/* * CQuestLog.cpp, part of VCMI engine * * Authors: listed in file AUTHORS in main folder * * License: GNU General Public License v2.0 or later * Full text of license available in license.txt file, in main folder * */ #include "StdInc.h" #include "CQuestLog.h" #include "../CGameInfo.h" #include "../CPlayerInterface.h" #include "../gui/CGuiHandler.h" #include "../gui/Shortcut.h" #include "../widgets/Buttons.h" #include "../widgets/CComponent.h" #include "../widgets/Slider.h" #include "../adventureMap/AdventureMapInterface.h" #include "../adventureMap/CMinimap.h" #include "../render/Canvas.h" #include "../../CCallback.h" #include "../../lib/CArtHandler.h" #include "../../lib/CConfigHandler.h" #include "../../lib/gameState/QuestInfo.h" #include "../../lib/texts/CGeneralTextHandler.h" #include "../../lib/mapObjects/CQuest.h" VCMI_LIB_NAMESPACE_BEGIN struct QuestInfo; VCMI_LIB_NAMESPACE_END class CAdvmapInterface; void CQuestLabel::clickPressed(const Point & cursorPosition) { callback(); } void CQuestLabel::showAll(Canvas & to) { CMultiLineLabel::showAll (to); } CQuestIcon::CQuestIcon (const AnimationPath &defname, int index, int x, int y) : CAnimImage(defname, index, 0, x, y) { addUsedEvents(LCLICK); } void CQuestIcon::clickPressed(const Point & cursorPosition) { callback(); } void CQuestIcon::showAll(Canvas & to) { CanvasClipRectGuard guard(to, parent->pos); CAnimImage::showAll(to); } CQuestMinimap::CQuestMinimap(const Rect & position) : CMinimap(position), currentQuest(nullptr) { } void CQuestMinimap::addQuestMarks (const QuestInfo * q) { OBJECT_CONSTRUCTION; icons.clear(); int3 tile; if (q->obj) tile = q->obj->visitablePos(); else tile = q->tile; Point offset = tileToPixels(tile); onMapViewMoved(Rect(), tile.z); auto pic = std::make_shared<CQuestIcon>(AnimationPath::builtin("VwSymbol.def"), 3, offset.x, offset.y); pic->moveBy (Point ( -pic->pos.w/2, -pic->pos.h/2)); pic->callback = std::bind (&CQuestMinimap::iconClicked, this); icons.push_back(pic); } void CQuestMinimap::update() { CMinimap::update(); if(currentQuest) addQuestMarks(currentQuest); } void CQuestMinimap::iconClicked() { if(currentQuest->obj) adventureInt->centerOnTile(currentQuest->obj->visitablePos()); //moveAdvMapSelection(); } void CQuestMinimap::showAll(Canvas & to) { CIntObject::showAll(to); // blitting IntObject directly to hide radar // for (auto pic : icons) // pic->showAll(to); } CQuestLog::CQuestLog (const std::vector<QuestInfo> & Quests) : CWindowObject(PLAYER_COLORED | BORDERED, ImagePath::builtin("questDialog")), questIndex(0), currentQuest(nullptr), hideComplete(false), quests(Quests) { OBJECT_CONSTRUCTION; minimap = std::make_shared<CQuestMinimap>(Rect(12, 12, 169, 169)); // TextBox have it's own 4 pixel padding from top at least for English. To achieve 10px from both left and top only add 6px margin description = std::make_shared<CTextBox>("", Rect(205, 18, 385, DESCRIPTION_HEIGHT_MAX), CSlider::BROWN, FONT_MEDIUM, ETextAlignment::TOPLEFT, Colors::WHITE); ok = std::make_shared<CButton>(Point(539, 398), AnimationPath::builtin("IOKAY.DEF"), CGI->generaltexth->zelp[445], std::bind(&CQuestLog::close, this), EShortcut::GLOBAL_RETURN); // Both button and label are shifted to -2px by x and y to not make them actually look like they're on same line with quests list and ok button hideCompleteButton = std::make_shared<CToggleButton>(Point(10, 396), AnimationPath::builtin("sysopchk.def"), CButton::tooltipLocalized("vcmi.questLog.hideComplete"), std::bind(&CQuestLog::toggleComplete, this, _1)); hideCompleteLabel = std::make_shared<CLabel>(46, 398, FONT_MEDIUM, ETextAlignment::TOPLEFT, Colors::WHITE, CGI->generaltexth->translate("vcmi.questLog.hideComplete.hover")); slider = std::make_shared<CSlider>(Point(166, 195), 191, std::bind(&CQuestLog::sliderMoved, this, _1), QUEST_COUNT, 0, 0, Orientation::VERTICAL, CSlider::BROWN); slider->setPanningStep(32); recreateLabelList(); recreateQuestList(0); } void CQuestLog::recreateLabelList() { OBJECT_CONSTRUCTION; labels.clear(); bool completeMissing = true; int currentLabel = 0; for (int i = 0; i < quests.size(); ++i) { // Quests without mision don't have text for them and can't be displayed if (quests[i].quest->mission == Rewardable::Limiter{}) continue; if (quests[i].quest->isCompleted) { completeMissing = false; if (hideComplete) continue; } MetaString text; quests[i].quest->getRolloverText (quests[i].obj->cb, text, false); if (quests[i].obj) { if (auto seersHut = dynamic_cast<const CGSeerHut *>(quests[i].obj)) { MetaString toSeer; toSeer.appendRawString(VLC->generaltexth->allTexts[347]); toSeer.replaceRawString(seersHut->seerName); text.replaceRawString(toSeer.toString()); } else text.replaceRawString(quests[i].obj->getObjectName()); //get name of the object } auto label = std::make_shared<CQuestLabel>(Rect(13, 195, 149,31), FONT_SMALL, ETextAlignment::TOPLEFT, Colors::WHITE, text.toString()); label->disable(); label->callback = std::bind(&CQuestLog::selectQuest, this, i, currentLabel); labels.push_back(label); // Select latest active quest if(!quests[i].quest->isCompleted) selectQuest(i, currentLabel); currentLabel = static_cast<int>(labels.size()); } if (completeMissing) // We can't use block(completeMissing) because if false button state reset to NORMAL hideCompleteButton->block(true); slider->setAmount(currentLabel); if (currentLabel > QUEST_COUNT) { slider->block(false); slider->scrollToMax(); } else { slider->block(true); slider->scrollToMin(); } } void CQuestLog::showAll(Canvas & to) { CWindowObject::showAll(to); if(questIndex >= 0 && questIndex < labels.size()) { //TODO: use child object to selection rect Rect rect = Rect::createAround(labels[questIndex]->pos, 1); rect.x -= 2; // Adjustment needed as we want selection box on top of border in graphics rect.w += 2; to.drawBorder(rect, Colors::METALLIC_GOLD); } } void CQuestLog::recreateQuestList (int newpos) { for (int i = 0; i < labels.size(); ++i) { labels[i]->pos = Rect (pos.x + 14, pos.y + 195 + (i-newpos) * 32, 151, 31); if (i >= newpos && i < newpos + QUEST_COUNT) labels[i]->enable(); else labels[i]->disable(); } minimap->update(); } void CQuestLog::selectQuest(int which, int labelId) { questIndex = labelId; currentQuest = &quests[which]; minimap->currentQuest = currentQuest; MetaString text; std::vector<Component> components; currentQuest->quest->getVisitText(currentQuest->obj->cb, text, components, true); if(description->slider) description->slider->scrollToMin(); // scroll text to start position description->setText(text.toString()); //TODO: use special log entry text componentsBox.reset(); int componentsSize = static_cast<int>(components.size()); int descriptionHeight = DESCRIPTION_HEIGHT_MAX; if(componentsSize) { CComponent::ESize imageSize = CComponent::large; if (componentsSize > 4) { imageSize = CComponent::small; // Only small icons can be used for resources as 4+ icons take too much space descriptionHeight -= 155; } else descriptionHeight -= 130; /*switch (currentQuest->quest->missionType) { case CQuest::MISSION_ARMY: { if (componentsSize > 4) descriptionHeight -= 195; else descriptionHeight -= 100; break; } case CQuest::MISSION_ART: { if (componentsSize > 4) descriptionHeight -= 190; else descriptionHeight -= 90; break; } case CQuest::MISSION_PRIMARY_STAT: case CQuest::MISSION_RESOURCES: { if (componentsSize > 4) { imageSize = CComponent::small; // Only small icons can be used for resources as 4+ icons take too much space descriptionHeight -= 140; } else descriptionHeight -= 125; break; } default: descriptionHeight -= 115; break; }*/ OBJECT_CONSTRUCTION; std::vector<std::shared_ptr<CComponent>> comps; for(auto & component : components) { auto c = std::make_shared<CComponent>(component, imageSize); comps.push_back(c); } componentsBox = std::make_shared<CComponentBox>(comps, Rect(202, 20+descriptionHeight+15, 391, DESCRIPTION_HEIGHT_MAX-(20+descriptionHeight))); } description->resize(Point(385, descriptionHeight)); minimap->update(); redraw(); } void CQuestLog::sliderMoved(int newpos) { recreateQuestList(newpos); //move components redraw(); } void CQuestLog::toggleComplete(bool on) { hideComplete = on; recreateLabelList(); recreateQuestList(0); redraw(); }