/* * TreasurePlacer.cpp, part of VCMI engine * * Authors: listed in file AUTHORS in main folder * * License: GNU General Public License v2.0 or later * Full text of license available in license.txt file, in main folder * */ #include "StdInc.h" #include "TreasurePlacer.h" #include "../CRmgTemplate.h" #include "../CMapGenerator.h" #include "../Functions.h" #include "ObjectManager.h" #include "RoadPlacer.h" #include "ConnectionsPlacer.h" #include "../RmgMap.h" #include "../TileInfo.h" #include "../CZonePlacer.h" #include "PrisonHeroPlacer.h" #include "QuestArtifactPlacer.h" #include "../../ArtifactUtils.h" #include "../../mapObjectConstructors/AObjectTypeHandler.h" #include "../../mapObjectConstructors/CObjectClassesHandler.h" #include "../../mapObjectConstructors/DwellingInstanceConstructor.h" #include "../../rewardable/Info.h" #include "../../mapObjects/CGHeroInstance.h" #include "../../mapObjects/CGPandoraBox.h" #include "../../mapObjects/CQuest.h" #include "../../mapObjects/MiscObjects.h" #include "../../CCreatureHandler.h" #include "../../spells/CSpellHandler.h" //for choosing random spells #include "../../mapping/CMap.h" #include "../../mapping/CMapEditManager.h" #include <vstd/RNG.h> VCMI_LIB_NAMESPACE_BEGIN void TreasurePlacer::process() { if (zone.getMaxTreasureValue() == 0) { //No treasures at all return; } tierValues = generator.getConfig().pandoraCreatureValues; // Add all native creatures for(auto const & cre : VLC->creh->objects) { if(!cre->special && cre->getFactionID() == zone.getTownType()) { creatures.push_back(cre.get()); } } // Get default objects addAllPossibleObjects(); // Override with custom objects objects.patchWithZoneConfig(zone, this); auto * m = zone.getModificator<ObjectManager>(); if(m) createTreasures(*m); } void TreasurePlacer::init() { maxPrisons = 0; //Should be in the constructor, but we use macro for that DEPENDENCY(ObjectManager); DEPENDENCY(ConnectionsPlacer); DEPENDENCY_ALL(PrisonHeroPlacer); DEPENDENCY(RoadPlacer); } void TreasurePlacer::addObjectToRandomPool(const ObjectInfo& oi) { if (oi.templates.empty()) { logGlobal->error("Attempt to add ObjectInfo with no templates! Value: %d", oi.value); return; } if (!oi.generateObject) { logGlobal->error("Attempt to add ObjectInfo with no generateObject function! Value: %d", oi.value); return; } if (!oi.maxPerZone) { logGlobal->warn("Attempt to add ObjectInfo with 0 maxPerZone! Value: %d", oi.value); return; } RecursiveLock lock(externalAccessMutex); objects.addObject(oi); } void TreasurePlacer::addAllPossibleObjects() { addCommonObjects(); addDwellings(); addPandoraBoxes(); addSeerHuts(); addPrisons(); addScrolls(); } void TreasurePlacer::addCommonObjects() { for(auto primaryID : VLC->objtypeh->knownObjects()) { for(auto secondaryID : VLC->objtypeh->knownSubObjects(primaryID)) { auto handler = VLC->objtypeh->getHandlerFor(primaryID, secondaryID); if(!handler->isStaticObject() && handler->getRMGInfo().value) { auto rmgInfo = handler->getRMGInfo(); if (rmgInfo.mapLimit || rmgInfo.value > zone.getMaxTreasureValue()) { //Skip objects with per-map limit here continue; } ObjectInfo oi(primaryID, secondaryID); setBasicProperties(oi, CompoundMapObjectID(primaryID, secondaryID)); oi.value = rmgInfo.value; oi.probability = rmgInfo.rarity; oi.maxPerZone = rmgInfo.zoneLimit; if(!oi.templates.empty()) addObjectToRandomPool(oi); } } } } void TreasurePlacer::setBasicProperties(ObjectInfo & oi, CompoundMapObjectID objid) const { oi.generateObject = [this, objid]() -> CGObjectInstance * { return VLC->objtypeh->getHandlerFor(objid)->create(map.mapInstance->cb, nullptr); }; oi.setTemplates(objid.primaryID, objid.secondaryID, zone.getTerrainType()); } void TreasurePlacer::addPrisons() { //Generate Prison on water only if it has a template auto prisonTemplates = VLC->objtypeh->getHandlerFor(Obj::PRISON, 0)->getTemplates(zone.getTerrainType()); if (!prisonTemplates.empty()) { PrisonHeroPlacer * prisonHeroPlacer = nullptr; for(auto & z : map.getZones()) { prisonHeroPlacer = z.second->getModificator<PrisonHeroPlacer>(); if (prisonHeroPlacer) { break; } } //prisons //levels 1, 5, 10, 20, 30 static const int prisonsLevels = std::min(generator.getConfig().prisonExperience.size(), generator.getConfig().prisonValues.size()); size_t prisonsLeft = getMaxPrisons(); for (int i = prisonsLevels - 1; i >= 0; i--) { ObjectInfo oi(Obj::PRISON, 0); // Create new instance which will hold destructor operation oi.value = generator.getConfig().prisonValues[i]; if (oi.value > zone.getMaxTreasureValue()) { continue; } oi.generateObject = [i, this, prisonHeroPlacer]() -> CGObjectInstance* { HeroTypeID hid = prisonHeroPlacer->drawRandomHero(); auto factory = VLC->objtypeh->getHandlerFor(Obj::PRISON, 0); auto* obj = dynamic_cast<CGHeroInstance*>(factory->create(map.mapInstance->cb, nullptr)); obj->setHeroType(hid); //will be initialized later obj->exp = generator.getConfig().prisonExperience[i]; obj->setOwner(PlayerColor::NEUTRAL); return obj; }; oi.destroyObject = [prisonHeroPlacer](CGObjectInstance* obj) { // Hero can be used again auto* hero = dynamic_cast<CGHeroInstance*>(obj); prisonHeroPlacer->restoreDrawnHero(hero->getHeroTypeID()); }; oi.setTemplates(Obj::PRISON, 0, zone.getTerrainType()); oi.value = generator.getConfig().prisonValues[i]; oi.probability = 30; //Distribute all allowed prisons, starting from the most valuable oi.maxPerZone = (std::ceil((float)prisonsLeft / (i + 1))); prisonsLeft -= oi.maxPerZone; if(!oi.templates.empty()) addObjectToRandomPool(oi); } } } void TreasurePlacer::addDwellings() { if(zone.getType() == ETemplateZoneType::WATER) return; //dwellings auto dwellingTypes = {Obj::CREATURE_GENERATOR1, Obj::CREATURE_GENERATOR4}; for(auto dwellingType : dwellingTypes) { auto subObjects = VLC->objtypeh->knownSubObjects(dwellingType); if(dwellingType == Obj::CREATURE_GENERATOR1) { //don't spawn original "neutral" dwellings that got replaced by Conflux dwellings in AB static const MapObjectSubID elementalConfluxROE[] = {7, 13, 16, 47}; for(auto const & i : elementalConfluxROE) vstd::erase_if_present(subObjects, i); } for(auto secondaryID : subObjects) { const auto * dwellingHandler = dynamic_cast<const DwellingInstanceConstructor *>(VLC->objtypeh->getHandlerFor(dwellingType, secondaryID).get()); auto creatures = dwellingHandler->getProducedCreatures(); if(creatures.empty()) continue; const auto * cre = creatures.front(); if(cre->getFactionID() == zone.getTownType()) { auto nativeZonesCount = static_cast<float>(map.getZoneCount(cre->getFactionID())); ObjectInfo oi(dwellingType, secondaryID); setBasicProperties(oi, CompoundMapObjectID(dwellingType, secondaryID)); oi.value = static_cast<ui32>(cre->getAIValue() * cre->getGrowth() * (1 + (nativeZonesCount / map.getTotalZoneCount()) + (nativeZonesCount / 2))); oi.probability = 40; oi.generateObject = [this, secondaryID, dwellingType]() -> CGObjectInstance * { auto * obj = VLC->objtypeh->getHandlerFor(dwellingType, secondaryID)->create(map.mapInstance->cb, nullptr); obj->tempOwner = PlayerColor::NEUTRAL; return obj; }; if(!oi.templates.empty()) addObjectToRandomPool(oi); } } } } void TreasurePlacer::addScrolls() { if(zone.getType() == ETemplateZoneType::WATER) return; ObjectInfo oi(Obj::SPELL_SCROLL, 0); for(int i = 0; i < generator.getConfig().scrollValues.size(); i++) { oi.generateObject = [i, this]() -> CGObjectInstance * { auto factory = VLC->objtypeh->getHandlerFor(Obj::SPELL_SCROLL, 0); auto * obj = dynamic_cast<CGArtifact *>(factory->create(map.mapInstance->cb, nullptr)); std::vector<SpellID> out; for(auto spellID : VLC->spellh->getDefaultAllowed()) { if(map.isAllowedSpell(spellID) && spellID.toSpell()->getLevel() == i + 1) out.push_back(spellID); } auto * a = ArtifactUtils::createScroll(*RandomGeneratorUtil::nextItem(out, zone.getRand())); obj->storedArtifact = a; return obj; }; oi.setTemplates(Obj::SPELL_SCROLL, 0, zone.getTerrainType()); oi.value = generator.getConfig().scrollValues[i]; oi.probability = 30; if(!oi.templates.empty()) addObjectToRandomPool(oi); } } void TreasurePlacer::addPandoraBoxes() { if(zone.getType() == ETemplateZoneType::WATER) return; addPandoraBoxesWithGold(); addPandoraBoxesWithExperience(); addPandoraBoxesWithCreatures(); addPandoraBoxesWithSpells(); } void TreasurePlacer::addPandoraBoxesWithGold() { ObjectInfo oi(Obj::PANDORAS_BOX, 0); for(int i = 1; i < 5; i++) { oi.generateObject = [this, i]() -> CGObjectInstance * { auto factory = VLC->objtypeh->getHandlerFor(Obj::PANDORAS_BOX, 0); auto * obj = dynamic_cast<CGPandoraBox *>(factory->create(map.mapInstance->cb, nullptr)); Rewardable::VisitInfo reward; reward.reward.resources[EGameResID::GOLD] = i * 5000; reward.visitType = Rewardable::EEventType::EVENT_FIRST_VISIT; obj->configuration.info.push_back(reward); return obj; }; oi.setTemplates(Obj::PANDORAS_BOX, 0, zone.getTerrainType()); oi.value = i * generator.getConfig().pandoraMultiplierGold; oi.probability = 5; if(!oi.templates.empty()) addObjectToRandomPool(oi); } } void TreasurePlacer::addPandoraBoxesWithExperience() { ObjectInfo oi(Obj::PANDORAS_BOX, 0); for(int i = 1; i < 5; i++) { oi.generateObject = [this, i]() -> CGObjectInstance * { auto factory = VLC->objtypeh->getHandlerFor(Obj::PANDORAS_BOX, 0); auto * obj = dynamic_cast<CGPandoraBox *>(factory->create(map.mapInstance->cb, nullptr)); Rewardable::VisitInfo reward; reward.reward.heroExperience = i * 5000; reward.visitType = Rewardable::EEventType::EVENT_FIRST_VISIT; obj->configuration.info.push_back(reward); return obj; }; oi.setTemplates(Obj::PANDORAS_BOX, 0, zone.getTerrainType()); oi.value = i * generator.getConfig().pandoraMultiplierExperience; oi.probability = 20; if(!oi.templates.empty()) addObjectToRandomPool(oi); } } void TreasurePlacer::addPandoraBoxesWithCreatures() { for(auto * creature : creatures) { int creaturesAmount = creatureToCount(creature); if(!creaturesAmount) continue; ObjectInfo oi(Obj::PANDORAS_BOX, 0); oi.generateObject = [this, creature, creaturesAmount]() -> CGObjectInstance * { auto factory = VLC->objtypeh->getHandlerFor(Obj::PANDORAS_BOX, 0); auto * obj = dynamic_cast<CGPandoraBox *>(factory->create(map.mapInstance->cb, nullptr)); Rewardable::VisitInfo reward; reward.reward.creatures.emplace_back(creature, creaturesAmount); reward.visitType = Rewardable::EEventType::EVENT_FIRST_VISIT; obj->configuration.info.push_back(reward); return obj; }; oi.setTemplates(Obj::PANDORAS_BOX, 0, zone.getTerrainType()); oi.value = static_cast<ui32>(creature->getAIValue() * creaturesAmount * (1 + static_cast<float>(map.getZoneCount(creature->getFactionID())) / map.getTotalZoneCount())); oi.probability = 3; if(!oi.templates.empty()) addObjectToRandomPool(oi); } } void TreasurePlacer::addPandoraBoxesWithSpells() { ObjectInfo oi(Obj::PANDORAS_BOX, 0); //Pandora with 12 spells of certain level for(int i = 1; i <= GameConstants::SPELL_LEVELS; i++) { oi.generateObject = [i, this]() -> CGObjectInstance * { auto factory = VLC->objtypeh->getHandlerFor(Obj::PANDORAS_BOX, 0); auto * obj = dynamic_cast<CGPandoraBox *>(factory->create(map.mapInstance->cb, nullptr)); std::vector <const CSpell *> spells; for(auto spellID : VLC->spellh->getDefaultAllowed()) { if(map.isAllowedSpell(spellID) && spellID.toSpell()->getLevel() == i) spells.push_back(spellID.toSpell()); } RandomGeneratorUtil::randomShuffle(spells, zone.getRand()); Rewardable::VisitInfo reward; for(int j = 0; j < std::min(12, static_cast<int>(spells.size())); j++) { reward.reward.spells.push_back(spells[j]->id); } reward.visitType = Rewardable::EEventType::EVENT_FIRST_VISIT; obj->configuration.info.push_back(reward); return obj; }; oi.setTemplates(Obj::PANDORAS_BOX, 0, zone.getTerrainType()); oi.value = (i + 1) * generator.getConfig().pandoraMultiplierSpells; //5000 - 15000 oi.probability = 2; if(!oi.templates.empty()) addObjectToRandomPool(oi); } //Pandora with 15 spells of certain school for(int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { oi.generateObject = [i, this]() -> CGObjectInstance * { auto factory = VLC->objtypeh->getHandlerFor(Obj::PANDORAS_BOX, 0); auto * obj = dynamic_cast<CGPandoraBox *>(factory->create(map.mapInstance->cb, nullptr)); std::vector <const CSpell *> spells; for(auto spellID : VLC->spellh->getDefaultAllowed()) { if(map.isAllowedSpell(spellID) && spellID.toSpell()->hasSchool(SpellSchool(i))) spells.push_back(spellID.toSpell()); } RandomGeneratorUtil::randomShuffle(spells, zone.getRand()); Rewardable::VisitInfo reward; for(int j = 0; j < std::min(15, static_cast<int>(spells.size())); j++) { reward.reward.spells.push_back(spells[j]->id); } reward.visitType = Rewardable::EEventType::EVENT_FIRST_VISIT; obj->configuration.info.push_back(reward); return obj; }; oi.setTemplates(Obj::PANDORAS_BOX, 0, zone.getTerrainType()); oi.value = generator.getConfig().pandoraSpellSchool; oi.probability = 2; if(!oi.templates.empty()) addObjectToRandomPool(oi); } // Pandora box with 60 random spells oi.generateObject = [this]() -> CGObjectInstance * { auto factory = VLC->objtypeh->getHandlerFor(Obj::PANDORAS_BOX, 0); auto * obj = dynamic_cast<CGPandoraBox *>(factory->create(map.mapInstance->cb, nullptr)); std::vector <const CSpell *> spells; for(auto spellID : VLC->spellh->getDefaultAllowed()) { if(map.isAllowedSpell(spellID)) spells.push_back(spellID.toSpell()); } RandomGeneratorUtil::randomShuffle(spells, zone.getRand()); Rewardable::VisitInfo reward; for(int j = 0; j < std::min(60, static_cast<int>(spells.size())); j++) { reward.reward.spells.push_back(spells[j]->id); } reward.visitType = Rewardable::EEventType::EVENT_FIRST_VISIT; obj->configuration.info.push_back(reward); return obj; }; oi.setTemplates(Obj::PANDORAS_BOX, 0, zone.getTerrainType()); oi.value = generator.getConfig().pandoraSpell60; oi.probability = 2; if(!oi.templates.empty()) addObjectToRandomPool(oi); } void TreasurePlacer::addSeerHuts() { //Seer huts with creatures or generic rewards ObjectInfo oi(Obj::SEER_HUT, 0); if(zone.getConnectedZoneIds().size()) //Unlikely, but... { auto * qap = zone.getModificator<QuestArtifactPlacer>(); if(!qap) { return; //TODO: throw? } const int questArtsRemaining = qap->getMaxQuestArtifactCount(); if (!questArtsRemaining) { return; } //Generate Seer Hut one by one. Duplicated oi possible and should work fine. oi.maxPerZone = 1; std::vector<ObjectInfo> possibleSeerHuts; //14 creatures per town + 4 for each of gold / exp reward possibleSeerHuts.reserve(14 + 4 + 4); RandomGeneratorUtil::randomShuffle(creatures, zone.getRand()); auto setRandomArtifact = [qap](CGSeerHut * obj) { ArtifactID artid = qap->drawRandomArtifact(); obj->quest->mission.artifacts.push_back(artid); qap->addQuestArtifact(artid); }; auto destroyObject = [qap](CGObjectInstance * obj) { auto * seer = dynamic_cast<CGSeerHut *>(obj); // Artifact can be used again ArtifactID artid = seer->quest->mission.artifacts.front(); qap->addRandomArtifact(artid); qap->removeQuestArtifact(artid); }; for(int i = 0; i < static_cast<int>(creatures.size()); i++) { auto * creature = creatures[i]; int creaturesAmount = creatureToCount(creature); if(!creaturesAmount) continue; int randomAppearance = chooseRandomAppearance(zone.getRand(), Obj::SEER_HUT, zone.getTerrainType()); // FIXME: Remove duplicated code for gold, exp and creaure reward oi.generateObject = [cb=map.mapInstance->cb, creature, creaturesAmount, randomAppearance, setRandomArtifact]() -> CGObjectInstance * { auto factory = VLC->objtypeh->getHandlerFor(Obj::SEER_HUT, randomAppearance); auto * obj = dynamic_cast<CGSeerHut *>(factory->create(cb, nullptr)); Rewardable::VisitInfo reward; reward.reward.creatures.emplace_back(creature->getId(), creaturesAmount); reward.visitType = Rewardable::EEventType::EVENT_FIRST_VISIT; obj->configuration.info.push_back(reward); setRandomArtifact(obj); return obj; }; oi.destroyObject = destroyObject; oi.probability = 3; oi.setTemplates(Obj::SEER_HUT, randomAppearance, zone.getTerrainType()); oi.value = static_cast<ui32>(((2 * (creature->getAIValue()) * creaturesAmount * (1 + static_cast<float>(map.getZoneCount(creature->getFactionID())) / map.getTotalZoneCount())) - 4000) / 3); if (oi.value > zone.getMaxTreasureValue()) { continue; } else { if(!oi.templates.empty()) possibleSeerHuts.push_back(oi); } } static const int seerLevels = std::min(generator.getConfig().questValues.size(), generator.getConfig().questRewardValues.size()); for(int i = 0; i < seerLevels; i++) //seems that code for exp and gold reward is similar { int randomAppearance = chooseRandomAppearance(zone.getRand(), Obj::SEER_HUT, zone.getTerrainType()); oi.setTemplates(Obj::SEER_HUT, randomAppearance, zone.getTerrainType()); oi.value = generator.getConfig().questValues[i]; if (oi.value > zone.getMaxTreasureValue()) { //Both variants have same value continue; } oi.probability = 10; oi.maxPerZone = 1; oi.generateObject = [i, randomAppearance, this, setRandomArtifact]() -> CGObjectInstance * { auto factory = VLC->objtypeh->getHandlerFor(Obj::SEER_HUT, randomAppearance); auto * obj = dynamic_cast<CGSeerHut *>(factory->create(map.mapInstance->cb, nullptr)); Rewardable::VisitInfo reward; reward.reward.heroExperience = generator.getConfig().questRewardValues[i]; reward.visitType = Rewardable::EEventType::EVENT_FIRST_VISIT; obj->configuration.info.push_back(reward); setRandomArtifact(obj); return obj; }; oi.destroyObject = destroyObject; if(!oi.templates.empty()) possibleSeerHuts.push_back(oi); oi.generateObject = [i, randomAppearance, this, setRandomArtifact]() -> CGObjectInstance * { auto factory = VLC->objtypeh->getHandlerFor(Obj::SEER_HUT, randomAppearance); auto * obj = dynamic_cast<CGSeerHut *>(factory->create(map.mapInstance->cb, nullptr)); Rewardable::VisitInfo reward; reward.reward.resources[EGameResID::GOLD] = generator.getConfig().questRewardValues[i]; reward.visitType = Rewardable::EEventType::EVENT_FIRST_VISIT; obj->configuration.info.push_back(reward); setRandomArtifact(obj); return obj; }; oi.destroyObject = destroyObject; if(!oi.templates.empty()) possibleSeerHuts.push_back(oi); } if (possibleSeerHuts.empty()) { return; } for (size_t i = 0; i < questArtsRemaining; i++) { addObjectToRandomPool(*RandomGeneratorUtil::nextItem(possibleSeerHuts, zone.getRand())); } } } void TreasurePlacer::setMaxPrisons(size_t count) { RecursiveLock lock(externalAccessMutex); maxPrisons = count; } size_t TreasurePlacer::getMaxPrisons() const { RecursiveLock lock(externalAccessMutex); return maxPrisons; } int TreasurePlacer::creatureToCount(const CCreature * creature) const { if(!creature->getAIValue() || tierValues.empty()) //bug #2681 return 0; //this box won't be generated //Follow the rules from https://heroes.thelazy.net/index.php/Pandora%27s_Box int actualTier = creature->getLevel() > tierValues.size() ? tierValues.size() - 1 : creature->getLevel() - 1; float creaturesAmount = std::floor((static_cast<float>(tierValues[actualTier])) / creature->getAIValue()); if (creaturesAmount < 1) { return 0; } else if(creaturesAmount <= 5) { //No change } else if(creaturesAmount <= 12) { creaturesAmount = std::ceil(creaturesAmount / 2) * 2; } else if(creaturesAmount <= 50) { creaturesAmount = std::round(creaturesAmount / 5) * 5; } else { creaturesAmount = std::round(creaturesAmount / 10) * 10; } return static_cast<int>(creaturesAmount); }; bool TreasurePlacer::isGuardNeededForTreasure(int value) {// no guard in a zone with "monsters: none" and for small treasures; water zones cen get monster strength ZONE_NONE elsewhere if needed return zone.monsterStrength != EMonsterStrength::ZONE_NONE && value > minGuardedValue; } std::vector<ObjectInfo*> TreasurePlacer::prepareTreasurePile(const CTreasureInfo& treasureInfo) { std::vector<ObjectInfo*> objectInfos; int maxValue = treasureInfo.max; int minValue = treasureInfo.min; const ui32 desiredValue = zone.getRand().nextInt(minValue, maxValue); int currentValue = 0; bool hasLargeObject = false; while(currentValue <= static_cast<int>(desiredValue) - 100) //no objects with value below 100 are available { // FIXME: Pointer might be invalidated after this auto * oi = getRandomObject(desiredValue, currentValue, !hasLargeObject); if(!oi) //fail break; bool visitableFromTop = true; for(auto & t : oi->templates) if(!t->isVisitableFromTop()) visitableFromTop = false; if(visitableFromTop) { objectInfos.push_back(oi); } else { objectInfos.insert(objectInfos.begin(), oi); //large object shall at first place hasLargeObject = true; } //remove from possible objects assert(oi->maxPerZone); oi->maxPerZone--; currentValue += oi->value; if (currentValue >= minValue) { // 50% chance to end right here if (zone.getRand().nextInt(0, 1) == 1) break; } } return objectInfos; } rmg::Object TreasurePlacer::constructTreasurePile(const std::vector<ObjectInfo*> & treasureInfos, bool densePlacement) { rmg::Object rmgObject; for(const auto & oi : treasureInfos) { auto blockedArea = rmgObject.getArea(); auto entrableArea = rmgObject.getEntrableArea(); auto accessibleArea = rmgObject.getAccessibleArea(); if(rmgObject.instances().empty()) { rmgObject.setValue(0); accessibleArea.add(int3()); } CGObjectInstance * object = nullptr; if (oi->generateObject) { object = oi->generateObject(); if(oi->templates.empty()) { logGlobal->warn("Deleting randomized object with no templates: %s", object->getObjectName()); oi->destroyObject(object); delete object; continue; } } else { logGlobal->error("ObjectInfo has no generateObject function! Templates: %d", oi->templates.size()); continue; } auto templates = object->getObjectHandler()->getMostSpecificTemplates(zone.getTerrainType()); if (templates.empty()) { throw rmgException(boost::str(boost::format("Did not find template for object (%d,%d) at %s") % object->ID % object->subID % zone.getTerrainType().encode(zone.getTerrainType()))); } object->appearance = *RandomGeneratorUtil::nextItem(templates, zone.getRand()); //Put object in accessible area next to entrable area (excluding blockvis tiles) if (!entrableArea.empty()) { auto entrableBorder = entrableArea.getBorderOutside(); accessibleArea.erase_if([&](const int3 & tile) { return !entrableBorder.count(tile); }); } auto & instance = rmgObject.addInstance(*object); rmgObject.setValue(rmgObject.getValue() + oi->value); instance.onCleared = oi->destroyObject; do { if(accessibleArea.empty()) { //fail - fallback rmgObject.clear(); return rmgObject; } std::vector<int3> bestPositions; if(densePlacement && !entrableArea.empty()) { // Choose positon which has access to as many entrable tiles as possible int bestPositionsWeight = std::numeric_limits<int>::max(); for(const auto & t : accessibleArea.getTilesVector()) { instance.setPosition(t); auto currentAccessibleArea = rmgObject.getAccessibleArea(); auto currentEntrableBorder = rmgObject.getEntrableArea().getBorderOutside(); currentAccessibleArea.erase_if([&](const int3 & tile) { return !currentEntrableBorder.count(tile); }); size_t w = currentAccessibleArea.getTilesVector().size(); if(w > bestPositionsWeight) { // Minimum 1 position must be entrable bestPositions.clear(); bestPositions.push_back(t); bestPositionsWeight = w; } else if(w == bestPositionsWeight) { bestPositions.push_back(t); } } } if (bestPositions.empty()) { bestPositions = accessibleArea.getTilesVector(); } int3 nextPos = *RandomGeneratorUtil::nextItem(bestPositions, zone.getRand()); instance.setPosition(nextPos - rmgObject.getPosition()); auto instanceAccessibleArea = instance.getAccessibleArea(); if(instance.getBlockedArea().getTilesVector().size() == 1) { if(instance.object().appearance->isVisitableFromTop() && !instance.object().isBlockedVisitable()) instanceAccessibleArea.add(instance.getVisitablePosition()); } //Do not clean up after first object if(rmgObject.instances().size() == 1) break; if(!blockedArea.overlap(instance.getBlockedArea()) && accessibleArea.overlap(instanceAccessibleArea)) break; //fail - new position accessibleArea.erase(nextPos); } while(true); } return rmgObject; } ObjectInfo * TreasurePlacer::getRandomObject(ui32 desiredValue, ui32 currentValue, bool allowLargeObjects) { std::vector<std::pair<ui32, ObjectInfo*>> thresholds; //handle complex object via pointer ui32 total = 0; //calculate actual treasure value range based on remaining value ui32 maxVal = desiredValue - currentValue; ui32 minValue = static_cast<ui32>(0.25f * (desiredValue - currentValue)); for(ObjectInfo & oi : objects.getPossibleObjects()) //copy constructor turned out to be costly { if(oi.value > maxVal) break; //this assumes values are sorted in ascending order bool visitableFromTop = true; for(auto & t : oi.templates) if(!t->isVisitableFromTop()) visitableFromTop = false; if(!visitableFromTop && !allowLargeObjects) continue; if(oi.value >= minValue && oi.maxPerZone > 0) { total += oi.probability; thresholds.emplace_back(total, &oi); } } if(thresholds.empty()) { return nullptr; } else { int r = zone.getRand().nextInt(1, total); auto sorter = [](const std::pair<ui32, ObjectInfo *> & rhs, const ui32 lhs) -> bool { return static_cast<int>(rhs.first) < lhs; }; //binary search = fastest auto it = std::lower_bound(thresholds.begin(), thresholds.end(), r, sorter); return it->second; } } void TreasurePlacer::createTreasures(ObjectManager& manager) { const int maxAttempts = 2; int mapMonsterStrength = map.getMapGenOptions().getMonsterStrength(); int monsterStrength = (zone.monsterStrength == EMonsterStrength::ZONE_NONE ? 0 : zone.monsterStrength + mapMonsterStrength - 1); //array index from 0 to 4; pick any correct value for ZONE_NONE, minGuardedValue won't be used in this case anyway static const int minGuardedValues[] = { 6500, 4167, 3000, 1833, 1333 }; minGuardedValue = minGuardedValues[monsterStrength]; const auto blockingGuardMaxValue = zone.getMaxTreasureValue() / 3; auto valueComparator = [](const CTreasureInfo& lhs, const CTreasureInfo& rhs) -> bool { return lhs.max > rhs.max; }; auto restoreZoneLimits = [](const std::vector<ObjectInfo*>& treasurePile) { for (auto* oi : treasurePile) { oi->maxPerZone++; } }; rmg::Area roads; auto rp = zone.getModificator<RoadPlacer>(); if (rp) { roads = rp->getRoads(); } rmg::Area nextToRoad(roads.getBorderOutside()); //place biggest treasures first at large distance, place smaller ones inbetween auto treasureInfo = zone.getTreasureInfo(); boost::sort(treasureInfo, valueComparator); //sort treasures by ascending value so we can stop checking treasures with too high value objects.sortPossibleObjects(); const size_t size = zone.area()->getTilesVector().size(); int totalDensity = 0; // FIXME: No need to use iterator here for (auto t = treasureInfo.begin(); t != treasureInfo.end(); t++) { std::vector<rmg::Object> treasures; //discard objects with too high value to be ever placed objects.discardObjectsAboveValue(t->max); totalDensity += t->density; const int DENSITY_CONSTANT = 400; size_t count = (size * t->density) / DENSITY_CONSTANT; const float minDistance = std::max<float>(std::sqrt(std::min<ui32>(t->min, 30000) / 10.0f / totalDensity), 1.0f); size_t emergencyLoopFinish = 0; while(treasures.size() < count && emergencyLoopFinish < count) { auto treasurePileInfos = prepareTreasurePile(*t); if (treasurePileInfos.empty()) { emergencyLoopFinish++; //Exit potentially infinite loop for bad settings continue; } int value = std::accumulate(treasurePileInfos.begin(), treasurePileInfos.end(), 0, [](int v, const ObjectInfo* oi) { return v + oi->value; }); const ui32 maxPileGenerationAttempts = 2; for (ui32 attempt = 0; attempt < maxPileGenerationAttempts; attempt++) { auto rmgObject = constructTreasurePile(treasurePileInfos, attempt == maxAttempts); if (rmgObject.instances().empty()) { // Restore once if all attempts failed if (attempt == (maxPileGenerationAttempts - 1)) { restoreZoneLimits(treasurePileInfos); } continue; } //guard treasure pile bool guarded = isGuardNeededForTreasure(value); if (guarded) guarded = manager.addGuard(rmgObject, value); treasures.push_back(rmgObject); break; } } for (auto& rmgObject : treasures) { const bool guarded = rmgObject.isGuarded(); auto path = rmg::Path::invalid(); { Zone::Lock lock(zone.areaMutex); //We are going to subtract this area auto searchArea = zone.areaPossible().get(); searchArea.erase_if([this, &minDistance](const int3& tile) -> bool { auto ti = map.getTileInfo(tile); return (ti.getNearestObjectDistance() < minDistance); }); if (guarded) { searchArea.subtract(roads); path = manager.placeAndConnectObject(searchArea, rmgObject, [this, &rmgObject, &minDistance, &manager, blockingGuardMaxValue, &roads, &nextToRoad](const int3& tile) { float bestDistance = 10e9; for (const auto& t : rmgObject.getArea().getTilesVector()) { float distance = map.getTileInfo(t).getNearestObjectDistance(); if (distance < minDistance) return -1.f; else vstd::amin(bestDistance, distance); } // Guard cannot be adjacent to road, but blocked side of an object could be if (rmgObject.getValue() > blockingGuardMaxValue && nextToRoad.contains(rmgObject.getGuardPos())) { return -1.f; } const auto & guardedArea = rmgObject.instances().back()->getAccessibleArea(); const auto areaToBlock = rmgObject.getAccessibleArea(true) - guardedArea; if (zone.freePaths()->overlap(areaToBlock) || roads.overlap(areaToBlock) || manager.getVisitableArea().overlap(areaToBlock)) return -1.f; // Add huge penalty for objects hiding roads if (rmgObject.getBorderAbove().overlap(roads)) bestDistance /= 10.0f; return bestDistance; }, guarded, false, ObjectManager::OptimizeType::BOTH); } else { // Do not place non-removable objects on roads if (!rmgObject.getRemovableArea().contains(rmgObject.getArea())) { searchArea.subtract(roads); } path = manager.placeAndConnectObject(searchArea, rmgObject, minDistance, guarded, false, ObjectManager::OptimizeType::DISTANCE); } } if (path.valid()) { #ifdef TREASURE_PLACER_LOG treasureArea.unite(rmgObject.getArea()); if (guarded) { guards.unite(rmgObject.instances().back()->getBlockedArea()); auto guardedArea = rmgObject.instances().back()->getAccessibleArea(); auto areaToBlock = rmgObject.getAccessibleArea(true) - guardedArea; treasureBlockArea.unite(areaToBlock); } #endif zone.connectPath(path); manager.placeObject(rmgObject, guarded, true); } } } } char TreasurePlacer::dump(const int3 & t) { if(guards.contains(t)) return '!'; if(treasureArea.contains(t)) return '$'; if(treasureBlockArea.contains(t)) return '*'; return Modificator::dump(t); } void TreasurePlacer::ObjectPool::addObject(const ObjectInfo & info) { possibleObjects.push_back(info); } void TreasurePlacer::ObjectPool::updateObject(MapObjectID id, MapObjectSubID subid, ObjectInfo info) { /* Handle separately: - Dwellings - Prisons - Seer huts (quests) - Pandora Boxes */ // FIXME: This will drop all templates customObjects.insert(std::make_pair(CompoundMapObjectID(id, subid), info)); } void TreasurePlacer::ObjectPool::patchWithZoneConfig(const Zone & zone, TreasurePlacer * tp) { // FIXME: Wycina wszystkie obiekty poza pandorami i dwellami :? // Copy standard objects if they are not already modified /* for (const auto & object : possibleObjects) { for (const auto & templ : object.templates) { // FIXME: Objects with same temmplates (Pandora boxes) are not added CompoundMapObjectID key(templ->id, templ->subid); if (!vstd::contains(customObjects, key)) { customObjects[key] = object; } } } */ auto bannedObjectCategories = zone.getBannedObjectCategories(); auto categoriesSet = std::unordered_set<ObjectConfig::EObjectCategory>(bannedObjectCategories.begin(), bannedObjectCategories.end()); if (categoriesSet.count(ObjectConfig::EObjectCategory::ALL)) { possibleObjects.clear(); } else { vstd::erase_if(possibleObjects, [this, &categoriesSet](const ObjectInfo & oi) -> bool { auto category = getObjectCategory(oi.getCompoundID()); if (categoriesSet.count(category)) { logGlobal->info("Removing object %s from possible objects", oi.templates.front()->stringID); return true; } return false; }); auto bannedObjects = zone.getBannedObjects(); auto bannedObjectsSet = std::set<CompoundMapObjectID>(bannedObjects.begin(), bannedObjects.end()); vstd::erase_if(possibleObjects, [&bannedObjectsSet](const ObjectInfo & object) { for (const auto & templ : object.templates) { CompoundMapObjectID key = object.getCompoundID(); if (bannedObjectsSet.count(key)) { // FIXME: Stopped working, nothing is banned logGlobal->info("Banning object %s from possible objects", templ->stringID); return true; } } return false; }); } auto configuredObjects = zone.getConfiguredObjects(); // FIXME: Access TreasurePlacer from ObjectPool for (auto & object : configuredObjects) { tp->setBasicProperties(object, object.getCompoundID()); addObject(object); logGlobal->info("Added custom object of type %d.%d", object.primaryID, object.secondaryID); } // TODO: Overwrite or add to possibleObjects // FIXME: Protect with mutex as well? /* for (const auto & customObject : customObjects) { addObject(customObject.second); } */ // TODO: Consider adding custom Pandora boxes with arbitrary content } std::vector<ObjectInfo> & TreasurePlacer::ObjectPool::getPossibleObjects() { return possibleObjects; } void TreasurePlacer::ObjectPool::sortPossibleObjects() { boost::sort(possibleObjects, [](const ObjectInfo& oi1, const ObjectInfo& oi2) -> bool { return oi1.value < oi2.value; }); } void TreasurePlacer::ObjectPool::discardObjectsAboveValue(ui32 value) { vstd::erase_if(possibleObjects, [value](const ObjectInfo& oi) -> bool { return oi.value > value; }); } ObjectConfig::EObjectCategory TreasurePlacer::ObjectPool::getObjectCategory(CompoundMapObjectID id) { auto name = VLC->objtypeh->getObjectHandlerName(id.primaryID); if (name == "configurable") { auto handler = VLC->objtypeh->getHandlerFor(id.primaryID, id.secondaryID); if (!handler) { return ObjectConfig::EObjectCategory::NONE; } auto temp = handler->getTemplates().front(); auto info = handler->getObjectInfo(temp); if (info->hasGuards()) { return ObjectConfig::EObjectCategory::CREATURE_BANK; } else if (info->givesResources()) { return ObjectConfig::EObjectCategory::RESOURCE; } else if (info->givesArtifacts()) { return ObjectConfig::EObjectCategory::RANDOM_ARTIFACT; } else if (info->givesBonuses()) { return ObjectConfig::EObjectCategory::BONUS; } return ObjectConfig::EObjectCategory::OTHER; } else if (name == "dwelling" || name == "randomDwelling") { // TODO: Special handling for different tiers return ObjectConfig::EObjectCategory::DWELLING; } else if (name == "bank") return ObjectConfig::EObjectCategory::CREATURE_BANK; else if (name == "market") return ObjectConfig::EObjectCategory::OTHER; else if (name == "hillFort") return ObjectConfig::EObjectCategory::OTHER; else if (name == "resource" || name == "randomResource") return ObjectConfig::EObjectCategory::RESOURCE; else if (name == "randomArtifact") //"artifact" return ObjectConfig::EObjectCategory::RANDOM_ARTIFACT; else if (name == "artifact") { if (id.primaryID == Obj::SPELL_SCROLL ) // randomArtifactTreasure { return ObjectConfig::EObjectCategory::SPELL_SCROLL; } else { return ObjectConfig::EObjectCategory::QUEST_ARTIFACT; } } else if (name == "denOfThieves") return ObjectConfig::EObjectCategory::OTHER; else if (name == "lighthouse") { return ObjectConfig::EObjectCategory::BONUS; } else if (name == "magi") { // TODO: By default, both eye and hut are banned in every zone return ObjectConfig::EObjectCategory::OTHER; } else if (name == "mine") return ObjectConfig::EObjectCategory::RESOURCE_GENERATOR; else if (name == "pandora") return ObjectConfig::EObjectCategory::PANDORAS_BOX; else if (name == "prison") { // TODO: Prisons should be configurable return ObjectConfig::EObjectCategory::OTHER; } else if (name == "questArtifact") { // TODO: There are no dedicated quest artifacts, needs extra logic return ObjectConfig::EObjectCategory::QUEST_ARTIFACT; } else if (name == "seerHut") { return ObjectConfig::EObjectCategory::SEER_HUT; } else if (name == "siren") return ObjectConfig::EObjectCategory::BONUS; else if (name == "obelisk") return ObjectConfig::EObjectCategory::OTHER; // TODO: ObjectConfig::EObjectCategory::SPELL_SCROLL // Not interesting for us return ObjectConfig::EObjectCategory::NONE; } VCMI_LIB_NAMESPACE_END