/* * CBattleInfoCallback.cpp, part of VCMI engine * * Authors: listed in file AUTHORS in main folder * * License: GNU General Public License v2.0 or later * Full text of license available in license.txt file, in main folder * */ #include "StdInc.h" #include "CBattleInfoCallback.h" #include #include #include "../CStack.h" #include "BattleInfo.h" #include "CObstacleInstance.h" #include "DamageCalculator.h" #include "IGameSettings.h" #include "PossiblePlayerBattleAction.h" #include "../entities/building/TownFortifications.h" #include "../spells/ObstacleCasterProxy.h" #include "../spells/ISpellMechanics.h" #include "../spells/Problem.h" #include "../spells/CSpellHandler.h" #include "../mapObjects/CGTownInstance.h" #include "../networkPacks/PacksForClientBattle.h" #include "../BattleFieldHandler.h" #include "../Rect.h" VCMI_LIB_NAMESPACE_BEGIN namespace SiegeStuffThatShouldBeMovedToHandlers // <=== TODO { static BattleHex lineToWallHex(int line) //returns hex with wall in given line (y coordinate) { static const BattleHex lineToHex[] = {12, 29, 45, 62, 78, 96, 112, 130, 147, 165, 182}; return lineToHex[line]; } static bool sameSideOfWall(const BattleHex & pos1, const BattleHex & pos2) { const bool stackLeft = pos1 < lineToWallHex(pos1.getY()); const bool destLeft = pos2 < lineToWallHex(pos2.getY()); return stackLeft == destLeft; } static bool isInsideWalls(const BattleHex & pos) { return lineToWallHex(pos.getY()) < pos; } // parts of wall static const std::pair wallParts[] = { std::make_pair(50, EWallPart::KEEP), std::make_pair(183, EWallPart::BOTTOM_TOWER), std::make_pair(182, EWallPart::BOTTOM_WALL), std::make_pair(130, EWallPart::BELOW_GATE), std::make_pair(78, EWallPart::OVER_GATE), std::make_pair(29, EWallPart::UPPER_WALL), std::make_pair(12, EWallPart::UPPER_TOWER), std::make_pair(95, EWallPart::INDESTRUCTIBLE_PART_OF_GATE), std::make_pair(96, EWallPart::GATE), std::make_pair(45, EWallPart::INDESTRUCTIBLE_PART), std::make_pair(62, EWallPart::INDESTRUCTIBLE_PART), std::make_pair(112, EWallPart::INDESTRUCTIBLE_PART), std::make_pair(147, EWallPart::INDESTRUCTIBLE_PART), std::make_pair(165, EWallPart::INDESTRUCTIBLE_PART) }; static EWallPart hexToWallPart(const BattleHex & hex) { si16 hexValue = hex.toInt(); for(const auto & elem : wallParts) { if(elem.first == hexValue) return elem.second; } return EWallPart::INVALID; //not found! } static BattleHex WallPartToHex(EWallPart part) { for(const auto & elem : wallParts) { if(elem.second == part) return elem.first; } return BattleHex::INVALID; //not found! } } using namespace SiegeStuffThatShouldBeMovedToHandlers; ESpellCastProblem CBattleInfoCallback::battleCanCastSpell(const spells::Caster * caster, spells::Mode mode) const { RETURN_IF_NOT_BATTLE(ESpellCastProblem::INVALID); if(caster == nullptr) { logGlobal->error("CBattleInfoCallback::battleCanCastSpell: no spellcaster."); return ESpellCastProblem::INVALID; } const PlayerColor player = caster->getCasterOwner(); const auto side = playerToSide(player); if(side == BattleSide::NONE) return ESpellCastProblem::INVALID; if(!battleDoWeKnowAbout(side)) { logGlobal->warn("You can't check if enemy can cast given spell!"); return ESpellCastProblem::INVALID; } if(battleTacticDist()) return ESpellCastProblem::ONGOING_TACTIC_PHASE; switch(mode) { case spells::Mode::HERO: { if(battleCastSpells(side) > 0) return ESpellCastProblem::CASTS_PER_TURN_LIMIT; const auto * hero = dynamic_cast(caster); if(!hero) return ESpellCastProblem::NO_HERO_TO_CAST_SPELL; if(hero->hasBonusOfType(BonusType::BLOCK_ALL_MAGIC)) return ESpellCastProblem::MAGIC_IS_BLOCKED; if(!hero->hasSpellbook()) return ESpellCastProblem::NO_SPELLBOOK; } break; default: break; } return ESpellCastProblem::OK; } std::pair< BattleHexArray, int > CBattleInfoCallback::getPath(const BattleHex & start, const BattleHex & dest, const battle::Unit * stack) const { auto reachability = getReachability(stack); if(reachability.predecessors[dest.toInt()] == -1) //cannot reach destination { return std::make_pair(BattleHexArray(), 0); } //making the Path BattleHexArray path; BattleHex curElem = dest; while(curElem != start) { path.insert(curElem); curElem = reachability.predecessors[curElem.toInt()]; } return std::make_pair(path, reachability.distances[dest.toInt()]); } bool CBattleInfoCallback::battleIsInsideWalls(const BattleHex & from) const { return isInsideWalls(from); } bool CBattleInfoCallback::battleHasPenaltyOnLine(const BattleHex & from, const BattleHex & dest, bool checkWall, bool checkMoat) const { if (!from.isAvailable() || !dest.isAvailable()) throw std::runtime_error("Invalid hex (" + std::to_string(from.toInt()) + " and " + std::to_string(dest.toInt()) + ") received in battleHasPenaltyOnLine!" ); auto isTileBlocked = [&](const BattleHex & tile) { EWallPart wallPart = battleHexToWallPart(tile); if (wallPart == EWallPart::INVALID) return false; // there is no wall here if (wallPart == EWallPart::INDESTRUCTIBLE_PART_OF_GATE) return false; // does not blocks ranged attacks if (wallPart == EWallPart::INDESTRUCTIBLE_PART) return true; // always blocks ranged attacks return isWallPartAttackable(wallPart); }; // Count wall penalty requirement by shortest path, not by arbitrary line, to avoid various OH3 bugs auto getShortestPath = [](const BattleHex & from, const BattleHex & dest) -> BattleHexArray { //Out early if(from == dest) return {}; BattleHexArray ret; auto next = from; //Not a real direction, only to indicate to which side we should search closest tile auto direction = from.getX() > dest.getX() ? BattleSide::DEFENDER : BattleSide::ATTACKER; while (next != dest) { next = BattleHex::getClosestTile(direction, dest, next.getNeighbouringTiles()); ret.insert(next); } assert(!ret.empty()); ret.pop_back(); //Remove destination hex return ret; }; RETURN_IF_NOT_BATTLE(false); auto checkNeeded = !sameSideOfWall(from, dest); bool pathHasWall = false; bool pathHasMoat = false; for(const auto & hex : getShortestPath(from, dest)) { pathHasWall |= isTileBlocked(hex); if(!checkMoat) continue; auto obstacles = battleGetAllObstaclesOnPos(hex, false); if(hex.toInt() != BattleHex::GATE_BRIDGE || (battleIsGatePassable())) for(const auto & obst : obstacles) if(obst->obstacleType == CObstacleInstance::MOAT) pathHasMoat |= true; } return checkNeeded && ( (checkWall && pathHasWall) || (checkMoat && pathHasMoat) ); } bool CBattleInfoCallback::battleHasWallPenalty(const IBonusBearer * shooter, const BattleHex & shooterPosition, const BattleHex & destHex) const { RETURN_IF_NOT_BATTLE(false); if(battleGetFortifications().wallsHealth == 0) return false; const std::string cachingStrNoWallPenalty = "type_NO_WALL_PENALTY"; static const auto selectorNoWallPenalty = Selector::type()(BonusType::NO_WALL_PENALTY); if(shooter->hasBonus(selectorNoWallPenalty, cachingStrNoWallPenalty)) return false; const auto shooterOutsideWalls = shooterPosition < lineToWallHex(shooterPosition.getY()); return shooterOutsideWalls && battleHasPenaltyOnLine(shooterPosition, destHex, true, false); } std::vector CBattleInfoCallback::getClientActionsForStack(const CStack * stack, const BattleClientInterfaceData & data) { RETURN_IF_NOT_BATTLE(std::vector()); std::vector allowedActionList; if(data.tacticsMode) //would "if(battleGetTacticDist() > 0)" work? { allowedActionList.push_back(PossiblePlayerBattleAction::MOVE_TACTICS); allowedActionList.push_back(PossiblePlayerBattleAction::CHOOSE_TACTICS_STACK); } else { if(stack->canCast()) //TODO: check for battlefield effects that prevent casting? { if(stack->hasBonusOfType(BonusType::SPELLCASTER)) { for(const auto & spellID : data.creatureSpellsToCast) { const CSpell *spell = spellID.toSpell(); PossiblePlayerBattleAction act = getCasterAction(spell, stack, spells::Mode::CREATURE_ACTIVE); allowedActionList.push_back(act); } } if(stack->hasBonusOfType(BonusType::RANDOM_SPELLCASTER)) allowedActionList.push_back(PossiblePlayerBattleAction::RANDOM_GENIE_SPELL); } if(stack->canShoot()) allowedActionList.push_back(PossiblePlayerBattleAction::SHOOT); if(stack->hasBonusOfType(BonusType::RETURN_AFTER_STRIKE)) allowedActionList.push_back(PossiblePlayerBattleAction::ATTACK_AND_RETURN); allowedActionList.push_back(PossiblePlayerBattleAction::ATTACK); //all active stacks can attack allowedActionList.push_back(PossiblePlayerBattleAction::WALK_AND_ATTACK); //not all stacks can always walk, but we will check this elsewhere if(stack->canMove() && stack->getMovementRange(0)) //probably no reason to try move war machines or bound stacks allowedActionList.push_back(PossiblePlayerBattleAction::MOVE_STACK); const auto * siegedTown = battleGetDefendedTown(); if(siegedTown && siegedTown->fortificationsLevel().wallsHealth > 0 && stack->hasBonusOfType(BonusType::CATAPULT)) //TODO: check shots allowedActionList.push_back(PossiblePlayerBattleAction::CATAPULT); if(stack->hasBonusOfType(BonusType::HEALER)) allowedActionList.push_back(PossiblePlayerBattleAction::HEAL); } return allowedActionList; } PossiblePlayerBattleAction CBattleInfoCallback::getCasterAction(const CSpell * spell, const spells::Caster * caster, spells::Mode mode) const { RETURN_IF_NOT_BATTLE(PossiblePlayerBattleAction::INVALID); auto spellSelMode = PossiblePlayerBattleAction::ANY_LOCATION; const CSpell::TargetInfo ti(spell, caster->getSpellSchoolLevel(spell), mode); if(ti.massive || ti.type == spells::AimType::NO_TARGET) spellSelMode = PossiblePlayerBattleAction::NO_LOCATION; else if(ti.type == spells::AimType::LOCATION && ti.clearAffected) spellSelMode = PossiblePlayerBattleAction::FREE_LOCATION; else if(ti.type == spells::AimType::CREATURE) spellSelMode = PossiblePlayerBattleAction::AIMED_SPELL_CREATURE; else if(ti.type == spells::AimType::OBSTACLE) spellSelMode = PossiblePlayerBattleAction::OBSTACLE; return PossiblePlayerBattleAction(spellSelMode, spell->id); } BattleHexArray CBattleInfoCallback::battleGetAttackedHexes(const battle::Unit * attacker, const BattleHex & destinationTile, const BattleHex & attackerPos) const { BattleHexArray attackedHexes; RETURN_IF_NOT_BATTLE(attackedHexes); AttackableTiles at = getPotentiallyAttackableHexes(attacker, destinationTile, attackerPos); for (const BattleHex & tile : at.hostileCreaturePositions) { const auto * st = battleGetUnitByPos(tile, true); if(st && st->unitOwner() != attacker->unitOwner()) //only hostile stacks - does it work well with Berserk? { attackedHexes.insert(tile); } } for (const BattleHex & tile : at.friendlyCreaturePositions) { if(battleGetUnitByPos(tile, true)) //friendly stacks can also be damaged by Dragon Breath { attackedHexes.insert(tile); } } return attackedHexes; } const CStack* CBattleInfoCallback::battleGetStackByPos(const BattleHex & pos, bool onlyAlive) const { RETURN_IF_NOT_BATTLE(nullptr); for(const auto * s : battleGetAllStacks(true)) if(s->getHexes().contains(pos) && (!onlyAlive || s->alive())) return s; return nullptr; } const battle::Unit * CBattleInfoCallback::battleGetUnitByPos(const BattleHex & pos, bool onlyAlive) const { RETURN_IF_NOT_BATTLE(nullptr); auto ret = battleGetUnitsIf([=](const battle::Unit * unit) { return !unit->isGhost() && unit->coversPos(pos) && (!onlyAlive || unit->alive()); }); if(!ret.empty()) return ret.front(); else return nullptr; } battle::Units CBattleInfoCallback::battleAliveUnits() const { return battleGetUnitsIf([](const battle::Unit * unit) { return unit->isValidTarget(false); }); } battle::Units CBattleInfoCallback::battleAliveUnits(BattleSide side) const { return battleGetUnitsIf([=](const battle::Unit * unit) { return unit->isValidTarget(false) && unit->unitSide() == side; }); } using namespace battle; static const battle::Unit * takeOneUnit(battle::Units & allUnits, const int turn, BattleSide & sideThatLastMoved, int phase) { const battle::Unit * returnedUnit = nullptr; size_t currentUnitIndex = 0; for(size_t i = 0; i < allUnits.size(); i++) { int32_t currentUnitInitiative = -1; int32_t returnedUnitInitiative = -1; if(returnedUnit) returnedUnitInitiative = returnedUnit->getInitiative(turn); if(!allUnits[i]) continue; auto currentUnit = allUnits[i]; currentUnitInitiative = currentUnit->getInitiative(turn); switch(phase) { case BattlePhases::NORMAL: // Faster first, attacker priority, higher slot first if(returnedUnit == nullptr || currentUnitInitiative > returnedUnitInitiative) { returnedUnit = currentUnit; currentUnitIndex = i; } else if(currentUnitInitiative == returnedUnitInitiative) { if(sideThatLastMoved == BattleSide::NONE && turn <= 0 && currentUnit->unitSide() == BattleSide::ATTACKER && !(returnedUnit->unitSide() == currentUnit->unitSide() && returnedUnit->unitSlot() < currentUnit->unitSlot())) // Turn 0 attacker priority { returnedUnit = currentUnit; currentUnitIndex = i; } else if(sideThatLastMoved != BattleSide::NONE && currentUnit->unitSide() != sideThatLastMoved && !(returnedUnit->unitSide() == currentUnit->unitSide() && returnedUnit->unitSlot() < currentUnit->unitSlot())) // Alternate equal speeds units { returnedUnit = currentUnit; currentUnitIndex = i; } } break; case BattlePhases::WAIT_MORALE: // Slower first, higher slot first case BattlePhases::WAIT: if(returnedUnit == nullptr || currentUnitInitiative < returnedUnitInitiative) { returnedUnit = currentUnit; currentUnitIndex = i; } else if(currentUnitInitiative == returnedUnitInitiative && sideThatLastMoved != BattleSide::NONE && currentUnit->unitSide() != sideThatLastMoved && !(returnedUnit->unitSide() == currentUnit->unitSide() && returnedUnit->unitSlot() < currentUnit->unitSlot())) // Alternate equal speeds units { returnedUnit = currentUnit; currentUnitIndex = i; } break; default: break; } } if(!returnedUnit) return nullptr; allUnits[currentUnitIndex] = nullptr; return returnedUnit; } void CBattleInfoCallback::battleGetTurnOrder(std::vector & turns, const size_t maxUnits, const int maxTurns, const int turn, BattleSide sideThatLastMoved) const { RETURN_IF_NOT_BATTLE(); if(maxUnits == 0 && maxTurns == 0) { logGlobal->error("Attempt to get infinite battle queue"); return; } auto actualTurn = turn > 0 ? turn : 0; auto turnsIsFull = [&]() -> bool { if(maxUnits == 0) return false;//no limit size_t turnsSize = 0; for(const auto & oneTurn : turns) turnsSize += oneTurn.size(); return turnsSize >= maxUnits; }; turns.emplace_back(); // We'll split creatures with remaining movement to 4 buckets (SIEGE, NORMAL, WAIT_MORALE, WAIT) std::array phases; // Access using BattlePhases enum const battle::Unit * activeUnit = battleActiveUnit(); if(activeUnit) { //its first turn and active unit hasn't taken any action yet - must be placed at the beginning of queue, no matter what if(turn == 0 && activeUnit->willMove()) { turns.back().push_back(activeUnit); if(turnsIsFull()) return; } //its first or current turn, turn priority for active stack side //TODO: what if active stack mind-controlled? if(turn <= 0 && sideThatLastMoved == BattleSide::NONE) sideThatLastMoved = activeUnit->unitSide(); } auto allUnits = battleGetUnitsIf([](const battle::Unit * unit) { return !unit->isGhost(); }); // If no unit will be EVER! able to move, battle is over. if(!vstd::contains_if(allUnits, [](const battle::Unit * unit) { return unit->willMove(100000); })) //little evil, but 100000 should be enough for all effects to disappear { turns.clear(); return; } for(const auto * unit : allUnits) { if((actualTurn == 0 && !unit->willMove()) //we are considering current round and unit won't move || (actualTurn > 0 && !unit->canMove(turn)) //unit won't be able to move in later rounds || (actualTurn == 0 && unit == activeUnit && !turns.at(0).empty() && unit == turns.front().front())) //it's active unit already added at the beginning of queue { continue; } int unitPhase = unit->battleQueuePhase(turn); phases[unitPhase].push_back(unit); } boost::sort(phases[BattlePhases::SIEGE], CMP_stack(BattlePhases::SIEGE, actualTurn, sideThatLastMoved)); std::copy(phases[BattlePhases::SIEGE].begin(), phases[BattlePhases::SIEGE].end(), std::back_inserter(turns.back())); if(turnsIsFull()) return; for(uint8_t phase = BattlePhases::NORMAL; phase < BattlePhases::NUMBER_OF_PHASES; phase++) boost::sort(phases[phase], CMP_stack(phase, actualTurn, sideThatLastMoved)); uint8_t phase = BattlePhases::NORMAL; while(!turnsIsFull() && phase < BattlePhases::NUMBER_OF_PHASES) { const battle::Unit * currentUnit = nullptr; if(phases[phase].empty()) phase++; else { currentUnit = takeOneUnit(phases[phase], actualTurn, sideThatLastMoved, phase); if(!currentUnit) { phase++; } else { turns.back().push_back(currentUnit); sideThatLastMoved = currentUnit->unitSide(); } } } if(sideThatLastMoved == BattleSide::NONE) sideThatLastMoved = BattleSide::ATTACKER; if(!turnsIsFull() && (maxTurns == 0 || turns.size() < maxTurns)) battleGetTurnOrder(turns, maxUnits, maxTurns, actualTurn + 1, sideThatLastMoved); } BattleHexArray CBattleInfoCallback::battleGetAvailableHexes(const battle::Unit * unit, bool obtainMovementRange) const { RETURN_IF_NOT_BATTLE(BattleHexArray()); if(!unit->getPosition().isValid()) //turrets return BattleHexArray(); auto reachability = getReachability(unit); return battleGetAvailableHexes(reachability, unit, obtainMovementRange); } BattleHexArray CBattleInfoCallback::battleGetAvailableHexes(const ReachabilityInfo & cache, const battle::Unit * unit, bool obtainMovementRange) const { BattleHexArray ret; RETURN_IF_NOT_BATTLE(ret); if(!unit->getPosition().isValid()) //turrets return ret; auto unitSpeed = unit->getMovementRange(0); const bool tacticsPhase = battleTacticDist() && battleGetTacticsSide() == unit->unitSide(); for(int i = 0; i < GameConstants::BFIELD_SIZE; ++i) { // If obstacles or other stacks makes movement impossible, it can't be helped. if(!cache.isReachable(i)) continue; if(tacticsPhase && !obtainMovementRange) // if obtainMovementRange requested do not return tactics range { // Stack has to perform tactic-phase movement -> can enter any reachable tile within given range if(!isInTacticRange(i)) continue; } else { // Not tactics phase -> destination must be reachable and within unit range. if(cache.distances[i] > static_cast(unitSpeed)) continue; } ret.insert(i); } return ret; } BattleHexArray CBattleInfoCallback::battleGetAvailableHexes(const battle::Unit * unit, bool obtainMovementRange, bool addOccupiable, BattleHexArray * attackable) const { BattleHexArray ret = battleGetAvailableHexes(unit, obtainMovementRange); if(ret.empty()) return ret; if(addOccupiable && unit->doubleWide()) { BattleHexArray occupiable; for(const auto & hex : ret) occupiable.insert(unit->occupiedHex(hex)); ret.insert(occupiable); } if(attackable) { auto meleeAttackable = [&](const BattleHex & hex) -> bool { // Return true if given hex has at least one available neighbour. // Available hexes are already present in ret vector. auto availableNeighbour = boost::find_if(ret, [=] (const BattleHex & availableHex) { return BattleHex::mutualPosition(hex, availableHex) >= 0; }); return availableNeighbour != ret.end(); }; for(const auto * otherSt : battleAliveUnits(otherSide(unit->unitSide()))) { if(!otherSt->isValidTarget(false)) continue; const BattleHexArray & occupied = otherSt->getHexes(); if(battleCanShoot(unit, otherSt->getPosition())) { attackable->insert(occupied); continue; } for(const BattleHex & he : occupied) { if(meleeAttackable(he)) attackable->insert(he); } } } return ret; } bool CBattleInfoCallback::battleCanAttack(const battle::Unit * stack, const battle::Unit * target, const BattleHex & dest) const { RETURN_IF_NOT_BATTLE(false); if(battleTacticDist()) return false; if (!stack || !target) return false; if(target->isInvincible()) return false; if(!battleMatchOwner(stack, target)) return false; auto id = stack->unitType()->getId(); if (id == CreatureID::FIRST_AID_TENT || id == CreatureID::CATAPULT) return false; return target->alive(); } bool CBattleInfoCallback::battleCanShoot(const battle::Unit * attacker) const { RETURN_IF_NOT_BATTLE(false); if(battleTacticDist()) //no shooting during tactics return false; if (!attacker) return false; if (attacker->creatureIndex() == CreatureID::CATAPULT) //catapult cannot attack creatures return false; if (!attacker->canShoot()) return false; return attacker->canShootBlocked() || !battleIsUnitBlocked(attacker); } bool CBattleInfoCallback::battleCanTargetEmptyHex(const battle::Unit * attacker) const { RETURN_IF_NOT_BATTLE(false); if(!VLC->engineSettings()->getBoolean(EGameSettings::COMBAT_AREA_SHOT_CAN_TARGET_EMPTY_HEX)) return false; if(attacker->hasBonusOfType(BonusType::SPELL_LIKE_ATTACK)) { auto bonus = attacker->getBonus(Selector::type()(BonusType::SPELL_LIKE_ATTACK)); const CSpell * spell = bonus->subtype.as().toSpell(); spells::BattleCast cast(this, attacker, spells::Mode::SPELL_LIKE_ATTACK, spell); BattleHex dummySpellTarget = BattleHex(50); //check arbitrary hex for general spell range since currently there is no general way to access amount of hexes if(spell->battleMechanics(&cast)->rangeInHexes(dummySpellTarget).size() > 1) { return true; } } return false; } bool CBattleInfoCallback::battleCanShoot(const battle::Unit * attacker, const BattleHex & dest) const { RETURN_IF_NOT_BATTLE(false); const battle::Unit * defender = battleGetUnitByPos(dest); if(!attacker) return false; bool emptyHexAreaAttack = battleCanTargetEmptyHex(attacker); if(!emptyHexAreaAttack) { if(!defender) return false; if(defender->isInvincible()) return false; } if(emptyHexAreaAttack || (battleMatchOwner(attacker, defender) && defender->alive())) { if(battleCanShoot(attacker)) { auto limitedRangeBonus = attacker->getBonus(Selector::type()(BonusType::LIMITED_SHOOTING_RANGE)); if(limitedRangeBonus == nullptr) { return true; } int shootingRange = limitedRangeBonus->val; if(defender) return isEnemyUnitWithinSpecifiedRange(attacker->getPosition(), defender, shootingRange); else return isHexWithinSpecifiedRange(attacker->getPosition(), dest, shootingRange); } } return false; } DamageEstimation CBattleInfoCallback::calculateDmgRange(const BattleAttackInfo & info) const { DamageCalculator calculator(*this, info); return calculator.calculateDmgRange(); } DamageEstimation CBattleInfoCallback::battleEstimateDamage(const battle::Unit * attacker, const battle::Unit * defender, const BattleHex & attackerPosition, DamageEstimation * retaliationDmg) const { RETURN_IF_NOT_BATTLE({}); auto reachability = battleGetDistances(attacker, attacker->getPosition()); int movementRange = attackerPosition.isValid() ? reachability[attackerPosition.toInt()] : 0; return battleEstimateDamage(attacker, defender, movementRange, retaliationDmg); } DamageEstimation CBattleInfoCallback::battleEstimateDamage(const battle::Unit * attacker, const battle::Unit * defender, int movementRange, DamageEstimation * retaliationDmg) const { RETURN_IF_NOT_BATTLE({}); const bool shooting = battleCanShoot(attacker, defender->getPosition()); const BattleAttackInfo bai(attacker, defender, movementRange, shooting); return battleEstimateDamage(bai, retaliationDmg); } DamageEstimation CBattleInfoCallback::battleEstimateDamage(const BattleAttackInfo & bai, DamageEstimation * retaliationDmg) const { RETURN_IF_NOT_BATTLE({}); DamageEstimation ret = calculateDmgRange(bai); if(retaliationDmg == nullptr) return ret; *retaliationDmg = DamageEstimation(); if(bai.shooting) //FIXME: handle RANGED_RETALIATION return ret; if (!bai.defender->ableToRetaliate()) return ret; if (bai.attacker->hasBonusOfType(BonusType::BLOCKS_RETALIATION) || bai.attacker->isInvincible()) return ret; //TODO: rewrite using boost::numeric::interval //TODO: rewire once more using interval-based fuzzy arithmetic const auto & estimateRetaliation = [&](int64_t damage) { auto retaliationAttack = bai.reverse(); auto state = retaliationAttack.attacker->acquireState(); state->damage(damage); retaliationAttack.attacker = state.get(); if (state->alive()) return calculateDmgRange(retaliationAttack); else return DamageEstimation(); }; DamageEstimation retaliationMin = estimateRetaliation(ret.damage.min); DamageEstimation retaliationMax = estimateRetaliation(ret.damage.max); retaliationDmg->damage.min = std::min(retaliationMin.damage.min, retaliationMax.damage.min); retaliationDmg->damage.max = std::max(retaliationMin.damage.max, retaliationMax.damage.max); retaliationDmg->kills.min = std::min(retaliationMin.kills.min, retaliationMax.kills.min); retaliationDmg->kills.max = std::max(retaliationMin.kills.max, retaliationMax.kills.max); return ret; } std::vector> CBattleInfoCallback::battleGetAllObstaclesOnPos(const BattleHex & tile, bool onlyBlocking) const { auto obstacles = std::vector>(); RETURN_IF_NOT_BATTLE(obstacles); for(auto & obs : battleGetAllObstacles()) { if(obs->getBlockedTiles().contains(tile) || (!onlyBlocking && obs->getAffectedTiles().contains(tile))) { obstacles.push_back(obs); } } return obstacles; } std::vector> CBattleInfoCallback::getAllAffectedObstaclesByStack(const battle::Unit * unit, const BattleHexArray & passed) const { auto affectedObstacles = std::vector>(); RETURN_IF_NOT_BATTLE(affectedObstacles); if(unit->alive()) { if(!passed.contains(unit->getPosition())) affectedObstacles = battleGetAllObstaclesOnPos(unit->getPosition(), false); if(unit->doubleWide()) { BattleHex otherHex = unit->occupiedHex(); if(otherHex.isValid() && !passed.contains(otherHex)) for(auto & i : battleGetAllObstaclesOnPos(otherHex, false)) if(!vstd::contains(affectedObstacles, i)) affectedObstacles.push_back(i); } for(const auto & hex : unit->getHexes()) if(hex == BattleHex::GATE_BRIDGE && battleIsGatePassable()) for(int i=0; iobstacleType == CObstacleInstance::MOAT) affectedObstacles.erase(affectedObstacles.begin()+i); } return affectedObstacles; } bool CBattleInfoCallback::handleObstacleTriggersForUnit(SpellCastEnvironment & spellEnv, const battle::Unit & unit, const BattleHexArray & passed) const { if(!unit.alive()) return false; bool movementStopped = false; for(auto & obstacle : getAllAffectedObstaclesByStack(&unit, passed)) { //helper info const SpellCreatedObstacle * spellObstacle = dynamic_cast(obstacle.get()); if(spellObstacle) { auto revealObstacles = [&](const SpellCreatedObstacle & spellObstacle) -> void { // For the hidden spell created obstacles, e.g. QuickSand, it should be revealed after taking damage auto operation = ObstacleChanges::EOperation::UPDATE; if (spellObstacle.removeOnTrigger) operation = ObstacleChanges::EOperation::REMOVE; SpellCreatedObstacle changedObstacle; changedObstacle.uniqueID = spellObstacle.uniqueID; changedObstacle.revealed = true; BattleObstaclesChanged bocp; bocp.battleID = getBattle()->getBattleID(); bocp.changes.emplace_back(spellObstacle.uniqueID, operation); changedObstacle.toInfo(bocp.changes.back(), operation); spellEnv.apply(bocp); }; const auto side = unit.unitSide(); auto shouldReveal = !spellObstacle->hidden || !battleIsObstacleVisibleForSide(*obstacle, side); const auto * hero = battleGetFightingHero(spellObstacle->casterSide); auto caster = spells::ObstacleCasterProxy(getBattle()->getSidePlayer(spellObstacle->casterSide), hero, *spellObstacle); if(obstacle->triggersEffects() && obstacle->getTrigger().hasValue()) { const auto * sp = obstacle->getTrigger().toSpell(); auto cast = spells::BattleCast(this, &caster, spells::Mode::PASSIVE, sp); spells::detail::ProblemImpl ignored; auto target = spells::Target(1, spells::Destination(&unit)); if(sp->battleMechanics(&cast)->canBeCastAt(target, ignored)) // Obstacles should not be revealed by immune creatures { if(shouldReveal) { //hidden obstacle triggers effects after revealed revealObstacles(*spellObstacle); cast.cast(&spellEnv, target); } } } else if(shouldReveal) revealObstacles(*spellObstacle); } if(!unit.alive()) return false; if(obstacle->stopsMovement()) movementStopped = true; } return unit.alive() && !movementStopped; } AccessibilityInfo CBattleInfoCallback::getAccessibility() const { AccessibilityInfo ret; ret.fill(EAccessibility::ACCESSIBLE); //removing accessibility for side columns of hexes for(int y = 0; y < GameConstants::BFIELD_HEIGHT; y++) { ret[BattleHex(GameConstants::BFIELD_WIDTH - 1, y).toInt()] = EAccessibility::SIDE_COLUMN; ret[BattleHex(0, y).toInt()] = EAccessibility::SIDE_COLUMN; } //special battlefields with logically unavailable tiles auto bFieldType = battleGetBattlefieldType(); if(bFieldType != BattleField::NONE) { for(const auto & hex : bFieldType.getInfo()->impassableHexes) ret[hex.toInt()] = EAccessibility::UNAVAILABLE; } //gate -> should be before stacks if(battleGetFortifications().wallsHealth > 0) { EAccessibility accessibility = EAccessibility::ACCESSIBLE; switch(battleGetGateState()) { case EGateState::CLOSED: accessibility = EAccessibility::GATE; break; case EGateState::BLOCKED: accessibility = EAccessibility::UNAVAILABLE; break; } ret[BattleHex::GATE_OUTER] = ret[BattleHex::GATE_INNER] = accessibility; } //tiles occupied by standing stacks for(const auto * unit : battleAliveUnits()) { for(const auto & hex : unit->getHexes()) if(hex.isAvailable()) //towers can have <0 pos; we don't also want to overwrite side columns ret[hex.toInt()] = EAccessibility::ALIVE_STACK; } //obstacles for(const auto &obst : battleGetAllObstacles()) { for(const auto & hex : obst->getBlockedTiles()) ret[hex.toInt()] = EAccessibility::OBSTACLE; } //walls if(battleGetFortifications().wallsHealth > 0) { static const int permanentlyLocked[] = {12, 45, 62, 112, 147, 165}; for(const auto & hex : permanentlyLocked) ret[hex] = EAccessibility::UNAVAILABLE; //TODO likely duplicated logic static const std::pair lockedIfNotDestroyed[] = { //which part of wall, which hex is blocked if this part of wall is not destroyed std::make_pair(EWallPart::BOTTOM_WALL, BattleHex(BattleHex::DESTRUCTIBLE_WALL_4)), std::make_pair(EWallPart::BELOW_GATE, BattleHex(BattleHex::DESTRUCTIBLE_WALL_3)), std::make_pair(EWallPart::OVER_GATE, BattleHex(BattleHex::DESTRUCTIBLE_WALL_2)), std::make_pair(EWallPart::UPPER_WALL, BattleHex(BattleHex::DESTRUCTIBLE_WALL_1)) }; for(const auto & elem : lockedIfNotDestroyed) { if(battleGetWallState(elem.first) != EWallState::DESTROYED) ret[elem.second.toInt()] = EAccessibility::DESTRUCTIBLE_WALL; } } return ret; } AccessibilityInfo CBattleInfoCallback::getAccessibility(const battle::Unit * stack) const { return getAccessibility(battle::Unit::getHexes(stack->getPosition(), stack->doubleWide(), stack->unitSide())); } AccessibilityInfo CBattleInfoCallback::getAccessibility(const BattleHexArray & accessibleHexes) const { auto ret = getAccessibility(); for(const auto & hex : accessibleHexes) if(hex.isValid()) ret[hex.toInt()] = EAccessibility::ACCESSIBLE; return ret; } ReachabilityInfo CBattleInfoCallback::makeBFS(const AccessibilityInfo & accessibility, const ReachabilityInfo::Parameters & params) const { ReachabilityInfo ret; ret.accessibility = accessibility; ret.params = params; ret.predecessors.fill(BattleHex::INVALID); ret.distances.fill(ReachabilityInfo::INFINITE_DIST); if(!params.startPosition.isValid()) //if got call for arrow turrets return ret; const BattleHexArray obstacles = getStoppers(params.perspective); auto checkParams = params; checkParams.ignoreKnownAccessible = true; //Ignore starting hexes obstacles std::queue hexq; //bfs queue //first element hexq.push(params.startPosition); ret.distances[params.startPosition.toInt()] = 0; std::array accessibleCache{}; for(int hex = 0; hex < GameConstants::BFIELD_SIZE; hex++) accessibleCache[hex] = accessibility.accessible(hex, params.doubleWide, params.side); while(!hexq.empty()) //bfs loop { const BattleHex curHex = hexq.front(); hexq.pop(); //walking stack can't step past the obstacles if(isInObstacle(curHex, obstacles, checkParams)) continue; const int costToNeighbour = ret.distances.at(curHex.toInt()) + 1; for(const BattleHex & neighbour : curHex.getNeighbouringTiles()) { auto additionalCost = 0; if(params.bypassEnemyStacks) { auto enemyToBypass = params.destructibleEnemyTurns.at(neighbour.toInt()); if(enemyToBypass >= 0) { additionalCost = enemyToBypass; } } const int costFoundSoFar = ret.distances[neighbour.toInt()]; if(accessibleCache[neighbour.toInt()] && costToNeighbour + additionalCost < costFoundSoFar) { hexq.push(neighbour); ret.distances[neighbour.toInt()] = costToNeighbour + additionalCost; ret.predecessors[neighbour.toInt()] = curHex; } } } return ret; } bool CBattleInfoCallback::isInObstacle( const BattleHex & hex, const BattleHexArray & obstacleHexes, const ReachabilityInfo::Parameters & params) const { for(const auto & occupiedHex : battle::Unit::getHexes(hex, params.doubleWide, params.side)) { if(params.ignoreKnownAccessible && params.knownAccessible->contains(occupiedHex)) continue; if(obstacleHexes.contains(occupiedHex)) { if(occupiedHex == BattleHex::GATE_BRIDGE) { if(battleGetGateState() != EGateState::DESTROYED && params.side == BattleSide::ATTACKER) return true; } else return true; } } return false; } BattleHexArray CBattleInfoCallback::getStoppers(BattleSide whichSidePerspective) const { BattleHexArray ret; RETURN_IF_NOT_BATTLE(ret); for(auto &oi : battleGetAllObstacles(whichSidePerspective)) { if(!battleIsObstacleVisibleForSide(*oi, whichSidePerspective)) continue; for(const auto & hex : oi->getStoppingTile()) { if(hex == BattleHex::GATE_BRIDGE && oi->obstacleType == CObstacleInstance::MOAT) { if(battleGetGateState() == EGateState::OPENED || battleGetGateState() == EGateState::DESTROYED) continue; // this tile is disabled by drawbridge on top of it } ret.insert(hex); } } return ret; } std::pair CBattleInfoCallback::getNearestStack(const battle::Unit * closest) const { auto reachability = getReachability(closest); auto avHexes = battleGetAvailableHexes(reachability, closest, false); // I hate std::pairs with their undescriptive member names first / second struct DistStack { uint32_t distanceToPred; BattleHex destination; const battle::Unit * stack; }; std::vector stackPairs; battle::Units possible = battleGetUnitsIf([=](const battle::Unit * unit) { return unit->isValidTarget(false) && unit != closest; }); for(const battle::Unit * st : possible) { for(const BattleHex & hex : avHexes) if(CStack::isMeleeAttackPossible(closest, st, hex)) { DistStack hlp = {reachability.distances[hex.toInt()], hex, st}; stackPairs.push_back(hlp); } } if(!stackPairs.empty()) { auto comparator = [](DistStack lhs, DistStack rhs) { return lhs.distanceToPred < rhs.distanceToPred; }; auto minimal = boost::min_element(stackPairs, comparator); return std::make_pair(minimal->stack, minimal->destination); } else return std::make_pair(nullptr, BattleHex::INVALID); } BattleHex CBattleInfoCallback::getAvailableHex(const CreatureID & creID, BattleSide side, int initialPos) const { bool twoHex = VLC->creatures()->getById(creID)->isDoubleWide(); int pos; if (initialPos > -1) pos = initialPos; else //summon elementals depending on player side { if(side == BattleSide::ATTACKER) pos = 0; //top left else pos = GameConstants::BFIELD_WIDTH - 1; //top right } auto accessibility = getAccessibility(); BattleHexArray occupyable; for(int i = 0; i < accessibility.size(); i++) if(accessibility.accessible(i, twoHex, side)) occupyable.insert(i); if(occupyable.empty()) { return BattleHex::INVALID; //all tiles are covered } return BattleHex::getClosestTile(side, pos, occupyable); } si8 CBattleInfoCallback::battleGetTacticDist() const { RETURN_IF_NOT_BATTLE(0); //TODO get rid of this method if(battleDoWeKnowAbout(battleGetTacticsSide())) return battleTacticDist(); return 0; } bool CBattleInfoCallback::isInTacticRange(const BattleHex & dest) const { RETURN_IF_NOT_BATTLE(false); auto side = battleGetTacticsSide(); auto dist = battleGetTacticDist(); if (side == BattleSide::ATTACKER && dest.getX() > 0 && dest.getX() <= dist) return true; if (side == BattleSide::DEFENDER && dest.getX() < GameConstants::BFIELD_WIDTH - 1 && dest.getX() >= GameConstants::BFIELD_WIDTH - dist - 1) return true; return false; } ReachabilityInfo CBattleInfoCallback::getReachability(const battle::Unit * unit) const { ReachabilityInfo::Parameters params(unit, unit->getPosition()); if(!battleDoWeKnowAbout(unit->unitSide())) { //Stack is held by enemy, we can't use his perspective to check for reachability. // Happens ie. when hovering enemy stack for its range. The arg could be set properly, but it's easier to fix it here. params.perspective = battleGetMySide(); } return getReachability(params); } ReachabilityInfo CBattleInfoCallback::getReachability(const ReachabilityInfo::Parameters & params) const { if(params.flying) return getFlyingReachability(params); else { auto accessibility = getAccessibility(* params.knownAccessible); accessibility.destructibleEnemyTurns = std::shared_ptr( & params.destructibleEnemyTurns, [](const TBattlefieldTurnsArray *) { } ); return makeBFS(accessibility, params); } } ReachabilityInfo CBattleInfoCallback::getFlyingReachability(const ReachabilityInfo::Parameters & params) const { ReachabilityInfo ret; ret.accessibility = getAccessibility(* params.knownAccessible); for(int i = 0; i < GameConstants::BFIELD_SIZE; i++) { if(ret.accessibility.accessible(i, params.doubleWide, params.side)) { ret.predecessors[i] = params.startPosition; ret.distances[i] = BattleHex::getDistance(params.startPosition, i); } } return ret; } AttackableTiles CBattleInfoCallback::getPotentiallyAttackableHexes( const battle::Unit * attacker, BattleHex destinationTile, BattleHex attackerPos) const { const auto * defender = battleGetUnitByPos(destinationTile, true); if(!defender) return AttackableTiles(); // can't attack thin air return getPotentiallyAttackableHexes( attacker, defender, destinationTile, attackerPos, defender->getPosition()); } AttackableTiles CBattleInfoCallback::getPotentiallyAttackableHexes( const battle::Unit* attacker, const battle::Unit * defender, BattleHex destinationTile, BattleHex attackerPos, BattleHex defenderPos) const { //does not return hex attacked directly AttackableTiles at; RETURN_IF_NOT_BATTLE(at); BattleHex attackOriginHex = (attackerPos.toInt() != BattleHex::INVALID) ? attackerPos : attacker->getPosition(); //real or hypothetical (cursor) position defenderPos = (defenderPos.toInt() != BattleHex::INVALID) ? defenderPos : defender->getPosition(); //real or hypothetical (cursor) position bool reverse = isToReverse(attacker, defender, attackerPos, defenderPos); if(reverse && attacker->doubleWide()) { attackOriginHex = attacker->occupiedHex(attackOriginHex); //the other hex stack stands on } if(attacker->hasBonusOfType(BonusType::ATTACKS_ALL_ADJACENT)) { at.hostileCreaturePositions.insert(attacker->getSurroundingHexes(attackerPos)); } if(attacker->hasBonusOfType(BonusType::THREE_HEADED_ATTACK)) { const BattleHexArray & hexes = attacker->getSurroundingHexes(attackerPos); for(const BattleHex & tile : hexes) { if((BattleHex::mutualPosition(tile, destinationTile) > -1 && BattleHex::mutualPosition(tile, attackOriginHex) > -1)) //adjacent both to attacker's head and attacked tile { const auto * st = battleGetUnitByPos(tile, true); if(st && battleMatchOwner(st, attacker)) //only hostile stacks - does it work well with Berserk? at.hostileCreaturePositions.insert(tile); } } } if(attacker->hasBonusOfType(BonusType::WIDE_BREATH)) { BattleHexArray hexes = destinationTile.getNeighbouringTiles(); if (hexes.contains(attackOriginHex)) hexes.erase(attackOriginHex); for(const BattleHex & tile : hexes) { //friendly stacks can also be damaged by Dragon Breath const auto * st = battleGetUnitByPos(tile, true); if(st && st != attacker) at.friendlyCreaturePositions.insert(tile); } } else if(attacker->hasBonusOfType(BonusType::TWO_HEX_ATTACK_BREATH) || attacker->hasBonusOfType(BonusType::PRISM_HEX_ATTACK_BREATH)) { auto direction = BattleHex::mutualPosition(attackOriginHex, destinationTile); if(direction == BattleHex::NONE && defender->doubleWide() && attacker->doubleWide() && defenderPos == destinationTile) { direction = BattleHex::mutualPosition(attackOriginHex, defender->occupiedHex(defenderPos)); } for(int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { if(direction != BattleHex::NONE) //only adjacent hexes are subject of dragon breath calculation { BattleHex nextHex = destinationTile.cloneInDirection(direction, false); if ( defender->doubleWide() ) { auto secondHex = destinationTile == defenderPos ? defender->occupiedHex(defenderPos) : defenderPos; // if targeted double-wide creature is attacked from above or below ( -> second hex is also adjacent to attack origin) // then dragon breath should target tile on the opposite side of targeted creature if(BattleHex::mutualPosition(attackOriginHex, secondHex) != BattleHex::NONE) nextHex = secondHex.cloneInDirection(direction, false); } if (nextHex.isValid()) { //friendly stacks can also be damaged by Dragon Breath const auto * st = battleGetUnitByPos(nextHex, true); if(st != nullptr && st != attacker) //but not unit itself (doublewide + prism attack) at.friendlyCreaturePositions.insert(nextHex); } } if(!attacker->hasBonusOfType(BonusType::PRISM_HEX_ATTACK_BREATH)) break; // only needed for prism int tmpDirection = static_cast(direction) + 2; if(tmpDirection > static_cast(BattleHex::EDir::LEFT)) tmpDirection -= static_cast(BattleHex::EDir::TOP); direction = static_cast(tmpDirection); } } return at; } AttackableTiles CBattleInfoCallback::getPotentiallyShootableHexes(const battle::Unit * attacker, const BattleHex & destinationTile, const BattleHex & attackerPos) const { //does not return hex attacked directly AttackableTiles at; RETURN_IF_NOT_BATTLE(at); if(attacker->hasBonusOfType(BonusType::SHOOTS_ALL_ADJACENT) && !attackerPos.getNeighbouringTiles().contains(destinationTile)) { at.hostileCreaturePositions.insert(destinationTile.getNeighbouringTiles()); at.hostileCreaturePositions.insert(destinationTile); } return at; } battle::Units CBattleInfoCallback::getAttackedBattleUnits( const battle::Unit * attacker, const battle::Unit * defender, BattleHex destinationTile, bool rangedAttack, BattleHex attackerPos, BattleHex defenderPos) const { battle::Units units; RETURN_IF_NOT_BATTLE(units); if(attackerPos == BattleHex::INVALID) attackerPos = attacker->getPosition(); if(defenderPos == BattleHex::INVALID) defenderPos = defender->getPosition(); AttackableTiles at; if (rangedAttack) at = getPotentiallyShootableHexes(attacker, destinationTile, attackerPos); else at = getPotentiallyAttackableHexes(attacker, defender, destinationTile, attackerPos, defenderPos); units = battleGetUnitsIf([=](const battle::Unit * unit) { if (unit->isGhost() || !unit->alive()) return false; for (const BattleHex & hex : battle::Unit::getHexes(unit->getPosition(), unit->doubleWide(), unit->unitSide())) { if (at.hostileCreaturePositions.contains(hex)) return true; if (at.friendlyCreaturePositions.contains(hex)) return true; } return false; }); return units; } std::set CBattleInfoCallback::getAttackedCreatures(const CStack* attacker, const BattleHex & destinationTile, bool rangedAttack, BattleHex attackerPos) const { std::set attackedCres; RETURN_IF_NOT_BATTLE(attackedCres); AttackableTiles at; if(rangedAttack) at = getPotentiallyShootableHexes(attacker, destinationTile, attackerPos); else at = getPotentiallyAttackableHexes(attacker, destinationTile, attackerPos); for (const BattleHex & tile : at.hostileCreaturePositions) //all around & three-headed attack { const CStack * st = battleGetStackByPos(tile, true); if(st && st->unitOwner() != attacker->unitOwner()) //only hostile stacks - does it work well with Berserk? { attackedCres.insert(st); } } for (const BattleHex & tile : at.friendlyCreaturePositions) { const CStack * st = battleGetStackByPos(tile, true); if(st) //friendly stacks can also be damaged by Dragon Breath { attackedCres.insert(st); } } return attackedCres; } static bool isHexInFront(const BattleHex & hex, const BattleHex & testHex, BattleSide side ) { static const std::set rightDirs { BattleHex::BOTTOM_RIGHT, BattleHex::TOP_RIGHT, BattleHex::RIGHT }; static const std::set leftDirs { BattleHex::BOTTOM_LEFT, BattleHex::TOP_LEFT, BattleHex::LEFT }; auto mutualPos = BattleHex::mutualPosition(hex, testHex); if (side == BattleSide::ATTACKER) return rightDirs.count(mutualPos); else return leftDirs.count(mutualPos); } //TODO: this should apply also to mechanics and cursor interface bool CBattleInfoCallback::isToReverse(const battle::Unit * attacker, const battle::Unit * defender, BattleHex attackerHex, BattleHex defenderHex) const { if(!defenderHex.isValid()) defenderHex = defender->getPosition(); if(!attackerHex.isValid()) attackerHex = attacker->getPosition(); if (attackerHex < 0 ) //turret return false; if(isHexInFront(attackerHex, defenderHex, attacker->unitSide())) return false; auto defenderOtherHex = defenderHex; auto attackerOtherHex = defenderHex; if (defender->doubleWide()) { defenderOtherHex = battle::Unit::occupiedHex(defenderHex, true, defender->unitSide()); if(isHexInFront(attackerHex, defenderOtherHex, attacker->unitSide())) return false; } if (attacker->doubleWide()) { attackerOtherHex = battle::Unit::occupiedHex(attackerHex, true, attacker->unitSide()); if(isHexInFront(attackerOtherHex, defenderHex, attacker->unitSide())) return false; } // a bit weird case since here defender is slightly behind attacker, so reversing seems preferable, // but this is how H3 handles it which is important, e.g. for direction of dragon breath attacks if (attacker->doubleWide() && defender->doubleWide()) { if(isHexInFront(attackerOtherHex, defenderOtherHex, attacker->unitSide())) return false; } return true; } ReachabilityInfo::TDistances CBattleInfoCallback::battleGetDistances(const battle::Unit * unit, const BattleHex & assumedPosition) const { ReachabilityInfo::TDistances ret; ret.fill(-1); RETURN_IF_NOT_BATTLE(ret); auto reachability = getReachability(unit); boost::copy(reachability.distances, ret.begin()); return ret; } bool CBattleInfoCallback::battleHasDistancePenalty(const IBonusBearer * shooter, const BattleHex & shooterPosition, const BattleHex & destHex) const { RETURN_IF_NOT_BATTLE(false); const std::string cachingStrNoDistancePenalty = "type_NO_DISTANCE_PENALTY"; static const auto selectorNoDistancePenalty = Selector::type()(BonusType::NO_DISTANCE_PENALTY); if(shooter->hasBonus(selectorNoDistancePenalty, cachingStrNoDistancePenalty)) return false; if(const auto * target = battleGetUnitByPos(destHex, true)) { //If any hex of target creature is within range, there is no penalty int range = GameConstants::BATTLE_SHOOTING_PENALTY_DISTANCE; auto bonus = shooter->getBonus(Selector::type()(BonusType::LIMITED_SHOOTING_RANGE)); if(bonus != nullptr && bonus->additionalInfo != CAddInfo::NONE) range = bonus->additionalInfo[0]; if(isEnemyUnitWithinSpecifiedRange(shooterPosition, target, range)) return false; } else { if(BattleHex::getDistance(shooterPosition, destHex) <= GameConstants::BATTLE_SHOOTING_PENALTY_DISTANCE) return false; } return true; } bool CBattleInfoCallback::isEnemyUnitWithinSpecifiedRange(const BattleHex & attackerPosition, const battle::Unit * defenderUnit, unsigned int range) const { for(const auto & hex : defenderUnit->getHexes()) if(BattleHex::getDistance(attackerPosition, hex) <= range) return true; return false; } bool CBattleInfoCallback::isHexWithinSpecifiedRange(const BattleHex & attackerPosition, const BattleHex & targetPosition, unsigned int range) const { if(BattleHex::getDistance(attackerPosition, targetPosition) <= range) return true; return false; } BattleHex CBattleInfoCallback::wallPartToBattleHex(EWallPart part) const { RETURN_IF_NOT_BATTLE(BattleHex::INVALID); return WallPartToHex(part); } EWallPart CBattleInfoCallback::battleHexToWallPart(const BattleHex & hex) const { RETURN_IF_NOT_BATTLE(EWallPart::INVALID); return hexToWallPart(hex); } bool CBattleInfoCallback::isWallPartPotentiallyAttackable(EWallPart wallPart) const { RETURN_IF_NOT_BATTLE(false); return wallPart != EWallPart::INDESTRUCTIBLE_PART && wallPart != EWallPart::INDESTRUCTIBLE_PART_OF_GATE && wallPart != EWallPart::INVALID; } bool CBattleInfoCallback::isWallPartAttackable(EWallPart wallPart) const { RETURN_IF_NOT_BATTLE(false); if(isWallPartPotentiallyAttackable(wallPart)) { auto wallState = battleGetWallState(wallPart); return (wallState != EWallState::NONE && wallState != EWallState::DESTROYED); } return false; } BattleHexArray CBattleInfoCallback::getAttackableBattleHexes() const { BattleHexArray attackableBattleHexes; RETURN_IF_NOT_BATTLE(attackableBattleHexes); for(const auto & wallPartPair : wallParts) { if(isWallPartAttackable(wallPartPair.second)) attackableBattleHexes.insert(wallPartPair.first); } return attackableBattleHexes; } int32_t CBattleInfoCallback::battleGetSpellCost(const spells::Spell * sp, const CGHeroInstance * caster) const { RETURN_IF_NOT_BATTLE(-1); //TODO should be replaced using bonus system facilities (propagation onto battle node) int32_t ret = caster->getSpellCost(sp); //checking for friendly stacks reducing cost of the spell and //enemy stacks increasing it int32_t manaReduction = 0; int32_t manaIncrease = 0; for(const auto * unit : battleAliveUnits()) { if(unit->unitOwner() == caster->tempOwner && unit->hasBonusOfType(BonusType::CHANGES_SPELL_COST_FOR_ALLY)) { vstd::amax(manaReduction, unit->valOfBonuses(BonusType::CHANGES_SPELL_COST_FOR_ALLY)); } if(unit->unitOwner() != caster->tempOwner && unit->hasBonusOfType(BonusType::CHANGES_SPELL_COST_FOR_ENEMY)) { vstd::amax(manaIncrease, unit->valOfBonuses(BonusType::CHANGES_SPELL_COST_FOR_ENEMY)); } } return std::max(0, ret - manaReduction + manaIncrease); } bool CBattleInfoCallback::battleHasShootingPenalty(const battle::Unit * shooter, const BattleHex & destHex) const { return battleHasDistancePenalty(shooter, shooter->getPosition(), destHex) || battleHasWallPenalty(shooter, shooter->getPosition(), destHex); } bool CBattleInfoCallback::battleIsUnitBlocked(const battle::Unit * unit) const { RETURN_IF_NOT_BATTLE(false); for(const auto * adjacent : battleAdjacentUnits(unit)) { if(adjacent->unitOwner() != unit->unitOwner()) //blocked by enemy stack return true; } return false; } battle::Units CBattleInfoCallback::battleAdjacentUnits(const battle::Unit * unit) const { RETURN_IF_NOT_BATTLE({}); const auto & hexes = unit->getSurroundingHexes(); const auto & units = battleGetUnitsIf([=](const battle::Unit * unit) { const auto & unitHexes = unit->getHexes(); for (const auto & hex : unitHexes) if (hexes.contains(hex)) return true; return false; }); return units; } SpellID CBattleInfoCallback::getRandomBeneficialSpell(vstd::RNG & rand, const battle::Unit * caster, const battle::Unit * subject) const { RETURN_IF_NOT_BATTLE(SpellID::NONE); //This is complete list. No spells from mods. //todo: this should be Spellbook of caster Stack static const std::set allPossibleSpells = { SpellID::AIR_SHIELD, SpellID::ANTI_MAGIC, SpellID::BLESS, SpellID::BLOODLUST, SpellID::COUNTERSTRIKE, SpellID::CURE, SpellID::FIRE_SHIELD, SpellID::FORTUNE, SpellID::HASTE, SpellID::MAGIC_MIRROR, SpellID::MIRTH, SpellID::PRAYER, SpellID::PRECISION, SpellID::PROTECTION_FROM_AIR, SpellID::PROTECTION_FROM_EARTH, SpellID::PROTECTION_FROM_FIRE, SpellID::PROTECTION_FROM_WATER, SpellID::SHIELD, SpellID::SLAYER, SpellID::STONE_SKIN }; std::vector beneficialSpells; auto getAliveEnemy = [=](const std::function & pred) -> const CStack * { auto stacks = battleGetStacksIf([=](const CStack * stack) { return pred(stack) && stack->unitOwner() != subject->unitOwner() && stack->isValidTarget(false); }); if(stacks.empty()) return nullptr; else return stacks.front(); }; for(const SpellID& spellID : allPossibleSpells) { std::stringstream cachingStr; cachingStr << "source_" << vstd::to_underlying(BonusSource::SPELL_EFFECT) << "id_" << spellID.num; if(subject->hasBonus(Selector::source(BonusSource::SPELL_EFFECT, BonusSourceID(spellID)), Selector::all, cachingStr.str())) continue; auto spellPtr = spellID.toSpell(); spells::Target target; target.emplace_back(subject); spells::BattleCast cast(this, caster, spells::Mode::CREATURE_ACTIVE, spellPtr); auto m = spellPtr->battleMechanics(&cast); spells::detail::ProblemImpl problem; if (!m->canBeCastAt(target, problem)) continue; switch (spellID.toEnum()) { case SpellID::SHIELD: case SpellID::FIRE_SHIELD: // not if all enemy units are shooters { const auto * walker = getAliveEnemy([&](const CStack * stack) //look for enemy, non-shooting stack { return !stack->canShoot(); }); if(!walker) continue; } break; case SpellID::AIR_SHIELD: //only against active shooters { const auto * shooter = getAliveEnemy([&](const CStack * stack) //look for enemy, non-shooting stack { return stack->canShoot(); }); if(!shooter) continue; } break; case SpellID::ANTI_MAGIC: case SpellID::MAGIC_MIRROR: case SpellID::PROTECTION_FROM_AIR: case SpellID::PROTECTION_FROM_EARTH: case SpellID::PROTECTION_FROM_FIRE: case SpellID::PROTECTION_FROM_WATER: { const BattleSide enemySide = otherSide(subject->unitSide()); //todo: only if enemy has spellbook if (!battleHasHero(enemySide)) //only if there is enemy hero continue; } break; case SpellID::CURE: //only damaged units { //do not cast on affected by debuffs if(subject->getFirstHPleft() == subject->getMaxHealth()) continue; } break; case SpellID::BLOODLUST: { if(subject->canShoot()) //TODO: if can shoot - only if enemy units are adjacent continue; } break; case SpellID::PRECISION: { if(!subject->canShoot()) continue; } break; case SpellID::SLAYER://only if monsters are present { const auto * kingMonster = getAliveEnemy([&](const CStack * stack) -> bool //look for enemy, non-shooting stack { return stack->hasBonusOfType(BonusType::KING); }); if (!kingMonster) continue; } break; } beneficialSpells.push_back(spellID); } if(!beneficialSpells.empty()) { return *RandomGeneratorUtil::nextItem(beneficialSpells, rand); } else { return SpellID::NONE; } } SpellID CBattleInfoCallback::getRandomCastedSpell(vstd::RNG & rand,const CStack * caster) const { RETURN_IF_NOT_BATTLE(SpellID::NONE); TConstBonusListPtr bl = caster->getBonusesOfType(BonusType::SPELLCASTER); if (!bl->size()) return SpellID::NONE; if(bl->size() == 1) return bl->front()->subtype.as(); int totalWeight = 0; for(const auto & b : *bl) { totalWeight += std::max(b->additionalInfo[0], 0); //spells with 0 weight are non-random, exclude them } if (totalWeight == 0) return SpellID::NONE; int randomPos = rand.nextInt(totalWeight - 1); for(const auto & b : *bl) { randomPos -= std::max(b->additionalInfo[0], 0); if(randomPos < 0) { return b->subtype.as(); } } return SpellID::NONE; } int CBattleInfoCallback::battleGetSurrenderCost(const PlayerColor & Player) const { RETURN_IF_NOT_BATTLE(-3); if(!battleCanSurrender(Player)) return -1; const BattleSide side = playerToSide(Player); if(side == BattleSide::NONE) return -1; int ret = 0; double discount = 0; for(const auto * unit : battleAliveUnits(side)) ret += unit->getRawSurrenderCost(); if(const CGHeroInstance * h = battleGetFightingHero(side)) discount += h->valOfBonuses(BonusType::SURRENDER_DISCOUNT); ret = static_cast(ret * (100.0 - discount) / 100.0); vstd::amax(ret, 0); //no negative costs for >100% discounts (impossible in original H3 mechanics, but some day...) return ret; } si8 CBattleInfoCallback::battleMinSpellLevel(BattleSide side) const { const IBonusBearer * node = nullptr; if(const CGHeroInstance * h = battleGetFightingHero(side)) node = h; else node = getBonusBearer(); if(!node) return 0; auto b = node->getBonusesOfType(BonusType::BLOCK_MAGIC_BELOW); if(b->size()) return b->totalValue(); return 0; } si8 CBattleInfoCallback::battleMaxSpellLevel(BattleSide side) const { const IBonusBearer *node = nullptr; if(const CGHeroInstance * h = battleGetFightingHero(side)) node = h; else node = getBonusBearer(); if(!node) return GameConstants::SPELL_LEVELS; //We can't "just get value" - it'd be 0 if there are bonuses (and all would be blocked) auto b = node->getBonusesOfType(BonusType::BLOCK_MAGIC_ABOVE); if(b->size()) return b->totalValue(); return GameConstants::SPELL_LEVELS; } std::optional CBattleInfoCallback::battleIsFinished() const { auto units = battleGetUnitsIf([=](const battle::Unit * unit) { return unit->alive() && !unit->isTurret() && !unit->hasBonusOfType(BonusType::SIEGE_WEAPON); }); BattleSideArray hasUnit = {false, false}; //index is BattleSide for(auto & unit : units) { //todo: move SIEGE_WEAPON check to Unit state hasUnit.at(unit->unitSide()) = true; if(hasUnit[BattleSide::ATTACKER] && hasUnit[BattleSide::DEFENDER]) return std::nullopt; } hasUnit = {false, false}; for(auto & unit : units) { if(!unit->isClone() && !unit->acquireState()->summoned && !dynamic_cast (unit)) { hasUnit.at(unit->unitSide()) = true; } } if(!hasUnit[BattleSide::ATTACKER] && !hasUnit[BattleSide::DEFENDER]) return BattleSide::NONE; if(!hasUnit[BattleSide::DEFENDER]) return BattleSide::ATTACKER; else return BattleSide::DEFENDER; } VCMI_LIB_NAMESPACE_END