/* * ObstacleProxy.cpp, part of VCMI engine * * Authors: listed in file AUTHORS in main folder * * License: GNU General Public License v2.0 or later * Full text of license available in license.txt file, in main folder * */ #include "StdInc.h" #include "ObstacleProxy.h" #include "../mapping/CMap.h" #include "../mapObjectConstructors/AObjectTypeHandler.h" #include "../mapObjectConstructors/CObjectClassesHandler.h" #include "../mapObjects/CGObjectInstance.h" #include "../mapObjects/ObjectTemplate.h" #include "../mapObjects/ObstacleSetHandler.h" #include "../VCMI_Lib.h" #include <vstd/RNG.h> VCMI_LIB_NAMESPACE_BEGIN void ObstacleProxy::collectPossibleObstacles(TerrainId terrain) { //get all possible obstacles for this terrain for(auto primaryID : VLC->objtypeh->knownObjects()) { for(auto secondaryID : VLC->objtypeh->knownSubObjects(primaryID)) { auto handler = VLC->objtypeh->getHandlerFor(primaryID, secondaryID); if(handler->isStaticObject()) { for(const auto & temp : handler->getTemplates()) { if(temp->canBePlacedAt(terrain) && temp->getBlockMapOffset().valid()) obstaclesBySize[temp->getBlockedOffsets().size()].push_back(temp); } } } } sortObstacles(); } void ObstacleProxy::sortObstacles() { for(const auto & o : obstaclesBySize) { possibleObstacles.emplace_back(o); } boost::sort(possibleObstacles, [](const ObstaclePair &p1, const ObstaclePair &p2) -> bool { return p1.first > p2.first; //bigger obstacles first }); } bool ObstacleProxy::prepareBiome(const ObstacleSetFilter & filter, vstd::RNG & rand) { possibleObstacles.clear(); std::vector<std::shared_ptr<ObstacleSet>> obstacleSets; size_t selectedSets = 0; const size_t MINIMUM_SETS = 3; // Original Lava has only 4 types of sets const size_t MAXIMUM_SETS = 9; const size_t MIN_SMALL_SETS = 3; const size_t MAX_SMALL_SETS = 5; auto terrain = filter.getTerrain(); auto localFilter = filter; localFilter.setType(ObstacleSet::EObstacleType::MOUNTAINS); TObstacleTypes mountainSets = VLC->biomeHandler->getObstacles(localFilter); if (!mountainSets.empty()) { obstacleSets.push_back(*RandomGeneratorUtil::nextItem(mountainSets, rand)); selectedSets++; logGlobal->info("Mountain set added"); } else { logGlobal->warn("No mountain sets found for terrain %s", TerrainId::encode(terrain.getNum())); // FIXME: Do we ever want to generate obstacles without any mountains? } localFilter.setType(ObstacleSet::EObstacleType::TREES); TObstacleTypes treeSets = VLC->biomeHandler->getObstacles(localFilter); // 1 or 2 tree sets size_t treeSetsCount = std::min<size_t>(treeSets.size(), rand.nextInt(1, 2)); for (size_t i = 0; i < treeSetsCount; i++) { obstacleSets.push_back(*RandomGeneratorUtil::nextItem(treeSets, rand)); selectedSets++; } logGlobal->info("Added %d tree sets", treeSetsCount); // Some obstacle types may be completely missing from water, but it's not a problem localFilter.setTypes({ObstacleSet::EObstacleType::LAKES, ObstacleSet::EObstacleType::CRATERS}); TObstacleTypes largeSets = VLC->biomeHandler->getObstacles(localFilter); // We probably don't want to have lakes and craters at the same time, choose one of them if (!largeSets.empty()) { obstacleSets.push_back(*RandomGeneratorUtil::nextItem(largeSets, rand)); selectedSets++; // TODO: Convert to string logGlobal->info("Added large set of type %s", obstacleSets.back()->getType()); } localFilter.setType(ObstacleSet::EObstacleType::ROCKS); TObstacleTypes rockSets = VLC->biomeHandler->getObstacles(localFilter); size_t rockSetsCount = std::min<size_t>(rockSets.size(), rand.nextInt(1, 2)); for (size_t i = 0; i < rockSetsCount; i++) { obstacleSets.push_back(*RandomGeneratorUtil::nextItem(rockSets, rand)); selectedSets++; } logGlobal->info("Added %d rock sets", rockSetsCount); localFilter.setType(ObstacleSet::EObstacleType::PLANTS); TObstacleTypes plantSets = VLC->biomeHandler->getObstacles(localFilter); // 1 or 2 sets (3 - rock sets) size_t plantSetsCount = std::min<size_t>(plantSets.size(), rand.nextInt(1, std::max<size_t>(3 - rockSetsCount, 2))); for (size_t i = 0; i < plantSetsCount; i++) { { obstacleSets.push_back(*RandomGeneratorUtil::nextItem(plantSets, rand)); selectedSets++; } } logGlobal->info("Added %d plant sets", plantSetsCount); //3 to 5 of total small sets (rocks, plants, structures, animals and others) //This gives total of 6 to 9 different sets size_t maxSmallSets = std::min<size_t>(MAX_SMALL_SETS, std::max(MIN_SMALL_SETS, MAXIMUM_SETS - selectedSets)); size_t smallSets = rand.nextInt(MIN_SMALL_SETS, maxSmallSets); localFilter.setTypes({ObstacleSet::EObstacleType::STRUCTURES, ObstacleSet::EObstacleType::ANIMALS}); TObstacleTypes smallObstacleSets = VLC->biomeHandler->getObstacles(localFilter); RandomGeneratorUtil::randomShuffle(smallObstacleSets, rand); localFilter.setType(ObstacleSet::EObstacleType::OTHER); TObstacleTypes otherSets = VLC->biomeHandler->getObstacles(localFilter); RandomGeneratorUtil::randomShuffle(otherSets, rand); while (smallSets > 0) { if (!smallObstacleSets.empty()) { obstacleSets.push_back(smallObstacleSets.back()); smallObstacleSets.pop_back(); selectedSets++; smallSets--; logGlobal->info("Added small set of type %s", obstacleSets.back()->getType()); } else if(otherSets.empty()) { logGlobal->warn("No other sets found for terrain %s", terrain.encode(terrain.getNum())); break; } if (smallSets > 0) { // Fill with whatever's left if (!otherSets.empty()) { obstacleSets.push_back(otherSets.back()); otherSets.pop_back(); selectedSets++; smallSets--; logGlobal->info("Added set of other obstacles"); } } } // Copy this set to our possible obstacles if (selectedSets >= MINIMUM_SETS || (terrain == TerrainId::WATER && selectedSets > 0)) { obstaclesBySize.clear(); for (const auto & os : obstacleSets) { for (const auto & temp : os->getObstacles()) { if(temp->getBlockMapOffset().valid()) { obstaclesBySize[temp->getBlockedOffsets().size()].push_back(temp); } } } sortObstacles(); return true; } else { return false; // Proceed with old method } } void ObstacleProxy::addBlockedTile(const int3& tile) { blockedArea.add(tile); } void ObstacleProxy::setBlockedArea(const rmg::Area& area) { blockedArea = area; } void ObstacleProxy::clearBlockedArea() { blockedArea.clear(); } bool ObstacleProxy::isProhibited(const rmg::Area& objArea) const { return false; }; int ObstacleProxy::getWeightedObjects(const int3 & tile, vstd::RNG & rand, IGameCallback * cb, std::list<rmg::Object> & allObjects, std::vector<std::pair<rmg::Object*, int3>> & weightedObjects) { int maxWeight = std::numeric_limits<int>::min(); for(auto & possibleObstacle : possibleObstacles) { if(!possibleObstacle.first) continue; auto shuffledObstacles = possibleObstacle.second; RandomGeneratorUtil::randomShuffle(shuffledObstacles, rand); for(const auto & temp : shuffledObstacles) { auto handler = VLC->objtypeh->getHandlerFor(temp->id, temp->subid); auto * obj = handler->create(nullptr, temp); allObjects.emplace_back(*obj); rmg::Object * rmgObject = &allObjects.back(); for(const auto & offset : obj->getBlockedOffsets()) { auto newPos = tile - offset; if(!isInTheMap(newPos)) continue; rmgObject->setPosition(newPos); bool isInTheMapEntirely = true; for (const auto & t : rmgObject->getArea().getTiles()) { if (!isInTheMap(t)) { isInTheMapEntirely = false; break; } } if (!isInTheMapEntirely) { continue; } if(isProhibited(rmgObject->getArea())) continue; int coverageBlocked = 0; int coveragePossible = 0; //do not use area intersection in optimization purposes for(const auto & t : rmgObject->getArea().getTilesVector()) { auto coverage = verifyCoverage(t); if(coverage.first) ++coverageBlocked; if(coverage.second) ++coveragePossible; } int coverageOverlap = possibleObstacle.first - coverageBlocked - coveragePossible; int weight = possibleObstacle.first + coverageBlocked - coverageOverlap * possibleObstacle.first; assert(coverageOverlap >= 0); if(weight > maxWeight) { weightedObjects.clear(); maxWeight = weight; weightedObjects.emplace_back(rmgObject, rmgObject->getPosition()); if(weight > 0) break; } else if(weight == maxWeight) weightedObjects.emplace_back(rmgObject, rmgObject->getPosition()); } } if(maxWeight > 0) break; } return maxWeight; } std::set<CGObjectInstance*> ObstacleProxy::createObstacles(vstd::RNG & rand, IGameCallback * cb) { //reverse order, since obstacles begin in bottom-right corner, while the map coordinates begin in top-left auto blockedTiles = blockedArea.getTilesVector(); int tilePos = 0; std::set<CGObjectInstance*> objs; while(!blockedArea.empty() && tilePos < blockedArea.getTilesVector().size()) { auto tile = blockedArea.getTilesVector()[tilePos]; std::list<rmg::Object> allObjects; std::vector<std::pair<rmg::Object*, int3>> weightedObjects; int maxWeight = getWeightedObjects(tile, rand, cb, allObjects, weightedObjects); if(weightedObjects.empty()) { tilePos += 1; continue; } auto objIter = RandomGeneratorUtil::nextItem(weightedObjects, rand); objIter->first->setPosition(objIter->second); placeObject(*objIter->first, objs); blockedArea.subtract(objIter->first->getArea()); tilePos = 0; postProcess(*objIter->first); if(maxWeight < 0) logGlobal->warn("Placed obstacle with negative weight at %s", objIter->second.toString()); for(auto & o : allObjects) { if(&o != objIter->first) o.clear(); } } return objs; } //FIXME: Only editor placer obstacles directly void ObstacleProxy::finalInsertion(CMapEditManager * manager, std::set<CGObjectInstance*> & instances) { manager->insertObjects(instances); //insert as one operation - for undo purposes } std::pair<bool, bool> ObstacleProxy::verifyCoverage(const int3 & t) const { return {blockedArea.contains(t), false}; } void ObstacleProxy::placeObject(rmg::Object & object, std::set<CGObjectInstance*> & instances) { for (auto * instance : object.instances()) { instances.insert(&instance->object()); } } EditorObstaclePlacer::EditorObstaclePlacer(CMap* map): map(map) { } bool EditorObstaclePlacer::isInTheMap(const int3& tile) { return map->isInTheMap(tile); } std::set<CGObjectInstance*> EditorObstaclePlacer::placeObstacles(vstd::RNG & rand) { auto obstacles = createObstacles(rand, map->cb); finalInsertion(map->getEditManager(), obstacles); return obstacles; } VCMI_LIB_NAMESPACE_END