/* * CMap.cpp, part of VCMI engine * * Authors: listed in file AUTHORS in main folder * * License: GNU General Public License v2.0 or later * Full text of license available in license.txt file, in main folder * */ #include "StdInc.h" #include "CMap.h" #include "../CArtHandler.h" #include "../VCMI_Lib.h" #include "../CCreatureHandler.h" #include "../GameSettings.h" #include "../RiverHandler.h" #include "../RoadHandler.h" #include "../TerrainHandler.h" #include "../entities/hero/CHeroHandler.h" #include "../mapObjects/CGHeroInstance.h" #include "../mapObjects/CGTownInstance.h" #include "../mapObjects/CQuest.h" #include "../mapObjects/ObjectTemplate.h" #include "../texts/CGeneralTextHandler.h" #include "../spells/CSpellHandler.h" #include "../CSkillHandler.h" #include "CMapEditManager.h" #include "CMapOperation.h" #include "../serializer/JsonSerializeFormat.h" #include VCMI_LIB_NAMESPACE_BEGIN void Rumor::serializeJson(JsonSerializeFormat & handler) { handler.serializeString("name", name); handler.serializeStruct("text", text); } DisposedHero::DisposedHero() : heroId(0), portrait(255) { } CMapEvent::CMapEvent() : humanAffected(false) , computerAffected(false) , firstOccurrence(0) , nextOccurrence(0) { } bool CMapEvent::occursToday(int currentDay) const { if (currentDay == firstOccurrence + 1) return true; if (nextOccurrence == 0) return false; if (currentDay < firstOccurrence) return false; return (currentDay - firstOccurrence - 1) % nextOccurrence == 0; } bool CMapEvent::affectsPlayer(PlayerColor color, bool isHuman) const { if (players.count(color) == 0) return false; if (!isHuman && !computerAffected) return false; if (isHuman && !humanAffected) return false; return true; } void CMapEvent::serializeJson(JsonSerializeFormat & handler) { handler.serializeString("name", name); handler.serializeStruct("message", message); if (!handler.saving && handler.getCurrent()["players"].isNumber()) { // compatibility for old maps int playersMask = 0; handler.serializeInt("players", playersMask); for (int i = 0; i < 8; ++i) if ((playersMask & (1 << i)) != 0) players.insert(PlayerColor(i)); } else { handler.serializeIdArray("players", players); } handler.serializeInt("humanAffected", humanAffected); handler.serializeInt("computerAffected", computerAffected); handler.serializeInt("firstOccurrence", firstOccurrence); handler.serializeInt("nextOccurrence", nextOccurrence); resources.serializeJson(handler, "resources"); auto deletedObjects = handler.enterArray("deletedObjectsInstances"); deletedObjects.serializeArray(deletedObjectsInstances); } void CCastleEvent::serializeJson(JsonSerializeFormat & handler) { CMapEvent::serializeJson(handler); // TODO: handler.serializeIdArray("buildings", buildings); { std::vector temp(buildings.begin(), buildings.end()); auto a = handler.enterArray("buildings"); a.syncSize(temp); for(int i = 0; i < temp.size(); ++i) { int buildingID = temp[i].getNum(); a.serializeInt(i, buildingID); buildings.insert(buildingID); } } { auto a = handler.enterArray("creatures"); a.syncSize(creatures); for(int i = 0; i < creatures.size(); ++i) a.serializeInt(i, creatures[i]); } } TerrainTile::TerrainTile(): riverType(River::NO_RIVER), roadType(Road::NO_ROAD), terView(0), riverDir(0), roadDir(0), extTileFlags(0) { } bool TerrainTile::isClear(const TerrainTile * from) const { return entrableTerrain(from) && !blocked(); } Obj TerrainTile::topVisitableId(bool excludeTop) const { return topVisitableObj(excludeTop) ? topVisitableObj(excludeTop)->ID : Obj(Obj::NO_OBJ); } CGObjectInstance * TerrainTile::topVisitableObj(bool excludeTop) const { if(visitableObjects.empty() || (excludeTop && visitableObjects.size() == 1)) return nullptr; if(excludeTop) return visitableObjects[visitableObjects.size()-2]; return visitableObjects.back(); } EDiggingStatus TerrainTile::getDiggingStatus(const bool excludeTop) const { if(isWater() || !getTerrain()->isPassable()) return EDiggingStatus::WRONG_TERRAIN; int allowedBlocked = excludeTop ? 1 : 0; if(blockingObjects.size() > allowedBlocked || topVisitableObj(excludeTop)) return EDiggingStatus::TILE_OCCUPIED; else return EDiggingStatus::CAN_DIG; } CMap::CMap(IGameCallback * cb) : GameCallbackHolder(cb) , checksum(0) , grailPos(-1, -1, -1) , grailRadius(0) , waterMap(false) , uidCounter(0) { allHeroes.resize(VLC->heroh->size()); allowedAbilities = VLC->skillh->getDefaultAllowed(); allowedArtifact = VLC->arth->getDefaultAllowed(); allowedSpells = VLC->spellh->getDefaultAllowed(); gameSettings = std::make_unique(); gameSettings->loadBase(VLC->settingsHandler->getFullConfig()); } CMap::~CMap() { getEditManager()->getUndoManager().clearAll(); for(auto obj : objects) obj.dellNull(); for(auto quest : quests) quest.dellNull(); for(auto artInstance : artInstances) artInstance.dellNull(); resetStaticData(); } void CMap::removeBlockVisTiles(CGObjectInstance * obj, bool total) { const int zVal = obj->anchorPos().z; for(int fx = 0; fx < obj->getWidth(); ++fx) { int xVal = obj->anchorPos().x - fx; for(int fy = 0; fy < obj->getHeight(); ++fy) { int yVal = obj->anchorPos().y - fy; if(xVal>=0 && xVal < width && yVal>=0 && yVal < height) { TerrainTile & curt = terrain[zVal][xVal][yVal]; if(total || obj->visitableAt(int3(xVal, yVal, zVal))) curt.visitableObjects -= obj; if(total || obj->blockingAt(int3(xVal, yVal, zVal))) curt.blockingObjects -= obj; } } } } void CMap::addBlockVisTiles(CGObjectInstance * obj) { const int zVal = obj->anchorPos().z; for(int fx = 0; fx < obj->getWidth(); ++fx) { int xVal = obj->anchorPos().x - fx; for(int fy = 0; fy < obj->getHeight(); ++fy) { int yVal = obj->anchorPos().y - fy; if(xVal>=0 && xVal < width && yVal >= 0 && yVal < height) { TerrainTile & curt = terrain[zVal][xVal][yVal]; if(obj->visitableAt(int3(xVal, yVal, zVal))) curt.visitableObjects.push_back(obj); if(obj->blockingAt(int3(xVal, yVal, zVal))) curt.blockingObjects.push_back(obj); } } } } void CMap::calculateGuardingGreaturePositions() { int levels = twoLevel ? 2 : 1; for(int z = 0; z < levels; z++) { for(int x = 0; x < width; x++) { for(int y = 0; y < height; y++) { guardingCreaturePositions[z][x][y] = guardingCreaturePosition(int3(x, y, z)); } } } } CGHeroInstance * CMap::getHero(HeroTypeID heroID) { for(auto & elem : heroesOnMap) if(elem->getHeroTypeID() == heroID) return elem; return nullptr; } bool CMap::isCoastalTile(const int3 & pos) const { //todo: refactoring: extract neighbor tile iterator and use it in GameState static const int3 dirs[] = { int3(0,1,0),int3(0,-1,0),int3(-1,0,0),int3(+1,0,0), int3(1,1,0),int3(-1,1,0),int3(1,-1,0),int3(-1,-1,0) }; if(!isInTheMap(pos)) { logGlobal->error("Coastal check outside of map: %s", pos.toString()); return false; } if(getTile(pos).isWater()) return false; for(const auto & dir : dirs) { const int3 hlp = pos + dir; if(!isInTheMap(hlp)) continue; const TerrainTile &hlpt = getTile(hlp); if(hlpt.isWater()) return true; } return false; } bool CMap::canMoveBetween(const int3 &src, const int3 &dst) const { const TerrainTile * dstTile = &getTile(dst); const TerrainTile * srcTile = &getTile(src); return checkForVisitableDir(src, dstTile, dst) && checkForVisitableDir(dst, srcTile, src); } bool CMap::checkForVisitableDir(const int3 & src, const TerrainTile * pom, const int3 & dst) const { if (!pom->entrableTerrain()) //rock is never accessible return false; for(auto * obj : pom->visitableObjects) //checking destination tile { if(!vstd::contains(pom->blockingObjects, obj)) //this visitable object is not blocking, ignore continue; if (!obj->appearance->isVisitableFrom(src.x - dst.x, src.y - dst.y)) return false; } return true; } int3 CMap::guardingCreaturePosition (int3 pos) const { const int3 originalPos = pos; // Give monster at position priority. if (!isInTheMap(pos)) return int3(-1, -1, -1); const TerrainTile &posTile = getTile(pos); if (posTile.visitable()) { for (CGObjectInstance* obj : posTile.visitableObjects) { if (obj->ID == Obj::MONSTER) return pos; } } // See if there are any monsters adjacent. bool water = posTile.isWater(); pos -= int3(1, 1, 0); // Start with top left. for (int dx = 0; dx < 3; dx++) { for (int dy = 0; dy < 3; dy++) { if (isInTheMap(pos)) { const auto & tile = getTile(pos); if (tile.visitable() && (tile.isWater() == water)) { for (CGObjectInstance* obj : tile.visitableObjects) { if (obj->ID == Obj::MONSTER && checkForVisitableDir(pos, &posTile, originalPos)) // Monster being able to attack investigated tile { return pos; } } } } pos.y++; } pos.y -= 3; pos.x++; } return int3(-1, -1, -1); } const CGObjectInstance * CMap::getObjectiveObjectFrom(const int3 & pos, Obj type) { for (CGObjectInstance * object : getTile(pos).visitableObjects) { if (object->ID == type) return object; } // There is weird bug because of which sometimes heroes will not be found properly despite having correct position // Try to workaround that and find closest object that we can use logGlobal->error("Failed to find object of type %d at %s", type.getNum(), pos.toString()); logGlobal->error("Will try to find closest matching object"); CGObjectInstance * bestMatch = nullptr; for (CGObjectInstance * object : objects) { if (object && object->ID == type) { if (bestMatch == nullptr) bestMatch = object; else { if (object->anchorPos().dist2dSQ(pos) < bestMatch->anchorPos().dist2dSQ(pos)) bestMatch = object;// closer than one we already found } } } assert(bestMatch != nullptr); // if this happens - victory conditions or map itself is very, very broken logGlobal->error("Will use %s from %s", bestMatch->getObjectName(), bestMatch->anchorPos().toString()); return bestMatch; } void CMap::checkForObjectives() { // NOTE: probably should be moved to MapFormatH3M.cpp for (TriggeredEvent & event : triggeredEvents) { auto patcher = [&](EventCondition cond) -> EventExpression::Variant { switch (cond.condition) { case EventCondition::HAVE_ARTIFACT: event.onFulfill.replaceTextID(cond.objectType.as().toEntity(VLC)->getNameTextID()); break; case EventCondition::HAVE_CREATURES: event.onFulfill.replaceTextID(cond.objectType.as().toEntity(VLC)->getNameSingularTextID()); event.onFulfill.replaceNumber(cond.value); break; case EventCondition::HAVE_RESOURCES: event.onFulfill.replaceName(cond.objectType.as()); event.onFulfill.replaceNumber(cond.value); break; case EventCondition::HAVE_BUILDING: if (isInTheMap(cond.position)) cond.objectID = getObjectiveObjectFrom(cond.position, Obj::TOWN)->id; break; case EventCondition::CONTROL: if (isInTheMap(cond.position)) cond.objectID = getObjectiveObjectFrom(cond.position, cond.objectType.as())->id; if (cond.objectID != ObjectInstanceID::NONE) { const auto * town = dynamic_cast(objects[cond.objectID].get()); if (town) event.onFulfill.replaceRawString(town->getNameTranslated()); const auto * hero = dynamic_cast(objects[cond.objectID].get()); if (hero) event.onFulfill.replaceRawString(hero->getNameTranslated()); } break; case EventCondition::DESTROY: if (isInTheMap(cond.position)) cond.objectID = getObjectiveObjectFrom(cond.position, cond.objectType.as())->id; if (cond.objectID != ObjectInstanceID::NONE) { const auto * hero = dynamic_cast(objects[cond.objectID].get()); if (hero) event.onFulfill.replaceRawString(hero->getNameTranslated()); } break; case EventCondition::TRANSPORT: cond.objectID = getObjectiveObjectFrom(cond.position, Obj::TOWN)->id; break; //break; case EventCondition::DAYS_PASSED: //break; case EventCondition::IS_HUMAN: //break; case EventCondition::DAYS_WITHOUT_TOWN: //break; case EventCondition::STANDARD_WIN: } return cond; }; event.trigger = event.trigger.morph(patcher); } } void CMap::addNewArtifactInstance(CArtifactSet & artSet) { for(const auto & [slot, slotInfo] : artSet.artifactsWorn) { if(!slotInfo.locked && slotInfo.getArt()) addNewArtifactInstance(slotInfo.artifact); } for(const auto & slotInfo : artSet.artifactsInBackpack) addNewArtifactInstance(slotInfo.artifact); } void CMap::addNewArtifactInstance(ConstTransitivePtr art) { assert(art); assert(art->getId() == -1); art->setId(static_cast(artInstances.size())); artInstances.emplace_back(art); for(const auto & partInfo : art->getPartsInfo()) addNewArtifactInstance(partInfo.art); } void CMap::eraseArtifactInstance(CArtifactInstance * art) { //TODO: handle for artifacts removed in map editor assert(artInstances[art->getId().getNum()] == art); artInstances[art->getId().getNum()].dellNull(); } void CMap::moveArtifactInstance( CArtifactSet & srcSet, const ArtifactPosition & srcSlot, CArtifactSet & dstSet, const ArtifactPosition & dstSlot) { auto art = srcSet.getArt(srcSlot); removeArtifactInstance(srcSet, srcSlot); putArtifactInstance(dstSet, art, dstSlot); } void CMap::putArtifactInstance(CArtifactSet & set, CArtifactInstance * art, const ArtifactPosition & slot) { art->addPlacementMap(set.putArtifact(slot, art)); } void CMap::removeArtifactInstance(CArtifactSet & set, const ArtifactPosition & slot) { auto art = set.getArt(slot); assert(art); set.removeArtifact(slot); CArtifactSet::ArtPlacementMap partsMap; for(auto & part : art->getPartsInfo()) { if(part.slot != ArtifactPosition::PRE_FIRST) partsMap.try_emplace(part.art, ArtifactPosition::PRE_FIRST); } art->addPlacementMap(partsMap); } void CMap::addNewQuestInstance(CQuest* quest) { quest->qid = static_cast(quests.size()); quests.emplace_back(quest); } void CMap::removeQuestInstance(CQuest * quest) { //TODO: should be called only by map editor. //During game, completed quests or quests from removed objects stay forever //Shift indexes auto iter = std::next(quests.begin(), quest->qid); iter = quests.erase(iter); for (int i = quest->qid; iter != quests.end(); ++i, ++iter) { (*iter)->qid = i; } } void CMap::setUniqueInstanceName(CGObjectInstance * obj) { //this gives object unique name even if objects are removed later auto uid = uidCounter++; boost::format fmt("%s_%d"); fmt % obj->getTypeName() % uid; obj->instanceName = fmt.str(); } void CMap::addNewObject(CGObjectInstance * obj) { if(obj->id != ObjectInstanceID(static_cast(objects.size()))) throw std::runtime_error("Invalid object instance id"); if(obj->instanceName.empty()) throw std::runtime_error("Object instance name missing"); if (vstd::contains(instanceNames, obj->instanceName)) throw std::runtime_error("Object instance name duplicated: "+obj->instanceName); objects.emplace_back(obj); instanceNames[obj->instanceName] = obj; addBlockVisTiles(obj); //TODO: how about defeated heroes recruited again? obj->afterAddToMap(this); } void CMap::moveObject(CGObjectInstance * obj, const int3 & pos) { removeBlockVisTiles(obj); obj->setAnchorPos(pos); addBlockVisTiles(obj); } void CMap::removeObject(CGObjectInstance * obj) { removeBlockVisTiles(obj); instanceNames.erase(obj->instanceName); //update indices auto iter = std::next(objects.begin(), obj->id.getNum()); iter = objects.erase(iter); for(int i = obj->id.getNum(); iter != objects.end(); ++i, ++iter) { (*iter)->id = ObjectInstanceID(i); } obj->afterRemoveFromMap(this); //TODO: Clean artifact instances (mostly worn by hero?) and quests related to this object //This causes crash with undo/redo in editor } bool CMap::isWaterMap() const { return waterMap; } bool CMap::calculateWaterContent() { size_t totalTiles = height * width * levels(); size_t waterTiles = 0; for(auto tile = terrain.origin(); tile < (terrain.origin() + terrain.num_elements()); ++tile) { if (tile->isWater()) { waterTiles++; } } if (waterTiles >= totalTiles / 100) //At least 1% of area is water { waterMap = true; } else { waterMap = false; } return waterMap; } void CMap::banWaterContent() { banWaterHeroes(); banWaterArtifacts(); banWaterSpells(); banWaterSkills(); } void CMap::banWaterSpells() { vstd::erase_if(allowedSpells, [&](SpellID spell) { return spell.toSpell()->onlyOnWaterMap && !isWaterMap(); }); } void CMap::banWaterArtifacts() { vstd::erase_if(allowedArtifact, [&](ArtifactID artifact) { return artifact.toArtifact()->onlyOnWaterMap && !isWaterMap(); }); } void CMap::banWaterSkills() { vstd::erase_if(allowedAbilities, [&](SecondarySkill skill) { return skill.toSkill()->onlyOnWaterMap && !isWaterMap(); }); } void CMap::banWaterHeroes() { vstd::erase_if(allowedHeroes, [&](HeroTypeID hero) { return hero.toHeroType()->onlyOnWaterMap && !isWaterMap(); }); vstd::erase_if(allowedHeroes, [&](HeroTypeID hero) { return hero.toHeroType()->onlyOnMapWithoutWater && isWaterMap(); }); } void CMap::banHero(const HeroTypeID & id) { if (!vstd::contains(allowedHeroes, id)) logGlobal->warn("Attempt to ban hero %s, who is already not allowed", id.encode(id)); allowedHeroes.erase(id); } void CMap::unbanHero(const HeroTypeID & id) { if (vstd::contains(allowedHeroes, id)) logGlobal->warn("Attempt to unban hero %s, who is already allowed", id.encode(id)); allowedHeroes.insert(id); } void CMap::initTerrain() { terrain.resize(boost::extents[levels()][width][height]); guardingCreaturePositions.resize(boost::extents[levels()][width][height]); } CMapEditManager * CMap::getEditManager() { if(!editManager) editManager = std::make_unique(this); return editManager.get(); } void CMap::resetStaticData() { obeliskCount = 0; obelisksVisited.clear(); townMerchantArtifacts.clear(); townUniversitySkills.clear(); } void CMap::resolveQuestIdentifiers() { //FIXME: move to CMapLoaderH3M for (auto & quest : quests) { if (quest && quest->killTarget != ObjectInstanceID::NONE) quest->killTarget = questIdentifierToId[quest->killTarget.getNum()]; } questIdentifierToId.clear(); } void CMap::reindexObjects() { // Only reindex at editor / RMG operations std::sort(objects.begin(), objects.end(), [](const CGObjectInstance * lhs, const CGObjectInstance * rhs) { // Obstacles first, then visitable, at the end - removable if (!lhs->isVisitable() && rhs->isVisitable()) return true; if (lhs->isVisitable() && !rhs->isVisitable()) return false; // Special case for Windomill - draw on top of other objects if (lhs->ID != Obj::WINDMILL && rhs->ID == Obj::WINDMILL) return true; if (lhs->ID == Obj::WINDMILL && rhs->ID != Obj::WINDMILL) return false; if (!lhs->isRemovable() && rhs->isRemovable()) return true; if (lhs->isRemovable() && !rhs->isRemovable()) return false; return lhs->anchorPos().y < rhs->anchorPos().y; }); // instanceNames don't change for (size_t i = 0; i < objects.size(); ++i) { objects[i]->id = ObjectInstanceID(i); } } const IGameSettings & CMap::getSettings() const { return *gameSettings; } void CMap::overrideGameSetting(EGameSettings option, const JsonNode & input) { return gameSettings->addOverride(option, input); } void CMap::overrideGameSettings(const JsonNode & input) { return gameSettings->loadOverrides(input); } VCMI_LIB_NAMESPACE_END