/* * Buttons.cpp, part of VCMI engine * * Authors: listed in file AUTHORS in main folder * * License: GNU General Public License v2.0 or later * Full text of license available in license.txt file, in main folder * */ #include "StdInc.h" #include "Buttons.h" #include "Images.h" #include "TextControls.h" #include "../CMusicHandler.h" #include "../CGameInfo.h" #include "../CPlayerInterface.h" #include "../battle/BattleInterface.h" #include "../battle/BattleInterfaceClasses.h" #include "../gui/CAnimation.h" #include "../gui/CGuiHandler.h" #include "../windows/InfoWindows.h" #include "../../lib/CConfigHandler.h" #include "../../lib/CGeneralTextHandler.h" void CButton::update() { if (overlay) { if (state == PRESSED) overlay->moveTo(overlay->pos.centerIn(pos).topLeft() + Point(1,1)); else overlay->moveTo(overlay->pos.centerIn(pos).topLeft()); } int newPos = stateToIndex[int(state)]; if(animateLonelyFrame) { if(state == PRESSED) image->moveBy(Point(1,1)); else image->moveBy(Point(-1,-1)); } if (newPos < 0) newPos = 0; if (state == HIGHLIGHTED && image->size() < 4) newPos = (int)image->size()-1; image->setFrame(newPos); if (active) redraw(); } void CButton::setBorderColor(boost::optional borderColor) { setBorderColor(borderColor, borderColor, borderColor, borderColor); } void CButton::setBorderColor(boost::optional normalBorderColor, boost::optional pressedBorderColor, boost::optional blockedBorderColor, boost::optional highlightedBorderColor) { stateToBorderColor[NORMAL] = normalBorderColor; stateToBorderColor[PRESSED] = pressedBorderColor; stateToBorderColor[BLOCKED] = blockedBorderColor; stateToBorderColor[HIGHLIGHTED] = highlightedBorderColor; update(); } void CButton::addCallback(std::function callback) { this->callback += callback; } void CButton::addTextOverlay(const std::string & Text, EFonts font, SDL_Color color) { OBJECT_CONSTRUCTION_CUSTOM_CAPTURING(255-DISPOSE); addOverlay(std::make_shared(pos.w/2, pos.h/2, font, ETextAlignment::CENTER, color, Text)); update(); } void CButton::addOverlay(std::shared_ptr newOverlay) { overlay = newOverlay; if(overlay) { addChild(newOverlay.get()); overlay->moveTo(overlay->pos.centerIn(pos).topLeft()); } update(); } void CButton::addImage(std::string filename) { imageNames.push_back(filename); } void CButton::addHoverText(ButtonState state, std::string text) { hoverTexts[state] = text; } void CButton::setImageOrder(int state1, int state2, int state3, int state4) { stateToIndex[0] = state1; stateToIndex[1] = state2; stateToIndex[2] = state3; stateToIndex[3] = state4; update(); } void CButton::setAnimateLonelyFrame(bool agreement) { animateLonelyFrame = agreement; } void CButton::setState(ButtonState newState) { if (state == newState) return; state = newState; update(); } CButton::ButtonState CButton::getState() { return state; } bool CButton::isBlocked() { return state == BLOCKED; } bool CButton::isHighlighted() { return state == HIGHLIGHTED; } void CButton::block(bool on) { if(on || state == BLOCKED) //dont change button state if unblock requested, but it's not blocked setState(on ? BLOCKED : NORMAL); } void CButton::onButtonClicked() { // debug logging to figure out pressed button (and as result - player actions) in case of crash logAnim->trace("Button clicked at %dx%d", pos.x, pos.y); CIntObject * parent = this->parent; std::string prefix = "Parent is"; while (parent) { logAnim->trace("%s%s at %dx%d", prefix, typeid(*parent).name(), parent->pos.x, parent->pos.y); parent = parent->parent; prefix = '\t' + prefix; } callback(); } void CButton::clickLeft(tribool down, bool previousState) { if(isBlocked()) return; if (down) { if (!soundDisabled) CCS->soundh->playSound(soundBase::button); setState(PRESSED); } else if(hoverable && hovered) setState(HIGHLIGHTED); else setState(NORMAL); if (actOnDown && down) { onButtonClicked(); } else if (!actOnDown && previousState && (down==false)) { onButtonClicked(); } } void CButton::clickRight(tribool down, bool previousState) { if(down && helpBox.size()) //there is no point to show window with nothing inside... CRClickPopup::createAndPush(helpBox); } void CButton::hover (bool on) { if(hoverable && !isBlocked()) { if(on) setState(HIGHLIGHTED); else setState(NORMAL); } /*if(pressedL && on) // WTF is this? When this is used? setState(PRESSED);*/ std::string name = hoverTexts[getState()].empty() ? hoverTexts[0] : hoverTexts[getState()]; if(!name.empty() && !isBlocked()) //if there is no name, there is nothing to display also { if (on) GH.statusbar->write(name); else GH.statusbar->clearIfMatching(name); } } CButton::CButton(Point position, const std::string &defName, const std::pair &help, CFunctionList Callback, int key, bool playerColoredButton): CKeyShortcut(key), callback(Callback) { defActions = 255-DISPOSE; addUsedEvents(LCLICK | RCLICK | HOVER | KEYBOARD); stateToIndex[0] = 0; stateToIndex[1] = 1; stateToIndex[2] = 2; stateToIndex[3] = 3; state=NORMAL; currentImage = -1; hoverable = actOnDown = soundDisabled = false; hoverTexts[0] = help.first; helpBox=help.second; pos.x += position.x; pos.y += position.y; if (!defName.empty()) { imageNames.push_back(defName); setIndex(0, playerColoredButton); } } void CButton::setIndex(size_t index, bool playerColoredButton) { if (index == currentImage || index>=imageNames.size()) return; currentImage = index; auto anim = std::make_shared(imageNames[index]); setImage(anim, playerColoredButton); } void CButton::setImage(std::shared_ptr anim, bool playerColoredButton, int animFlags) { OBJECT_CONSTRUCTION_CUSTOM_CAPTURING(255-DISPOSE); image = std::make_shared(anim, getState(), 0, 0, 0, animFlags); if (playerColoredButton) image->playerColored(LOCPLINT->playerID); pos = image->pos; } void CButton::setPlayerColor(PlayerColor player) { if (image) image->playerColored(player); } void CButton::showAll(SDL_Surface * to) { CIntObject::showAll(to); auto borderColor = stateToBorderColor[getState()]; if (borderColor && borderColor->a == 0) CSDL_Ext::drawBorder(to, pos.x-1, pos.y-1, pos.w+2, pos.h+2, int3(borderColor->r, borderColor->g, borderColor->b)); } std::pair CButton::tooltip() { return std::pair(); } std::pair CButton::tooltipLocalized(const std::string & key) { return std::make_pair( CGI->generaltexth->translate(key, "hover"), CGI->generaltexth->translate(key, "help") ); } std::pair CButton::tooltip(const std::string & hover, const std::string & help) { return std::make_pair(hover, help); } CToggleBase::CToggleBase(CFunctionList callback): callback(callback), selected(false), allowDeselection(true) { } CToggleBase::~CToggleBase() = default; void CToggleBase::doSelect(bool on) { // for overrides } void CToggleBase::setEnabled(bool enabled) { // for overrides } void CToggleBase::setSelected(bool on) { bool changed = (on != selected); selected = on; doSelect(on); if (changed) callback(on); } bool CToggleBase::canActivate() { if (selected && !allowDeselection) return false; return true; } void CToggleBase::addCallback(std::function function) { callback += function; } CToggleButton::CToggleButton(Point position, const std::string &defName, const std::pair &help, CFunctionList callback, int key, bool playerColoredButton): CButton(position, defName, help, 0, key, playerColoredButton), CToggleBase(callback) { allowDeselection = true; } void CToggleButton::doSelect(bool on) { if (on) { setState(HIGHLIGHTED); } else { setState(NORMAL); } } void CToggleButton::setEnabled(bool enabled) { setState(enabled ? NORMAL : BLOCKED); } void CToggleButton::clickLeft(tribool down, bool previousState) { // force refresh hover(false); hover(true); if(isBlocked()) return; if (down && canActivate()) { CCS->soundh->playSound(soundBase::button); setState(PRESSED); } if(previousState)//mouse up { if(down == false && getState() == PRESSED && canActivate()) { onButtonClicked(); setSelected(!selected); } else doSelect(selected); // restore } } void CToggleGroup::addCallback(std::function callback) { onChange += callback; } void CToggleGroup::resetCallback() { onChange.clear(); } void CToggleGroup::addToggle(int identifier, std::shared_ptr button) { if(auto intObj = std::dynamic_pointer_cast(button)) // hack-ish workagound to avoid diamond problem with inheritance { addChild(intObj.get()); } button->addCallback([=] (bool on) { if (on) selectionChanged(identifier);}); button->allowDeselection = false; if(buttons.count(identifier)>0) logAnim->error("Duplicated toggle button id %d", identifier); buttons[identifier] = button; } CToggleGroup::CToggleGroup(const CFunctionList &OnChange) : onChange(OnChange), selectedID(-2) { } void CToggleGroup::setSelected(int id) { selectionChanged(id); } void CToggleGroup::setSelectedOnly(int id) { for(auto it = buttons.begin(); it != buttons.end(); it++) { int buttonId = it->first; buttons[buttonId]->setEnabled(buttonId == id); } selectionChanged(id); } void CToggleGroup::selectionChanged(int to) { if (to == selectedID) return; int oldSelection = selectedID; selectedID = to; if (buttons.count(oldSelection)) buttons[oldSelection]->setSelected(false); if (buttons.count(to)) buttons[to]->setSelected(true); onChange(to); if (parent) parent->redraw(); } int CToggleGroup::getSelected() const { return selectedID; } CVolumeSlider::CVolumeSlider(const Point & position, const std::string & defName, const int value, ETooltipMode mode) : CIntObject(LCLICK | RCLICK | WHEEL), value(value), mode(mode) { OBJECT_CONSTRUCTION_CAPTURING(255-DISPOSE); animImage = std::make_shared(std::make_shared(defName), 0, 0, position.x, position.y), pos.x += position.x; pos.y += position.y; pos.w = (animImage->pos.w + 1) * (int)animImage->size(); pos.h = animImage->pos.h; type |= REDRAW_PARENT; setVolume(value); } void CVolumeSlider::setVolume(int value_) { value = value_; moveTo((int)(value * static_cast(animImage->size()) / 100.0)); } void CVolumeSlider::moveTo(int id) { vstd::abetween(id, 0, animImage->size() - 1); animImage->setFrame(id); animImage->moveTo(Point(pos.x + (animImage->pos.w + 1) * id, pos.y)); if (active) redraw(); } void CVolumeSlider::addCallback(std::function callback) { onChange += callback; } void CVolumeSlider::clickLeft(tribool down, bool previousState) { if (down) { double px = GH.current->motion.x - pos.x; double rx = px / static_cast(pos.w); // setVolume is out of 100 setVolume((int)(rx * 100)); // Volume config is out of 100, set to increments of 5ish roughly based on the half point of the indicator // 0.0 -> 0, 0.05 -> 5, 0.09 -> 5,..., // 0.1 -> 10, ..., 0.19 -> 15, 0.2 -> 20, ..., // 0.28 -> 25, 0.29 -> 30, 0.3 -> 30, ..., // 0.85 -> 85, 0.86 -> 90, ..., 0.87 -> 90,..., // 0.95 -> 95, 0.96 -> 100, 0.99 -> 100 int volume = 5 * int(rx * (2 * animImage->size() + 1)); onChange(volume); } } void CVolumeSlider::clickRight(tribool down, bool previousState) { if (down) { double px = GH.current->motion.x - pos.x; int index = static_cast(px / static_cast(pos.w) * animImage->size()); size_t helpIndex = index + (mode == MUSIC ? 326 : 336); std::string helpBox = CGI->generaltexth->translate("core.help", helpIndex, "help" ); if(!helpBox.empty()) CRClickPopup::createAndPush(helpBox); if(GH.statusbar) GH.statusbar->write(helpBox); } } void CVolumeSlider::wheelScrolled(bool down, bool in) { if (in) { int volume = value + 3 * (down ? 1 : -1); vstd::abetween(volume, 0, 100); setVolume(volume); onChange(volume); } } void CSlider::sliderClicked() { if(!(active & MOVE)) addUsedEvents(MOVE); } void CSlider::mouseMoved (const SDL_MouseMotionEvent & sEvent) { double v = 0; if(horizontal) { if( std::abs(sEvent.y-(pos.y+pos.h/2)) > pos.h/2+40 || std::abs(sEvent.x-(pos.x+pos.w/2)) > pos.w/2 ) return; v = sEvent.x - pos.x - 24; v *= positions; v /= (pos.w - 48); } else { if(std::abs(sEvent.x-(pos.x+pos.w/2)) > pos.w/2+40 || std::abs(sEvent.y-(pos.y+pos.h/2)) > pos.h/2 ) return; v = sEvent.y - pos.y - 24; v *= positions; v /= (pos.h - 48); } v += 0.5; if(v!=value) { moveTo((int)v); } } void CSlider::setScrollStep(int to) { scrollStep = to; } int CSlider::getAmount() const { return amount; } int CSlider::getValue() const { return value; } int CSlider::getCapacity() const { return capacity; } void CSlider::moveLeft() { moveTo(value-1); } void CSlider::moveRight() { moveTo(value+1); } void CSlider::moveBy(int amount) { moveTo(value + amount); } void CSlider::updateSliderPos() { if(horizontal) { if(positions) { double part = static_cast(value) / positions; part*=(pos.w-48); int newPos = static_cast(part + pos.x + 16 - slider->pos.x); slider->moveBy(Point(newPos, 0)); } else slider->moveTo(Point(pos.x+16, pos.y)); } else { if(positions) { double part = static_cast(value) / positions; part*=(pos.h-48); int newPos = static_cast(part + pos.y + 16 - slider->pos.y); slider->moveBy(Point(0, newPos)); } else slider->moveTo(Point(pos.x, pos.y+16)); } } void CSlider::moveTo(int to) { vstd::amax(to, 0); vstd::amin(to, positions); //same, old position? if(value == to) return; value = to; updateSliderPos(); moved(to); } void CSlider::clickLeft(tribool down, bool previousState) { if(down && !slider->isBlocked()) { double pw = 0; double rw = 0; if(horizontal) { pw = GH.current->motion.x-pos.x-25; rw = pw / static_cast(pos.w - 48); } else { pw = GH.current->motion.y-pos.y-24; rw = pw / (pos.h-48); } if(pw < -8 || pw > (horizontal ? pos.w : pos.h) - 40) return; // if (rw>1) return; // if (rw<0) return; slider->clickLeft(true, slider->mouseState(EIntObjMouseBtnType::LEFT)); moveTo((int)(rw * positions + 0.5)); return; } if(active & MOVE) removeUsedEvents(MOVE); } CSlider::CSlider(Point position, int totalw, std::function Moved, int Capacity, int Amount, int Value, bool Horizontal, CSlider::EStyle style) : CIntObject(LCLICK | RCLICK | WHEEL), capacity(Capacity), horizontal(Horizontal), amount(Amount), value(Value), scrollStep(1), moved(Moved) { OBJECT_CONSTRUCTION_CAPTURING(255-DISPOSE); setAmount(amount); vstd::amax(value, 0); vstd::amin(value, positions); strongInterest = true; pos.x += position.x; pos.y += position.y; if(style == BROWN) { std::string name = horizontal ? "IGPCRDIV.DEF" : "OVBUTN2.DEF"; //NOTE: this images do not have "blocked" frames. They should be implemented somehow (e.g. palette transform or something...) left = std::make_shared(Point(), name, CButton::tooltip()); right = std::make_shared(Point(), name, CButton::tooltip()); slider = std::make_shared(Point(), name, CButton::tooltip()); left->setImageOrder(0, 1, 1, 1); right->setImageOrder(2, 3, 3, 3); slider->setImageOrder(4, 4, 4, 4); } else { left = std::make_shared(Point(), horizontal ? "SCNRBLF.DEF" : "SCNRBUP.DEF", CButton::tooltip()); right = std::make_shared(Point(), horizontal ? "SCNRBRT.DEF" : "SCNRBDN.DEF", CButton::tooltip()); slider = std::make_shared(Point(), "SCNRBSL.DEF", CButton::tooltip()); } slider->actOnDown = true; slider->soundDisabled = true; left->soundDisabled = true; right->soundDisabled = true; if (horizontal) right->moveBy(Point(totalw - right->pos.w, 0)); else right->moveBy(Point(0, totalw - right->pos.h)); left->addCallback(std::bind(&CSlider::moveLeft,this)); right->addCallback(std::bind(&CSlider::moveRight,this)); slider->addCallback(std::bind(&CSlider::sliderClicked,this)); if(horizontal) { pos.h = slider->pos.h; pos.w = totalw; } else { pos.w = slider->pos.w; pos.h = totalw; } updateSliderPos(); } CSlider::~CSlider() = default; void CSlider::block( bool on ) { left->block(on); right->block(on); slider->block(on); } void CSlider::setAmount( int to ) { amount = to; positions = to - capacity; vstd::amax(positions, 0); } void CSlider::showAll(SDL_Surface * to) { CSDL_Ext::fillRectBlack(to, &pos); CIntObject::showAll(to); } void CSlider::wheelScrolled(bool down, bool in) { moveTo(value + 3 * (down ? +scrollStep : -scrollStep)); } void CSlider::keyPressed(const SDL_KeyboardEvent & key) { if(key.state != SDL_PRESSED) return; int moveDest = value; switch(key.keysym.sym) { case SDLK_UP: if (!horizontal) moveDest = value - scrollStep; break; case SDLK_LEFT: if (horizontal) moveDest = value - scrollStep; break; case SDLK_DOWN: if (!horizontal) moveDest = value + scrollStep; break; case SDLK_RIGHT: if (horizontal) moveDest = value + scrollStep; break; case SDLK_PAGEUP: moveDest = value - capacity + scrollStep; break; case SDLK_PAGEDOWN: moveDest = value + capacity - scrollStep; break; case SDLK_HOME: moveDest = 0; break; case SDLK_END: moveDest = amount - capacity; break; default: return; } moveTo(moveDest); } void CSlider::moveToMin() { moveTo(0); } void CSlider::moveToMax() { moveTo(amount); }