 * MapFormatJson.h, part of VCMI engine
 * Authors: listed in file AUTHORS in main folder
 * License: GNU General Public License v2.0 or later
 * Full text of license available in license.txt file, in main folder

#pragma once

#include "CMapService.h"
#include "../JsonNode.h"

#include "../filesystem/CZipSaver.h"
#include "../filesystem/CZipLoader.h"
#include "../GameConstants.h"

#include "../serializer/JsonSerializeFormat.h"


struct TriggeredEvent;
struct TerrainTile;
struct PlayerInfo;
class CGObjectInstance;
class AObjectTypeHandler;

class JsonSerializeFormat;
class JsonDeserializer;
class JsonSerializer;

class DLL_LINKAGE CMapFormatJson
	static const int VERSION_MAJOR;
	static const int VERSION_MINOR;

	static const std::string HEADER_FILE_NAME;
	static const std::string OBJECTS_FILE_NAME;

	int fileVersionMajor;
	int fileVersionMinor;
	friend class MapObjectResolver;
	std::unique_ptr<IInstanceResolver> mapObjectResolver;

	/** ptr to the map object which gets filled by data from the buffer or written to buffer */
	CMap * map;

	 * ptr to the map header object which gets filled by data from the buffer.
	 * (when loading map and mapHeader point to the same object)
	CMapHeader * mapHeader;


	void serializeAllowedFactions(JsonSerializeFormat & handler, std::set<TFaction> & value);

	///common part of header saving/loading
	void serializeHeader(JsonSerializeFormat & handler);

	///player information saving/loading
	void serializePlayerInfo(JsonSerializeFormat & handler);

	 * Reads team settings to header
	void readTeams(JsonDeserializer & handler);

	 * Saves team settings to header
	void writeTeams(JsonSerializer & handler);

	 * Reads triggered events, including victory/loss conditions
	void readTriggeredEvents(JsonDeserializer & handler);

	 * Writes triggered events, including victory/loss conditions
	void writeTriggeredEvents(JsonSerializer & handler);

	 * Reads one of triggered events
	void readTriggeredEvent(TriggeredEvent & event, const JsonNode & source);

	 * Writes one of triggered events
	void writeTriggeredEvent(const TriggeredEvent & event, JsonNode & dest);

	void writeDisposedHeroes(JsonSerializeFormat & handler);

	void readDisposedHeroes(JsonSerializeFormat & handler);

	void serializePredefinedHeroes(JsonSerializeFormat & handler);

	void serializeRumors(JsonSerializeFormat & handler);

	///common part of map attributes saving/loading
	void serializeOptions(JsonSerializeFormat & handler);

	 * Loads map attributes except header ones
	void readOptions(JsonDeserializer & handler);

	 * Saves map attributes except header ones
	void writeOptions(JsonSerializer & handler);

class DLL_LINKAGE CMapPatcher : public CMapFormatJson, public IMapPatcher
	 * Default constructor.
	 * @param stream. A stream containing the map data.
	CMapPatcher(JsonNode stream);

public: //IMapPatcher
	 * Modifies supplied map header using Json data
	void patchMapHeader(std::unique_ptr<CMapHeader> & header) override;

	 * Reads subset of header that can be replaced by patching.
	void readPatchData();

	JsonNode input;

class DLL_LINKAGE CMapLoaderJson : public CMapFormatJson, public IMapLoader
	 * Constructor.
	 * @param stream a stream containing the map data
	CMapLoaderJson(CInputStream * stream);

	 * Loads the VCMI/Json map file.
	 * @return a unique ptr of the loaded map class
	std::unique_ptr<CMap> loadMap() override;

	 * Loads the VCMI/Json map header.
	 * @return a unique ptr of the loaded map header class
	std::unique_ptr<CMapHeader> loadMapHeader() override;

	struct MapObjectLoader
		MapObjectLoader(CMapLoaderJson * _owner, JsonMap::value_type & json);
		CMapLoaderJson * owner;
		CGObjectInstance * instance;
		ObjectInstanceID id;
		std::string jsonKey;//full id defined by map creator
		JsonNode & configuration;

		///constructs object (without configuration)
		void construct();

		///configures object
		void configure();

	 * Reads the map header.
	void readHeader(const bool complete);

	 * Reads complete map.
	void readMap();

	static void readTerrainTile(const std::string & src, TerrainTile & tile);

	void readTerrainLevel(const JsonNode & src, const int index);

	void readTerrain();

	 * Loads all map objects from zip archive
	void readObjects();

	JsonNode getFromArchive(const std::string & archiveFilename);

	CInputStream * buffer;
	std::shared_ptr<CIOApi> ioApi;

	CZipLoader loader;///< object to handle zip archive operations

class DLL_LINKAGE CMapSaverJson : public CMapFormatJson, public IMapSaver
	 * Constructor.
	 * @param stream a stream to save the map to, will contain zip archive
	CMapSaverJson(CInputOutputStream * stream);


	 * Actually saves the VCMI/Json map into stream.
	void saveMap(const std::unique_ptr<CMap> & map) override;

	 * Saves @data as json file with specified @filename
	void addToArchive(const JsonNode & data, const std::string & filename);

	 * Saves header to zip archive
	void writeHeader();

	 * Encodes one tile into string
	 * @param tile tile to serialize
	static std::string writeTerrainTile(const TerrainTile & tile);

	 * Saves map level into json
	 * @param index z coordinate
	JsonNode writeTerrainLevel(const int index);

	 * Saves all terrain into zip archive
	void writeTerrain();

	 * Saves all map objects into zip archive
	void writeObjects();

	CInputOutputStream * buffer;
	std::shared_ptr<CIOApi> ioApi;
	CZipSaver saver;///< object to handle zip archive operations