/* * BattleAI.cpp, part of VCMI engine * * Authors: listed in file AUTHORS in main folder * * License: GNU General Public License v2.0 or later * Full text of license available in license.txt file, in main folder * */ #include "StdInc.h" #include "BattleAI.h" #include "BattleExchangeVariant.h" #include "StackWithBonuses.h" #include "EnemyInfo.h" #include "../../lib/CStopWatch.h" #include "../../lib/CThreadHelper.h" #include "../../lib/mapObjects/CGTownInstance.h" #include "../../lib/spells/CSpellHandler.h" #include "../../lib/spells/ISpellMechanics.h" #include "../../lib/battle/BattleStateInfoForRetreat.h" #include "../../lib/CStack.h" // TODO: remove // Eventually only IBattleInfoCallback and battle::Unit should be used, // CUnitState should be private and CStack should be removed completely #define LOGL(text) print(text) #define LOGFL(text, formattingEl) print(boost::str(boost::format(text) % formattingEl)) enum class SpellTypes { ADVENTURE, BATTLE, OTHER }; SpellTypes spellType(const CSpell * spell) { if(!spell->isCombat() || spell->isCreatureAbility()) return SpellTypes::OTHER; if(spell->isOffensive() || spell->hasEffects() || spell->hasBattleEffects()) return SpellTypes::BATTLE; return SpellTypes::OTHER; } std::vector<BattleHex> CBattleAI::getBrokenWallMoatHexes() const { std::vector<BattleHex> result; for(int wallPart = EWallPart::BOTTOM_WALL; wallPart < EWallPart::UPPER_WALL; wallPart++) { auto state = cb->battleGetWallState(wallPart); if(state != EWallState::DESTROYED) continue; auto wallHex = cb->wallPartToBattleHex((EWallPart::EWallPart)wallPart); auto moatHex = wallHex.cloneInDirection(BattleHex::LEFT); result.push_back(moatHex); } return result; } CBattleAI::CBattleAI() : side(-1), wasWaitingForRealize(false), wasUnlockingGs(false) { } CBattleAI::~CBattleAI() { if(cb) { //Restore previous state of CB - it may be shared with the main AI (like VCAI) cb->waitTillRealize = wasWaitingForRealize; cb->unlockGsWhenWaiting = wasUnlockingGs; } } void CBattleAI::initBattleInterface(std::shared_ptr<Environment> ENV, std::shared_ptr<CBattleCallback> CB) { setCbc(CB); env = ENV; cb = CB; playerID = *CB->getPlayerID(); //TODO should be sth in callback wasWaitingForRealize = CB->waitTillRealize; wasUnlockingGs = CB->unlockGsWhenWaiting; CB->waitTillRealize = true; CB->unlockGsWhenWaiting = false; } BattleAction CBattleAI::activeStack( const CStack * stack ) { LOG_TRACE_PARAMS(logAi, "stack: %s", stack->nodeName()); BattleAction result = BattleAction::makeDefend(stack); setCbc(cb); //TODO: make solid sure that AIs always use their callbacks (need to take care of event handlers too) try { if(stack->type->idNumber == CreatureID::CATAPULT) return useCatapult(stack); if(stack->hasBonusOfType(Bonus::SIEGE_WEAPON) && stack->hasBonusOfType(Bonus::HEALER)) { auto healingTargets = cb->battleGetStacks(CBattleInfoEssentials::ONLY_MINE); std::map<int, const CStack*> woundHpToStack; for(auto stack : healingTargets) if(auto woundHp = stack->MaxHealth() - stack->getFirstHPleft()) woundHpToStack[woundHp] = stack; if(woundHpToStack.empty()) return BattleAction::makeDefend(stack); else return BattleAction::makeHeal(stack, woundHpToStack.rbegin()->second); //last element of the woundHpToStack is the most wounded stack } attemptCastingSpell(); if(auto ret = cb->battleIsFinished()) { //spellcast may finish battle //send special preudo-action BattleAction cancel; cancel.actionType = EActionType::CANCEL; return cancel; } if(auto action = considerFleeingOrSurrendering()) return *action; //best action is from effective owner point if view, we are effective owner as we received "activeStack" //evaluate casting spell for spellcasting stack boost::optional<PossibleSpellcast> bestSpellcast(boost::none); //TODO: faerie dragon type spell should be selected by server SpellID creatureSpellToCast = cb->battleGetRandomStackSpell(CRandomGenerator::getDefault(), stack, CBattleInfoCallback::RANDOM_AIMED); if(stack->hasBonusOfType(Bonus::SPELLCASTER) && stack->canCast() && creatureSpellToCast != SpellID::NONE) { const CSpell * spell = creatureSpellToCast.toSpell(); if(spell->canBeCast(getCbc().get(), spells::Mode::CREATURE_ACTIVE, stack)) { std::vector<PossibleSpellcast> possibleCasts; spells::BattleCast temp(getCbc().get(), stack, spells::Mode::CREATURE_ACTIVE, spell); for(auto & target : temp.findPotentialTargets()) { PossibleSpellcast ps; ps.dest = target; ps.spell = spell; evaluateCreatureSpellcast(stack, ps); possibleCasts.push_back(ps); } std::sort(possibleCasts.begin(), possibleCasts.end(), [&](const PossibleSpellcast & lhs, const PossibleSpellcast & rhs) { return lhs.value > rhs.value; }); if(!possibleCasts.empty() && possibleCasts.front().value > 0) { bestSpellcast = boost::optional<PossibleSpellcast>(possibleCasts.front()); } } } HypotheticBattle hb(env.get(), cb); PotentialTargets targets(stack, hb); BattleExchangeEvaluator scoreEvaluator(cb, env); auto moveTarget = scoreEvaluator.findMoveTowardsUnreachable(stack, targets, hb); int64_t score = EvaluationResult::INEFFECTIVE_SCORE; if(!targets.possibleAttacks.empty()) { #if BATTLE_TRACE_LEVEL>=1 logAi->trace("Evaluating attack for %s", stack->getDescription()); #endif auto evaluationResult = scoreEvaluator.findBestTarget(stack, targets, hb); auto & bestAttack = evaluationResult.bestAttack; //TODO: consider more complex spellcast evaluation, f.e. because "re-retaliation" during enemy move in same turn for melee attack etc. if(bestSpellcast.is_initialized() && bestSpellcast->value > bestAttack.damageDiff()) { // return because spellcast value is damage dealt and score is dps reduce return BattleAction::makeCreatureSpellcast(stack, bestSpellcast->dest, bestSpellcast->spell->id); } if(evaluationResult.score > score) { score = evaluationResult.score; std::string action; if(evaluationResult.wait) { result = BattleAction::makeWait(stack); action = "wait"; } else if(bestAttack.attack.shooting) { result = BattleAction::makeShotAttack(stack, bestAttack.attack.defender); action = "shot"; } else { result = BattleAction::makeMeleeAttack(stack, bestAttack.attack.defender->getPosition(), bestAttack.from); action = "melee"; } logAi->debug("BattleAI: %s -> %s x %d, %s, from %d curpos %d dist %d speed %d: +%lld -%lld = %lld", bestAttack.attackerState->unitType()->identifier, bestAttack.affectedUnits[0]->unitType()->identifier, (int)bestAttack.affectedUnits[0]->getCount(), action, (int)bestAttack.from, (int)bestAttack.attack.attacker->getPosition().hex, bestAttack.attack.chargedFields, bestAttack.attack.attacker->Speed(0, true), bestAttack.defenderDamageReduce, bestAttack.attackerDamageReduce, bestAttack.attackValue() ); } } else if(bestSpellcast.is_initialized()) { return BattleAction::makeCreatureSpellcast(stack, bestSpellcast->dest, bestSpellcast->spell->id); } //ThreatMap threatsToUs(stack); // These lines may be usefull but they are't used in the code. if(moveTarget.score > score) { score = moveTarget.score; if(stack->waited()) { result = goTowardsNearest(stack, moveTarget.positions); } else { result = BattleAction::makeWait(stack); } } if(score > EvaluationResult::INEFFECTIVE_SCORE) { return result; } if(!stack->hasBonusOfType(Bonus::FLYING) && stack->unitSide() == BattleSide::ATTACKER && cb->battleGetSiegeLevel() >= CGTownInstance::CITADEL) { auto brokenWallMoat = getBrokenWallMoatHexes(); if(brokenWallMoat.size()) { if(stack->doubleWide() && vstd::contains(brokenWallMoat, stack->getPosition())) return BattleAction::makeMove(stack, stack->getPosition().cloneInDirection(BattleHex::RIGHT)); else return goTowardsNearest(stack, brokenWallMoat); } } } catch(boost::thread_interrupted &) { throw; } catch(std::exception &e) { logAi->error("Exception occurred in %s %s",__FUNCTION__, e.what()); } return result; } BattleAction CBattleAI::goTowardsNearest(const CStack * stack, std::vector<BattleHex> hexes) const { auto reachability = cb->getReachability(stack); auto avHexes = cb->battleGetAvailableHexes(reachability, stack); if(!avHexes.size() || !hexes.size()) //we are blocked or dest is blocked { return BattleAction::makeDefend(stack); } std::sort(hexes.begin(), hexes.end(), [&](BattleHex h1, BattleHex h2) -> bool { return reachability.distances[h1] < reachability.distances[h2]; }); for(auto hex : hexes) { if(vstd::contains(avHexes, hex)) return BattleAction::makeMove(stack, hex); if(stack->coversPos(hex)) { logAi->warn("Warning: already standing on neighbouring tile!"); //We shouldn't even be here... return BattleAction::makeDefend(stack); } } BattleHex bestNeighbor = hexes.front(); if(reachability.distances[bestNeighbor] > GameConstants::BFIELD_SIZE) { return BattleAction::makeDefend(stack); } BattleExchangeEvaluator scoreEvaluator(cb, env); HypotheticBattle hb(env.get(), cb); scoreEvaluator.updateReachabilityMap(hb); if(stack->hasBonusOfType(Bonus::FLYING)) { std::set<BattleHex> moatHexes; if(hb.battleGetSiegeLevel() >= BuildingID::CITADEL) { auto townMoat = hb.getDefendedTown()->town->moatHexes; moatHexes = std::set<BattleHex>(townMoat.begin(), townMoat.end()); } // Flying stack doesn't go hex by hex, so we can't backtrack using predecessors. // We just check all available hexes and pick the one closest to the target. auto nearestAvailableHex = vstd::minElementByFun(avHexes, [&](BattleHex hex) -> int { const int MOAT_PENALTY = 100; // avoid landing on moat const int BLOCKED_STACK_PENALTY = 100; // avoid landing on moat auto distance = BattleHex::getDistance(bestNeighbor, hex); if(vstd::contains(moatHexes, hex)) distance += MOAT_PENALTY; return scoreEvaluator.checkPositionBlocksOurStacks(hb, stack, hex) ? BLOCKED_STACK_PENALTY + distance : distance; }); return BattleAction::makeMove(stack, *nearestAvailableHex); } else { BattleHex currentDest = bestNeighbor; while(1) { if(!currentDest.isValid()) { return BattleAction::makeDefend(stack); } if(vstd::contains(avHexes, currentDest) && !scoreEvaluator.checkPositionBlocksOurStacks(hb, stack, currentDest)) return BattleAction::makeMove(stack, currentDest); currentDest = reachability.predecessors[currentDest]; } } } BattleAction CBattleAI::useCatapult(const CStack * stack) { BattleAction attack; BattleHex targetHex = BattleHex::INVALID; if(cb->battleGetGateState() == EGateState::CLOSED) { targetHex = cb->wallPartToBattleHex(EWallPart::GATE); } else { EWallPart::EWallPart wallParts[] = { EWallPart::KEEP, EWallPart::BOTTOM_TOWER, EWallPart::UPPER_TOWER, EWallPart::BELOW_GATE, EWallPart::OVER_GATE, EWallPart::BOTTOM_WALL, EWallPart::UPPER_WALL }; for(auto wallPart : wallParts) { auto wallState = cb->battleGetWallState(wallPart); if(wallState == EWallState::INTACT || wallState == EWallState::DAMAGED) { targetHex = cb->wallPartToBattleHex(wallPart); break; } } } if(!targetHex.isValid()) { return BattleAction::makeDefend(stack); } attack.aimToHex(targetHex); attack.actionType = EActionType::CATAPULT; attack.side = side; attack.stackNumber = stack->ID; return attack; } void CBattleAI::attemptCastingSpell() { auto hero = cb->battleGetMyHero(); if(!hero) return; if(cb->battleCanCastSpell(hero, spells::Mode::HERO) != ESpellCastProblem::OK) return; LOGL("Casting spells sounds like fun. Let's see..."); //Get all spells we can cast std::vector<const CSpell*> possibleSpells; vstd::copy_if(VLC->spellh->objects, std::back_inserter(possibleSpells), [hero, this](const CSpell *s) -> bool { return s->canBeCast(cb.get(), spells::Mode::HERO, hero); }); LOGFL("I can cast %d spells.", possibleSpells.size()); vstd::erase_if(possibleSpells, [](const CSpell *s) { return spellType(s) != SpellTypes::BATTLE; }); LOGFL("I know how %d of them works.", possibleSpells.size()); //Get possible spell-target pairs std::vector<PossibleSpellcast> possibleCasts; for(auto spell : possibleSpells) { spells::BattleCast temp(cb.get(), hero, spells::Mode::HERO, spell); for(auto & target : temp.findPotentialTargets()) { PossibleSpellcast ps; ps.dest = target; ps.spell = spell; possibleCasts.push_back(ps); } } LOGFL("Found %d spell-target combinations.", possibleCasts.size()); if(possibleCasts.empty()) return; using ValueMap = PossibleSpellcast::ValueMap; auto evaluateQueue = [&](ValueMap & values, const std::vector<battle::Units> & queue, HypotheticBattle & state, size_t minTurnSpan, bool * enemyHadTurnOut) -> bool { bool firstRound = true; bool enemyHadTurn = false; size_t ourTurnSpan = 0; bool stop = false; for(auto & round : queue) { if(!firstRound) state.nextRound(0);//todo: set actual value? for(auto unit : round) { if(!vstd::contains(values, unit->unitId())) values[unit->unitId()] = 0; if(!unit->alive()) continue; if(state.battleGetOwner(unit) != playerID) { enemyHadTurn = true; if(!firstRound || state.battleCastSpells(unit->unitSide()) == 0) { //enemy could counter our spell at this point //anyway, we do not know what enemy will do //just stop evaluation stop = true; break; } } else if(!enemyHadTurn) { ourTurnSpan++; } state.nextTurn(unit->unitId()); PotentialTargets pt(unit, state); if(!pt.possibleAttacks.empty()) { AttackPossibility ap = pt.bestAction(); auto swb = state.getForUpdate(unit->unitId()); *swb = *ap.attackerState; if(ap.defenderDamageReduce > 0) swb->removeUnitBonus(Bonus::UntilAttack); if(ap.attackerDamageReduce > 0) swb->removeUnitBonus(Bonus::UntilBeingAttacked); for(auto affected : ap.affectedUnits) { swb = state.getForUpdate(affected->unitId()); *swb = *affected; if(ap.defenderDamageReduce > 0) swb->removeUnitBonus(Bonus::UntilBeingAttacked); if(ap.attackerDamageReduce > 0 && ap.attack.defender->unitId() == affected->unitId()) swb->removeUnitBonus(Bonus::UntilAttack); } } auto bav = pt.bestActionValue(); //best action is from effective owner`s point if view, we need to convert to our point if view if(state.battleGetOwner(unit) != playerID) bav = -bav; values[unit->unitId()] += bav; } firstRound = false; if(stop) break; } if(enemyHadTurnOut) *enemyHadTurnOut = enemyHadTurn; return ourTurnSpan >= minTurnSpan; }; ValueMap valueOfStack; ValueMap healthOfStack; TStacks all = cb->battleGetAllStacks(false); size_t ourRemainingTurns = 0; for(auto unit : all) { healthOfStack[unit->unitId()] = unit->getAvailableHealth(); valueOfStack[unit->unitId()] = 0; if(cb->battleGetOwner(unit) == playerID && unit->canMove() && !unit->moved()) ourRemainingTurns++; } LOGFL("I have %d turns left in this round", ourRemainingTurns); const bool castNow = ourRemainingTurns <= 1; if(castNow) print("I should try to cast a spell now"); else print("I could wait better moment to cast a spell"); auto amount = all.size(); std::vector<battle::Units> turnOrder; cb->battleGetTurnOrder(turnOrder, amount, 2); //no more than 1 turn after current, each unit at least once { bool enemyHadTurn = false; HypotheticBattle state(env.get(), cb); evaluateQueue(valueOfStack, turnOrder, state, 0, &enemyHadTurn); if(!enemyHadTurn) { auto battleIsFinishedOpt = state.battleIsFinished(); if(battleIsFinishedOpt) { print("No need to cast a spell. Battle will finish soon."); return; } } } struct ScriptsCache { //todo: re-implement scripts context cache }; auto evaluateSpellcast = [&] (PossibleSpellcast * ps, std::shared_ptr<ScriptsCache>) { HypotheticBattle state(env.get(), cb); spells::BattleCast cast(&state, hero, spells::Mode::HERO, ps->spell); cast.castEval(state.getServerCallback(), ps->dest); ValueMap newHealthOfStack; ValueMap newValueOfStack; size_t ourUnits = 0; for(auto unit : all) { auto unitId = unit->unitId(); auto localUnit = state.battleGetUnitByID(unitId); newHealthOfStack[unitId] = localUnit->getAvailableHealth(); newValueOfStack[unitId] = 0; if(state.battleGetOwner(localUnit) == playerID && localUnit->alive() && localUnit->willMove()) ourUnits++; } size_t minTurnSpan = ourUnits/3; //todo: tweak this std::vector<battle::Units> newTurnOrder; state.battleGetTurnOrder(newTurnOrder, amount, 2); const bool turnSpanOK = evaluateQueue(newValueOfStack, newTurnOrder, state, minTurnSpan, nullptr); if(turnSpanOK || castNow) { int64_t totalGain = 0; for(auto unit : all) { auto unitId = unit->unitId(); auto localUnit = state.battleGetUnitByID(unitId); auto newValue = getValOr(newValueOfStack, unitId, 0); auto oldValue = getValOr(valueOfStack, unitId, 0); auto healthDiff = newHealthOfStack[unitId] - healthOfStack[unitId]; if(localUnit->unitOwner() != playerID) healthDiff = -healthDiff; if(healthDiff < 0) { ps->value = -1; return; //do not damage own units at all } totalGain += (newValue - oldValue + healthDiff); } ps->value = totalGain; } else { ps->value = -1; } }; using EvalRunner = ThreadPool<ScriptsCache>; EvalRunner::Tasks tasks; for(PossibleSpellcast & psc : possibleCasts) tasks.push_back(std::bind(evaluateSpellcast, &psc, _1)); uint32_t threadCount = boost::thread::hardware_concurrency(); if(threadCount == 0) { logGlobal->warn("No information of CPU cores available"); threadCount = 1; } CStopWatch timer; std::vector<std::shared_ptr<ScriptsCache>> scriptsPool; for(uint32_t idx = 0; idx < threadCount; idx++) { scriptsPool.emplace_back(); } EvalRunner runner(&tasks, scriptsPool); runner.run(); LOGFL("Evaluation took %d ms", timer.getDiff()); auto pscValue = [](const PossibleSpellcast &ps) -> int64_t { return ps.value; }; auto castToPerform = *vstd::maxElementByFun(possibleCasts, pscValue); if(castToPerform.value > 0) { LOGFL("Best spell is %s (value %d). Will cast.", castToPerform.spell->name % castToPerform.value); BattleAction spellcast; spellcast.actionType = EActionType::HERO_SPELL; spellcast.actionSubtype = castToPerform.spell->id; spellcast.setTarget(castToPerform.dest); spellcast.side = side; spellcast.stackNumber = (!side) ? -1 : -2; cb->battleMakeAction(&spellcast); } else { LOGFL("Best spell is %s. But it is actually useless (value %d).", castToPerform.spell->name % castToPerform.value); } } //Below method works only for offensive spells void CBattleAI::evaluateCreatureSpellcast(const CStack * stack, PossibleSpellcast & ps) { using ValueMap = PossibleSpellcast::ValueMap; RNGStub rngStub; HypotheticBattle state(env.get(), cb); TStacks all = cb->battleGetAllStacks(false); ValueMap healthOfStack; ValueMap newHealthOfStack; for(auto unit : all) { healthOfStack[unit->unitId()] = unit->getAvailableHealth(); } spells::BattleCast cast(&state, stack, spells::Mode::CREATURE_ACTIVE, ps.spell); cast.castEval(state.getServerCallback(), ps.dest); for(auto unit : all) { auto unitId = unit->unitId(); auto localUnit = state.battleGetUnitByID(unitId); newHealthOfStack[unitId] = localUnit->getAvailableHealth(); } int64_t totalGain = 0; for(auto unit : all) { auto unitId = unit->unitId(); auto localUnit = state.battleGetUnitByID(unitId); auto healthDiff = newHealthOfStack[unitId] - healthOfStack[unitId]; if(localUnit->unitOwner() != getCbc()->getPlayerID()) healthDiff = -healthDiff; if(healthDiff < 0) { ps.value = -1; return; //do not damage own units at all } totalGain += healthDiff; } ps.value = totalGain; } void CBattleAI::battleStart(const CCreatureSet *army1, const CCreatureSet *army2, int3 tile, const CGHeroInstance *hero1, const CGHeroInstance *hero2, bool Side) { LOG_TRACE(logAi); side = Side; } void CBattleAI::print(const std::string &text) const { logAi->trace("%s Battle AI[%p]: %s", playerID.getStr(), this, text); } boost::optional<BattleAction> CBattleAI::considerFleeingOrSurrendering() { BattleStateInfoForRetreat bs; bs.canFlee = cb->battleCanFlee(); bs.canSurrender = cb->battleCanSurrender(playerID); bs.ourSide = cb->battleGetMySide(); bs.ourHero = cb->battleGetMyHero(); bs.enemyHero = nullptr; for(auto stack : cb->battleGetAllStacks(false)) { if(stack->alive()) { if(stack->side == bs.ourSide) bs.ourStacks.push_back(stack); else { bs.enemyStacks.push_back(stack); bs.enemyHero = cb->battleGetOwnerHero(stack); } } } if(!bs.canFlee || !bs.canSurrender) { return boost::none; } return cb->makeSurrenderRetreatDecision(bs); }