#include "StdInc.h" #include "CCastleInterface.h" #include "../CCallback.h" #include "../lib/CArtHandler.h" #include "../lib/CBuildingHandler.h" #include "../lib/CCreatureHandler.h" #include "../lib/CGeneralTextHandler.h" #include "../lib/CObjectHandler.h" #include "../lib/CSpellHandler.h" #include "../lib/CTownHandler.h" #include "CAdvmapInterface.h" #include "CAnimation.h" #include "CBitmapHandler.h" #include "CDefHandler.h" #include "CGameInfo.h" #include "CHeroWindow.h" #include "CMessage.h" #include "CMusicHandler.h" #include "CPlayerInterface.h" #include "Graphics.h" #include "UIFramework/SDL_Extensions.h" #include "../lib/GameConstants.h" #include "UIFramework/CGuiHandler.h" #include "UIFramework/CIntObjectClasses.h" using namespace boost::assign; /* * CCastleInterface.cpp, part of VCMI engine * * Authors: listed in file AUTHORS in main folder * * License: GNU General Public License v2.0 or later * Full text of license available in license.txt file, in main folder * */ int hordeToDwellingID(int bid)//helper, converts horde buiding ID into corresponding dwelling ID { const CGTownInstance * t = LOCPLINT->castleInt->town; switch (bid) { case 18: return t->town->hordeLvl[0] + 30; case 19: return t->town->hordeLvl[0] + 37; case 24: return t->town->hordeLvl[1] + 30; case 25: return t->town->hordeLvl[1] + 37; default: return bid; } } CBuildingRect::CBuildingRect(CCastleBuildings * Par, const CGTownInstance *Town, const Structure *Str) :CShowableAnim(0, 0, Str->defName, CShowableAnim::BASE | CShowableAnim::USE_RLE), parent(Par), town(Town), str(Str), stateCounter(80) { recActions = ACTIVATE | DEACTIVATE | DISPOSE | SHARE_POS; addUsedEvents(LCLICK | RCLICK | HOVER); pos.x += str->pos.x; pos.y += str->pos.y; if (!str->borderName.empty()) border = BitmapHandler::loadBitmap(str->borderName, true); else border = NULL; if (!str->areaName.empty()) area = BitmapHandler::loadBitmap(str->areaName); else area = NULL; } CBuildingRect::~CBuildingRect() { SDL_FreeSurface(border); SDL_FreeSurface(area); } bool CBuildingRect::operator<(const CBuildingRect & p2) const { if(str->pos.z != p2.str->pos.z) return (str->pos.z) < (p2.str->pos.z); else return (str->ID) < (p2.str->ID); } void CBuildingRect::hover(bool on) { if(on) { if(!(active & MOVE)) addUsedEvents(MOVE); } else { if(active & MOVE) removeUsedEvents(MOVE); if(parent->selectedBuilding == this) { parent->selectedBuilding = NULL; GH.statusbar->clear(); } } } void CBuildingRect::clickLeft(tribool down, bool previousState) { if( previousState && !down && area && (parent->selectedBuilding==this) ) if (!CSDL_Ext::isTransparent(area, GH.current->motion.x-pos.x, GH.current->motion.y-pos.y) ) //inside building image parent->buildingClicked(str->ID); } void CBuildingRect::clickRight(tribool down, bool previousState) { if((!area) || (!((bool)down)) || (this!=parent->selectedBuilding)) return; if( !CSDL_Ext::isTransparent(area, GH.current->motion.x-pos.x, GH.current->motion.y-pos.y) ) //inside building image { int bid = hordeToDwellingID(str->ID); const CBuilding *bld = CGI->buildh->buildings[str->townID].find(bid)->second; if (bid < EBuilding::DWELL_FIRST) { std::vector comps(1, new CComponent(CComponent::building, bld->tid, bld->bid)); CRClickPopup::createAndPush(bld->Description(), comps); } else { int level = ( bid - EBuilding::DWELL_FIRST ) % GameConstants::CREATURES_PER_TOWN; GH.pushInt(new CDwellingInfoBox(parent->pos.x+parent->pos.w/2, parent->pos.y+parent->pos.h/2, town, level)); } } } SDL_Color multiplyColors (const SDL_Color &b, const SDL_Color &a, double f) { SDL_Color ret; ret.r = a.r*f + b.r*(1-f); ret.g = a.g*f + b.g*(1-f); ret.b = a.b*f + b.b*(1-f); return ret; } void CBuildingRect::show(SDL_Surface * to) { const ui32 stageDelay = 16; const ui32 S1_TRANSP = 16; //0.5 sec building appear 0->100 transparency const ui32 S2_WHITE_B = 32; //0.5 sec border glows from white to yellow const ui32 S3_YELLOW_B= 48; //0.5 sec border glows from yellow to normal const ui32 BUILDED = 80; // 1 sec delay, nothing happens if (stateCounter < S1_TRANSP) { setAlpha(255*stateCounter/stageDelay); CShowableAnim::show(to); } else { setAlpha(255); CShowableAnim::show(to); } if (border && stateCounter > S1_TRANSP) { if (stateCounter == BUILDED) { if (parent->selectedBuilding == this) blitAtLoc(border,0,0,to); return; } // key colors in glowing border SDL_Color c1 = {200, 200, 200, 255}; SDL_Color c2 = {120, 100, 60, 255}; SDL_Color c3 = {200, 180, 110, 255}; ui32 colorID = SDL_MapRGB(border->format, c3.r, c3.g, c3.b); SDL_Color oldColor = border->format->palette->colors[colorID]; SDL_Color newColor; if (stateCounter < S2_WHITE_B) newColor = multiplyColors(c1, c2, static_cast(stateCounter % stageDelay) / stageDelay); else if (stateCounter < S3_YELLOW_B) newColor = multiplyColors(c2, c3, static_cast(stateCounter % stageDelay) / stageDelay); else newColor = oldColor; SDL_SetColors(border, &newColor, colorID, 1); blitAtLoc(border,0,0,to); SDL_SetColors(border, &oldColor, colorID, 1); } if (stateCounter < BUILDED) stateCounter++; } void CBuildingRect::showAll(SDL_Surface * to) { if (stateCounter == 0) return; CShowableAnim::showAll(to); if(!active && parent->selectedBuilding == this && border) blitAtLoc(border,0,0,to); } std::string getBuildingSubtitle(int tid, int bid)//hover text for building { const CGTownInstance * t = LOCPLINT->castleInt->town; bid = hordeToDwellingID(bid); if (bid<30)//non-dwellings - only buiding name return CGI->buildh->buildings[tid].find(bid)->second->Name(); else//dwellings - recruit %creature% { int creaID = t->creatures[(bid-30)%GameConstants::CREATURES_PER_TOWN].second.back();//taking last of available creatures return CGI->generaltexth->allTexts[16] + " " + CGI->creh->creatures[creaID]->namePl; } } void CBuildingRect::mouseMoved (const SDL_MouseMotionEvent & sEvent) { if(area && isItIn(&pos,sEvent.x, sEvent.y)) { if(CSDL_Ext::SDL_GetPixel(area,sEvent.x-pos.x,sEvent.y-pos.y) == 0) //hovered pixel is inside this building { if(parent->selectedBuilding == this) { parent->selectedBuilding = NULL; GH.statusbar->clear(); } } else //inside the area of this building { if(! parent->selectedBuilding //no building hovered || (*parent->selectedBuilding)<(*this)) //or we are on top { parent->selectedBuilding = this; GH.statusbar->print(getBuildingSubtitle(str->townID, str->ID)); } } } } CDwellingInfoBox::CDwellingInfoBox(int centerX, int centerY, const CGTownInstance *Town, int level) { OBJ_CONSTRUCTION_CAPTURING_ALL; addUsedEvents(RCLICK); background = new CPicture("CRTOINFO"); background->colorize(LOCPLINT->playerID); pos.w = background->pos.w; pos.h = background->pos.h; moveTo(Point(centerX - pos.w/2, centerY - pos.h/2)); const CCreature * creature = CGI->creh->creatures[Town->creatures[level].second.back()]; title = new CLabel(80, 30, FONT_SMALL, CENTER, Colors::Cornsilk, creature->namePl); animation = new CCreaturePic(30, 44, creature, true, true); std::string text = boost::lexical_cast(Town->creatures[level].first); available = new CLabel(80,190, FONT_SMALL, CENTER, Colors::Cornsilk, CGI->generaltexth->allTexts[217] + text); costPerTroop = new CLabel(80, 227, FONT_SMALL, CENTER, Colors::Cornsilk, CGI->generaltexth->allTexts[346]); for(int i = 0; icost[i]) { resPicture.push_back(new CAnimImage("RESOURCE", i, 0, 0, 0)); resAmount.push_back(new CLabel(0,0, FONT_SMALL, CENTER, Colors::Cornsilk, boost::lexical_cast(creature->cost[i]))); } } int posY = 238; int posX = pos.w/2 - resAmount.size() * 25 + 5; for (size_t i=0; imoveBy(Point(posX, posY)); resAmount[i]->moveBy(Point(posX+16, posY+43)); posX += 50; } } void CDwellingInfoBox::clickRight(tribool down, bool previousState) { if((!down || indeterminate(down))) GH.popIntTotally(this); } void CHeroGSlot::hover (bool on) { if(!on) { GH.statusbar->clear(); return; } CHeroGSlot *other = upg ? owner->garrisonedHero : owner->visitingHero; std::string temp; if(hero) { if(selection)//view NNN { temp = CGI->generaltexth->tcommands[4]; boost::algorithm::replace_first(temp,"%s",hero->name); } else if(other->hero && other->selection)//exchange { temp = CGI->generaltexth->tcommands[7]; boost::algorithm::replace_first(temp,"%s",hero->name); boost::algorithm::replace_first(temp,"%s",other->hero->name); } else// select NNN (in ZZZ) { if(upg)//down - visiting { temp = CGI->generaltexth->tcommands[32]; boost::algorithm::replace_first(temp,"%s",hero->name); } else //up - garrison { temp = CGI->generaltexth->tcommands[12]; boost::algorithm::replace_first(temp,"%s",hero->name); } } } else //we are empty slot { if(other->selection && other->hero) //move NNNN { temp = CGI->generaltexth->tcommands[6]; boost::algorithm::replace_first(temp,"%s",other->hero->name); } else //empty { temp = CGI->generaltexth->allTexts[507]; } } if(temp.size()) GH.statusbar->print(temp); } void CHeroGSlot::clickLeft(tribool down, bool previousState) { CHeroGSlot *other = upg ? owner->garrisonedHero : owner->visitingHero; if(!down) { owner->garr->splitting = false; owner->garr->highlighted = NULL; if(hero && selection) { setHighlight(false); LOCPLINT->openHeroWindow(hero); } else if(other->hero && other->selection) { bool allow = true; if(upg) //moving hero out of town - check if it is allowed { if(!hero && LOCPLINT->cb->howManyHeroes(false) >= 8) { std::string tmp = CGI->generaltexth->allTexts[18]; //You already have %d adventuring heroes under your command. boost::algorithm::replace_first(tmp,"%d",boost::lexical_cast(LOCPLINT->cb->howManyHeroes(false))); LOCPLINT->showInfoDialog(tmp,std::vector(), soundBase::sound_todo); allow = false; } else if(!other->hero->stacksCount()) //hero has no creatures - strange, but if we have appropriate error message... { LOCPLINT->showInfoDialog(CGI->generaltexth->allTexts[19],std::vector(), soundBase::sound_todo); //This hero has no creatures. A hero must have creatures before he can brave the dangers of the countryside. allow = false; } } setHighlight(false); other->setHighlight(false); if(allow) LOCPLINT->cb->swapGarrisonHero(owner->town); } else if(hero) { setHighlight(true); owner->garr->highlighted = NULL; showAll(screen2); } hover(false);hover(true); //refresh statusbar } } void CHeroGSlot::deactivate() { vstd::clear_pointer(selection); CIntObject::deactivate(); } CHeroGSlot::CHeroGSlot(int x, int y, int updown, const CGHeroInstance *h, HeroSlots * Owner) { owner = Owner; pos.x += x; pos.y += y; pos.w = 58; pos.h = 64; upg = updown; selection = nullptr; image = nullptr; set(h); addUsedEvents(LCLICK | HOVER); } CHeroGSlot::~CHeroGSlot() { } void CHeroGSlot::setHighlight( bool on ) { OBJ_CONSTRUCTION_CAPTURING_ALL; vstd::clear_pointer(selection); if (on) selection = new CAnimImage("TWCRPORT", 1, 0); if(owner->garrisonedHero->hero && owner->visitingHero->hero) //two heroes in town { for(size_t i = 0; igarr->splitButtons.size(); i++) //splitting enabled when slot higlighted owner->garr->splitButtons[i]->block(!on); } } void CHeroGSlot::set(const CGHeroInstance *newHero) { OBJ_CONSTRUCTION_CAPTURING_ALL; if (image) delete image; hero = newHero; if (newHero) image = new CAnimImage("PortraitsLarge", newHero->portrait, 0, 0, 0); else if(!upg && owner->showEmpty) //up garrison image = new CAnimImage("CREST58", LOCPLINT->castleInt->town->getOwner(), 0, 0, 0); else image = NULL; } template class SORTHELP { public: bool operator () (const ptr *a , const ptr *b) { return (*a)<(*b); } }; SORTHELP buildSorter; SORTHELP structSorter; CCastleBuildings::CCastleBuildings(const CGTownInstance* Town): town(Town), selectedBuilding(NULL) { OBJ_CONSTRUCTION_CAPTURING_ALL; background = new CPicture(graphics->townBgs[town->subID]); pos.w = background->pos.w; pos.h = background->pos.h; //Generate buildings list for (std::set::const_iterator building=town->builtBuildings.begin(); building!=town->builtBuildings.end(); building++) { std::map::iterator structure; structure = CGI->townh->structures[town->subID].find(*building); if(structure != CGI->townh->structures[town->subID].end() && structure->second) { if(structure->second->group<0) // no group - just add it buildings.push_back(new CBuildingRect(this, town, structure->second)); else // generate list for each group groups[structure->second->group].push_back(structure->second); } } Structure * shipyard = CGI->townh->structures[town->subID][6]; //ship in shipyard if(shipyard && vstd::contains(groups, shipyard->group)) { std::vector vobjs = LOCPLINT->cb->getVisitableObjs(town->bestLocation()); if(!vobjs.empty() && (vobjs.front()->ID == 8 || vobjs.front()->ID == GameConstants::HEROI_TYPE)) //there is visitable obj at shipyard output tile and it's a boat or hero (on boat) { groups[shipyard->group].push_back(CGI->townh->structures[town->subID][20]); } } //Create building for each group for (std::map< int, std::vector >::iterator group = groups.begin(); group != groups.end(); group++) { std::sort(group->second.begin(), group->second.end(), structSorter); buildings.push_back(new CBuildingRect(this, town, group->second.back())); } std::sort(buildings.begin(),buildings.end(),buildSorter); checkRules(); } CCastleBuildings::~CCastleBuildings() { } void CCastleBuildings::checkRules() { //if town tonwID have building toCheck //then set animation of building buildID to firstA..lastA //else set to firstB..lastB struct AnimRule { int townID, buildID; int toCheck; size_t firstA, lastA; size_t firstB, lastB; }; static const AnimRule animRule[2] = { {5, 21, 4, 10, size_t(-1), 0, 10}, //Mana Vortex, Dungeon {0, 6, 8, 1, size_t(-1), 0, 1} //Shipyard, Castle }; for (size_t i=0; i<2; i++) { if ( town->subID != animRule[i].townID ) //wrong town continue; int buildingID = animRule[i].buildID; //check if this building have been upgraded (Ship is upgrade of Shipyard) int groupID = CGI->townh->structures[town->subID][animRule[i].buildID]->group; if (groupID != -1) { std::map< int, std::vector >::const_iterator git= groups.find(groupID); if ( git == groups.end() || git->second.empty() ) continue; buildingID = git->second.back()->ID; } BOOST_FOREACH(CBuildingRect* rect, buildings) { if ( rect->str->ID == buildingID ) { if (vstd::contains(town->builtBuildings, animRule[i].toCheck)) rect->set(0,animRule[i].firstA, animRule[i].lastA); else rect->set(0,animRule[i].firstB, animRule[i].lastB); break; } } } } void CCastleBuildings::addBuilding(int building) { OBJ_CONSTRUCTION_CAPTURING_ALL; std::map::const_iterator structure; structure = CGI->townh->structures[town->subID].find(building); if(structure != CGI->townh->structures[town->subID].end()) //we have info about that structure { if(structure->second->group<0) //no group - just add it { buildings.push_back(new CBuildingRect(this, town, structure->second)); buildings.back()->stateCounter = 0; } else { //find last building in this group and replace it with new building if needed groups[structure->second->group].push_back(structure->second); int newBuilding = groups[structure->second->group].back()->ID; if (newBuilding == building) { for (std::vector< CBuildingRect* >::iterator it=buildings.begin() ; it !=buildings.end(); it++ ) { if ((*it)->str->ID == newBuilding) { delete *it; buildings.erase(it); break; } } buildings.push_back(new CBuildingRect(this, town, structure->second)); buildings.back()->stateCounter = 0; } } } std::sort(buildings.begin(),buildings.end(),buildSorter); checkRules(); } void CCastleBuildings::removeBuilding(int building) { OBJ_CONSTRUCTION_CAPTURING_ALL; std::map::const_iterator structure; structure = CGI->townh->structures[town->subID].find(building); if(structure != CGI->townh->structures[town->subID].end()) //we have info about that structure { if(structure->second->group<0) //no group - just add it { for (std::vector< CBuildingRect* >::iterator it=buildings.begin() ; it !=buildings.end(); it++ ) { if ((*it)->str->ID == building) { delete *it; buildings.erase(it); break; } } } else { groups[structure->second->group].pop_back(); delete buildings[building]; if (!groups[structure->second->group].empty()) buildings.push_back(new CBuildingRect(this, town, structure->second)); } } std::sort(buildings.begin(),buildings.end(),buildSorter); checkRules(); } void CCastleBuildings::show(SDL_Surface * to) { CIntObject::show(to); for (std::vector< CBuildingRect* >::const_iterator it=buildings.begin() ; it !=buildings.end(); it++ ) (*it)->show(to); } void CCastleBuildings::showAll(SDL_Surface * to) { CIntObject::showAll(to); for (std::vector< CBuildingRect* >::const_iterator it=buildings.begin() ; it !=buildings.end(); it++ ) (*it)->showAll(to); } const CGHeroInstance* CCastleBuildings::getHero() { if (town->visitingHero) return town->visitingHero; if (town->garrisonHero) return town->garrisonHero; return NULL; } void CCastleBuildings::buildingClicked(int building) { tlog5<<"You've clicked on "<buildh->buildings[town->subID].find(building)->second; if(building >= EBuilding::DWELL_FIRST) { enterDwelling((building-EBuilding::DWELL_FIRST)%GameConstants::CREATURES_PER_TOWN); } else { switch(building) { case EBuilding::MAGES_GUILD_1: case EBuilding::MAGES_GUILD_2: case EBuilding::MAGES_GUILD_3: case EBuilding::MAGES_GUILD_4: case EBuilding::MAGES_GUILD_5: enterMagesGuild(); break; case EBuilding::TAVERN: LOCPLINT->showTavernWindow(town); break; case EBuilding::SHIPYARD: LOCPLINT->showShipyardDialog(town); break; case EBuilding::FORT: case EBuilding::CITADEL: case EBuilding::CASTLE: GH.pushInt(new CFortScreen(town)); break; case EBuilding::VILLAGE_HALL: case EBuilding::CITY_HALL: case EBuilding::TOWN_HALL: case EBuilding::CAPITOL: enterTownHall(); break; case EBuilding::MARKETPLACE: GH.pushInt(new CMarketplaceWindow(town, town->visitingHero)); break; case EBuilding::BLACKSMITH: enterBlacksmith(town->town->warMachine); break; case EBuilding::SPECIAL_1: switch(town->subID) { case 1://Mystic Pond enterFountain(building); break; case 2: case 5: case 8://Artifact Merchant if(town->visitingHero) GH.pushInt(new CMarketplaceWindow(town, town->visitingHero, EMarketMode::RESOURCE_ARTIFACT)); else LOCPLINT->showInfoDialog(boost::str(boost::format(CGI->generaltexth->allTexts[273]) % b->Name())); //Only visiting heroes may use the %s. break; default: enterBuilding(building); break; } break; case EBuilding::SHIP: LOCPLINT->showInfoDialog(CGI->generaltexth->allTexts[51]); //Cannot build another boat break; case EBuilding::SPECIAL_2: switch(town->subID) { case 1: //Fountain of Fortune enterFountain(building); break; case 6: //Freelancer's Guild if(getHero()) GH.pushInt(new CMarketplaceWindow(town, getHero(), EMarketMode::CREATURE_RESOURCE)); else LOCPLINT->showInfoDialog(boost::str(boost::format(CGI->generaltexth->allTexts[273]) % b->Name())); //Only visiting heroes may use the %s. break; case 8: //Magic University if (getHero()) GH.pushInt(new CUniversityWindow(getHero(), town)); else enterBuilding(building); break; default: enterBuilding(building); break; } break; case EBuilding::SPECIAL_3: switch(town->subID) { case 0: //Brotherhood of sword LOCPLINT->showTavernWindow(town); break; case 3: //Castle Gate enterCastleGate(); break; case 4: //Skeleton Transformer GH.pushInt( new CTransformerWindow(getHero(), town) ); break; case 5: //Portal of Summoning if (town->creatures[GameConstants::CREATURES_PER_TOWN].second.empty())//No creatures LOCPLINT->showInfoDialog(CGI->generaltexth->tcommands[30]); else enterDwelling(GameConstants::CREATURES_PER_TOWN); break; case 6: //Ballista Yard enterBlacksmith(4); break; default: enterBuilding(building); break; } break; default: enterBuilding(building); break; } } } void CCastleBuildings::enterBlacksmith(int ArtifactID) { const CGHeroInstance *hero = town->visitingHero; if(!hero) { LOCPLINT->showInfoDialog(boost::str(boost::format(CGI->generaltexth->allTexts[273]) % CGI->buildh->buildings[town->subID].find(16)->second->Name())); return; } int price = CGI->arth->artifacts[ArtifactID]->price; bool possible = LOCPLINT->cb->getResourceAmount(Res::GOLD) >= price && !hero->hasArt(ArtifactID+9); GH.pushInt(new CBlacksmithDialog(possible,CArtHandler::convertMachineID(ArtifactID,false),ArtifactID,hero->id)); } void CCastleBuildings::enterBuilding(int building) { std::vector comps(1, new CComponent(CComponent::building, town->subID, building)); LOCPLINT->showInfoDialog( CGI->buildh->buildings[town->subID].find(building)->second->Description(),comps); } void CCastleBuildings::enterCastleGate() { if (!town->visitingHero) { LOCPLINT->showInfoDialog(CGI->generaltexth->allTexts[126]); return;//only visiting hero can use castle gates } std::vector availableTowns; std::vector Towns = LOCPLINT->cb->getTownsInfo(false); for(size_t i=0;iid != this->town->id && t->visitingHero == NULL && //another town, empty and this is t->subID == 3 && vstd::contains(t->builtBuildings, 22))//inferno with castle gate { availableTowns.push_back(t->id);//add to the list } } CPicture *titlePic = new CPicture (LOCPLINT->castleInt->bicons->ourImages[22].bitmap, 0,0, false);//will be deleted by selection window GH.pushInt (new CObjectListWindow(availableTowns, titlePic, CGI->generaltexth->jktexts[40], CGI->generaltexth->jktexts[41], boost::bind (&CCastleInterface::castleTeleport, LOCPLINT->castleInt, _1))); } void CCastleBuildings::enterDwelling(int level) { assert(level >= 0 && level < town->creatures.size()); GH.pushInt(new CRecruitmentWindow(town, level, town, boost::bind(&CCallback::recruitCreatures,LOCPLINT->cb,town,_1,_2,level), -87)); } void CCastleBuildings::enterFountain(int building) { std::vector comps(1, new CComponent(CComponent::building,town->subID,building)); std::string descr = CGI->buildh->buildings[town->subID].find(building)->second->Description(); if ( building == 21)//we need description for mystic pond as well descr += "\n\n"+CGI->buildh->buildings[town->subID].find(17)->second->Description(); if (town->bonusValue.first == 0)//fountain was builded this week descr += "\n\n"+ CGI->generaltexth->allTexts[677]; else//fountain produced something; { descr+= "\n\n"+ CGI->generaltexth->allTexts[678]; boost::algorithm::replace_first(descr,"%s",CGI->generaltexth->restypes[town->bonusValue.first]); boost::algorithm::replace_first(descr,"%d",boost::lexical_cast(town->bonusValue.second)); } LOCPLINT->showInfoDialog(descr, comps); } void CCastleBuildings::enterMagesGuild() { const CGHeroInstance *hero = getHero(); if(hero && !hero->hasSpellbook()) //hero doesn't have spellbok { if(LOCPLINT->cb->getResourceAmount(Res::GOLD) < 500) //not enough gold to buy spellbook { openMagesGuild(); LOCPLINT->showInfoDialog(CGI->generaltexth->allTexts[213]); } else { CFunctionList onYes = boost::bind(&CCastleBuildings::openMagesGuild,this); CFunctionList onNo = onYes; onYes += boost::bind(&CCallback::buyArtifact,LOCPLINT->cb, hero,0); std::vector components(1, new CComponent(CComponent::artifact,0,0)); LOCPLINT->showYesNoDialog(CGI->generaltexth->allTexts[214], onYes, onNo, true, components); } } else { openMagesGuild(); } } void CCastleBuildings::enterTownHall() { if(town->visitingHero && town->visitingHero->hasArt(2) && !vstd::contains(town->builtBuildings, EBuilding::GRAIL)) //hero has grail, but town does not have it { if(!vstd::contains(town->forbiddenBuildings, EBuilding::GRAIL)) { LOCPLINT->showYesNoDialog(CGI->generaltexth->allTexts[597], //Do you wish this to be the permanent home of the Grail? boost::bind(&CCallback::buildBuilding, LOCPLINT->cb, town, EBuilding::GRAIL), boost::bind(&CCastleBuildings::openTownHall, this), true); } else { LOCPLINT->showInfoDialog(CGI->generaltexth->allTexts[673]); (dynamic_cast(GH.topInt()))->buttons[0]->callback += boost::bind(&CCastleBuildings::openTownHall, this); } } else { openTownHall(); } } void CCastleBuildings::openMagesGuild() { GH.pushInt(new CMageGuildScreen(LOCPLINT->castleInt)); } void CCastleBuildings::openTownHall() { GH.pushInt(new CHallInterface(town)); } CCastleInterface::CCastleInterface(const CGTownInstance * Town, int listPos): CWindowObject("", PLAYER_COLORED | BORDERED), hall(NULL), fort(NULL), town(Town) { OBJ_CONSTRUCTION_CAPTURING_ALL; LOCPLINT->castleInt = this; addUsedEvents(KEYBOARD); builds = new CCastleBuildings(town); panel = new CPicture("TOWNSCRN", 0, builds->pos.h); panel->colorize(LOCPLINT->playerID); pos.w = panel->pos.w; pos.h = builds->pos.h + panel->pos.h; center(); garr = new CGarrisonInt(305, 387, 4, Point(0,96), panel->bg, Point(62,374), town->getUpperArmy(), town->visitingHero); heroes = new HeroSlots(town, Point(241, 387), Point(241, 483), garr, true); title = new CLabel(85, 387, FONT_MEDIUM, TOPLEFT, Colors::Cornsilk, town->name); income = new CLabel(195, 443, FONT_SMALL, CENTER); icon = new CAnimImage("ITPT", 0, 0, 15, 387); exit = new CAdventureMapButton(CGI->generaltexth->tcommands[8], "", boost::bind(&CCastleInterface::close,this), 744, 544, "TSBTNS", SDLK_RETURN); exit->assignedKeys.insert(SDLK_ESCAPE); exit->setOffset(4); split = new CAdventureMapButton(CGI->generaltexth->tcommands[3], "", boost::bind(&CGarrisonInt::splitClick,garr), 744, 382, "TSBTNS.DEF"); split->callback += boost::bind(&HeroSlots::splitClicked, heroes); garr->addSplitBtn(split); Rect barRect(9, 182, 732, 18); statusbar = new CGStatusBar(new CPicture(*panel, barRect, 9, 555, false)); resdatabar = new CResDataBar("ZRESBAR", 3, 575, 32, 2, 85, 85); townlist = new CTownList(3, 744, 414, "IAM014", "IAM015"); townlist->fun = boost::bind(&CCastleInterface::townChange, this); townlist->selected = vstd::find_pos(LOCPLINT->towns, Town); townlist->from = townlist->selected - listPos; vstd::amax(townlist->from, 0); vstd::amin(townlist->from, LOCPLINT->towns.size() - townlist->SIZE); recreateIcons(); CCS->musich->playMusic(CCS->musich->townMusics[town->subID], -1); bicons = CDefHandler::giveDefEss(graphics->buildingPics[town->subID]); } CCastleInterface::~CCastleInterface() { LOCPLINT->castleInt = NULL; delete bicons; } void CCastleInterface::close() { if(town->tempOwner == LOCPLINT->playerID) //we may have opened window for an allied town { if(town->visitingHero) adventureInt->select(town->visitingHero); else adventureInt->select(town); } GH.popIntTotally(this); } void CCastleInterface::castleTeleport(int where) { const CGTownInstance * dest = LOCPLINT->cb->getTown(where); LOCPLINT->cb->teleportHero(town->visitingHero, dest); } void CCastleInterface::townChange() { const CGTownInstance * nt = LOCPLINT->towns[townlist->selected]; int tpos = townlist->selected - townlist->from; if ( nt == town ) return; GH.popIntTotally(this); GH.pushInt(new CCastleInterface(nt, tpos)); } void CCastleInterface::addBuilding(int bid) { deactivate(); builds->addBuilding(bid); recreateIcons(); activate(); } void CCastleInterface::removeBuilding(int bid) { deactivate(); builds->removeBuilding(bid); recreateIcons(); activate(); } void CCastleInterface::recreateIcons() { OBJ_CONSTRUCTION_CAPTURING_ALL; delete fort; delete hall; size_t iconIndex = town->subID*2; if (!town->hasFort()) iconIndex += GameConstants::F_NUMBER*2; if(town->builded >= GameConstants::MAX_BUILDING_PER_TURN) iconIndex++; icon->setFrame(iconIndex); income->setTxt(boost::lexical_cast(town->dailyIncome())); hall = new CTownInfo( 80, 413, town, true); fort = new CTownInfo(122, 413, town, false); for (size_t i=0; icreatures.size() <= level || town->creatures[level].second.empty()) { level = -1; label = NULL; picture = NULL; return;//No creature } addUsedEvents(LCLICK | RCLICK | HOVER); ui32 creatureID = town->creatures[level].second.back(); creature = CGI->creh->creatures[creatureID]; picture = new CAnimImage("CPRSMALL", creatureID+2, 0, 8, 0); std::string value; if (showAvailable) value = boost::lexical_cast(town->creatures[level].first); else value = boost::lexical_cast(town->creatureGrowth(level)); if (compact) { label = new CLabel(40, 32, FONT_TINY, BOTTOMRIGHT, Colors::Cornsilk, value); pos.x += 8; pos.w = 32; pos.h = 32; } else { label = new CLabel(24, 40, FONT_SMALL, CENTER, Colors::Cornsilk, value); pos.w = 48; pos.h = 48; } } void CCreaInfo::update() { if (label) { std::string value; if (showAvailable) value = boost::lexical_cast(town->creatures[level].first); else value = boost::lexical_cast(town->creatureGrowth(level)); if (value != label->text) label->setTxt(value); } } void CCreaInfo::hover(bool on) { std::string message = CGI->generaltexth->allTexts[588]; boost::algorithm::replace_first(message,"%s",creature->namePl); if(on) { GH.statusbar->print(message); } else if (message == GH.statusbar->getCurrent()) GH.statusbar->clear(); } void CCreaInfo::clickLeft(tribool down, bool previousState) { if(previousState && (!down)) { int offset = LOCPLINT->castleInt? (-87) : 0; GH.pushInt(new CRecruitmentWindow(town, level, town, boost::bind(&CCallback::recruitCreatures, LOCPLINT->cb, town, _1, _2, level), offset)); } } int CCreaInfo::AddToString(std::string from, std::string & to, int numb) { if (numb == 0) return 0; boost::algorithm::replace_first(from,"%+d", (numb > 0 ? "+" : "")+boost::lexical_cast(numb)); //negative values don't need "+" to+="\n"+from; return numb; } std::string CCreaInfo::genGrowthText() { GrowthInfo gi = town->getGrowthInfo(level); std::string descr = boost::str(boost::format(CGI->generaltexth->allTexts[589]) % creature->nameSing % gi.totalGrowth()); BOOST_FOREACH(const GrowthInfo::Entry &entry, gi.entries) { descr +="\n" + entry.description; } return descr; } void CCreaInfo::clickRight(tribool down, bool previousState) { if(down) { if (showAvailable) GH.pushInt(new CDwellingInfoBox(screen->w/2, screen->h/2, town, level)); else { std::string descr = genGrowthText(); CInfoPopup *mess = new CInfoPopup();//creating popup mess->free = true; mess->bitmap = CMessage::drawBoxTextBitmapSub (LOCPLINT->playerID, descr,graphics->bigImgs[creature->idNumber],""); mess->pos.x = screen->w/2 - mess->bitmap->w/2; mess->pos.y = screen->h/2 - mess->bitmap->h/2; GH.pushInt(mess); } } } CTownInfo::CTownInfo(int posX, int posY, const CGTownInstance* Town, bool townHall): town(Town), building(NULL) { OBJ_CONSTRUCTION_CAPTURING_ALL; addUsedEvents(RCLICK | HOVER); pos.x += posX; pos.y += posY; int buildID; if (townHall) { buildID = 10 + town->hallLevel(); picture = new CAnimImage("ITMTL.DEF", town->hallLevel()); } else { buildID = 6 + town->fortLevel(); if (buildID == 6) return; picture = new CAnimImage("ITMCL.DEF", town->fortLevel()-1); } building = CGI->buildh->buildings[town->subID][buildID]; pos = picture->pos; } void CTownInfo::hover(bool on) { if(on) { if ( building ) GH.statusbar->print(building->Name()); } else GH.statusbar->clear(); } void CTownInfo::clickRight(tribool down, bool previousState) {//FIXME: castleInt may be NULL if(down && building && LOCPLINT->castleInt) { CInfoPopup *mess = new CInfoPopup(); mess->free = true; mess->bitmap = CMessage::drawBoxTextBitmapSub (LOCPLINT->playerID, building->Description(), LOCPLINT->castleInt->bicons->ourImages[building->bid].bitmap, building->Name()); mess->pos.x = screen->w/2 - mess->bitmap->w/2; mess->pos.y = screen->h/2 - mess->bitmap->h/2; GH.pushInt(mess); } } void CCastleInterface::keyPressed( const SDL_KeyboardEvent & key ) { if(key.state != SDL_PRESSED) return; switch(key.keysym.sym) { case SDLK_UP: if(townlist->selected) { townlist->selected--; townlist->from--; townChange(); } break; case SDLK_DOWN: if(townlist->selected < LOCPLINT->towns.size() - 1) { townlist->selected++; townlist->from++; townChange(); } break; case SDLK_SPACE: if(!!town->visitingHero && town->garrisonHero) { LOCPLINT->cb->swapGarrisonHero(town); } break; case SDLK_t: if(town->hasBuilt(EBuilding::TAVERN)) LOCPLINT->showTavernWindow(town); break; default: break; } } HeroSlots::HeroSlots(const CGTownInstance * Town, Point garrPos, Point visitPos, CGarrisonInt *Garrison, bool ShowEmpty): showEmpty(ShowEmpty), town(Town), garr(Garrison) { OBJ_CONSTRUCTION_CAPTURING_ALL; garrisonedHero = new CHeroGSlot(garrPos.x, garrPos.y, 0, town->garrisonHero, this); visitingHero = new CHeroGSlot(visitPos.x, visitPos.y, 1, town->visitingHero, this); } void HeroSlots::update() { garrisonedHero->set(town->garrisonHero); visitingHero->set(town->visitingHero); } void HeroSlots::splitClicked() { if(!!town->visitingHero && town->garrisonHero && (visitingHero->selection || garrisonedHero->selection)) { LOCPLINT->heroExchangeStarted(town->visitingHero->id, town->garrisonHero->id); } } void CHallInterface::CBuildingBox::hover(bool on) { if(on) { std::string toPrint; if(state==EBuildingState::PREREQUIRES) toPrint = CGI->generaltexth->hcommands[5]; else if(state==EBuildingState::CANT_BUILD_TODAY) toPrint = CGI->generaltexth->allTexts[223]; else toPrint = CGI->generaltexth->hcommands[state]; boost::algorithm::replace_first(toPrint,"%s",building->Name()); GH.statusbar->print(toPrint); } else GH.statusbar->clear(); } void CHallInterface::CBuildingBox::clickLeft(tribool down, bool previousState) { if(previousState && (!down)) GH.pushInt(new CBuildWindow(town,building,state,0)); } void CHallInterface::CBuildingBox::clickRight(tribool down, bool previousState) { if(down) GH.pushInt(new CBuildWindow(town,building,state,1)); } CHallInterface::CBuildingBox::CBuildingBox(int x, int y, const CGTownInstance * Town, const CBuilding * Building): town(Town), building(Building) { OBJ_CONSTRUCTION_CAPTURING_ALL; addUsedEvents(LCLICK | RCLICK | HOVER); pos.x += x; pos.y += y; pos.w = 154; pos.h = 92; state = LOCPLINT->cb->canBuildStructure(town,building->bid); assert(state < EBuildingState::BUILDING_ERROR); static int panelIndex[9] = { 3, 3, 3, 0, 0, 2, 2, 1, 2}; static int iconIndex[9] = {-1, -1, -1, 0, 0, 1, 2, -1, 1}; picture = new CAnimImage(graphics->buildingPics[town->subID], building->bid, 0, 2, 2); panel = new CAnimImage("TPTHBAR", panelIndex[state], 0, 1, 73); if ( iconIndex[state] >=0 ) icon = new CAnimImage("TPTHCHK", iconIndex[state], 0, 136, 56); label = new CLabel(75, 81, FONT_SMALL, CENTER, Colors::Cornsilk, building->Name()); } CHallInterface::CHallInterface(const CGTownInstance *Town): CWindowObject(CGI->buildh->hall[Town->subID].first, PLAYER_COLORED | BORDERED), town(Town) { OBJ_CONSTRUCTION_CAPTURING_ALL; resdatabar = new CMinorResDataBar; resdatabar->pos.x += pos.x; resdatabar->pos.y += pos.y; Rect barRect(5, 556, 740, 18); statusBar = new CGStatusBar(new CPicture(*background, barRect, 5, 556, false)); title = new CLabel(399, 12, FONT_MEDIUM, CENTER, Colors::Cornsilk, CGI->buildh->buildings[town->subID][town->hallLevel()+EBuilding::VILLAGE_HALL]->Name()); exit = new CAdventureMapButton(CGI->generaltexth->hcommands[8], "", boost::bind(&CHallInterface::close,this), 748, 556, "TPMAGE1.DEF", SDLK_RETURN); exit->assignedKeys.insert(SDLK_ESCAPE); const std::vector< std::vector< std::vector > > &boxList = CGI->buildh->hall[town->subID].second; boxes.resize(boxList.size()); for(size_t row=0; rowbuildh->buildings[town->subID][buildingID]; if (buildingID == 18 || buildingID == 24) { if ( (buildingID == 18 && !vstd::contains(town->builtBuildings, town->town->hordeLvl[0]+37)) || (buildingID == 24 && !vstd::contains(town->builtBuildings, town->town->hordeLvl[1]+37)) ) break; // horde present, no upgraded dwelling -> select 18 or 24 else continue; //upgraded dwelling, no horde -> select 19 or 25 } if(vstd::contains(town->builtBuildings,buildingID)) continue; break; } int posX = pos.w/2 - boxList[row].size()*154/2 - (boxList[row].size()-1)*20 + 194*col, posY = 35 + 104*row; if (building) boxes[row].push_back(new CBuildingBox(posX, posY, town, building)); } } } void CBuildWindow::buyFunc() { LOCPLINT->cb->buildBuilding(town,building->bid); GH.popInts(2); //we - build window and hall screen } void CBuildWindow::clickRight(tribool down, bool previousState) { if((!down || indeterminate(down))) close(); } std::string CBuildWindow::getTextForState(int state) { std::string ret; if(state<7) ret = CGI->generaltexth->hcommands[state]; switch (state) { case 4: case 5: case 6: ret.replace(ret.find_first_of("%s"),2,building->Name()); break; case 7: return CGI->generaltexth->allTexts[219]; //all prereq. are met case 8: { ret = CGI->generaltexth->allTexts[52]; std::set reqs= LOCPLINT->cb->getBuildingRequiments(town, building->bid); for(std::set::iterator i=reqs.begin();i!=reqs.end();i++) { if (vstd::contains(town->builtBuildings, *i)) continue;//skipping constructed buildings ret+= CGI->buildh->buildings[town->subID][*i]->Name() + ", "; } ret.erase(ret.size()-2); } } return ret; } CBuildWindow::CBuildWindow(const CGTownInstance *Town, const CBuilding * Building, int State, bool Mode): CWindowObject("TPUBUILD", PLAYER_COLORED), town(Town), building(Building), state(State), mode(Mode) { OBJ_CONSTRUCTION_CAPTURING_ALL; buildingPic = new CAnimImage(graphics->buildingPics[town->subID], building->bid, 0, 125, 50); Rect barRect(9, 494, 380, 18); statusBar = new CGStatusBar(new CPicture(*background, barRect, 9, 494, false)); title = new CLabel(197, 30, FONT_MEDIUM, CENTER, Colors::Cornsilk, boost::str(boost::format(CGI->generaltexth->hcommands[7]) % building->Name())); buildingDescr = new CTextBox(building->Description(), Rect(33, 135, 329, 67), 0, FONT_MEDIUM, CENTER); buildingState = new CTextBox(getTextForState(state), Rect(33, 216, 329, 67), 0, FONT_SMALL, CENTER); //Create objects for all required resources for(int i = 0; iresources[i]) { resPicture.push_back(new CAnimImage("RESOURCE", i)); resAmount.push_back(new CLabel(0,0, FONT_SMALL, CENTER, Colors::Cornsilk, boost::lexical_cast(building->resources[i]))); } } ui32 rowSize[2]; int posY; if (resAmount.size() > 4) {//Resources will be placed in multiple rows rowSize[0] = (resAmount.size()+1)/2; posY = 303; } else {//one row rowSize[0] = resAmount.size(); posY = 340; } rowSize[1] = resAmount.size() - rowSize[0]; ui32 index=0; for (size_t row=0; row<2; row++) { int posX = pos.w/2 - rowSize[row] * 40 + 24; for (size_t i=0; imoveBy(Point(posX, posY)); resAmount[index]->moveBy(Point(posX+16, posY+48)); posX += 80; index++; } posY +=75; } if(mode) { //popup addUsedEvents(RCLICK); } else { //normal window buy = new CAdventureMapButton(boost::str(boost::format(CGI->generaltexth->allTexts[595]) % building->Name()), "", boost::bind(&CBuildWindow::buyFunc,this), 45, 446,"IBUY30", SDLK_RETURN); buy->borderColor = Colors::MetallicGold; buy->borderEnabled = true; cancel = new CAdventureMapButton(boost::str(boost::format(CGI->generaltexth->allTexts[596]) % building->Name()), "", boost::bind(&CBuildWindow::close,this), 290, 445, "ICANCEL", SDLK_ESCAPE); cancel->borderColor = Colors::MetallicGold; cancel->borderEnabled = true; buy->block(state!=7 || LOCPLINT->playerID != town->tempOwner); } } CBuildWindow::~CBuildWindow() {} std::string CFortScreen::getBgName(const CGTownInstance *town) { ui32 fortSize = town->creatures.size(); if (fortSize > GameConstants::CREATURES_PER_TOWN && town->creatures.back().second.empty()) fortSize--; if (fortSize == GameConstants::CREATURES_PER_TOWN) return "TPCASTL7"; else return "TPCASTL8"; } CFortScreen::CFortScreen(const CGTownInstance * town): CWindowObject(getBgName(town), PLAYER_COLORED | BORDERED) { OBJ_CONSTRUCTION_CAPTURING_ALL; ui32 fortSize = town->creatures.size(); if (fortSize > GameConstants::CREATURES_PER_TOWN && town->creatures.back().second.empty()) fortSize--; const CBuilding *fortBuilding = CGI->buildh->buildings[town->subID][town->fortLevel()+6]; title = new CLabel(400, 12, FONT_BIG, CENTER, Colors::Cornsilk, fortBuilding->Name()); std::string text = boost::str(boost::format(CGI->generaltexth->fcommands[6]) % fortBuilding->Name()); exit = new CAdventureMapButton(text, "", boost::bind(&CFortScreen::close,this) ,748, 556, "TPMAGE1", SDLK_RETURN); std::vector positions; positions += Point(10, 22), Point(404, 22), Point(10, 155), Point(404,155), Point(10, 288), Point(404,288); if (fortSize == GameConstants::CREATURES_PER_TOWN) positions += Point(206,421); else positions += Point(10, 421), Point(404,421); for (ui32 i=0; ibuiltBuildings, EBuilding::DWELL_UP_FIRST+i)) buildingID = EBuilding::DWELL_UP_FIRST+i; else buildingID = EBuilding::DWELL_FIRST+i; } else buildingID = 22; recAreas.push_back(new RecruitArea(positions[i].x, positions[i].y, town, buildingID, i)); } resdatabar = new CMinorResDataBar; resdatabar->pos.x += pos.x; resdatabar->pos.y += pos.y; Rect barRect(4, 554, 740, 18); statusBar = new CGStatusBar(new CPicture(*background, barRect, 4, 554, false)); } void CFortScreen::creaturesChanged() { for (size_t i=0; icreaturesChanged(); } LabeledValue::LabeledValue(Rect size, std::string name, std::string descr, int min, int max) { pos.x+=size.x; pos.y+=size.y; pos.w = size.w; pos.h = size.h; init(name, descr, min, max); } LabeledValue::LabeledValue(Rect size, std::string name, std::string descr, int val) { pos.x+=size.x; pos.y+=size.y; pos.w = size.w; pos.h = size.h; init(name, descr, val, val); } void LabeledValue::init(std::string nameText, std::string descr, int min, int max) { OBJ_CONSTRUCTION_CAPTURING_ALL; addUsedEvents(HOVER); hoverText = descr; std::string valueText; if (min && max) { valueText = boost::lexical_cast(min); if (min != max) valueText += '-' + boost::lexical_cast(max); } name = new CLabel(3, 0, FONT_SMALL, TOPLEFT, Colors::Cornsilk, nameText); value = new CLabel(pos.w-3, pos.h-2, FONT_SMALL, BOTTOMRIGHT, Colors::Cornsilk, valueText); } void LabeledValue::hover(bool on) { if(on) GH.statusbar->print(hoverText); else { GH.statusbar->clear(); parent->hovered = false; } } CFortScreen::RecruitArea::RecruitArea(int posX, int posY, const CGTownInstance *Town, int buildingID, int Level): town(Town), level(Level), availableCount(NULL) { OBJ_CONSTRUCTION_CAPTURING_ALL; pos.x +=posX; pos.y +=posY; pos.w = 386; pos.h = 126; if (!town->creatures[level].second.empty()) addUsedEvents(LCLICK | RCLICK | HOVER);//Activate only if dwelling is present icons = new CPicture("ZPCAINFO", 261, 3); buildingPic = new CAnimImage(graphics->buildingPics[town->subID], buildingID, 0, 4, 21); const CCreature* creature = NULL; if (!town->creatures[level].second.empty()) creature = CGI->creh->creatures[town->creatures[level].second.back()]; else creature = CGI->creh->creatures[town->town->basicCreatures[level]]; hoverText = boost::str(boost::format(CGI->generaltexth->tcommands[21]) % creature->namePl); creatureAnim = new CCreaturePic(159, 4, creature, false); Rect sizes(287, 4, 96, 18); values.push_back(new LabeledValue(sizes, CGI->generaltexth->allTexts[190], CGI->generaltexth->fcommands[0], creature->attack)); sizes.y+=20; values.push_back(new LabeledValue(sizes, CGI->generaltexth->allTexts[191], CGI->generaltexth->fcommands[1], creature->defence)); sizes.y+=21; values.push_back(new LabeledValue(sizes, CGI->generaltexth->allTexts[199], CGI->generaltexth->fcommands[2], creature->damageMin, creature->damageMax)); sizes.y+=20; values.push_back(new LabeledValue(sizes, CGI->generaltexth->allTexts[388], CGI->generaltexth->fcommands[3], creature->hitPoints)); sizes.y+=21; values.push_back(new LabeledValue(sizes, CGI->generaltexth->allTexts[193], CGI->generaltexth->fcommands[4], creature->speed)); sizes.y+=20; values.push_back(new LabeledValue(sizes, CGI->generaltexth->allTexts[194], CGI->generaltexth->fcommands[5], town->creatureGrowth(level))); creatureName = new CLabel(78, 11, FONT_SMALL, CENTER, Colors::Cornsilk, creature->namePl); dwellingName = new CLabel(78, 101, FONT_SMALL, CENTER, Colors::Cornsilk, CGI->buildh->buildings[town->subID][buildingID]->Name()); if (vstd::contains(town->builtBuildings, buildingID)) { ui32 available = town->creatures[level].first; std::string availableText = CGI->generaltexth->allTexts[217]+ boost::lexical_cast(available); availableCount = new CLabel(78, 119, FONT_SMALL, CENTER, Colors::Cornsilk, availableText); } } void CFortScreen::RecruitArea::hover(bool on) { if(on) GH.statusbar->print(hoverText); else GH.statusbar->clear(); } void CFortScreen::RecruitArea::creaturesChanged() { if (availableCount) { std::string availableText = CGI->generaltexth->allTexts[217] + boost::lexical_cast(town->creatures[level].first); availableCount->setTxt(availableText); } } void CFortScreen::RecruitArea::clickLeft(tribool down, bool previousState) { if(!down && previousState) LOCPLINT->castleInt->builds->enterDwelling(level); } void CFortScreen::RecruitArea::clickRight(tribool down, bool previousState) { clickLeft(down, false); //r-click does same as l-click - opens recr. window } CMageGuildScreen::CMageGuildScreen(CCastleInterface * owner): CWindowObject("TPMAGE", BORDERED) { OBJ_CONSTRUCTION_CAPTURING_ALL; window = new CPicture(graphics->guildBgs[owner->town->subID], 332, 76); resdatabar = new CMinorResDataBar; resdatabar->pos.x += pos.x; resdatabar->pos.y += pos.y; Rect barRect(7, 556, 737, 18); statusBar = new CGStatusBar(new CPicture(*background, barRect, 7, 556, false)); exit = new CAdventureMapButton(CGI->generaltexth->allTexts[593],"",boost::bind(&CMageGuildScreen::close,this), 748, 556,"TPMAGE1.DEF",SDLK_RETURN); exit->assignedKeys.insert(SDLK_ESCAPE); std::vector > positions; positions.resize(5); positions[0] += Point(222,445), Point(312,445), Point(402,445), Point(520,445), Point(610,445), Point(700,445); positions[1] += Point(48,53), Point(48,147), Point(48,241), Point(48,335), Point(48,429); positions[2] += Point(570,82), Point(672,82), Point(570,157), Point(672,157); positions[3] += Point(183,42), Point(183,148), Point(183,253); positions[4] += Point(491,325), Point(591,325); for(size_t i=0; itown->town->mageLevel; i++) { size_t spellCount = owner->town->spellsAtLevel(i+1,false); //spell at level with -1 hmmm? for(size_t j=0; jtown->mageGuildLevel() && owner->town->spells[i].size()>j) spells.push_back( new Scroll(positions[i][j], CGI->spellh->spells[owner->town->spells[i][j]])); else new CAnimImage("TPMAGES.DEF", 1, 0, positions[i][j].x, positions[i][j].y);//closed scroll } } } CMageGuildScreen::Scroll::Scroll(Point position, const CSpell *Spell) :spell(Spell) { OBJ_CONSTRUCTION_CAPTURING_ALL; addUsedEvents(LCLICK | RCLICK | HOVER); pos += position; image = new CAnimImage("SPELLSCR", spell->id); pos = image->pos; } void CMageGuildScreen::Scroll::clickLeft(tribool down, bool previousState) { if(down) { std::vector comps(1, new CComponent(CComponent::spell,spell->id,0) ); LOCPLINT->showInfoDialog(spell->descriptions[0],comps, soundBase::sound_todo); } } void CMageGuildScreen::Scroll::clickRight(tribool down, bool previousState) { if(down) { CInfoPopup *vinya = new CInfoPopup(); vinya->free = true; vinya->bitmap = CMessage::drawBoxTextBitmapSub (LOCPLINT->playerID, spell->descriptions[0],graphics->spellscr->ourImages[spell->id].bitmap, spell->name,30,30); vinya->pos.x = screen->w/2 - vinya->bitmap->w/2; vinya->pos.y = screen->h/2 - vinya->bitmap->h/2; GH.pushInt(vinya); } } void CMageGuildScreen::Scroll::hover(bool on) { if(on) GH.statusbar->print(spell->name); else GH.statusbar->clear(); } CBlacksmithDialog::CBlacksmithDialog(bool possible, int creMachineID, int aid, int hid): CWindowObject("TPSMITH", PLAYER_COLORED) { OBJ_CONSTRUCTION_CAPTURING_ALL; statusBar = new CGStatusBar(164, 370); animBG = new CPicture("TPSMITBK", 64, 50); animBG->needRefresh = true; const CCreature *creature = CGI->creh->creatures[creMachineID]; anim = new CCreatureAnim(64, 50, creature->animDefName, Rect()); anim->clipRect(113,125,200,150); title = new CLabel(165, 28, FONT_BIG, CENTER, Colors::Jasmine, boost::str(boost::format(CGI->generaltexth->allTexts[274]) % creature->nameSing)); costText = new CLabel(165, 218, FONT_MEDIUM, CENTER, Colors::Cornsilk, CGI->generaltexth->jktexts[43]); costValue = new CLabel(165, 290, FONT_MEDIUM, CENTER, Colors::Cornsilk, boost::lexical_cast(CGI->arth->artifacts[aid]->price)); std::string text = boost::str(boost::format(CGI->generaltexth->allTexts[595]) % creature->nameSing); buy = new CAdventureMapButton(text,"",boost::bind(&CBlacksmithDialog::close, this), 42, 312,"IBUY30.DEF",SDLK_RETURN); text = boost::str(boost::format(CGI->generaltexth->allTexts[596]) % creature->nameSing); cancel = new CAdventureMapButton(text,"",boost::bind(&CBlacksmithDialog::close, this), 224, 312,"ICANCEL.DEF",SDLK_ESCAPE); if(possible) buy->callback += boost::bind(&CCallback::buyArtifact,LOCPLINT->cb,LOCPLINT->cb->getHero(hid),aid); else buy->block(true); new CAnimImage("RESOURCE", 6, 0, 148, 244); }