#define VCMI_DLL #include "../stdafx.h" #include "CHeroHandler.h" #include #include "CLodHandler.h" #include "../lib/VCMI_Lib.h" extern CLodHandler * bitmaph; void loadToIt(std::string &dest, std::string &src, int &iter, int mode); /* * CHeroHandler.cpp, part of VCMI engine * * Authors: listed in file AUTHORS in main folder * * License: GNU General Public License v2.0 or later * Full text of license available in license.txt file, in main folder * */ CHeroClass::CHeroClass() { skillLimit = 8; } CHeroClass::~CHeroClass() { } int CHeroClass::chooseSecSkill(const std::set & possibles) const //picks secondary skill out from given possibilities { if(possibles.size()==1) return *possibles.begin(); int totalProb = 0; for(std::set::const_iterator i=possibles.begin(); i!=possibles.end(); i++) { totalProb += proSec[*i]; } int ran = rand()%totalProb; for(std::set::const_iterator i=possibles.begin(); i!=possibles.end(); i++) { ran -= proSec[*i]; if(ran<0) return *i; } throw std::string("Cannot pick secondary skill!"); } int CObstacleInfo::getWidth() { int ret = 1; int line = 1; for(int h=0; h ret) ret = cur; ++line; break; } } return ret; } int CObstacleInfo::getHeight() { int ret = 1; for(int h=0; h CObstacleInfo::getBlocked(int hex) { std::vector ret; int cur = hex; //currently browsed hex int curBeg = hex; //beginning of current line for(int h=0; h>dump; } while(true) { CObstacleInfo obi; inp>>obi.ID; if(obi.ID == -1) break; inp>>obi.defName; inp>>obi.blockmap; inp>>obi.allowedTerrains; obstacles[obi.ID] = obi; } inp.close(); } } void CHeroHandler::loadHeroes() { VLC->heroh = this; int ID=0; std::string buf = bitmaph->getTextFile("HOTRAITS.TXT"); int it=0; std::string dump; for(int i=0; i<2; ++i) { loadToIt(dump,buf,it,3); } int numberOfCurrentClassHeroes = 0; int currentClass = 0; int additHero = 0; CHero::EHeroClasses addTab[12]; addTab[0] = CHero::KNIGHT; addTab[1] = CHero::WITCH; addTab[2] = CHero::KNIGHT; addTab[3] = CHero::WIZARD; addTab[4] = CHero::RANGER; addTab[5] = CHero::BARBARIAN; addTab[6] = CHero::DEATHKNIGHT; addTab[7] = CHero::WARLOCK; addTab[8] = CHero::KNIGHT; addTab[9] = CHero::WARLOCK; addTab[10] = CHero::BARBARIAN; addTab[11] = CHero::DEMONIAC; for (int i=0; iheroType = static_cast(currentClass); ++numberOfCurrentClassHeroes; if(numberOfCurrentClassHeroes==8) { numberOfCurrentClassHeroes = 0; ++currentClass; } } else { nher->heroType = addTab[additHero++]; } std::string pom ; loadToIt(nher->name,buf,it,4); for(int x=0;x<3;x++) { loadToIt(pom,buf,it,4); nher->lowStack[x] = atoi(pom.c_str()); loadToIt(pom,buf,it,4); nher->highStack[x] = atoi(pom.c_str()); loadToIt(nher->refTypeStack[x],buf,it,(x==2) ? (3) : (4)); int hlp = nher->refTypeStack[x].find_first_of(' ',0); if(hlp>=0) nher->refTypeStack[x].replace(hlp,1,""); } nher->ID = heroes.size(); heroes.push_back(nher); } //loading initial secondary skills std::ifstream inp; inp.open("config" PATHSEPARATOR "heroes_sec_skills.txt", std::ios_base::in|std::ios_base::binary); if(!inp.is_open()) { tlog1<<"missing file: config/heroes_sec_skills.txt"<>dump; int hid; //ID of currently read hero int secQ; //number of secondary abilities while(true) { inp>>hid; if(hid == -1) break; inp>>secQ; for(int g=0; g>a; inp>>b; heroes[hid]->secSkillsInit.push_back(std::make_pair(a, b)); } } inp.close(); } //initial skills loaded loadHeroClasses(); initHeroClasses(); expPerLevel.push_back(0); expPerLevel.push_back(1000); expPerLevel.push_back(2000); expPerLevel.push_back(3200); expPerLevel.push_back(4500); expPerLevel.push_back(6000); expPerLevel.push_back(7700); expPerLevel.push_back(9000); expPerLevel.push_back(11000); expPerLevel.push_back(13200); expPerLevel.push_back(15500); expPerLevel.push_back(18500); expPerLevel.push_back(22100); expPerLevel.push_back(26420); expPerLevel.push_back(31604); //ballistics info buf = bitmaph->getTextFile("BALLIST.TXT"); it = 0; for(int i=0; i<22; ++i) { loadToIt(dump,buf,it,4); } for(int lvl=0; lvl<4; ++lvl) { CHeroHandler::SBallisticsLevelInfo bli; si32 tempNum; loadToIt(tempNum,buf,it,4); bli.keep = tempNum; loadToIt(tempNum,buf,it,4); bli.tower = tempNum; loadToIt(tempNum,buf,it,4); bli.gate = tempNum; loadToIt(tempNum,buf,it,4); bli.wall = tempNum; loadToIt(tempNum,buf,it,4); bli.shots = tempNum; loadToIt(tempNum,buf,it,4); bli.noDmg = tempNum; loadToIt(tempNum,buf,it,4); bli.oneDmg = tempNum; loadToIt(tempNum,buf,it,4); bli.twoDmg = tempNum; loadToIt(tempNum,buf,it,4); bli.sum = tempNum; if(lvl!=3) { loadToIt(dump,buf,it,4); } ballistics.push_back(bli); } } void CHeroHandler::loadHeroClasses() { std::string buf = bitmaph->getTextFile("HCTRAITS.TXT"); int andame = buf.size(); for(int y=0; yname = buf.substr(befi, i-befi); ++i; befi=i; for(i; iaggression = atof(buf.substr(befi, i-befi).c_str()); ++i; befi=i; for(i; iinitialAttack = atoi(buf.substr(befi, i-befi).c_str()); ++i; befi=i; for(i; iinitialDefence = atoi(buf.substr(befi, i-befi).c_str()); ++i; befi=i; for(i; iinitialPower = atoi(buf.substr(befi, i-befi).c_str()); ++i; befi=i; for(i; iinitialKnowledge = atoi(buf.substr(befi, i-befi).c_str()); ++i; hc->primChance.resize(PRIMARY_SKILLS); for(int x=0;xprimChance[x].first = atoi(buf.substr(befi, i-befi).c_str()); ++i; } for(int x=0;xprimChance[x].second = atoi(buf.substr(befi, i-befi).c_str()); ++i; } //CHero kkk = heroes[0]; for(int dd=0; ddproSec.push_back(buff); } for(int dd=0; dd<9; ++dd) { befi=i; for(i; iselectionProbability[dd] = atoi(buf.substr(befi, i-befi).c_str()); ++i; } ++i; heroClasses.push_back(hc); } } void CHeroHandler::initHeroClasses() { for(int gg=0; ggheroClass = heroClasses[heroes[gg]->heroType]; } initTerrainCosts(); } unsigned int CHeroHandler::level(unsigned int experience) { int add=0; while(experience>=expPerLevel[expPerLevel.size()-1]) { experience/=1.2; add+=1; } for(int i=expPerLevel.size()-1; i>=0; --i) { if(experience>=expPerLevel[i]) return 1+i+add; } return -1; } unsigned int CHeroHandler::reqExp(unsigned int level) { level-=1; if(level0) { --level; exp*=1.2; } return exp; } return -1; } void CHeroHandler::initTerrainCosts() { std::ifstream inp; inp.open("config" PATHSEPARATOR "TERCOSTS.TXT", std::ios_base::in|std::ios_base::binary); int tynum; inp>>tynum; for(int i=0; i<2*tynum; i+=2) { int catNum; inp>>catNum; for(int k=0; k>curCost; heroClasses[i]->terrCosts.push_back(curCost); heroClasses[i+1]->terrCosts.push_back(curCost); } } inp.close(); }