/* * Client.h, part of VCMI engine * * Authors: listed in file AUTHORS in main folder * * License: GNU General Public License v2.0 or later * Full text of license available in license.txt file, in main folder * */ #pragma once #include <vcmi/Environment.h> #include "../lib/IGameCallback.h" #include "../lib/battle/BattleAction.h" #include "../lib/battle/CBattleInfoCallback.h" #include "../lib/CStopWatch.h" #include "../lib/int3.h" #include "../lib/CondSh.h" #include "../lib/CPathfinder.h" VCMI_LIB_NAMESPACE_BEGIN struct CPack; struct CPackForServer; class CCampaignState; class IGameEventsReceiver; class IBattleEventsReceiver; class CBattleGameInterface; class CGameState; class CGameInterface; class BattleAction; struct CPathsInfo; class BinaryDeserializer; class BinarySerializer; template<typename T> class CApplier; #if SCRIPTING_ENABLED namespace scripting { class PoolImpl; } #endif namespace events { class EventBus; } VCMI_LIB_NAMESPACE_END class CBattleCallback; class CCallback; class CClient; class CBaseForCLApply; namespace boost { class thread; } template<typename T> class ThreadSafeVector { typedef std::vector<T> TVector; typedef boost::unique_lock<boost::mutex> TLock; TVector items; boost::mutex mx; boost::condition_variable cond; public: void clear() { TLock lock(mx); items.clear(); cond.notify_all(); } void pushBack(const T & item) { TLock lock(mx); items.push_back(item); cond.notify_all(); } // //to access list, caller must present a lock used to lock mx // TVector &getList(TLock &lockedLock) // { // assert(lockedLock.owns_lock() && lockedLock.mutex() == &mx); // return items; // } TLock getLock() { return TLock(mx); } void waitWhileContains(const T & item) { auto lock = getLock(); while(vstd::contains(items, item)) cond.wait(lock); } bool tryRemovingElement(const T & item) //returns false if element was not present { auto lock = getLock(); auto itr = vstd::find(items, item); if(itr == items.end()) //not in container { return false; } items.erase(itr); cond.notify_all(); return true; } }; class CPlayerEnvironment : public Environment { public: PlayerColor player; CClient * cl; std::shared_ptr<CCallback> mainCallback; CPlayerEnvironment(PlayerColor player_, CClient * cl_, std::shared_ptr<CCallback> mainCallback_); const Services * services() const override; vstd::CLoggerBase * logger() const override; events::EventBus * eventBus() const override; const BattleCb * battle() const override; const GameCb * game() const override; }; /// Class which handles client - server logic class CClient : public IGameCallback, public CBattleInfoCallback, public Environment { public: std::map<PlayerColor, std::shared_ptr<CGameInterface>> playerint; std::map<PlayerColor, std::shared_ptr<CBattleGameInterface>> battleints; std::map<PlayerColor, std::vector<std::shared_ptr<IBattleEventsReceiver>>> additionalBattleInts; boost::optional<BattleAction> curbaction; CClient(); ~CClient(); const Services * services() const override; const BattleCb * battle() const override; const GameCb * game() const override; vstd::CLoggerBase * logger() const override; events::EventBus * eventBus() const override; void newGame(CGameState * gameState); void loadGame(CGameState * gameState); void serialize(BinarySerializer & h, const int version); void serialize(BinaryDeserializer & h, const int version); void save(const std::string & fname); void endGame(); void initMapHandler(); void initPlayerEnvironments(); void initPlayerInterfaces(); std::string aiNameForPlayer(const PlayerSettings & ps, bool battleAI); //empty means no AI -> human std::string aiNameForPlayer(bool battleAI); void installNewPlayerInterface(std::shared_ptr<CGameInterface> gameInterface, PlayerColor color, bool battlecb = false); void installNewBattleInterface(std::shared_ptr<CBattleGameInterface> battleInterface, PlayerColor color, bool needCallback = true); static ThreadSafeVector<int> waitingRequest; //FIXME: make this normal field (need to join all threads before client destruction) void handlePack(CPack * pack); //applies the given pack and deletes it int sendRequest(const CPackForServer * request, PlayerColor player); //returns ID given to that request void battleStarted(const BattleInfo * info); void commenceTacticPhaseForInt(std::shared_ptr<CBattleGameInterface> battleInt); //will be called as separate thread void battleFinished(); void startPlayerBattleAction(PlayerColor color); void stopPlayerBattleAction(PlayerColor color); void stopAllBattleActions(); void invalidatePaths(); std::shared_ptr<const CPathsInfo> getPathsInfo(const CGHeroInstance * h); virtual PlayerColor getLocalPlayer() const override; friend class CCallback; //handling players actions friend class CBattleCallback; //handling players actions void changeSpells(const CGHeroInstance * hero, bool give, const std::set<SpellID> & spells) override {}; bool removeObject(const CGObjectInstance * obj) override {return false;}; void setOwner(const CGObjectInstance * obj, PlayerColor owner) override {}; void changePrimSkill(const CGHeroInstance * hero, PrimarySkill::PrimarySkill which, si64 val, bool abs = false) override {}; void changeSecSkill(const CGHeroInstance * hero, SecondarySkill which, int val, bool abs = false) override {}; void showBlockingDialog(BlockingDialog * iw) override {}; void showGarrisonDialog(ObjectInstanceID upobj, ObjectInstanceID hid, bool removableUnits) override {}; void showTeleportDialog(TeleportDialog * iw) override {}; void showThievesGuildWindow(PlayerColor player, ObjectInstanceID requestingObjId) override {}; void giveResource(PlayerColor player, Res::ERes which, int val) override {}; virtual void giveResources(PlayerColor player, TResources resources) override {}; void giveCreatures(const CArmedInstance * objid, const CGHeroInstance * h, const CCreatureSet & creatures, bool remove) override {}; void takeCreatures(ObjectInstanceID objid, const std::vector<CStackBasicDescriptor> & creatures) override {}; bool changeStackType(const StackLocation & sl, const CCreature * c) override {return false;}; bool changeStackCount(const StackLocation & sl, TQuantity count, bool absoluteValue = false) override {return false;}; bool insertNewStack(const StackLocation & sl, const CCreature * c, TQuantity count) override {return false;}; bool eraseStack(const StackLocation & sl, bool forceRemoval = false) override {return false;}; bool swapStacks(const StackLocation & sl1, const StackLocation & sl2) override {return false;} bool addToSlot(const StackLocation & sl, const CCreature * c, TQuantity count) override {return false;} void tryJoiningArmy(const CArmedInstance * src, const CArmedInstance * dst, bool removeObjWhenFinished, bool allowMerging) override {} bool moveStack(const StackLocation & src, const StackLocation & dst, TQuantity count = -1) override {return false;} void removeAfterVisit(const CGObjectInstance * object) override {}; bool swapGarrisonOnSiege(ObjectInstanceID tid) override {return false;}; void giveHeroNewArtifact(const CGHeroInstance * h, const CArtifact * artType, ArtifactPosition pos) override {}; void giveHeroArtifact(const CGHeroInstance * h, const CArtifactInstance * a, ArtifactPosition pos) override {}; void putArtifact(const ArtifactLocation & al, const CArtifactInstance * a) override {}; void removeArtifact(const ArtifactLocation & al) override {}; bool moveArtifact(const ArtifactLocation & al1, const ArtifactLocation & al2) override {return false;}; void showCompInfo(ShowInInfobox * comp) override {}; void heroVisitCastle(const CGTownInstance * obj, const CGHeroInstance * hero) override {}; void visitCastleObjects(const CGTownInstance * obj, const CGHeroInstance * hero) override {}; void stopHeroVisitCastle(const CGTownInstance * obj, const CGHeroInstance * hero) override {}; void startBattlePrimary(const CArmedInstance * army1, const CArmedInstance * army2, int3 tile, const CGHeroInstance * hero1, const CGHeroInstance * hero2, bool creatureBank = false, const CGTownInstance * town = nullptr) override {}; //use hero=nullptr for no hero void startBattleI(const CArmedInstance * army1, const CArmedInstance * army2, int3 tile, bool creatureBank = false) override {}; //if any of armies is hero, hero will be used void startBattleI(const CArmedInstance * army1, const CArmedInstance * army2, bool creatureBank = false) override {}; //if any of armies is hero, hero will be used, visitable tile of second obj is place of battle bool moveHero(ObjectInstanceID hid, int3 dst, ui8 teleporting, bool transit = false, PlayerColor asker = PlayerColor::NEUTRAL) override {return false;}; void giveHeroBonus(GiveBonus * bonus) override {}; void setMovePoints(SetMovePoints * smp) override {}; void setManaPoints(ObjectInstanceID hid, int val) override {}; void giveHero(ObjectInstanceID id, PlayerColor player) override {}; void changeObjPos(ObjectInstanceID objid, int3 newPos, ui8 flags) override {}; void sendAndApply(CPackForClient * pack) override {}; void heroExchange(ObjectInstanceID hero1, ObjectInstanceID hero2) override {}; void changeFogOfWar(int3 center, ui32 radius, PlayerColor player, bool hide) override {} void changeFogOfWar(std::unordered_set<int3, ShashInt3> & tiles, PlayerColor player, bool hide) override {} void setObjProperty(ObjectInstanceID objid, int prop, si64 val) override {} void showInfoDialog(InfoWindow * iw) override {}; void showInfoDialog(const std::string & msg, PlayerColor player) override {}; void removeGUI(); #if SCRIPTING_ENABLED scripting::Pool * getGlobalContextPool() const override; scripting::Pool * getContextPool() const override; #endif private: std::map<PlayerColor, std::shared_ptr<CBattleCallback>> battleCallbacks; //callbacks given to player interfaces std::map<PlayerColor, std::shared_ptr<CPlayerEnvironment>> playerEnvironments; #if SCRIPTING_ENABLED std::shared_ptr<scripting::PoolImpl> clientScripts; #endif std::unique_ptr<events::EventBus> clientEventBus; std::shared_ptr<CApplier<CBaseForCLApply>> applier; mutable boost::mutex pathCacheMutex; std::map<const CGHeroInstance *, std::shared_ptr<CPathsInfo>> pathCache; std::map<PlayerColor, std::shared_ptr<boost::thread>> playerActionThreads; void waitForMoveAndSend(PlayerColor color); void reinitScripting(); };