/* * Interface.cpp, part of VCMI engine * * Authors: listed in file AUTHORS in main folder * * License: GNU General Public License v2.0 or later * Full text of license available in license.txt file, in main folder * */ #include "StdInc.h" #include "Interface.h" #include "../CHeroHandler.h" #include "../TerrainHandler.h" #include "../CPlayerState.h" #include "../CSoundBase.h" #include "../gameState/CGameState.h" #include "../spells/CSpellHandler.h" #include "../spells/ISpellMechanics.h" #include "../mapObjects/CGHeroInstance.h" #include "../mapObjects/MiscObjects.h" #include "../mapping/CMapDefines.h" #include "../networkPacks/StackLocation.h" #include "../networkPacks/PacksForClient.h" #include "../IGameCallback.h" VCMI_LIB_NAMESPACE_BEGIN std::vector Rewardable::Interface::getAvailableRewards(const CGHeroInstance * hero, Rewardable::EEventType event) const { std::vector ret; for(size_t i = 0; i < configuration.info.size(); i++) { const Rewardable::VisitInfo & visit = configuration.info[i]; if(event == visit.visitType && (!hero || visit.limiter.heroAllowed(hero))) { logGlobal->trace("Reward %d is allowed", i); ret.push_back(static_cast(i)); } } return ret; } void Rewardable::Interface::grantRewardBeforeLevelup(IGameCallback * cb, const Rewardable::VisitInfo & info, const CGHeroInstance * hero) const { assert(hero); assert(hero->tempOwner.isValidPlayer()); assert(info.reward.creatures.size() <= GameConstants::ARMY_SIZE); cb->giveResources(hero->tempOwner, info.reward.resources); if (info.reward.revealTiles) { const auto & props = *info.reward.revealTiles; const auto functor = [&props](const TerrainTile * tile) { int score = 0; if (tile->terType->isSurface()) score += props.scoreSurface; if (tile->terType->isUnderground()) score += props.scoreSubterra; if (tile->terType->isWater()) score += props.scoreWater; if (tile->terType->isRock()) score += props.scoreRock; return score > 0; }; std::unordered_set tiles; if (props.radius > 0) { cb->getTilesInRange(tiles, hero->getSightCenter(), props.radius, ETileVisibility::HIDDEN, hero->getOwner()); if (props.hide) cb->getTilesInRange(tiles, hero->getSightCenter(), props.radius, ETileVisibility::REVEALED, hero->getOwner()); vstd::erase_if(tiles, [&](const int3 & coord){ return !functor(cb->getTile(coord)); }); } else { cb->getAllTiles(tiles, hero->tempOwner, -1, functor); } if (props.hide) { for (auto & player : cb->gameState()->players) { if (cb->getPlayerStatus(player.first) == EPlayerStatus::INGAME && cb->getPlayerRelations(player.first, hero->getOwner()) == PlayerRelations::ENEMIES) cb->changeFogOfWar(tiles, player.first, ETileVisibility::HIDDEN); } } else { cb->changeFogOfWar(tiles, hero->getOwner(), ETileVisibility::REVEALED); } } for(const auto & entry : info.reward.secondary) { int current = hero->getSecSkillLevel(entry.first); if( (current != 0 && current < entry.second) || (hero->canLearnSkill() )) { cb->changeSecSkill(hero, entry.first, entry.second); } } for(int i=0; i< info.reward.primary.size(); i++) cb->changePrimSkill(hero, static_cast(i), info.reward.primary[i], false); TExpType expToGive = 0; if (info.reward.heroLevel > 0) expToGive += VLC->heroh->reqExp(hero->level+info.reward.heroLevel) - VLC->heroh->reqExp(hero->level); if (info.reward.heroExperience > 0) expToGive += hero->calculateXp(info.reward.heroExperience); if(expToGive) cb->giveExperience(hero, expToGive); } void Rewardable::Interface::grantRewardAfterLevelup(IGameCallback * cb, const Rewardable::VisitInfo & info, const CArmedInstance * army, const CGHeroInstance * hero) const { if(info.reward.manaDiff || info.reward.manaPercentage >= 0) cb->setManaPoints(hero->id, info.reward.calculateManaPoints(hero)); if(info.reward.movePoints || info.reward.movePercentage >= 0) { SetMovePoints smp; smp.hid = hero->id; smp.val = hero->movementPointsRemaining(); if (info.reward.movePercentage >= 0) // percent from max smp.val = hero->movementPointsLimit(hero->boat && hero->boat->layer == EPathfindingLayer::SAIL) * info.reward.movePercentage / 100; smp.val = std::max(0, smp.val + info.reward.movePoints); cb->setMovePoints(&smp); } for(const Bonus & bonus : info.reward.bonuses) { GiveBonus gb; gb.who = GiveBonus::ETarget::OBJECT; gb.bonus = bonus; gb.id = hero->id; cb->giveHeroBonus(&gb); } for(const ArtifactID & art : info.reward.artifacts) cb->giveHeroNewArtifact(hero, art.toArtifact(), ArtifactPosition::FIRST_AVAILABLE); if(!info.reward.spells.empty()) { std::set spellsToGive; for (auto const & spell : info.reward.spells) if (hero->canLearnSpell(spell.toEntity(VLC), true)) spellsToGive.insert(spell); if (!spellsToGive.empty()) cb->changeSpells(hero, true, spellsToGive); } if(!info.reward.creaturesChange.empty()) { for(const auto & slot : hero->Slots()) { const CStackInstance * heroStack = slot.second; for(const auto & change : info.reward.creaturesChange) { if (heroStack->type->getId() == change.first) { StackLocation location(hero, slot.first); cb->changeStackType(location, change.second.toCreature()); break; } } } } if(!info.reward.creatures.empty()) { CCreatureSet creatures; for(const auto & crea : info.reward.creatures) creatures.addToSlot(creatures.getFreeSlot(), new CStackInstance(crea.type, crea.count)); if(auto * army = dynamic_cast(this)) //TODO: to fix that, CArmedInstance must be split on map instance part and interface part cb->giveCreatures(army, hero, creatures, false); } if(info.reward.spellCast.first != SpellID::NONE) { caster.setActualCaster(hero); caster.setSpellSchoolLevel(info.reward.spellCast.second); cb->castSpell(&caster, info.reward.spellCast.first, int3{-1, -1, -1}); } if(info.reward.removeObject) if(auto * instance = dynamic_cast(this)) cb->removeAfterVisit(instance); } void Rewardable::Interface::serializeJson(JsonSerializeFormat & handler) { configuration.serializeJson(handler); } VCMI_LIB_NAMESPACE_END