/* * InfoAboutArmy.cpp, part of VCMI engine * * Authors: listed in file AUTHORS in main folder * * License: GNU General Public License v2.0 or later * Full text of license available in license.txt file, in main folder * */ #include "StdInc.h" #include "InfoAboutArmy.h" #include "../mapObjects/CGHeroInstance.h" #include "../mapObjects/CGTownInstance.h" #include "../CHeroHandler.h" VCMI_LIB_NAMESPACE_BEGIN ArmyDescriptor::ArmyDescriptor(const CArmedInstance *army, bool detailed) : isDetailed(detailed) { for(const auto & elem : army->Slots()) { if(detailed) (*this)[elem.first] = *elem.second; else (*this)[elem.first] = CStackBasicDescriptor(elem.second->type, (int)elem.second->getQuantityID()); } } ArmyDescriptor::ArmyDescriptor() : isDetailed(false) { } int ArmyDescriptor::getStrength() const { ui64 ret = 0; if(isDetailed) { for(const auto & elem : *this) ret += elem.second.type->getAIValue() * elem.second.count; } else { for(const auto & elem : *this) ret += elem.second.type->getAIValue() * CCreature::estimateCreatureCount(elem.second.count); } return static_cast<int>(ret); } InfoAboutArmy::InfoAboutArmy(): owner(PlayerColor::NEUTRAL) {} InfoAboutArmy::InfoAboutArmy(const CArmedInstance *Army, bool detailed) { initFromArmy(Army, detailed); } void InfoAboutArmy::initFromArmy(const CArmedInstance *Army, bool detailed) { army = ArmyDescriptor(Army, detailed); owner = Army->tempOwner; name = Army->getObjectName(); } void InfoAboutHero::assign(const InfoAboutHero & iah) { vstd::clear_pointer(details); InfoAboutArmy::operator = (iah); details = (iah.details ? new Details(*iah.details) : nullptr); hclass = iah.hclass; portraitSource = iah.portraitSource; } InfoAboutHero::InfoAboutHero() {} InfoAboutHero::InfoAboutHero(const InfoAboutHero & iah): InfoAboutArmy(iah) { assign(iah); } InfoAboutHero::InfoAboutHero(const CGHeroInstance * h, InfoAboutHero::EInfoLevel infoLevel) { initFromHero(h, infoLevel); } InfoAboutHero::~InfoAboutHero() { vstd::clear_pointer(details); } InfoAboutHero & InfoAboutHero::operator=(const InfoAboutHero & iah) { assign(iah); return *this; } int32_t InfoAboutHero::getIconIndex() const { return VLC->heroTypes()->getById(portraitSource)->getIconIndex(); } void InfoAboutHero::initFromHero(const CGHeroInstance *h, InfoAboutHero::EInfoLevel infoLevel) { vstd::clear_pointer(details); if(!h) return; bool detailed = ( (infoLevel == EInfoLevel::DETAILED) || (infoLevel == EInfoLevel::INBATTLE) ); initFromArmy(h, detailed); hclass = h->type->heroClass; name = h->getNameTranslated(); portraitSource = h->getPortraitSource(); if(detailed) { //include details about hero details = new Details(); details->luck = h->luckVal(); details->morale = h->moraleVal(); details->mana = h->mana; details->primskills.resize(GameConstants::PRIMARY_SKILLS); for (int i = 0; i < GameConstants::PRIMARY_SKILLS ; i++) { details->primskills[i] = h->getPrimSkillLevel(static_cast<PrimarySkill>(i)); } if (infoLevel == EInfoLevel::INBATTLE) details->manaLimit = h->manaLimit(); else details->manaLimit = -1; //we do not want to leak max mana info outside battle so set to meaningless value } } InfoAboutTown::InfoAboutTown(): details(nullptr), tType(nullptr), built(0), fortLevel(0) { } InfoAboutTown::InfoAboutTown(const CGTownInstance *t, bool detailed): details(nullptr), tType(nullptr), built(0), fortLevel(0) { initFromTown(t, detailed); } InfoAboutTown::~InfoAboutTown() { vstd::clear_pointer(details); } void InfoAboutTown::initFromTown(const CGTownInstance *t, bool detailed) { initFromArmy(t, detailed); army = ArmyDescriptor(t->getUpperArmy(), detailed); built = t->builded; fortLevel = t->fortLevel(); name = t->getNameTranslated(); tType = t->getTown(); vstd::clear_pointer(details); if(detailed) { //include details about hero details = new Details(); TResources income = t->dailyIncome(); details->goldIncome = income[EGameResID::GOLD]; details->customRes = t->hasBuilt(BuildingID::RESOURCE_SILO); details->hallLevel = t->hallLevel(); details->garrisonedHero = t->garrisonHero; } } VCMI_LIB_NAMESPACE_END