/* * Canvas.cpp, part of VCMI engine * * Authors: listed in file AUTHORS in main folder * * License: GNU General Public License v2.0 or later * Full text of license available in license.txt file, in main folder * */ #include "StdInc.h" #include "Canvas.h" #include "../renderSDL/SDL_Extensions.h" #include "Colors.h" #include "IImage.h" #include "Graphics.h" #include "IFont.h" #include #include Canvas::Canvas(SDL_Surface * surface): surface(surface), renderArea(0,0, surface->w, surface->h) { surface->refcount++; } Canvas::Canvas(const Canvas & other): surface(other.surface), renderArea(other.renderArea) { surface->refcount++; } Canvas::Canvas(Canvas && other): surface(other.surface), renderArea(other.renderArea) { surface->refcount++; } Canvas::Canvas(const Canvas & other, const Rect & newClipRect): Canvas(other) { renderArea = other.renderArea.intersect(newClipRect + other.renderArea.topLeft()); } Canvas::Canvas(const Point & size): renderArea(Point(0,0), size), surface(CSDL_Ext::newSurface(size.x, size.y)) { CSDL_Ext::fillSurface(surface, CSDL_Ext::toSDL(Colors::TRANSPARENCY) ); SDL_SetSurfaceBlendMode(surface, SDL_BLENDMODE_NONE); } Canvas Canvas::createFromSurface(SDL_Surface * surface) { return Canvas(surface); } void Canvas::applyTransparency(bool on) { if (on) SDL_SetSurfaceBlendMode(surface, SDL_BLENDMODE_BLEND); else SDL_SetSurfaceBlendMode(surface, SDL_BLENDMODE_NONE); } void Canvas::applyGrayscale() { CSDL_Ext::convertToGrayscale(surface, renderArea); } Canvas::~Canvas() { SDL_FreeSurface(surface); } void Canvas::draw(const std::shared_ptr& image, const Point & pos) { assert(image); if (image) image->draw(surface, renderArea.x + pos.x, renderArea.y + pos.y); } void Canvas::draw(const std::shared_ptr& image, const Point & pos, const Rect & sourceRect) { assert(image); if (image) image->draw(surface, renderArea.x + pos.x, renderArea.y + pos.y, &sourceRect); } void Canvas::draw(const Canvas & image, const Point & pos) { CSDL_Ext::blitSurface(image.surface, image.renderArea, surface, renderArea.topLeft() + pos); } void Canvas::drawTransparent(const Canvas & image, const Point & pos, double transparency) { SDL_BlendMode oldMode; SDL_GetSurfaceBlendMode(image.surface, &oldMode); SDL_SetSurfaceBlendMode(image.surface, SDL_BLENDMODE_BLEND); SDL_SetSurfaceAlphaMod(image.surface, 255 * transparency); CSDL_Ext::blitSurface(image.surface, image.renderArea, surface, renderArea.topLeft() + pos); SDL_SetSurfaceAlphaMod(image.surface, 255); SDL_SetSurfaceBlendMode(image.surface, oldMode); } void Canvas::drawScaled(const Canvas & image, const Point & pos, const Point & targetSize) { SDL_Rect targetRect = CSDL_Ext::toSDL(Rect(pos + renderArea.topLeft(), targetSize)); SDL_BlitScaled(image.surface, nullptr, surface, &targetRect); } void Canvas::drawPoint(const Point & dest, const ColorRGBA & color) { CSDL_Ext::putPixelWithoutRefreshIfInSurf(surface, dest.x, dest.y, color.r, color.g, color.b, color.a); } void Canvas::drawLine(const Point & from, const Point & dest, const ColorRGBA & colorFrom, const ColorRGBA & colorDest) { CSDL_Ext::drawLine(surface, renderArea.topLeft() + from, renderArea.topLeft() + dest, CSDL_Ext::toSDL(colorFrom), CSDL_Ext::toSDL(colorDest)); } void Canvas::drawLineDashed(const Point & from, const Point & dest, const ColorRGBA & color) { CSDL_Ext::drawLineDashed(surface, renderArea.topLeft() + from, renderArea.topLeft() + dest, CSDL_Ext::toSDL(color)); } void Canvas::drawBorder(const Rect & target, const ColorRGBA & color, int width) { Rect realTarget = target + renderArea.topLeft(); CSDL_Ext::drawBorder(surface, realTarget.x, realTarget.y, realTarget.w, realTarget.h, CSDL_Ext::toSDL(color), width); } void Canvas::drawBorderDashed(const Rect & target, const ColorRGBA & color) { Rect realTarget = target + renderArea.topLeft(); CSDL_Ext::drawLineDashed(surface, realTarget.topLeft(), realTarget.topRight(), CSDL_Ext::toSDL(color)); CSDL_Ext::drawLineDashed(surface, realTarget.bottomLeft(), realTarget.bottomRight(), CSDL_Ext::toSDL(color)); CSDL_Ext::drawLineDashed(surface, realTarget.topLeft(), realTarget.bottomLeft(), CSDL_Ext::toSDL(color)); CSDL_Ext::drawLineDashed(surface, realTarget.topRight(), realTarget.bottomRight(), CSDL_Ext::toSDL(color)); } void Canvas::drawText(const Point & position, const EFonts & font, const ColorRGBA & colorDest, ETextAlignment alignment, const std::string & text ) { switch (alignment) { case ETextAlignment::TOPLEFT: return graphics->fonts[font]->renderTextLeft (surface, text, colorDest, renderArea.topLeft() + position); case ETextAlignment::TOPCENTER: return graphics->fonts[font]->renderTextCenter(surface, text, colorDest, renderArea.topLeft() + position); case ETextAlignment::CENTER: return graphics->fonts[font]->renderTextCenter(surface, text, colorDest, renderArea.topLeft() + position); case ETextAlignment::BOTTOMRIGHT: return graphics->fonts[font]->renderTextRight (surface, text, colorDest, renderArea.topLeft() + position); } } void Canvas::drawText(const Point & position, const EFonts & font, const ColorRGBA & colorDest, ETextAlignment alignment, const std::vector & text ) { switch (alignment) { case ETextAlignment::TOPLEFT: return graphics->fonts[font]->renderTextLinesLeft (surface, text, colorDest, renderArea.topLeft() + position); case ETextAlignment::TOPCENTER: return graphics->fonts[font]->renderTextLinesCenter(surface, text, colorDest, renderArea.topLeft() + position); case ETextAlignment::CENTER: return graphics->fonts[font]->renderTextLinesCenter(surface, text, colorDest, renderArea.topLeft() + position); case ETextAlignment::BOTTOMRIGHT: return graphics->fonts[font]->renderTextLinesRight (surface, text, colorDest, renderArea.topLeft() + position); } } void Canvas::drawColor(const Rect & target, const ColorRGBA & color) { Rect realTarget = target + renderArea.topLeft(); CSDL_Ext::fillRect(surface, realTarget, CSDL_Ext::toSDL(color)); } void Canvas::drawColorBlended(const Rect & target, const ColorRGBA & color) { Rect realTarget = target + renderArea.topLeft(); CSDL_Ext::fillRectBlended(surface, realTarget, CSDL_Ext::toSDL(color)); } SDL_Surface * Canvas::getInternalSurface() { return surface; } Rect Canvas::getRenderArea() const { return renderArea; }