/* * AINodeStorage.cpp, part of VCMI engine * * Authors: listed in file AUTHORS in main folder * * License: GNU General Public License v2.0 or later * Full text of license available in license.txt file, in main folder * */ #include "StdInc.h" #include "AINodeStorage.h" #include "Actions/TownPortalAction.h" #include "../Goals/Goals.h" #include "../../../CCallback.h" #include "../../../lib/mapping/CMap.h" #include "../../../lib/mapObjects/MapObjects.h" #include "../../../lib/pathfinder/CPathfinder.h" #include "../../../lib/pathfinder/PathfinderOptions.h" #include "../../../lib/pathfinder/PathfinderUtil.h" #include "../../../lib/CPlayerState.h" AINodeStorage::AINodeStorage(const int3 & Sizes) : sizes(Sizes) { nodes.resize(boost::extents[EPathfindingLayer::NUM_LAYERS][sizes.z][sizes.x][sizes.y][NUM_CHAINS]); dangerEvaluator.reset(new FuzzyHelper()); } AINodeStorage::~AINodeStorage() = default; void AINodeStorage::initialize(const PathfinderOptions & options, const CGameState * gs) { int3 pos; const int3 sizes = gs->getMapSize(); const auto & fow = static_cast(gs)->getPlayerTeam(hero->tempOwner)->fogOfWarMap; const PlayerColor player = hero->tempOwner; //make 200% sure that these are loop invariants (also a bit shorter code), let compiler do the rest(loop unswitching) const bool useFlying = options.useFlying; const bool useWaterWalking = options.useWaterWalking; for(pos.z=0; pos.z < sizes.z; ++pos.z) { for(pos.x=0; pos.x < sizes.x; ++pos.x) { for(pos.y=0; pos.y < sizes.y; ++pos.y) { const TerrainTile & tile = gs->map->getTile(pos); if(!tile.terType->isPassable()) continue; if(tile.terType->isWater()) { resetTile(pos, ELayer::SAIL, PathfinderUtil::evaluateAccessibility(pos, tile, fow, player, gs)); if(useFlying) resetTile(pos, ELayer::AIR, PathfinderUtil::evaluateAccessibility(pos, tile, fow, player, gs)); if(useWaterWalking) resetTile(pos, ELayer::WATER, PathfinderUtil::evaluateAccessibility(pos, tile, fow, player, gs)); } else { resetTile(pos, ELayer::LAND, PathfinderUtil::evaluateAccessibility(pos, tile, fow, player, gs)); if(useFlying) resetTile(pos, ELayer::AIR, PathfinderUtil::evaluateAccessibility(pos, tile, fow, player, gs)); } } } } } const AIPathNode * AINodeStorage::getAINode(const CGPathNode * node) const { return static_cast(node); } void AINodeStorage::updateAINode(CGPathNode * node, std::function updater) { auto aiNode = static_cast(node); updater(aiNode); } bool AINodeStorage::isBattleNode(const CGPathNode * node) const { return (getAINode(node)->chainMask & BATTLE_CHAIN) > 0; } std::optional AINodeStorage::getOrCreateNode(const int3 & pos, const EPathfindingLayer layer, int chainNumber) { auto chains = nodes[layer][pos.z][pos.x][pos.y]; for(AIPathNode & node : chains) { if(node.chainMask == chainNumber) { return &node; } if(node.chainMask == 0) { node.chainMask = chainNumber; return &node; } } return std::nullopt; } std::vector AINodeStorage::getInitialNodes() { auto hpos = hero->visitablePos(); auto initialNode = getOrCreateNode(hpos, hero->boat ? EPathfindingLayer::SAIL : EPathfindingLayer::LAND, NORMAL_CHAIN).value(); initialNode->turns = 0; initialNode->moveRemains = hero->movement; initialNode->danger = 0; initialNode->setCost(0.0); return {initialNode}; } void AINodeStorage::resetTile(const int3 & coord, EPathfindingLayer layer, EPathAccessibility accessibility) { for(int i = 0; i < NUM_CHAINS; i++) { AIPathNode & heroNode = nodes[layer][coord.z][coord.x][coord.y][i]; heroNode.chainMask = 0; heroNode.danger = 0; heroNode.manaCost = 0; heroNode.specialAction.reset(); heroNode.update(coord, layer, accessibility); } } void AINodeStorage::commit(CDestinationNodeInfo & destination, const PathNodeInfo & source) { const AIPathNode * srcNode = getAINode(source.node); updateAINode(destination.node, [&](AIPathNode * dstNode) { dstNode->moveRemains = destination.movementLeft; dstNode->turns = destination.turn; dstNode->setCost(destination.cost); dstNode->danger = srcNode->danger; dstNode->action = destination.action; dstNode->theNodeBefore = srcNode->theNodeBefore; dstNode->manaCost = srcNode->manaCost; if(dstNode->specialAction) { dstNode->specialAction->applyOnDestination(getHero(), destination, source, dstNode, srcNode); } }); } std::vector AINodeStorage::calculateNeighbours( const PathNodeInfo & source, const PathfinderConfig * pathfinderConfig, const CPathfinderHelper * pathfinderHelper) { std::vector neighbours; neighbours.reserve(16); const AIPathNode * srcNode = getAINode(source.node); auto accessibleNeighbourTiles = pathfinderHelper->getNeighbourTiles(source); for(auto & neighbour : accessibleNeighbourTiles) { for(EPathfindingLayer i = EPathfindingLayer::LAND; i < EPathfindingLayer::NUM_LAYERS; i.advance(1)) { auto nextNode = getOrCreateNode(neighbour, i, srcNode->chainMask); if(!nextNode || nextNode.value()->accessible == EPathAccessibility::NOT_SET) continue; neighbours.push_back(nextNode.value()); } } return neighbours; } void AINodeStorage::setHero(HeroPtr heroPtr, const VCAI * _ai) { hero = heroPtr.get(); cb = _ai->myCb.get(); ai = _ai; } std::vector AINodeStorage::calculateTeleportations( const PathNodeInfo & source, const PathfinderConfig * pathfinderConfig, const CPathfinderHelper * pathfinderHelper) { std::vector neighbours; if(source.isNodeObjectVisitable()) { auto accessibleExits = pathfinderHelper->getTeleportExits(source); auto srcNode = getAINode(source.node); for(auto & neighbour : accessibleExits) { auto node = getOrCreateNode(neighbour, source.node->layer, srcNode->chainMask); if(!node) continue; neighbours.push_back(node.value()); } } if(hero->visitablePos() == source.coord) { calculateTownPortalTeleportations(source, neighbours); } return neighbours; } void AINodeStorage::calculateTownPortalTeleportations( const PathNodeInfo & source, std::vector & neighbours) { SpellID spellID = SpellID::TOWN_PORTAL; const CSpell * townPortal = spellID.toSpell(); auto srcNode = getAINode(source.node); if(hero->canCastThisSpell(townPortal) && hero->mana >= hero->getSpellCost(townPortal)) { auto towns = cb->getTownsInfo(false); vstd::erase_if(towns, [&](const CGTownInstance * t) -> bool { return cb->getPlayerRelations(hero->tempOwner, t->tempOwner) == PlayerRelations::ENEMIES; }); if(!towns.size()) { return; } // TODO: Copy/Paste from TownPortalMechanics auto skillLevel = hero->getSpellSchoolLevel(townPortal); auto movementCost = GameConstants::BASE_MOVEMENT_COST * (skillLevel >= 3 ? 2 : 3); if(hero->movement < movementCost) { return; } if(skillLevel < SecSkillLevel::ADVANCED) { const CGTownInstance * nearestTown = *vstd::minElementByFun(towns, [&](const CGTownInstance * t) -> int { return hero->visitablePos().dist2dSQ(t->visitablePos()); }); towns = std::vector{ nearestTown }; } for(const CGTownInstance * targetTown : towns) { if(targetTown->visitingHero) continue; auto nodeOptional = getOrCreateNode(targetTown->visitablePos(), EPathfindingLayer::LAND, srcNode->chainMask | CAST_CHAIN); if(nodeOptional) { #ifdef VCMI_TRACE_PATHFINDER logAi->trace("Adding town portal node at %s", targetTown->name); #endif AIPathNode * node = nodeOptional.value(); node->theNodeBefore = source.node; node->specialAction.reset(new AIPathfinding::TownPortalAction(targetTown)); node->moveRemains = source.node->moveRemains; neighbours.push_back(node); } } } } bool AINodeStorage::hasBetterChain(const PathNodeInfo & source, CDestinationNodeInfo & destination) const { auto pos = destination.coord; auto chains = nodes[EPathfindingLayer::LAND][pos.z][pos.x][pos.y]; auto destinationNode = getAINode(destination.node); for(const AIPathNode & node : chains) { auto sameNode = node.chainMask == destinationNode->chainMask; if(sameNode || node.action == EPathNodeAction::UNKNOWN) { continue; } if(node.danger <= destinationNode->danger && destinationNode->chainMask == 1 && node.chainMask == 0) { if(node.getCost() < destinationNode->getCost()) { #ifdef VCMI_TRACE_PATHFINDER logAi->trace( "Block ineficient move %s:->%s, mask=%i, mp diff: %i", source.coord.toString(), destination.coord.toString(), destinationNode->chainMask, node.moveRemains - destinationNode->moveRemains); #endif return true; } } } return false; } bool AINodeStorage::isTileAccessible(const int3 & pos, const EPathfindingLayer layer) const { const AIPathNode & node = nodes[layer][pos.z][pos.x][pos.y][0]; return node.action != EPathNodeAction::UNKNOWN; } std::vector AINodeStorage::getChainInfo(const int3 & pos, bool isOnLand) const { std::vector paths; auto chains = nodes[isOnLand ? EPathfindingLayer::LAND : EPathfindingLayer::SAIL][pos.z][pos.x][pos.y]; auto initialPos = hero->visitablePos(); for(const AIPathNode & node : chains) { if(node.action == EPathNodeAction::UNKNOWN) { continue; } AIPath path; const AIPathNode * current = &node; while(current != nullptr && current->coord != initialPos) { AIPathNodeInfo pathNode; pathNode.cost = current->getCost(); pathNode.turns = current->turns; pathNode.danger = current->danger; pathNode.coord = current->coord; path.nodes.push_back(pathNode); path.specialAction = current->specialAction; current = getAINode(current->theNodeBefore); } path.targetObjectDanger = evaluateDanger(pos); paths.push_back(path); } return paths; } AIPath::AIPath() : nodes({}) { } int3 AIPath::firstTileToGet() const { if(nodes.size()) { return nodes.back().coord; } return int3(-1, -1, -1); } uint64_t AIPath::getPathDanger() const { if(nodes.size()) { return nodes.front().danger; } return 0; } float AIPath::movementCost() const { if(nodes.size()) { return nodes.front().cost; } // TODO: boost:optional? return 0.0; } uint64_t AIPath::getTotalDanger(HeroPtr hero) const { uint64_t pathDanger = getPathDanger(); uint64_t danger = pathDanger > targetObjectDanger ? pathDanger : targetObjectDanger; return danger; }