/* * Configuration.h, part of VCMI engine * * Authors: listed in file AUTHORS in main folder * * License: GNU General Public License v2.0 or later * Full text of license available in license.txt file, in main folder * */ #pragma once #include "Limiter.h" #include "Reward.h" #include "../networkPacks/EInfoWindowMode.h" #include "../texts/MetaString.h" VCMI_LIB_NAMESPACE_BEGIN namespace Rewardable { enum EVisitMode { VISIT_UNLIMITED, // any number of times. Side effect - object hover text won't contain visited/not visited text VISIT_ONCE, // only once, first to visit get all the rewards VISIT_HERO, // every hero can visit object once VISIT_BONUS, // can be visited by any hero that don't have bonus from this object VISIT_LIMITER, // can be visited by heroes that don't fulfill provided limiter VISIT_PLAYER // every player can visit object once }; /// controls selection of reward granted to player enum ESelectMode { SELECT_FIRST, // first reward that matches limiters SELECT_PLAYER, // player can select from all allowed rewards SELECT_RANDOM, // one random reward from all matching limiters SELECT_ALL // grant all rewards that match limiters }; enum class EEventType { EVENT_INVALID = 0, EVENT_FIRST_VISIT, EVENT_ALREADY_VISITED, EVENT_NOT_AVAILABLE, EVENT_GUARDED }; constexpr std::array<std::string_view, 4> SelectModeString{"selectFirst", "selectPlayer", "selectRandom", "selectAll"}; constexpr std::array<std::string_view, 6> VisitModeString{"unlimited", "once", "hero", "bonus", "limiter", "player"}; struct DLL_LINKAGE ResetInfo { ResetInfo() : period(0) , visitors(false) , rewards(false) {} /// if above zero, object state will be reset each resetDuration days ui32 period; /// if true - reset list of visitors (heroes & players) on reset bool visitors; /// if true - re-randomize rewards on a new week bool rewards; void serializeJson(JsonSerializeFormat & handler); template <typename Handler> void serialize(Handler &h) { h & period; h & visitors; h & rewards; } }; struct DLL_LINKAGE VisitInfo { Limiter limiter; Reward reward; /// Message that will be displayed on granting of this reward, if not empty MetaString message; /// Object description that will be shown on right-click, after object name /// Used only after player have "scouted" object and knows internal state of an object MetaString description; /// Event to which this reward is assigned EEventType visitType; void serializeJson(JsonSerializeFormat & handler); template <typename Handler> void serialize(Handler &h) { h & limiter; h & reward; h & message; h & description; h & visitType; } }; struct DLL_LINKAGE Variables { /// List of variables used by this object in their current values std::map<std::string, int> values; /// List of per-instance preconfigured variables, e.g. from map std::map<std::string, JsonNode> preset; void serializeJson(JsonSerializeFormat & handler); template <typename Handler> void serialize(Handler &h) { h & values; h & preset; } }; /// Base class that can handle granting rewards to visiting heroes. struct DLL_LINKAGE Configuration { /// Message that will be shown if player needs to select one of multiple rewards MetaString onSelect; /// Object description that will be shown on right-click, after object name /// Used only if player is not aware of object internal state, e.g. have never visited it MetaString description; /// Text that will be shown if hero has not visited this object MetaString notVisitedTooltip; /// Text that will be shown after hero has visited this object MetaString visitedTooltip; /// Rewards that can be applied by an object std::vector<Rewardable::VisitInfo> info; /// how reward will be selected, uses ESelectMode enum ui8 selectMode = Rewardable::SELECT_FIRST; /// controls who can visit an object, uses EVisitMode enum ui8 visitMode = Rewardable::VISIT_UNLIMITED; /// how and when should the object be reset Rewardable::ResetInfo resetParameters; /// List of variables shoread between all limiters and rewards Rewardable::Variables variables; /// Limiter that will be used to determine that object is visited. Only if visit mode is set to "limiter" Rewardable::Limiter visitLimiter; std::string guardsLayout; /// if true - player can refuse visiting an object (e.g. Tomb) bool canRefuse = false; /// if true - right-clicking object will show preview of object rewards bool showScoutedPreview = false; bool coastVisitable = false; /// if true - object info will shown in infobox (like resource pickup) EInfoWindowMode infoWindowType = EInfoWindowMode::AUTO; EVisitMode getVisitMode() const; ui16 getResetDuration() const; std::optional<int> getVariable(const std::string & category, const std::string & name) const; const JsonNode & getPresetVariable(const std::string & category, const std::string & name) const; void presetVariable(const std::string & category, const std::string & name, const JsonNode & value); void initVariable(const std::string & category, const std::string & name, int value); void serializeJson(JsonSerializeFormat & handler); template <typename Handler> void serialize(Handler &h) { h & onSelect; h & description; h & notVisitedTooltip; h & visitedTooltip; h & info; h & selectMode; h & visitMode; h & resetParameters; h & variables; h & visitLimiter; h & canRefuse; h & showScoutedPreview; h & infoWindowType; if (h.version >= Handler::Version::REWARDABLE_BANKS) { h & coastVisitable; h & guardsLayout; } else coastVisitable = false; } }; } VCMI_LIB_NAMESPACE_END