destHex-1; } break; } case 10: //from top right { bool doubleWide = actStack->hasFeatureOfType(StackFeature::DOUBLE_WIDE); int destHex = whichOne - ( (whichOne/BFIELD_WIDTH)%2 ? BFIELD_WIDTH : BFIELD_WIDTH-1 ) + (actStack->attackerOwned && doubleWide ? 1 : 0); if(vstd::contains(shadedHexes, destHex)) attackFromHex = destHex; else if(actStack->attackerOwned) //if we are attacker { if(vstd::contains(shadedHexes, destHex+1)) attackFromHex = destHex+1; } else //if we are defender { if(vstd::contains(shadedHexes, destHex-1)) attackFromHex = destHex-1; } break; } case 11: //from right { if(actStack->hasFeatureOfType(StackFeature::DOUBLE_WIDE) && actStack->attackerOwned) { std::vector acc = curInt->cb->battleGetAvailableHexes(activeStack, false); if(vstd::contains(acc, whichOne)) attackFromHex = whichOne + 1; else attackFromHex = whichOne + 2; } else { attackFromHex = whichOne + 1; } break; } case 13: //from bottom { int destHex = whichOne + ( (whichOne/BFIELD_WIDTH)%2 ? BFIELD_WIDTH : BFIELD_WIDTH+1 ); if(vstd::contains(shadedHexes, destHex)) attackFromHex = destHex; else if(attackingHeroInstance->tempOwner == curInt->cb->getMyColor()) //if we are attacker { if(vstd::contains(shadedHexes, destHex+1)) attackFromHex = destHex+1; } else //if we are defender { if(vstd::contains(shadedHexes, destHex-1)) attackFromHex = destHex-1; } break; } case 14: //from top { int destHex = whichOne - ( (whichOne/BFIELD_WIDTH)%2 ? BFIELD_WIDTH : BFIELD_WIDTH-1 ); if(vstd::contains(shadedHexes, destHex)) attackFromHex = destHex; else if(attackingHeroInstance->tempOwner == curInt->cb->getMyColor()) //if we are attacker { if(vstd::contains(shadedHexes, destHex+1)) attackFromHex = destHex+1; } else //if we are defender { if(vstd::contains(shadedHexes, destHex-1)) attackFromHex = destHex-1; } break; } } if(attackFromHex >= 0) //we can be in this line when unreachable creature is L - clicked (as of revision 1308) { giveCommand(6, attackFromHex, activeStack, whichOne); CGI->curh->changeGraphic(1, 6); //cursor should be changed } } } } } void CBattleInterface::stackIsShooting(int ID, int dest, int attackedID) { addNewAnim(new CShootingAnim(this, ID, dest, attackedID)); } void CBattleInterface::stackIsCatapulting(const CatapultAttack & ca) { for(std::set< std::pair< std::pair< ui8, si16 >, ui8> >::const_iterator it = ca.attackedParts.begin(); it != ca.attackedParts.end(); ++it) { addNewAnim(new CShootingAnim(this, ca.attacker, it->first.second, -1, true, it->second)); SDL_FreeSurface(siegeH->walls[it->first.first + 2]); siegeH->walls[it->first.first + 2] = BitmapHandler::loadBitmap( siegeH->getSiegeName(it->first.first + 2, curInt->cb->battleGetWallState(it->first.first)) ); } } void CBattleInterface::battleFinished(const BattleResult& br) { bresult = &br; curInt->pim->unlock(); animsAreDisplayed.waitUntil(false); curInt->pim->lock(); displayBattleFinished(); } void CBattleInterface::displayBattleFinished() { CGI->curh->changeGraphic(0,0); SDL_Rect temp_rect = genRect(561, 470, (screen->w - 800)/2 + 165, (screen->h - 600)/2 + 19); CGI->musich->stopMusic(); resWindow = new CBattleResultWindow(*bresult, temp_rect, this); GH.pushInt(resWindow); } void CBattleInterface::spellCast(SpellCast * sc) { CSpell &spell = CGI->spellh->spells[sc->id]; if(sc->side == !curInt->cb->battleGetStackByID(activeStack)->attackerOwned) bSpell->block(true); std::vector< std::string > anims; //for magic arrow and ice bolt if (spell.soundID != soundBase::invalid) CGI->soundh->playSound(spell.soundID); switch(sc->id) { case 15: //magic arrow { //initialization of anims anims.push_back("C20SPX0.DEF"); anims.push_back("C20SPX1.DEF"); anims.push_back("C20SPX2.DEF"); anims.push_back("C20SPX3.DEF"); anims.push_back("C20SPX4.DEF"); } case 16: //ice bolt { if(anims.size() == 0) //initialization of anims { anims.push_back("C08SPW0.DEF"); anims.push_back("C08SPW1.DEF"); anims.push_back("C08SPW2.DEF"); anims.push_back("C08SPW3.DEF"); anims.push_back("C08SPW4.DEF"); } } //end of ice bolt only part { //common ice bolt and magic arrow part //initial variables std::string animToDisplay; Point srccoord = (sc->side ? Point(770, 60) : Point(30, 60)) + pos; Point destcoord = CBattleHex::getXYUnitAnim(sc->tile, !sc->side, curInt->cb->battleGetStackByPos(sc->tile), this); //position attacked by arrow destcoord.x += 250; destcoord.y += 240; //animation angle float angle = atan2(float(destcoord.x - srccoord.x), float(destcoord.y - srccoord.y)); //choosing animation by angle if(angle > 1.50) animToDisplay = anims[0]; else if(angle > 1.20) animToDisplay = anims[1]; else if(angle > 0.90) animToDisplay = anims[2]; else if(angle > 0.60) animToDisplay = anims[3]; else animToDisplay = anims[4]; //displaying animation CDefEssential * animDef = CDefHandler::giveDefEss(animToDisplay); int steps = sqrt((float)((destcoord.x - srccoord.x)*(destcoord.x - srccoord.x) + (destcoord.y - srccoord.y) * (destcoord.y - srccoord.y))) / 40; if(steps <= 0) steps = 1; int dx = (destcoord.x - srccoord.x - animDef->ourImages[0].bitmap->w)/steps, dy = (destcoord.y - srccoord.y - animDef->ourImages[0].bitmap->h)/steps; delete animDef; addNewAnim(new CSpellEffectAnim(this, animToDisplay, srccoord.x, srccoord.y, dx, dy)); break; //for 15 and 16 cases } case 17: //lightning bolt displayEffect(1, sc->tile); displayEffect(spell.mainEffectAnim, sc->tile); break; case 35: //dispel case 37: //cure case 38: //resurrection case 39: //animate dead for(std::set::const_iterator it = sc->affectedCres.begin(); it != sc->affectedCres.end(); ++it) { displayEffect(spell.mainEffectAnim, curInt->cb->battleGetStackByID(*it, false)->position); } break; case 66: case 67: case 68: case 69: //summon elemental addNewAnim(new CDummyAnim(this, 2)); break; } //switch(sc->id) //support for resistance for(int j=0; jresisted.size(); ++j) { int tile = curInt->cb->battleGetStackByID(sc->resisted[j])->position; displayEffect(78, tile); } //displaying message in console if(sc->affectedCres.size() == 1) { std::string text = CGI->generaltexth->allTexts[195]; boost::algorithm::replace_first(text, "%s", curInt->cb->battleGetFightingHero(sc->side)->name); boost::algorithm::replace_first(text, "%s", CGI->spellh->spells[sc->id].name); boost::algorithm::replace_first(text, "%s", curInt->cb->battleGetStackByID(*sc->affectedCres.begin(), false)->creature->namePl ); console->addText(text); } else { std::string text = CGI->generaltexth->allTexts[196]; boost::algorithm::replace_first(text, "%s", curInt->cb->battleGetFightingHero(sc->side)->name); boost::algorithm::replace_first(text, "%s", CGI->spellh->spells[sc->id].name); console->addText(text); } if(sc->dmgToDisplay != 0) { std::string dmgInfo = CGI->generaltexth->allTexts[343].substr(1, CGI->generaltexth->allTexts[343].size() - 1); boost::algorithm::replace_first(dmgInfo, "%d", boost::lexical_cast(sc->dmgToDisplay)); console->addText(dmgInfo); } } void CBattleInterface::battleStacksEffectsSet(const SetStackEffect & sse) { for(std::vector::const_iterator ci = sse.stacks.begin(); ci!=sse.stacks.end(); ++ci) { displayEffect(CGI->spellh->spells[sse.effect.id].mainEffectAnim, curInt->cb->battleGetStackByID(*ci)->position); } redrawBackgroundWithHexes(activeStack); } void CBattleInterface::castThisSpell(int spellID) { BattleAction * ba = new BattleAction; ba->actionType = 1; ba->additionalInfo = spellID; //spell number ba->destinationTile = -1; ba->stackNumber = (attackingHeroInstance->tempOwner == curInt->playerID) ? -1 : -2; ba->side = defendingHeroInstance ? (curInt->playerID == defendingHeroInstance->tempOwner) : false; spellToCast = ba; spellDestSelectMode = true; //choosing possible tragets const CGHeroInstance * castingHero = (attackingHeroInstance->tempOwner == curInt->playerID) ? attackingHeroInstance : attackingHeroInstance; spellSelMode = 0; if(CGI->spellh->spells[spellID].attributes.find("CREATURE_TARGET") != std::string::npos) //spell to be cast on one specific creature { switch(CGI->spellh->spells[spellID].positiveness) { case -1 : spellSelMode = 2; break; case 0: spellSelMode = 3; break; case 1: spellSelMode = 1; break; } } if(CGI->spellh->spells[spellID].attributes.find("CREATURE_TARGET_1") != std::string::npos || CGI->spellh->spells[spellID].attributes.find("CREATURE_TARGET_2") != std::string::npos) //spell to be cast on a specific creature but massive on expert { if(castingHero && castingHero->getSpellSecLevel(spellID) < 3) { switch(CGI->spellh->spells[spellID].positiveness) { case -1 : spellSelMode = 2; break; case 0: spellSelMode = 3; break; case 1: spellSelMode = 1; break; } } else { spellSelMode = -1; } } if(CGI->spellh->spells[spellID].attributes.find("OBSTACLE_TARGET") != std::string::npos) //spell to be cast on an obstacle { spellSelMode = 4; } if(CGI->spellh->spells[spellID].range[ castingHero->getSpellSchoolLevel(&CGI->spellh->spells[spellID]) ] == "X") //spell has no range { spellSelMode = -1; } if(spellSelMode == -1) //user does not have to select location { spellToCast->destinationTile = -1; curInt->cb->battleMakeAction(spellToCast); endCastingSpell(); } else { CGI->curh->changeGraphic(3, 0); } } void CBattleInterface::displayEffect(ui32 effect, int destTile) { addNewAnim(new CSpellEffectAnim(this, effect, destTile)); } void CBattleInterface::setAnimSpeed(int set) { curInt->sysOpts.animSpeed = set; curInt->sysOpts.settingsChanged(); } int CBattleInterface::getAnimSpeed() const { return curInt->sysOpts.animSpeed; curInt->sysOpts.settingsChanged(); } void CBattleInterface::activateStack() { activeStack = stackToActivate; stackToActivate = -1; myTurn = true; curInt = attackerInt->playerID == LOCPLINT->cb->battleGetStackByID(activeStack)->owner ? attackerInt : defenderInt; queue->update(); redrawBackgroundWithHexes(activeStack); bWait->block(vstd::contains(curInt->cb->battleGetStackByID(activeStack)->state, WAITING)); //block waiting button if stack has been already waiting //block cast spell button if hero doesn't have a spellbook bSpell->block(!curInt->cb->battleCanCastSpell()); GH.fakeMouseMove(); if(!pendingAnims.size() && !active) activate(); } float CBattleInterface::getAnimSpeedMultiplier() const { switch(curInt->sysOpts.animSpeed) { case 1: return 3.5f; case 2: return 2.2f; case 4: return 1.0f; default: return 0.0f; } } void CBattleInterface::endCastingSpell() { assert(spellDestSelectMode); delete spellToCast; spellToCast = NULL; spellDestSelectMode = false; CGI->curh->changeGraphic(1, 6); } void CBattleInterface::showAliveStack(int ID, const std::map & stacks, SDL_Surface * to) { if(creAnims.find(ID) == creAnims.end()) //eg. for summoned but not yet handled stacks return; const CStack &curStack = stacks.find(ID)->second; int animType = creAnims[ID]->getType(); int affectingSpeed = curInt->sysOpts.animSpeed; if(animType == 1 || animType == 2) //standing stacks should not stand faster :) affectingSpeed = 2; bool incrementFrame = (animCount%(4/affectingSpeed)==0) && animType!=5 && animType!=20 && animType!=2; if(animType == 2) { if(standingFrame.find(ID)!=standingFrame.end()) { incrementFrame = (animCount%(8/affectingSpeed)==0); if(incrementFrame) { ++standingFrame[ID]; if(standingFrame[ID] == creAnims[ID]->framesInGroup(2)) { standingFrame.erase(standingFrame.find(ID)); } } } else { if((rand()%50) == 0) { standingFrame.insert(std::make_pair(ID, 0)); } } } creAnims[ID]->nextFrame(to, creAnims[ID]->pos.x, creAnims[ID]->pos.y, creDir[ID], animCount, incrementFrame, ID==activeStack, ID==mouseHoveredStack); //increment always when moving, never if stack died //printing amount if(curStack.amount > 0 //don't print if stack is not alive && (!curInt->curAction || (curInt->curAction->stackNumber != ID //don't print if stack is currently taking an action && (curInt->curAction->actionType != 6 || curStack.position != curInt->curAction->additionalInfo) //nor if it's an object of attack && (curInt->curAction->destinationTile != curStack.position) //nor if it's on destination tile for current action ) ) && !curStack.hasFeatureOfType(StackFeature::SIEGE_WEAPON) //and not a war machine... ) { int xAdd = curStack.attackerOwned ? 220 : 202; //blitting amoutn background box SDL_Surface *amountBG = NULL; if(curStack.effects.size() == 0) { amountBG = amountNormal; } else { int pos=0; //determining total positiveness of effects for(int c=0; cspellh->spells[ curStack.effects[c].id ].positiveness; } if(pos > 0) { amountBG = amountPositive; } else if(pos < 0) { amountBG = amountNegative; } else { amountBG = amountEffNeutral; } } SDL_BlitSurface(amountBG, NULL, to, &genRect(amountNormal->h, amountNormal->w, creAnims[ID]->pos.x + xAdd, creAnims[ID]->pos.y + 260)); //blitting amount CSDL_Ext::printAtMiddle( makeNumberShort(curStack.amount), creAnims[ID]->pos.x + xAdd + 15, creAnims[ID]->pos.y + 260 + 5, FONT_TINY, zwykly, to ); } } void CBattleInterface::showPieceOfWall(SDL_Surface * to, int hex, const std::map & stacks) { if(!siegeH) return; static const std::map hexToPart = boost::assign::map_list_of(12, 8)(16, 1)(29, 7)(50, 2)(62, 12)(78, 6)(112, 10)(147, 5)(165, 11)(182, 3)(186, 0); //additionally print bottom wall if(hex == 182) { siegeH->printPartOfWall(to, 4); } std::map::const_iterator it = hexToPart.find(hex); if(it != hexToPart.end()) { siegeH->printPartOfWall(to, it->second); //print creature in turret int posToSeek = -1; switch(it->second) { case 3: //bottom turret posToSeek = -3; break; case 8: //upper turret posToSeek = -4; break; case 2: //keep posToSeek = -2; break; } if(posToSeek != -1) { int ID = -1; for(std::map::const_iterator it = stacks.begin(); it != stacks.end(); ++it) { if(it->second.position == posToSeek) { ID = it->second.ID; break; } } if(ID != -1) { showAliveStack(ID, stacks, to); //blitting creature cover switch(posToSeek) { case -3: //bottom turret siegeH->printPartOfWall(to, 16); break; case -4: //upper turret siegeH->printPartOfWall(to, 17); break; case -2: //keep siegeH->printPartOfWall(to, 15); break; } } } } } void CBattleInterface::redrawBackgroundWithHexes(int activeStack) { shadedHexes = curInt->cb->battleGetAvailableHexes(activeStack, true); //preparating background graphic with hexes and shaded hexes blitAt(background, 0, 0, backgroundWithHexes); if(curInt->sysOpts.printCellBorders) CSDL_Ext::blit8bppAlphaTo24bpp(cellBorders, NULL, backgroundWithHexes, NULL); if(curInt->sysOpts.printStackRange) { for(size_t m=0; mh, cellShade->w, x, y)); } } } void CBattleInterface::printConsoleAttacked(int ID, int dmg, int killed, int IDby) { char tabh[200]; const CStack * attacker = curInt->cb->battleGetStackByID(IDby, false); const CStack * defender = curInt->cb->battleGetStackByID(ID, false); int end = sprintf(tabh, CGI->generaltexth->allTexts[attacker->amount > 1 ? 377 : 376].c_str(), (attacker->amount > 1 ? attacker->creature->namePl.c_str() : attacker->creature->nameSing.c_str()), dmg); if(killed > 0) { if(killed > 1) { sprintf(tabh + end, CGI->generaltexth->allTexts[379].c_str(), killed, defender->creature->namePl.c_str()); } else //killed == 1 { sprintf(tabh + end, CGI->generaltexth->allTexts[378].c_str(), defender->creature->nameSing.c_str()); } } console->addText(std::string(tabh)); } void CBattleInterface::projectileShowHelper(SDL_Surface * to) { if(to == NULL) to = screen; std::list< std::list::iterator > toBeDeleted; for(std::list::iterator it=projectiles.begin(); it!=projectiles.end(); ++it) { if(it->animStartDelay>0) { --(it->animStartDelay); continue; } SDL_Rect dst; dst.h = idToProjectile[it->creID]->ourImages[it->frameNum].bitmap->h; dst.w = idToProjectile[it->creID]->ourImages[it->frameNum].bitmap->w; dst.x = it->x; dst.y = it->y; if(it->reverse) { SDL_Surface * rev = CSDL_Ext::rotate01(idToProjectile[it->creID]->ourImages[it->frameNum].bitmap); CSDL_Ext::blit8bppAlphaTo24bpp(rev, NULL, to, &dst); SDL_FreeSurface(rev); } else { CSDL_Ext::blit8bppAlphaTo24bpp(idToProjectile[it->creID]->ourImages[it->frameNum].bitmap, NULL, to, &dst); } //actualizing projectile ++it->step; if(it->step == it->lastStep) { toBeDeleted.insert(toBeDeleted.end(), it); } else { it->x += it->dx; it->y += it->dy; if(it->spin) { ++(it->frameNum); it->frameNum %= idToProjectile[it->creID]->ourImages.size(); } } } for(std::list< std::list::iterator >::iterator it = toBeDeleted.begin(); it!= toBeDeleted.end(); ++it) { projectiles.erase(*it); } } void CBattleInterface::endAction(const BattleAction* action) { //if((action->actionType==2 || (action->actionType==6 && action->destinationTile!=cb->battleGetPos(action->stackNumber)))) //activating interface when move is finished // { // activate(); // } if(action->actionType == 1) { if(action->side) defendingHero->setPhase(0); else attackingHero->setPhase(0); } if(action->actionType == 2 && creAnims[action->stackNumber]->getType() != 2) //walk or walk & attack { pendingAnims.push_back(std::make_pair(new CBattleMoveEnd(this, action->stackNumber, action->destinationTile), false)); } if(action->actionType == 9) //catapult { } queue->update(); } void CBattleInterface::hideQueue() { curInt->sysOpts.showQueue = false; queue->deactivate(); if(!queue->embedded) { moveBy(Point(0, -queue->pos.h / 2)); GH.totalRedraw(); } } void CBattleInterface::showQueue() { curInt->sysOpts.showQueue = true; queue->activate(); if(!queue->embedded) { moveBy(Point(0, +queue->pos.h / 2)); GH.totalRedraw(); } } void CBattleInterface::startAction(const BattleAction* action) { const CStack *stack = curInt->cb->battleGetStackByID(action->stackNumber); if(stack) { queue->update(); } else { assert(action->actionType == 1); //only cast spell is valid action without acting stack number } if(action->actionType == 2 || (action->actionType == 6 && action->destinationTile != stack->position)) { moveStarted = true; if(creAnims[action->stackNumber]->framesInGroup(20)) { pendingAnims.push_back(std::make_pair(new CBattleMoveStart(this, action->stackNumber), false)); } } if(active) deactivate(); char txt[400]; if(action->actionType == 1) { if(action->side) defendingHero->setPhase(4); else attackingHero->setPhase(4); return; } if(!stack) { tlog1<<"Something wrong with stackNumber in actionStarted. Stack number: "<stackNumber<actionType) { case 3: //defend txtid = 120; break; case 8: //wait txtid = 136; break; case 11: //bad morale txtid = -34; //negative -> no separate singular/plural form displayEffect(30,stack->position); break; } if(txtid > 0 && stack->amount != 1) txtid++; //move to plural text else if(txtid < 0) txtid = -txtid; if(txtid) { sprintf(txt, CGI->generaltexth->allTexts[txtid].c_str(), (stack->amount != 1) ? stack->creature->namePl.c_str() : stack->creature->nameSing.c_str(), 0); console->addText(txt); } } void CBattleHero::show(SDL_Surface *to) { //animation of flag if(flip) { CSDL_Ext::blit8bppAlphaTo24bpp( flag->ourImages[flagAnim].bitmap, NULL, screen, &genRect( flag->ourImages[flagAnim].bitmap->h, flag->ourImages[flagAnim].bitmap->w, 62 + pos.x, 39 + pos.y ) ); } else { CSDL_Ext::blit8bppAlphaTo24bpp( flag->ourImages[flagAnim].bitmap, NULL, screen, &genRect( flag->ourImages[flagAnim].bitmap->h, flag->ourImages[flagAnim].bitmap->w, 71 + pos.x, 39 + pos.y ) ); } ++flagAnimCount; if(flagAnimCount%4==0) { ++flagAnim; flagAnim %= flag->ourImages.size(); } //animation of hero int tick=-1; for(int i=0; iourImages.size(); ++i) { if(dh->ourImages[i].groupNumber==phase) ++tick; if(tick==image) { SDL_Rect posb = pos; CSDL_Ext::blit8bppAlphaTo24bpp(dh->ourImages[i].bitmap, NULL, to, &posb); if(phase != 4 || nextPhase != -1 || image < 4) { if(flagAnimCount%2==0) { ++image; } if(dh->ourImages[(i+1)%dh->ourImages.size()].groupNumber!=phase) //back to appropriate frame { image = 0; } } if(phase == 4 && nextPhase != -1 && image == 7) { phase = nextPhase; nextPhase = -1; image = 0; } break; } } } void CBattleHero::activate() { activateLClick(); } void CBattleHero::deactivate() { deactivateLClick(); } void CBattleHero::setPhase(int newPhase) { if(phase != 4) { phase = newPhase; image = 0; } else { nextPhase = newPhase; } } void CBattleHero::clickLeft(tribool down, bool previousState) { if(myOwner->spellDestSelectMode) //we are casting a spell return; if(!down && myHero && myOwner->curInt->cb->battleCanCastSpell()) //check conditions { for(int it=0; itbfield[it].hovered && myOwner->bfield[it].strictHovered) return; } CGI->curh->changeGraphic(0,0); CSpellWindow * spellWindow = new CSpellWindow(genRect(595, 620, (conf.cc.resx - 620)/2, (conf.cc.resy - 595)/2), myHero, myOwner->curInt); GH.pushInt(spellWindow); } } CBattleHero::CBattleHero(const std::string & defName, int phaseG, int imageG, bool flipG, unsigned char player, const CGHeroInstance * hero, const CBattleInterface * owner): flip(flipG), myHero(hero), myOwner(owner), phase(phaseG), nextPhase(-1), image(imageG), flagAnim(0), flagAnimCount(0) { dh = CDefHandler::giveDef( defName ); for(int i=0; iourImages.size(); ++i) //transforming images { if(flip) { SDL_Surface * hlp = CSDL_Ext::rotate01(dh->ourImages[i].bitmap); SDL_FreeSurface(dh->ourImages[i].bitmap); dh->ourImages[i].bitmap = hlp; } CSDL_Ext::alphaTransform(dh->ourImages[i].bitmap); } dh->alphaTransformed = true; if(flip) flag = CDefHandler::giveDef("CMFLAGR.DEF"); else flag = CDefHandler::giveDef("CMFLAGL.DEF"); //coloring flag and adding transparency for(int i=0; iourImages.size(); ++i) { CSDL_Ext::alphaTransform(flag->ourImages[i].bitmap); graphics->blueToPlayersAdv(flag->ourImages[i].bitmap, player); } } CBattleHero::~CBattleHero() { delete dh; delete flag; } Point CBattleHex::getXYUnitAnim(const int & hexNum, const bool & attacker, const CStack * stack, const CBattleInterface * cbi) { Point ret(-500, -500); //returned value if(stack->position < 0) //creatures in turrets { const CCreature & turretCreature = CGI->creh->creatures[ CGI->creh->factionToTurretCreature[cbi->siegeH->town->town->typeID] ]; int xShift = turretCreature.isDoubleWide() ? 44 : 0; switch(stack->position) { case -2: //keep ret = Point(505 + xShift, -66); break; case -3: //lower turret ret = Point(368 + xShift, 304); break; case -4: //upper turret ret = Point(339 + xShift, -192); break; } } else { ret.y = -139 + 42 * (hexNum/BFIELD_WIDTH); //counting y //counting x if(attacker) { ret.x = -160 + 22 * ( ((hexNum/BFIELD_WIDTH) + 1)%2 ) + 44 * (hexNum % BFIELD_WIDTH); } else { ret.x = -219 + 22 * ( ((hexNum/BFIELD_WIDTH) + 1)%2 ) + 44 * (hexNum % BFIELD_WIDTH); } //shifting position for double - hex creatures if(stack && stack->hasFeatureOfType(StackFeature::DOUBLE_WIDE)) { if(attacker) { ret.x -= 42; } else { ret.x += 42; } } } //returning return ret +CPlayerInterface::battleInt->pos; } void CBattleHex::activate() { activateHover(); activateMouseMove(); activateLClick(); activateRClick(); } void CBattleHex::deactivate() { deactivateHover(); deactivateMouseMove(); deactivateLClick(); deactivateRClick(); } void CBattleHex::hover(bool on) { hovered = on; //Hoverable::hover(on); if(!on && setAlterText) { myInterface->console->alterTxt = std::string(); setAlterText = false; } } CBattleHex::CBattleHex() : setAlterText(false), myNumber(-1), accessible(true), hovered(false), strictHovered(false), myInterface(NULL) { } void CBattleHex::mouseMoved(const SDL_MouseMotionEvent &sEvent) { if(myInterface->cellShade) { if(CSDL_Ext::SDL_GetPixel(myInterface->cellShade, sEvent.x-pos.x, sEvent.y-pos.y) == 0) //hovered pixel is outside hex { strictHovered = false; } else //hovered pixel is inside hex { strictHovered = true; } } if(hovered && strictHovered) //print attacked creature to console { if(myInterface->console->alterTxt.size() == 0 && myInterface->curInt->cb->battleGetStack(myNumber) != -1 && myInterface->curInt->cb->battleGetStackByPos(myNumber)->owner != myInterface->curInt->playerID && myInterface->curInt->cb->battleGetStackByPos(myNumber)->alive()) { char tabh[160]; const CStack * attackedStack = myInterface->curInt->cb->battleGetStackByPos(myNumber); const std::string & attackedName = attackedStack->amount == 1 ? attackedStack->creature->nameSing : attackedStack->creature->namePl; sprintf(tabh, CGI->generaltexth->allTexts[220].c_str(), attackedName.c_str()); myInterface->console->alterTxt = std::string(tabh); setAlterText = true; } } else if(setAlterText) { myInterface->console->alterTxt = std::string(); setAlterText = false; } } void CBattleHex::clickLeft(tribool down, bool previousState) { if(!down && hovered && strictHovered) //we've been really clicked! { myInterface->hexLclicked(myNumber); } } void CBattleHex::clickRight(tribool down, bool previousState) { int stID = myInterface->curInt->cb->battleGetStack(myNumber); //id of stack being on this tile if(hovered && strictHovered && stID!=-1) { const CStack & myst = *myInterface->curInt->cb->battleGetStackByID(stID); //stack info if(!myst.alive()) return; StackState *pom = NULL; if(down) { pom = new StackState(); const CGHeroInstance *h = myst.owner == myInterface->attackingHeroInstance->tempOwner ? myInterface->attackingHeroInstance : myInterface->defendingHeroInstance; pom->attackBonus = myst.Attack() - myst.creature->attack; pom->defenseBonus = myst.Defense() - myst.creature->defence; pom->luck = myst.Luck(); pom->morale = myst.Morale(); pom->speedBonus = myst.Speed() - myst.creature->speed; pom->healthBonus = myst.MaxHealth() - myst.creature->hitPoints; if(myst.hasFeatureOfType(StackFeature::SIEGE_WEAPON)) pom->dmgMultiplier = h->getPrimSkillLevel(0) + 1; else pom->dmgMultiplier = 1; pom->shotsLeft = myst.shots; for(int vb=0; vbeffects.insert(myst.effects[vb].id); } pom->currentHealth = myst.firstHPleft; GH.pushInt(new CCreInfoWindow(myst.creature->idNumber, 0, myst.amount, pom, 0, 0, NULL)); } delete pom; } } CBattleConsole::CBattleConsole() : lastShown(-1), alterTxt(""), whoSetAlter(0) { } CBattleConsole::~CBattleConsole() { texts.clear(); } void CBattleConsole::show(SDL_Surface * to) { if(ingcAlter.size()) { CSDL_Ext::printAtMiddleWB(ingcAlter, pos.x + pos.w/2, pos.y + 11, FONT_SMALL, 80, zwykly, to); } else if(alterTxt.size()) { CSDL_Ext::printAtMiddleWB(alterTxt, pos.x + pos.w/2, pos.y + 11, FONT_SMALL, 80, zwykly, to); } else if(texts.size()) { if(texts.size()==1) { CSDL_Ext::printAtMiddleWB(texts[0], pos.x + pos.w/2, pos.y + 11, FONT_SMALL, 80, zwykly, to); } else { CSDL_Ext::printAtMiddleWB(texts[lastShown-1], pos.x + pos.w/2, pos.y + 11, FONT_SMALL, 80, zwykly, to); CSDL_Ext::printAtMiddleWB(texts[lastShown], pos.x + pos.w/2, pos.y + 27, FONT_SMALL, 80, zwykly, to); } } } bool CBattleConsole::addText(const std::string & text) { if(text.size()>70) return false; //text too long! int firstInToken = 0; for(int i=0; i= texts.size()) //no such pos return; texts[pos] = text; } void CBattleConsole::scrollUp(unsigned int by) { if(lastShown > by) lastShown -= by; } void CBattleConsole::scrollDown(unsigned int by) { if(lastShown + by < texts.size()) lastShown += by; } CBattleResultWindow::CBattleResultWindow(const BattleResult &br, const SDL_Rect & pos, CBattleInterface * _owner) : owner(_owner) { this->pos = pos; background = BitmapHandler::loadBitmap("CPRESULT.BMP", true); graphics->blueToPlayersAdv(background, owner->curInt->playerID); SDL_Surface * pom = SDL_ConvertSurface(background, screen->format, screen->flags); SDL_FreeSurface(background); background = pom; exit = new AdventureMapButton (std::string(), std::string(), boost::bind(&CBattleResultWindow::bExitf,this), 384 + pos.x, 505 + pos.y, "iok6432.def", SDLK_RETURN); if(br.winner==0) //attacker won { CSDL_Ext::printAtMiddle(CGI->generaltexth->allTexts[410], 59, 124, FONT_SMALL, zwykly, background); CSDL_Ext::printAtMiddle(CGI->generaltexth->allTexts[411], 408, 124, FONT_SMALL, zwykly, background); } else //if(br.winner==1) { CSDL_Ext::printAtMiddle(CGI->generaltexth->allTexts[411], 59, 124, FONT_SMALL, zwykly, background); CSDL_Ext::printAtMiddle(CGI->generaltexth->allTexts[410], 412, 124, FONT_SMALL, zwykly, background); } CSDL_Ext::printAtMiddle(CGI->generaltexth->allTexts[407], 232, 302, FONT_BIG, tytulowy, background); CSDL_Ext::printAtMiddle(CGI->generaltexth->allTexts[408], 232, 332, FONT_BIG, zwykly, background); CSDL_Ext::printAtMiddle(CGI->generaltexth->allTexts[409], 237, 428, FONT_BIG, zwykly, background); std::string attackerName, defenderName; if(owner->attackingHeroInstance) //a hero attacked { SDL_BlitSurface(graphics->portraitLarge[owner->attackingHeroInstance->portrait], NULL, background, &genRect(64, 58, 21, 38)); //setting attackerName attackerName = owner->attackingHeroInstance->name; } else //a monster attacked { int bestMonsterID = -1; int bestPower = 0; for(std::map >::const_iterator it = owner->army1->slots.begin(); it!=owner->army1->slots.end(); ++it) { if( CGI->creh->creatures[it->first].AIValue > bestPower) { bestPower = CGI->creh->creatures[it->first].AIValue; bestMonsterID = it->first; } } SDL_BlitSurface(graphics->bigImgs[bestMonsterID], NULL, background, &genRect(64, 58, 21, 38)); //setting attackerName attackerName = CGI->creh->creatures[bestMonsterID].namePl; } if(owner->defendingHeroInstance) //a hero defended { SDL_BlitSurface(graphics->portraitLarge[owner->defendingHeroInstance->portrait], NULL, background, &genRect(64, 58, 391, 38)); //setting defenderName defenderName = owner->defendingHeroInstance->name; } else //a monster defended { int bestMonsterID = -1; int bestPower = 0; for(std::map >::const_iterator it = owner->army2->slots.begin(); it!=owner->army2->slots.end(); ++it) { if( CGI->creh->creatures[it->second.first].AIValue > bestPower) { bestPower = CGI->creh->creatures[it->second.first].AIValue; bestMonsterID = it->second.first; } } SDL_BlitSurface(graphics->bigImgs[bestMonsterID], NULL, background, &genRect(64, 58, 391, 38)); //setting defenderName defenderName = CGI->creh->creatures[bestMonsterID].namePl; } //printing attacker and defender's names CSDL_Ext::printAt(attackerName, 89, 37, FONT_SMALL, zwykly, background); CSDL_Ext::printTo(defenderName, 381, 53, FONT_SMALL, zwykly, background); //printing casualities for(int step = 0; step < 2; ++step) { if(br.casualties[step].size()==0) { CSDL_Ext::printAtMiddle(CGI->generaltexth->allTexts[523], 235, 360 + 97*step, FONT_SMALL, zwykly, background); } else { int xPos = 235 - (br.casualties[step].size()*32 + (br.casualties[step].size() - 1)*10)/2; //increment by 42 with each picture int yPos = 344 + step*97; for(std::map::const_iterator it=br.casualties[step].begin(); it!=br.casualties[step].end(); ++it) { blitAt(graphics->smallImgs[it->first], xPos, yPos, background); std::ostringstream amount; amount<second; CSDL_Ext::printAtMiddle(amount.str(), xPos+16, yPos + 42, FONT_SMALL, zwykly, background); xPos += 42; } } } //printing result description bool weAreAttacker = (owner->curInt->playerID == owner->attackingHeroInstance->tempOwner); switch(br.result) { case 0: //normal victory if((br.winner == 0 && weAreAttacker) || (br.winner == 1 && !weAreAttacker)) //we've won { CGI->musich->playMusic(musicBase::winBattle); #ifdef _WIN32 CGI->videoh->open(VIDEO_WIN); #else CGI->videoh->open(VIDEO_WIN, true); #endif CSDL_Ext::printAtMiddle(CGI->generaltexth->allTexts[304], 235, 235, FONT_SMALL, zwykly, background); } else { CGI->musich->playMusic(musicBase::loseCombat); CGI->videoh->open(VIDEO_LOSE_BATTLE_START); CSDL_Ext::printAtMiddle(CGI->generaltexth->allTexts[311], 235, 235, FONT_SMALL, zwykly, background); } break; case 1: //flee if((br.winner == 0 && weAreAttacker) || (br.winner == 1 && !weAreAttacker)) //we've won { CGI->musich->playMusic(musicBase::winBattle); #ifdef _WIN32 CGI->videoh->open(VIDEO_WIN); #else CGI->videoh->open(VIDEO_WIN, true); #endif CSDL_Ext::printAtMiddle(CGI->generaltexth->allTexts[303], 235, 235, FONT_SMALL, zwykly, background); } else { CGI->musich->playMusic(musicBase::retreatBattle); CGI->videoh->open(VIDEO_RETREAT_START); CSDL_Ext::printAtMiddle(CGI->generaltexth->allTexts[310], 235, 235, FONT_SMALL, zwykly, background); } break; case 2: //surrender if((br.winner == 0 && weAreAttacker) || (br.winner == 1 && !weAreAttacker)) //we've won { CGI->musich->playMusic(musicBase::winBattle); #ifdef _WIN32 CGI->videoh->open(VIDEO_WIN); #else CGI->videoh->open(VIDEO_WIN, true); #endif CSDL_Ext::printAtMiddle(CGI->generaltexth->allTexts[302], 235, 235, FONT_SMALL, zwykly, background); } else { CGI->musich->playMusic(musicBase::surrenderBattle); CGI->videoh->open(VIDEO_SURRENDER); CSDL_Ext::printAtMiddle(CGI->generaltexth->allTexts[309], 235, 235, FONT_SMALL, zwykly, background); } break; } } CBattleResultWindow::~CBattleResultWindow() { SDL_FreeSurface(background); } void CBattleResultWindow::activate() { owner->curInt->showingDialog->set(true); exit->activate(); } void CBattleResultWindow::deactivate() { exit->deactivate(); } void CBattleResultWindow::show(SDL_Surface *to) { //evaluating to if(!to) to = screen; CGI->videoh->update(107, 70, background, false, true); SDL_BlitSurface(background, NULL, to, &pos); exit->show(to); } void CBattleResultWindow::bExitf() { CPlayerInterface * intTmp = owner->curInt; GH.popInts(2); //first - we; second - battle interface intTmp->showingDialog->setn(false); CGI->videoh->close(); } CBattleOptionsWindow::CBattleOptionsWindow(const SDL_Rect & position, CBattleInterface *owner): myInt(owner) { pos = position; SDL_Surface *hhlp = BitmapHandler::loadBitmap("comopbck.bmp", true); graphics->blueToPlayersAdv(hhlp, owner->curInt->playerID); background = SDL_ConvertSurface(hhlp, screen->format, 0); SDL_SetColorKey(background, SDL_SRCCOLORKEY, SDL_MapRGB(background->format,0,255,255)); SDL_FreeSurface(hhlp); viewGrid = new CHighlightableButton(boost::bind(&CBattleInterface::setPrintCellBorders, owner, true), boost::bind(&CBattleInterface::setPrintCellBorders, owner, false), boost::assign::map_list_of(0,CGI->generaltexth->zelp[427].first)(3,CGI->generaltexth->zelp[427].first), CGI->generaltexth->zelp[427].second, false, "sysopchk.def", NULL, 185, 140, false); viewGrid->select(owner->curInt->sysOpts.printCellBorders); movementShadow = new CHighlightableButton(boost::bind(&CBattleInterface::setPrintStackRange, owner, true), boost::bind(&CBattleInterface::setPrintStackRange, owner, false), boost::assign::map_list_of(0,CGI->generaltexth->zelp[428].first)(3,CGI->generaltexth->zelp[428].first), CGI->generaltexth->zelp[428].second, false, "sysopchk.def", NULL, 185, 173, false); movementShadow->select(owner->curInt->sysOpts.printStackRange); mouseShadow = new CHighlightableButton(boost::bind(&CBattleInterface::setPrintMouseShadow, owner, true), boost::bind(&CBattleInterface::setPrintMouseShadow, owner, false), boost::assign::map_list_of(0,CGI->generaltexth->zelp[429].first)(3,CGI->generaltexth->zelp[429].first), CGI->generaltexth->zelp[429].second, false, "sysopchk.def", NULL, 185, 207, false); mouseShadow->select(owner->curInt->sysOpts.printMouseShadow); animSpeeds = new CHighlightableButtonsGroup(0); animSpeeds->addButton(boost::assign::map_list_of(0,CGI->generaltexth->zelp[422].first),CGI->generaltexth->zelp[422].second, "sysopb9.def",188, 309, 1); animSpeeds->addButton(boost::assign::map_list_of(0,CGI->generaltexth->zelp[423].first),CGI->generaltexth->zelp[423].second, "sysob10.def",252, 309, 2); animSpeeds->addButton(boost::assign::map_list_of(0,CGI->generaltexth->zelp[424].first),CGI->generaltexth->zelp[424].second, "sysob11.def",315, 309, 4); animSpeeds->select(owner->getAnimSpeed(), 1); animSpeeds->onChange = boost::bind(&CBattleInterface::setAnimSpeed, owner, _1); setToDefault = new AdventureMapButton (CGI->generaltexth->zelp[392].first, CGI->generaltexth->zelp[392].second, boost::bind(&CBattleOptionsWindow::bDefaultf,this), 405, 443, "codefaul.def"); std::swap(setToDefault->imgs[0][0], setToDefault->imgs[0][1]); exit = new AdventureMapButton (CGI->generaltexth->zelp[393].first, CGI->generaltexth->zelp[393].second, boost::bind(&CBattleOptionsWindow::bExitf,this), 516, 443, "soretrn.def",SDLK_RETURN); std::swap(exit->imgs[0][0], exit->imgs[0][1]); //printing texts to background CSDL_Ext::printAtMiddle(CGI->generaltexth->allTexts[392], 242, 32, FONT_BIG, tytulowy, background); //window title CSDL_Ext::printAtMiddle(CGI->generaltexth->allTexts[393], 122, 214, FONT_MEDIUM, tytulowy, background); //animation speed CSDL_Ext::printAtMiddle(CGI->generaltexth->allTexts[394], 122, 293, FONT_MEDIUM, tytulowy, background); //music volume CSDL_Ext::printAtMiddle(CGI->generaltexth->allTexts[395], 122, 359, FONT_MEDIUM, tytulowy, background); //effects' volume CSDL_Ext::printAtMiddle(CGI->generaltexth->allTexts[396], 353, 66, FONT_MEDIUM, tytulowy, background); //auto - combat options CSDL_Ext::printAtMiddle(CGI->generaltexth->allTexts[397], 353, 265, FONT_MEDIUM, tytulowy, background); //creature info //auto - combat options CSDL_Ext::printAt(CGI->generaltexth->allTexts[398], 283, 86, FONT_MEDIUM, zwykly, background); //creatures CSDL_Ext::printAt(CGI->generaltexth->allTexts[399], 283, 116, FONT_MEDIUM, zwykly, background); //spells CSDL_Ext::printAt(CGI->generaltexth->allTexts[400], 283, 146, FONT_MEDIUM, zwykly, background); //catapult CSDL_Ext::printAt(CGI->generaltexth->allTexts[151], 283, 176, FONT_MEDIUM, zwykly, background); //ballista CSDL_Ext::printAt(CGI->generaltexth->allTexts[401], 283, 206, FONT_MEDIUM, zwykly, background); //first aid tent //creature info CSDL_Ext::printAt(CGI->generaltexth->allTexts[402], 283, 285, FONT_MEDIUM, zwykly, background); //all stats CSDL_Ext::printAt(CGI->generaltexth->allTexts[403], 283, 315, FONT_MEDIUM, zwykly, background); //spells only //general options CSDL_Ext::printAt(CGI->generaltexth->allTexts[404], 61, 57, FONT_MEDIUM, zwykly, background); //hex grid CSDL_Ext::printAt(CGI->generaltexth->allTexts[405], 61, 90, FONT_MEDIUM, zwykly, background); //movement shadow CSDL_Ext::printAt(CGI->generaltexth->allTexts[406], 61, 124, FONT_MEDIUM, zwykly, background); //cursor shadow CSDL_Ext::printAt(CGI->generaltexth->allTexts[577], 61, 156, FONT_MEDIUM, zwykly, background); //spellbook animation //texts printed } CBattleOptionsWindow::~CBattleOptionsWindow() { SDL_FreeSurface(background); delete setToDefault; delete exit; delete viewGrid; delete movementShadow; delete animSpeeds; delete mouseShadow; } void CBattleOptionsWindow::activate() { setToDefault->activate(); exit->activate(); viewGrid->activate(); movementShadow->activate(); animSpeeds->activate(); mouseShadow->activate(); } void CBattleOptionsWindow::deactivate() { setToDefault->deactivate(); exit->deactivate(); viewGrid->deactivate(); movementShadow->deactivate(); animSpeeds->deactivate(); mouseShadow->deactivate(); } void CBattleOptionsWindow::show(SDL_Surface *to) { if(!to) //"evaluating" to to = screen; SDL_BlitSurface(background, NULL, to, &pos); setToDefault->show(to); exit->show(to); viewGrid->show(to); movementShadow->show(to); animSpeeds->show(to); mouseShadow->show(to); } void CBattleOptionsWindow::bDefaultf() { } void CBattleOptionsWindow::bExitf() { GH.popIntTotally(this); } std::string CBattleInterface::SiegeHelper::townTypeInfixes[F_NUMBER] = {"CS", "RM", "TW", "IN", "NC", "DN", "ST", "FR", "EL"}; CBattleInterface::SiegeHelper::SiegeHelper(const CGTownInstance *siegeTown, const CBattleInterface * _owner) : town(siegeTown), owner(_owner) { for(int g=0; gtown->typeID] + "BACK.BMP"; case 1: //background wall { switch(town->town->typeID) { case 5: case 4: case 1: case 6: return "SG" + townTypeInfixes[town->town->typeID] + "TPW1.BMP"; case 0: case 2: case 3: case 7: case 8: return "SG" + townTypeInfixes[town->town->typeID] + "TPWL.BMP"; default: return ""; } } case 2: //keep return "SG" + townTypeInfixes[town->town->typeID] + "MAN" + addit + ".BMP"; case 3: //bottom tower return "SG" + townTypeInfixes[town->town->typeID] + "TW1" + addit + ".BMP"; case 4: //bottom wall return "SG" + townTypeInfixes[town->town->typeID] + "WA1" + addit + ".BMP"; case 5: //below gate return "SG" + townTypeInfixes[town->town->typeID] + "WA3" + addit + ".BMP"; case 6: //over gate return "SG" + townTypeInfixes[town->town->typeID] + "WA4" + addit + ".BMP"; case 7: //upper wall return "SG" + townTypeInfixes[town->town->typeID] + "WA6" + addit + ".BMP"; case 8: //upper tower return "SG" + townTypeInfixes[town->town->typeID] + "TW2" + addit + ".BMP"; case 9: //gate return "SG" + townTypeInfixes[town->town->typeID] + "DRW" + addit + ".BMP"; case 10: //gate arch return "SG" + townTypeInfixes[town->town->typeID] + "ARCH.BMP"; case 11: //bottom static wall return "SG" + townTypeInfixes[town->town->typeID] + "WA2.BMP"; case 12: //upper static wall return "SG" + townTypeInfixes[town->town->typeID] + "WA5.BMP"; case 13: //moat return "SG" + townTypeInfixes[town->town->typeID] + "MOAT.BMP"; case 14: //mlip return "SG" + townTypeInfixes[town->town->typeID] + "MLIP.BMP"; case 15: //keep creature cover return "SG" + townTypeInfixes[town->town->typeID] + "MANC.BMP"; case 16: //bottom turret creature cover return "SG" + townTypeInfixes[town->town->typeID] + "TW1C.BMP"; case 17: //upper turret creature cover return "SG" + townTypeInfixes[town->town->typeID] + "TW2C.BMP"; default: return ""; } } void CBattleInterface::SiegeHelper::printPartOfWall(SDL_Surface * to, int what) { Point pos = Point(-1, -1); switch(what) { case 1: //background wall pos = Point(owner->pos.w + owner->pos.x - walls[1]->w, 55 + owner->pos.y); break; case 2: //keep pos = Point(owner->pos.w + owner->pos.x - walls[2]->w, 154 + owner->pos.y); break; case 3: //bottom tower case 4: //bottom wall case 5: //below gate case 6: //over gate case 7: //upper wall case 8: //upper tower case 9: //gate case 10: //gate arch case 11: //bottom static wall case 12: //upper static wall pos.x = CGI->heroh->wallPositions[town->town->typeID][what - 3].first + owner->pos.x; pos.y = CGI->heroh->wallPositions[town->town->typeID][what - 3].second + owner->pos.y; break; case 15: //keep creature cover pos = Point(owner->pos.w + owner->pos.x - walls[2]->w, 154 + owner->pos.y); break; case 16: //bottom turret creature cover pos.x = CGI->heroh->wallPositions[town->town->typeID][0].first + owner->pos.x; pos.y = CGI->heroh->wallPositions[town->town->typeID][0].second + owner->pos.y; break; case 17: //upper turret creature cover pos.x = CGI->heroh->wallPositions[town->town->typeID][5].first + owner->pos.x; pos.y = CGI->heroh->wallPositions[town->town->typeID][5].second + owner->pos.y; break; }; if(pos.x != -1) { blitAt(walls[what], pos.x, pos.y, to); } } void CStackQueue::update() { stacksSorted.clear(); owner->curInt->cb->getStackQueue(stacksSorted, QUEUE_SIZE); for (int i = 0; i < QUEUE_SIZE ; i++) { stackBoxes[i]->setStack(stacksSorted[i]); } } CStackQueue::CStackQueue(bool Embedded, CBattleInterface * _owner) :embedded(Embedded), owner(_owner) { OBJ_CONSTRUCTION_CAPTURING_ALL; if(embedded) { box = NULL; bg = NULL; pos.w = QUEUE_SIZE * 37; pos.h = 32; //height of small creature img pos.x = screen->w/2 - pos.w/2; pos.y = (screen->h - 600)/2 + 10; } else { box = BitmapHandler::loadBitmap("CHRROP.pcx"); bg = BitmapHandler::loadBitmap("DIBOXPI.pcx"); pos.w = 600; pos.h = bg->h; } stackBoxes.resize(QUEUE_SIZE); for (int i = 0; i < QUEUE_SIZE; i++) { stackBoxes[i] = new StackBox(box); stackBoxes[i]->pos.x += 6 + (embedded ? 37 : 79)*i; } } CStackQueue::~CStackQueue() { SDL_FreeSurface(box); } void CStackQueue::showAll( SDL_Surface *to ) { blitBg(to); CIntObject::showAll(to); } void CStackQueue::blitBg( SDL_Surface * to ) { if(bg) { for (int w = 0; w < pos.w; w += bg->w) { blitAtLoc(bg, w, 0, to); } } } void CStackQueue::StackBox::showAll( SDL_Surface *to ) { assert(my); if(bg) { graphics->blueToPlayersAdv(bg, my->owner); //SDL_UpdateRect(bg, 0, 0, 0, 0); CSDL_Ext::blit8bppAlphaTo24bpp(bg, NULL, to, &genRect(bg->h, bg->w, pos.x, pos.y)); //blitAt(bg, pos, to); blitAt(graphics->bigImgs[my->creature->idNumber], pos.x +9, pos.y + 1, to); printAtMiddleLoc(makeNumberShort(my->amount), pos.w/2, pos.h - 12, FONT_MEDIUM, zwykly, to); } else { blitAt(graphics->smallImgs[-2], pos, to); blitAt(graphics->smallImgs[my->creature->idNumber], pos, to); const SDL_Color &ownerColor = (my->owner == 255 ? *graphics->neutralColor : graphics->playerColors[my->owner]); CSDL_Ext::drawBorder(to, pos, int3(ownerColor.r, ownerColor.g, ownerColor.b)); printAtMiddleLoc(makeNumberShort(my->amount), pos.w/2, pos.h - 8, FONT_TINY, zwykly, to); } } void CStackQueue::StackBox::setStack( const CStack *nStack ) { my = nStack; } CStackQueue::StackBox::StackBox(SDL_Surface *BG) :bg(BG), my(NULL) { if(bg) { pos.w = bg->w; pos.h = bg->h; } else { pos.w = pos.h = 32; } pos.y += 2; } CStackQueue::StackBox::~StackBox() { } void CStackQueue::StackBox::hover( bool on ) { }