#include "../CCallback.h" #include "../CConsoleHandler.h" #include "CGameInfo.h" #include "../lib/CGameState.h" #include "CPlayerInterface.h" #include "../StartInfo.h" #include "../hch/CArtHandler.h" #include "../hch/CDefObjInfoHandler.h" #include "../hch/CGeneralTextHandler.h" #include "../hch/CHeroHandler.h" #include "../hch/CTownHandler.h" #include "../hch/CObjectHandler.h" #include "../hch/CBuildingHandler.h" #include "../hch/CSpellHandler.h" #include "../lib/Connection.h" #include "../lib/Interprocess.h" #include "../lib/NetPacks.h" #include "../lib/VCMI_Lib.h" #include "../lib/map.h" #include "../mapHandler.h" #include "CConfigHandler.h" #include "Client.h" #include #include #include #include #include #undef DLL_EXPORT #define DLL_EXPORT #include "../lib/RegisterTypes.cpp" extern std::string NAME; namespace intpr = boost::interprocess; /* * Client.cpp, part of VCMI engine * * Authors: listed in file AUTHORS in main folder * * License: GNU General Public License v2.0 or later * Full text of license available in license.txt file, in main folder * */ class CBaseForCLApply { public: virtual void applyOnClAfter(CClient *cl, void *pack) const =0; virtual void applyOnClBefore(CClient *cl, void *pack) const =0; }; template class CApplyOnCL : public CBaseForCLApply { public: void applyOnClAfter(CClient *cl, void *pack) const { T *ptr = static_cast(pack); ptr->applyCl(cl); } void applyOnClBefore(CClient *cl, void *pack) const { T *ptr = static_cast(pack); ptr->applyFirstCl(cl); } }; class CCLApplier { public: std::map apps; CCLApplier() { registerTypes2(*this); } template void registerType(const T * t=NULL) { ui16 ID = typeList.registerType(t); apps[ID] = new CApplyOnCL; } } *applier = NULL; void CClient::init() { applier = new CCLApplier; IObjectInterface::cb = this; serv = NULL; gs = NULL; cb = NULL; try { shared = new SharedMem(); } HANDLE_EXCEPTION } CClient::CClient(void) { init(); } CClient::CClient(CConnection *con, StartInfo *si) { init(); newGame(con,si); } CClient::~CClient(void) { delete applier; delete shared; } void CClient::waitForMoveAndSend(int color) { try { BattleAction ba = playerint[color]->activeStack(gs->curB->activeStack); *serv << &MakeAction(ba); return; }HANDLE_EXCEPTION tlog1 << "We should not be here!" << std::endl; } void CClient::run() { try { CPack *pack; while(1) { //get the package from the server { boost::unique_lock lock(*serv->rmx); tlog5 << "Listening... "; *serv >> pack; tlog5 << "\treceived server message of type " << typeid(*pack).name() << std::endl; } CBaseForCLApply *apply = applier->apps[typeList.getTypeID(pack)]; //find the applier if(apply) { apply->applyOnClBefore(this,pack); tlog5 << "\tMade first apply on cl\n"; gs->apply(pack); tlog5 << "\tApplied on gs\n"; apply->applyOnClAfter(this,pack); tlog5 << "\tMade second apply on cl\n"; } else { tlog1 << "Message cannot be applied, cannot find applier!\n"; } delete pack; pack = NULL; } } HANDLE_EXCEPTION(tlog1 << "Lost connection to server, ending listening thread!\n"); } void CClient::close() { if(!serv) return; tlog3 << "Connection has been requested to be closed.\n"; boost::unique_lock(*serv->wmx); *serv << &CloseServer(); tlog3 << "Sent closing signal to the server\n"; serv->close(); tlog3 << "Our socket has been closed.\n"; } void CClient::save(const std::string & fname) { if(gs->curB) { tlog1 << "Game cannot be saved during battle!\n"; return; } *serv << &SaveGame(fname); } void CClient::load( const std::string & fname ) { tlog0 <<"\n\nLoading procedure started!\n\n"; timeHandler tmh; close(); //kill server tlog0 <<"Sent kill signal to the server: "<clear(); //delete old handlers delete CGI->mh; delete CGI->state; //TODO: del callbacks for(std::map::iterator i = playerint.begin(); i!=playerint.end(); i++) { delete i->second; //delete player interfaces } tlog0 <<"Deleting old data: "<mh = new CMapHandler(); CLoadFile lf(fname + ".vlgm1"); lf >> sig >> ver >> dum >> *sig; tlog0 <<"Reading save signature: "<> *VLC; CGI->setFromLib(); tlog0 <<"Reading handlers: "<> gs; tlog0 <<"Reading gamestate: "<state = gs; CGI->mh->map = gs->map; CGI->mh->init(); tlog0 <<"Initing maphandler: "<> pom8; if(pom8) throw "Server cannot open the savegame!"; else tlog0 << "Server opened savegame properly.\n"; *serv << ui8(gs->scenarioOps->playerInfos.size()+1); //number of players + neutral for(size_t i=0;iscenarioOps->playerInfos.size();i++) { *serv << ui8(gs->scenarioOps->playerInfos[i].color); //players } *serv << ui8(255); // neutrals tlog0 <<"Sent info to server: "<scenarioOps->playerInfos.size();++i) //initializing interfaces for players { ui8 color = gs->scenarioOps->playerInfos[i].color; CCallback *cb = new CCallback(gs,color,this); if(!gs->scenarioOps->playerInfos[i].human) { playerint[color] = static_cast(CAIHandler::getNewAI(cb,conf.cc.defaultAI)); } else { playerint[color] = new CPlayerInterface(color,i); } gs->currentPlayer = color; playerint[color]->init(cb); tlog0 <<"Setting up interface for player "<< (int)color <<": "<init(new CCallback(gs,255,this)); tlog0 <<"Setting up interface for neutral \"player\"" << tmh.getDif() << std::endl; } int CClient::getCurrentPlayer() { return gs->currentPlayer; } int CClient::getSelectedHero() { return IGameCallback::getSelectedHero(getCurrentPlayer())->id; } void CClient::newGame( CConnection *con, StartInfo *si ) { timeHandler tmh; CGI->state = new CGameState(); tlog0 <<"\tGamestate: "<> pom8; if(pom8) throw "Server cannot open the map!"; else tlog0 << "Server opened map properly.\n"; c << ui8(si->playerInfos.size()+1); //number of players + neutral for(size_t i=0;iplayerInfos.size();i++) { c << ui8(si->playerInfos[i].color); //players } c << ui8(255); // neutrals ui32 seed, sum; std::string mapname; c >> mapname >> sum >> seed; tlog0 <<"\tSending/Getting info to/from the server: "<checksum << std::endl; if(mapa->checksum != sum) { tlog1 << "Wrong map checksum!!!" << std::endl; throw std::string("Wrong checksum"); } tlog0 << "\tUsing random seed: "<state; gs->scenarioOps = si; gs->init(si,mapa,seed); CGI->mh = new CMapHandler(); tlog0 <<"Initializing GameState (together): "<mh->map = mapa; tlog0 <<"Creating mapHandler: "<mh->init(); tlog0 <<"Initializing mapHandler (together): "<state->scenarioOps->playerInfos.size();++i) //initializing interfaces for players { ui8 color = gs->scenarioOps->playerInfos[i].color; CCallback *cb = new CCallback(gs,color,this); if(!gs->scenarioOps->playerInfos[i].human) { playerint[color] = static_cast(CAIHandler::getNewAI(cb,conf.cc.defaultAI)); } else { playerint[color] = new CPlayerInterface(color,i); } gs->currentPlayer = color; playerint[color]->init(cb); } playerint[255] = CAIHandler::getNewAI(cb,conf.cc.defaultAI); playerint[255]->init(new CCallback(gs,255,this)); } void CClient::runServer(const char * portc) { static std::string comm = std::string(SERVER_NAME) + " " + portc + " > server_log.txt"; //needs to be static, if not - will be probably destroyed before new thread reads it boost::thread servthr(boost::bind(system,comm.c_str())); //runs server executable; //TODO: will it work on non-windows platforms? } void CClient::waitForServer() { intpr::scoped_lock slock(shared->sr->mutex); while(!shared->sr->ready) { shared->sr->cond.wait(slock); } } template void CClient::serialize( Handler &h, const int version ) { if(h.saving) { ui8 players = playerint.size(); h & players; for(std::map::iterator i = playerint.begin(); i != playerint.end(); i++) { h & i->first & i->second->dllName; i->second->serialize(h,version); } } else { ui8 players; h & players; for(int i=0; i < players; i++) { std::string dllname; ui8 pid; h & pid & dllname; if(dllname.length()) { CCallback *callback = new CCallback(gs,pid,this); callbacks.insert(callback); playerint[pid] = CAIHandler::getNewAI(callback,dllname); playerint[pid]->init(callback); } } } } template void CClient::serialize( CISer &h, const int version ); template void CClient::serialize( COSer &h, const int version );