#ifndef __CPLAYERINTERFACE_H__ #define __CPLAYERINTERFACE_H__ #include "global.h" #include "CGameInterface.h" #include "SDL_framerate.h" #include #include #ifdef __GNUC__ #define sprintf_s snprintf #endif class CDefEssential; class AdventureMapButton; class CHighlightableButtonsGroup; class CDefHandler; struct HeroMoveDetails; class CDefEssential; class CGHeroInstance; class CAdvMapInt; class CCastleInterface; class CBattleInterface; class CStack; class SComponent; class CCreature; struct SDL_Surface; struct CPath; class CCreatureAnimation; class CSelectableComponent; class CCreatureSet; class CGObjectInstance; class CSlider; struct UpgradeInfo; template struct CondSh; namespace boost { class mutex; class recursive_mutex; }; class IShowable { public: virtual void show(SDL_Surface * to = NULL)=0; virtual ~IShowable(){}; }; class IStatusBar { public: virtual ~IStatusBar(){}; //d-tor virtual void print(const std::string & text)=0; //prints text and refreshes statusbar virtual void clear()=0;//clears statusbar and refreshes virtual void show()=0; //shows statusbar (with current text) virtual std::string getCurrent()=0; }; class IActivable { public: virtual void activate()=0; virtual void deactivate()=0; virtual ~IActivable(){}; }; class IShowActivable : public IShowable, public IActivable { public: virtual ~IShowActivable(){}; }; class CMainInterface : public IShowActivable { public: IShowActivable *subInt; }; class CIntObject //interface object { public: SDL_Rect pos; int ID; }; class CSimpleWindow : public virtual CIntObject, public IShowable { public: SDL_Surface * bitmap; CIntObject * owner; virtual void show(SDL_Surface * to = NULL); CSimpleWindow():bitmap(NULL),owner(NULL){}; virtual ~CSimpleWindow(); }; class CButtonBase : public virtual CIntObject, public IShowable, public IActivable //basic buttton class { public: int bitmapOffset; int type; //advmapbutton=2 bool abs; bool active; bool notFreeButton; CIntObject * ourObj; // "owner" int state; std::vector< std::vector > imgs; int curimg; virtual void show(SDL_Surface * to = NULL); virtual void activate()=0; virtual void deactivate()=0; CButtonBase(); virtual ~CButtonBase(); }; class ClickableL : public virtual CIntObject //for left-clicks { public: bool pressedL; ClickableL(); virtual ~ClickableL();//{}; virtual void clickLeft (boost::logic::tribool down)=0; virtual void activate(); virtual void deactivate(); }; class ClickableR : public virtual CIntObject //for right-clicks { public: bool pressedR; ClickableR(); virtual ~ClickableR();//{}; virtual void clickRight (boost::logic::tribool down)=0; virtual void activate()=0; virtual void deactivate()=0; }; class Hoverable : public virtual CIntObject { public: Hoverable(){hovered=false;} virtual ~Hoverable();//{}; bool hovered; virtual void hover (bool on)=0; virtual void activate()=0; virtual void deactivate()=0; }; class KeyInterested : public virtual CIntObject { public: virtual ~KeyInterested();//{}; virtual void keyPressed(const SDL_KeyboardEvent & key)=0; virtual void activate()=0; virtual void deactivate()=0; }; class KeyShortcut : public KeyInterested, public ClickableL { public: std::set assignedKeys; KeyShortcut(){}; KeyShortcut(int key){assignedKeys.insert(key);}; KeyShortcut(std::set Keys):assignedKeys(Keys){}; virtual void keyPressed(const SDL_KeyboardEvent & key); }; class MotionInterested: public virtual CIntObject { public: bool strongInterest; //if true - report all mouse movements, if not - only when hovered MotionInterested(){strongInterest=false;}; virtual ~MotionInterested(){}; virtual void mouseMoved (const SDL_MouseMotionEvent & sEvent)=0; virtual void activate()=0; virtual void deactivate()=0; }; class TimeInterested: public virtual CIntObject { public: virtual ~TimeInterested(){}; int toNextTick; virtual void tick()=0; virtual void activate(); virtual void deactivate(); }; class CInfoWindow : public CSimpleWindow //text + comp. + ok button { //window able to delete its components when closed public: bool delComps; //whether comps will be deleted std::vector buttons; std::vector components; virtual void close(); virtual void show(SDL_Surface * to = NULL); void activate(); void deactivate(); CInfoWindow(std::string text, int player, int charperline, const std::vector &comps, std::vector > > &Buttons); CInfoWindow(); ~CInfoWindow(); }; class CSelWindow : public CInfoWindow //component selection window { //uwaga - to okno usuwa swoje komponenty przy zamykaniu public: void selectionChange(unsigned to); void close(); CSelWindow(std::string text, int player, int charperline, std::vector &comps, std::vector > > &Buttons); CSelWindow(){}; }; class CRClickPopup : public IShowable, public ClickableR { public: virtual void activate(); virtual void deactivate(); virtual void close()=0; void clickRight (boost::logic::tribool down); virtual ~CRClickPopup(){}; }; class CInfoPopup : public CRClickPopup { public: bool free; SDL_Surface * bitmap; CInfoPopup(SDL_Surface * Bitmap, int x, int y, bool Free=false); void close(); void show(SDL_Surface * to = NULL); CInfoPopup(){free=false;bitmap=NULL;} ~CInfoPopup(){}; }; class SComponent : public ClickableR { public: enum Etype { primskill, secskill, resource, creature, artifact, experience, secskill44, spell } type; int subtype; int val; std::string description; //r-click std::string subtitle; void init(Etype Type, int Subtype, int Val); SComponent(Etype Type, int Subtype, int Val); SComponent(const Component &c); SComponent(){}; virtual ~SComponent(){}; void clickRight (boost::logic::tribool down); virtual SDL_Surface * getImg(); virtual void show(SDL_Surface * to = NULL); virtual void activate(); virtual void deactivate(); }; class CCustomImgComponent : public SComponent { public: bool free; //should surface be freed on delete SDL_Surface *bmp; SDL_Surface * getImg(); CCustomImgComponent(Etype Type, int Subtype, int Val, SDL_Surface *sur, bool freeSur); ~CCustomImgComponent(); }; class CSelectableComponent : public SComponent, public KeyShortcut { public: bool selected; bool customB; SDL_Surface * border, *myBitmap; boost::function onSelect; void clickLeft(boost::logic::tribool down); void init(SDL_Surface * Border); CSelectableComponent(Etype Type, int Sub, int Val, boost::function OnSelect = 0, SDL_Surface * Border=NULL); CSelectableComponent(const Component &c, boost::function OnSelect = 0, SDL_Surface * Border=NULL); ~CSelectableComponent(); virtual void show(SDL_Surface * to = NULL); void activate(); void deactivate(); void select(bool on); SDL_Surface * getImg(); }; class CGarrisonInt; class CGarrisonSlot : public ClickableL, public ClickableR, public Hoverable { public: CGarrisonInt *owner; const CCreature * creature; int count; int upg; //0 - up garrison, 1 - down garrison bool active; virtual void hover (bool on); const CArmedInstance * getObj(); void clickRight (boost::logic::tribool down); void clickLeft(boost::logic::tribool down); void activate(); void deactivate(); void show(); CGarrisonSlot(CGarrisonInt *Owner, int x, int y, int IID, int Upg=0, const CCreature * Creature=NULL, int Count=0); ~CGarrisonSlot(); }; class CGarrisonInt :public CIntObject { public: int interx, intery; CGarrisonSlot *highlighted; SDL_Surface *sur; int offx, offy, p2; bool ignoreEvent, update, active, splitting, pb; const CCreatureSet *set1; const CCreatureSet *set2; std::vector *sup, *sdown; const CArmedInstance *oup, *odown; void activate(); void deactivate(); void show(); void activeteSlots(); void deactiveteSlots(); void deleteSlots(); void createSlots(); void recreateSlots(); void splitClick(); void splitStacks(int am2); CGarrisonInt(int x, int y, int inx, int iny, SDL_Surface *pomsur, int OX, int OY, const CArmedInstance *s1, const CArmedInstance *s2=NULL); ~CGarrisonInt(); }; class CPlayerInterface : public CGameInterface { public: //minor interfaces CondSh *showingDialog; boost::recursive_mutex *pim; bool makingTurn; int heroMoveSpeed; void setHeroMoveSpeed(int newSpeed) {heroMoveSpeed = newSpeed;} //set for the member above int mapScrollingSpeed; void setMapScrollingSpeed(int newSpeed) {mapScrollingSpeed = newSpeed;} //set the member above SDL_Event * current; CMainInterface *curint; CAdvMapInt * adventureInt; CCastleInterface * castleInt; CBattleInterface * battleInt; FPSmanager * mainFPSmng; IStatusBar *statusbar; //to commucate with engine CCallback * cb; const BattleAction *curAction; //GUI elements std::list lclickable; std::list rclickable; std::list hoverable; std::list keyinterested; std::list motioninterested; std::list timeinterested; std::vector objsToBlit; //overloaded funcs from CGameInterface void buildChanged(const CGTownInstance *town, int buildingID, int what); //what: 1 - built, 2 - demolished void garrisonChanged(const CGObjectInstance * obj); void heroArtifactSetChanged(const CGHeroInstance*hero); void heroCreated(const CGHeroInstance* hero); void heroGotLevel(const CGHeroInstance *hero, int pskill, std::vector &skills, boost::function &callback); void heroInGarrisonChange(const CGTownInstance *town); void heroKilled(const CGHeroInstance* hero); void heroMoved(const HeroMoveDetails & details); void heroPrimarySkillChanged(const CGHeroInstance * hero, int which, int val); void heroManaPointsChanged(const CGHeroInstance * hero); void heroMovePointsChanged(const CGHeroInstance * hero); void heroVisitsTown(const CGHeroInstance* hero, const CGTownInstance * town); void receivedResource(int type, int val); void showInfoDialog(std::string &text, const std::vector &components); void showSelDialog(std::string &text, const std::vector &components, ui32 askID); void showYesNoDialog(std::string &text, const std::vector &components, ui32 askID); void tileHidden(const std::set &pos); void tileRevealed(const std::set &pos); void yourTurn(); void availableCreaturesChanged(const CGTownInstance *town); //for battles void actionFinished(const BattleAction* action);//occurs AFTER action taken by active stack or by the hero void actionStarted(const BattleAction* action);//occurs BEFORE action taken by active stack or by the hero BattleAction activeStack(int stackID); //called when it's turn of that stack void battleAttack(BattleAttack *ba); //stack performs attack void battleEnd(BattleResult *br); void battleResultQuited(); void battleNewRound(int round); //called at the beggining of each turn, round=-1 is the tactic phase, round=0 is the first "normal" turn void battleStackMoved(int ID, int dest); void battleSpellCasted(SpellCasted *sc); void battleStackAttacked(BattleStackAttacked * bsa); void battleStart(CCreatureSet *army1, CCreatureSet *army2, int3 tile, CGHeroInstance *hero1, CGHeroInstance *hero2, bool side); //called by engine when battle starts; side=0 - left, side=1 - right void battlefieldPrepared(int battlefieldType, std::vector obstacles); //called when battlefield is prepared, prior the battle beginning //-------------// void updateWater(); void showComp(SComponent comp); void openTownWindow(const CGTownInstance * town); //shows townscreen void openHeroWindow(const CGHeroInstance * hero); //shows hero window with given hero SDL_Surface * infoWin(const CGObjectInstance * specific); //specific=0 => draws info about selected town/hero void handleEvent(SDL_Event * sEvent); void handleKeyDown(SDL_Event *sEvent); void handleKeyUp(SDL_Event *sEvent); void handleMouseMotion(SDL_Event *sEvent); void init(ICallback * CB); int3 repairScreenPos(int3 pos); void removeObjToBlit(IShowable* obj); void showInfoDialog(std::string &text, const std::vector & components); void showYesNoDialog(std::string &text, const std::vector & components, CFunctionList onYes, CFunctionList onNo, bool deactivateCur, bool DelComps); //deactivateCur - whether current main interface should be deactivated; delComps - if components will be deleted on window close CPlayerInterface(int Player, int serial);//c-tor ~CPlayerInterface();//d-tor }; class CStatusBar : public CIntObject, public IStatusBar { public: SDL_Surface * bg; //background int middlex, middley; //middle of statusbar std::string current; //text currently printed CStatusBar(int x, int y, std::string name="ADROLLVR.bmp", int maxw=-1); //c-tor ~CStatusBar(); //d-tor void print(const std::string & text); //prints text and refreshes statusbar void clear();//clears statusbar and refreshes void show(); //shows statusbar (with current text) std::string getCurrent(); }; class CList : public ClickableL, public ClickableR, public Hoverable, public KeyInterested, public virtual CIntObject, public MotionInterested { public: SDL_Surface * bg; CDefHandler *arrup, *arrdo; SDL_Surface *empty, *selection; SDL_Rect arrupp, arrdop; //positions of arrows int posw, posh; //position width/height int selected, //id of selected position, <0 if none from; const int SIZE; boost::logic::tribool pressed; //true=up; false=down; indeterminate=none CList(int Size = 5); void clickLeft(boost::logic::tribool down); void activate(); void deactivate(); virtual void mouseMoved (const SDL_MouseMotionEvent & sEvent)=0; virtual void genList()=0; virtual void select(int which)=0; virtual void draw()=0; }; class CHeroList : public CList { public: CDefHandler *mobile, *mana; std::vector > items; int posmobx, posporx, posmanx, posmoby, pospory, posmany; CHeroList(int Size); int getPosOfHero(const CArmedInstance* h); void genList(); void select(int which); void mouseMoved (const SDL_MouseMotionEvent & sEvent); void clickLeft(boost::logic::tribool down); void clickRight(boost::logic::tribool down); void hover (bool on); void keyPressed (const SDL_KeyboardEvent & key); void updateHList(); void updateMove(const CGHeroInstance* which); //draws move points bar void redrawAllOne(int which); void draw(); void init(); }; class CTownList : public CList { public: boost::function fun; std::vector items; int posporx,pospory; CTownList(int Size, int x, int y, std::string arrupg, std::string arrdog); ~CTownList(); void genList(); void select(int which); void mouseMoved (const SDL_MouseMotionEvent & sEvent); void clickLeft(boost::logic::tribool down); void clickRight(boost::logic::tribool down); void hover (bool on); void keyPressed (const SDL_KeyboardEvent & key); void draw(); }; class CCreaturePic //draws picture with creature on background, use nextFrame=true to get animation { public: bool big; //big => 100x130; !big => 100x120 CCreature *c; CCreatureAnimation *anim; CCreaturePic(CCreature *cre, bool Big=true); ~CCreaturePic(); int blitPic(SDL_Surface *to, int x, int y, bool nextFrame); SDL_Surface * getPic(bool nextFrame); }; class CRecrutationWindow : public IShowable, public ClickableL { public: struct creinfo { SDL_Rect pos; CCreaturePic *pic; int ID, amount; //creature ID and available amount std::vector > res; //res_id - cost_per_unit }; std::vector amounts; //how many creatures we can afford std::vector creatures; boost::function recruit; //void (int ID, int amount) <-- call to recruit creatures CSlider *slider; AdventureMapButton *max, *buy, *cancel; SDL_Surface *bitmap; int which; //which creature is active void close(); void Max(); void Buy(); void Cancel(); void sliderMoved(int to); void clickLeft(boost::logic::tribool down); void activate(); void deactivate(); void show(SDL_Surface * to = NULL); CRecrutationWindow(const std::vector > & Creatures, const boost::function & Recruit); //creatures - pairs ~CRecrutationWindow(); }; class CSplitWindow : public IShowable, public KeyInterested { public: CGarrisonInt *gar; CSlider *slider; CCreaturePic *anim; AdventureMapButton *ok, *cancel; SDL_Surface *bitmap; int a1, a2, c; bool which; CSplitWindow(int cid, int max, CGarrisonInt *Owner); ~CSplitWindow(); void activate(); void split(); void close(); void deactivate(); void show(SDL_Surface * to = NULL); void keyPressed (const SDL_KeyboardEvent & key); void sliderMoved(int to); }; class CCreInfoWindow : public IShowable, public KeyInterested, public ClickableR { public: bool active; int type;//0 - rclick popup; 1 - normal window SDL_Surface *bitmap; char anf; std::string count; //creature count in text format boost::function dsm; CCreaturePic *anim; CCreature *c; CInfoWindow *dependant; //it may be dialog asking whther upgrade/dismiss stack (if opened) std::vector upgResCost; //cost of upgrade (if not possible then empty) AdventureMapButton *dismiss, *upgrade, *ok; CCreInfoWindow(int Cid, int Type, int creatureCount, StackState *State, boost::function Upg, boost::function Dsm, UpgradeInfo *ui); ~CCreInfoWindow(); void activate(); void close(); void clickRight(boost::logic::tribool down); void dismissF(); void keyPressed (const SDL_KeyboardEvent & key); void deactivate(); void show(SDL_Surface * to = NULL); void onUpgradeYes(); void onUpgradeNo(); }; class CLevelWindow : public IShowable, public CIntObject { public: int heroType; SDL_Surface *bitmap; std::vector comps; //skills to select AdventureMapButton *ok; boost::function cb; void close(); CLevelWindow(const CGHeroInstance *hero, int pskill, std::vector &skills, boost::function &callback); ~CLevelWindow(); void activate(); void deactivate(); void selectionChanged(unsigned to); void show(SDL_Surface * to = NULL); }; class CMinorResDataBar : public IShowable, public CIntObject { public: SDL_Surface *bg; void show(SDL_Surface * to=NULL); CMinorResDataBar(); ~CMinorResDataBar(); }; class CMarketplaceWindow : public IShowActivable, public CIntObject { public: class CTradeableItem : public ClickableL { public: int type; //0 - res, 1 - artif big, 2 - artif small, 3 - player flag int id; bool left; CFunctionList callback; void activate(); void deactivate(); void show(SDL_Surface * to=NULL); void clickLeft(boost::logic::tribool down); SDL_Surface *getSurface(); CTradeableItem(int Type, int ID, bool Left); }; SDL_Surface *bg; std::vector left, right; std::vector rSubs; CTradeableItem *hLeft, *hRight; //highlighted items (NULL if no highlight) int mode,//0 - res<->res; 1 - res<->plauer; 2 - buy artifact; 3 - sell artifact r1, r2; AdventureMapButton *ok, *max, *deal; CSlider *slider; void activate(); void deactivate(); void show(SDL_Surface * to=NULL); void setMax(); void sliderMoved(int to); void makeDeal(); void selectionChanged(bool side); //true == left CMarketplaceWindow(int Mode=0); ~CMarketplaceWindow(); void setMode(int mode); void clear(); }; class CSystemOptionsWindow : public IShowActivable, public CIntObject { private: SDL_Surface * background; //background of window AdventureMapButton * quitGame, * backToMap; CHighlightableButtonsGroup * heroMoveSpeed; CHighlightableButtonsGroup * mapScrollSpeed; public: CSystemOptionsWindow(const SDL_Rect & pos, CPlayerInterface * owner); //c-tor ~CSystemOptionsWindow(); //d-tor //functions for butons void bquitf(); //quit game void breturnf(); //return to game void activate(); void deactivate(); void show(SDL_Surface * to = NULL); }; class CTavernWindow : public IShowActivable, public CIntObject { public: class HeroPortrait : public ClickableL, public ClickableR { public: vstd::assigner as; const CGHeroInstance *h; void activate(); void deactivate(); void clickLeft(boost::logic::tribool down); void clickRight(boost::logic::tribool down); HeroPortrait(int &sel, int id, int x, int y, const CGHeroInstance *H); void show(SDL_Surface * to = NULL); } h1, h2; SDL_Surface *bg; int selected;//0 (left) or 1 (right) AdventureMapButton *thiefGuild, *cancel, *recruit; CTavernWindow(const CGHeroInstance *H1, const CGHeroInstance *H2, const std::string &gossip); //c-tor ~CTavernWindow(); //d-tor void recruitb(); void close(); void activate(); void deactivate(); void show(SDL_Surface * to = NULL); }; extern CPlayerInterface * LOCPLINT; #endif // __CPLAYERINTERFACE_H__