#include "stdafx.h" #include "SDL_Extensions.h" #include "SDL_ttf.h" #include "CGameInfo.h" #include #include #include #include "CMessage.h" #include #include "hch/CDefHandler.h" #include #include "client/Graphics.h" SDL_Surface * CSDL_Ext::newSurface(int w, int h, SDL_Surface * mod) //creates new surface, with flags/format same as in surface given { return SDL_CreateRGBSurface(mod->flags,w,h,mod->format->BitsPerPixel,mod->format->Rmask,mod->format->Gmask,mod->format->Bmask,mod->format->Amask); } SDL_Surface * CSDL_Ext::copySurface(SDL_Surface * mod) //returns copy of given surface { //return SDL_DisplayFormat(mod); return SDL_ConvertSurface(mod, mod->format, mod->flags); } bool isItIn(const SDL_Rect * rect, int x, int y) { if ((x>rect->x && xx+rect->w) && (y>rect->y && yy+rect->h)) return true; else return false; } inline SDL_Rect genRect(const int & hh, const int & ww, const int & xx, const int & yy) { SDL_Rect ret; ret.h=hh; ret.w=ww; ret.x=xx; ret.y=yy; return ret; } void blitAtWR(SDL_Surface * src, int x, int y, SDL_Surface * dst) { SDL_Rect pom = genRect(src->h,src->w,x,y); SDL_BlitSurface(src,NULL,dst,&pom); SDL_UpdateRect(dst,x,y,src->w,src->h); } void blitAt(SDL_Surface * src, int x, int y, SDL_Surface * dst) { if(!dst) dst = screen; SDL_Rect pom = genRect(src->h,src->w,x,y); SDL_BlitSurface(src,NULL,dst,&pom); } void blitAtWR(SDL_Surface * src, SDL_Rect pos, SDL_Surface * dst) { blitAtWR(src,pos.x,pos.y,dst); } void blitAt(SDL_Surface * src, SDL_Rect pos, SDL_Surface * dst) { blitAt(src,pos.x,pos.y,dst); } SDL_Color genRGB(int r, int g, int b, int a=0) { SDL_Color ret; ret.b=b; ret.g=g; ret.r=r; ret.unused=a; return ret; } void updateRect (SDL_Rect * rect, SDL_Surface * scr) { SDL_UpdateRect(scr,rect->x,rect->y,rect->w,rect->h); } void CSDL_Ext::printAtMiddleWB(const std::string & text, int x, int y, TTF_Font * font, int charpr, SDL_Color kolor, SDL_Surface * dst) { std::vector * ws = CMessage::breakText(text,charpr); std::vector wesu; wesu.resize(ws->size()); for (size_t i=0; i < wesu.size(); ++i) { wesu[i]=TTF_RenderText_Blended(font,(*ws)[i].c_str(),kolor); } int tox=0, toy=0; for (size_t i=0; i < wesu.size(); ++i) { toy+=wesu[i]->h; if (tox < wesu[i]->w) tox=wesu[i]->w; } int evx, evy = y - (toy/2); for (size_t i=0; i < wesu.size(); ++i) { evx = (x - (tox/2)) + ((tox-wesu[i]->w)/2); blitAt(wesu[i],evx,evy,dst); evy+=wesu[i]->h; } for (size_t i=0; i < wesu.size(); ++i) SDL_FreeSurface(wesu[i]); delete ws; } void CSDL_Ext::printAtWB(const std::string & text, int x, int y, TTF_Font * font, int charpr, SDL_Color kolor, SDL_Surface * dst) { std::vector * ws = CMessage::breakText(text,charpr); std::vector wesu; wesu.resize(ws->size()); for (size_t i=0; i < wesu.size(); ++i) wesu[i]=TTF_RenderText_Blended(font,(*ws)[i].c_str(),kolor); int evy = y; for (size_t i=0; i < wesu.size(); ++i) { blitAt(wesu[i],x,evy,dst); evy+=wesu[i]->h; } for (size_t i=0; i < wesu.size(); ++i) SDL_FreeSurface(wesu[i]); delete ws; } void CSDL_Ext::printAtMiddle(const std::string & text, int x, int y, TTF_Font * font, SDL_Color kolor, SDL_Surface * dst, unsigned char quality, bool refresh) { if(text.length()==0) return; SDL_Surface * temp; switch (quality) { case 0: temp = TTF_RenderText_Solid(font,text.c_str(),kolor); break; case 1: SDL_Color tem; tem.b = 0xff-kolor.b; tem.g = 0xff-kolor.g; tem.r = 0xff-kolor.r; tem.unused = 0xff-kolor.unused; temp = TTF_RenderText_Shaded(font,text.c_str(),kolor,tem); break; case 2: temp = TTF_RenderText_Blended(font,text.c_str(),kolor); break; default: temp = TTF_RenderText_Blended(font,text.c_str(),kolor); break; } SDL_BlitSurface(temp,NULL,dst,&genRect(temp->h,temp->w,x-(temp->w/2),y-(temp->h/2))); if(refresh) SDL_UpdateRect(dst,x-(temp->w/2),y-(temp->h/2),temp->w,temp->h); SDL_FreeSurface(temp); } void CSDL_Ext::printAt(const std::string & text, int x, int y, TTF_Font * font, SDL_Color kolor, SDL_Surface * dst, unsigned char quality) { if (text.length()==0) return; SDL_Surface * temp; switch (quality) { case 0: temp = TTF_RenderText_Solid(font,text.c_str(),kolor); break; case 1: SDL_Color tem; tem.b = 0xff-kolor.b; tem.g = 0xff-kolor.g; tem.r = 0xff-kolor.r; tem.unused = 0xff-kolor.unused; temp = TTF_RenderText_Shaded(font,text.c_str(),kolor,tem); break; case 2: temp = TTF_RenderText_Blended(font,text.c_str(),kolor); break; default: temp = TTF_RenderText_Blended(font,text.c_str(),kolor); break; } SDL_BlitSurface(temp,NULL,dst,&genRect(temp->h,temp->w,x,y)); SDL_UpdateRect(dst,x,y,temp->w,temp->h); SDL_FreeSurface(temp); } void CSDL_Ext::printTo(const std::string & text, int x, int y, TTF_Font * font, SDL_Color kolor, SDL_Surface * dst, unsigned char quality) { if (text.length()==0) return; SDL_Surface * temp; switch (quality) { case 0: temp = TTF_RenderText_Solid(font,text.c_str(),kolor); break; case 1: SDL_Color tem; tem.b = 0xff-kolor.b; tem.g = 0xff-kolor.g; tem.r = 0xff-kolor.r; tem.unused = 0xff-kolor.unused; temp = TTF_RenderText_Shaded(font,text.c_str(),kolor,tem); break; case 2: temp = TTF_RenderText_Blended(font,text.c_str(),kolor); break; default: temp = TTF_RenderText_Blended(font,text.c_str(),kolor); break; } SDL_BlitSurface(temp,NULL,dst,&genRect(temp->h,temp->w,x-temp->w,y-temp->h)); SDL_UpdateRect(dst,x-temp->w,y-temp->h,temp->w,temp->h); SDL_FreeSurface(temp); } void CSDL_Ext::printToWR(const std::string & text, int x, int y, TTF_Font * font, SDL_Color kolor, SDL_Surface * dst, unsigned char quality) { if (text.length()==0) return; SDL_Surface * temp; switch (quality) { case 0: temp = TTF_RenderText_Solid(font,text.c_str(),kolor); break; case 1: SDL_Color tem; tem.b = 0xff-kolor.b; tem.g = 0xff-kolor.g; tem.r = 0xff-kolor.r; tem.unused = 0xff-kolor.unused; temp = TTF_RenderText_Shaded(font,text.c_str(),kolor,tem); break; case 2: temp = TTF_RenderText_Blended(font,text.c_str(),kolor); break; default: temp = TTF_RenderText_Blended(font,text.c_str(),kolor); break; } SDL_BlitSurface(temp,NULL,dst,&genRect(temp->h,temp->w,x-temp->w,y-temp->h)); SDL_FreeSurface(temp); } inline void CSDL_Ext::SDL_PutPixel(SDL_Surface *ekran, const int & x, const int & y, const Uint8 & R, const Uint8 & G, const Uint8 & B, Uint8 A) { Uint8 *p = (Uint8 *)ekran->pixels + y * ekran->pitch + x * ekran->format->BytesPerPixel; p[0] = B; p[1] = G; p[2] = R; if(ekran->format->BytesPerPixel==4) p[3] = A; SDL_UpdateRect(ekran, x, y, 1, 1); } inline void CSDL_Ext::SDL_PutPixelWithoutRefresh(SDL_Surface *ekran, const int & x, const int & y, const Uint8 & R, const Uint8 & G, const Uint8 & B, Uint8 A) { Uint8 *p = (Uint8 *)ekran->pixels + y * ekran->pitch + x * ekran->format->BytesPerPixel; p[0] = B; p[1] = G; p[2] = R; if(ekran->format->BytesPerPixel==4) p[3] = A; } ///**************/ ///Reverses the toRot surface by the vertical axis ///**************/ SDL_Surface * CSDL_Ext::rotate01(SDL_Surface * toRot) { SDL_Surface * ret = SDL_ConvertSurface(toRot, toRot->format, toRot->flags); //SDL_SetColorKey(ret, SDL_SRCCOLORKEY, toRot->format->colorkey); if(toRot->format->BytesPerPixel!=1) { for(int i=0; iw; ++i) { for(int j=0; jh; ++j) { { Uint8 *p = (Uint8 *)toRot->pixels + j * toRot->pitch + (ret->w - i - 1) * toRot->format->BytesPerPixel; CSDL_Ext::SDL_PutPixelWithoutRefresh(ret, i, j, p[2], p[1], p[0]); } } } } else { for(int i=0; iw; ++i) { for(int j=0; jh; ++j) { { Uint8 *p = (Uint8 *)toRot->pixels + j * toRot->pitch + (ret->w - i - 1) * toRot->format->BytesPerPixel; (*((Uint8*)ret->pixels + j*ret->pitch + i*ret->format->BytesPerPixel)) = *p; } } } } return ret; } SDL_Surface * CSDL_Ext::hFlip(SDL_Surface * toRot) { SDL_Surface * ret = SDL_ConvertSurface(toRot, toRot->format, toRot->flags); //SDL_SetColorKey(ret, SDL_SRCCOLORKEY, toRot->format->colorkey); if(ret->format->BytesPerPixel!=1) { for(int i=0; iw; ++i) { for(int j=0; jh; ++j) { { Uint8 *p = (Uint8 *)toRot->pixels + (ret->h - j -1) * toRot->pitch + i * toRot->format->BytesPerPixel; //int k=2; /* #if(SDL_BYTEORDER == SDL_BIG_ENDIAN) CSDL_Ext::SDL_PutPixelWithoutRefresh(ret, i, j, p[0], p[1], p[2]); #else */ CSDL_Ext::SDL_PutPixelWithoutRefresh(ret, i, j, p[2], p[1], p[0]); //#endif } } } } else { for(int i=0; iw; ++i) { for(int j=0; jh; ++j) { { Uint8 *p = (Uint8 *)toRot->pixels + (ret->h - j -1) * toRot->pitch + i * toRot->format->BytesPerPixel; (*((Uint8*)ret->pixels + j*ret->pitch + i*ret->format->BytesPerPixel)) = *p; } } } } return ret; }; ///**************/ ///Rotates toRot surface by 90 degrees left ///**************/ SDL_Surface * CSDL_Ext::rotate02(SDL_Surface * toRot) { SDL_Surface * ret = SDL_ConvertSurface(toRot, toRot->format, toRot->flags); //SDL_SetColorKey(ret, SDL_SRCCOLORKEY, toRot->format->colorkey); for(int i=0; iw; ++i) { for(int j=0; jh; ++j) { { Uint8 *p = (Uint8 *)toRot->pixels + i * toRot->pitch + j * toRot->format->BytesPerPixel; /* #if(SDL_BYTEORDER == SDL_BIG_ENDIAN) SDL_PutPixelWithoutRefresh(ret, i, j, p[0], p[1], p[2]); #else */ SDL_PutPixelWithoutRefresh(ret, i, j, p[2], p[1], p[0]); //#endif } } } return ret; } ///*************/ ///Rotates toRot surface by 180 degrees ///*************/ SDL_Surface * CSDL_Ext::rotate03(SDL_Surface * toRot) { SDL_Surface * ret = SDL_ConvertSurface(toRot, toRot->format, toRot->flags); //SDL_SetColorKey(ret, SDL_SRCCOLORKEY, toRot->format->colorkey); if(ret->format->BytesPerPixel!=1) { for(int i=0; iw; ++i) { for(int j=0; jh; ++j) { { Uint8 *p = (Uint8 *)toRot->pixels + (ret->h - j - 1) * toRot->pitch + (ret->w - i - 1) * toRot->format->BytesPerPixel+2; /* #if(SDL_BYTEORDER == SDL_BIG_ENDIAN) SDL_PutPixelWithoutRefresh(ret, i, j, p[0], p[1], p[2], 0); #else */ SDL_PutPixelWithoutRefresh(ret, i, j, p[2], p[1], p[0], 0); //#endif } } } } else { for(int i=0; iw; ++i) { for(int j=0; jh; ++j) { Uint8 *p = (Uint8 *)toRot->pixels + (ret->h - j - 1) * toRot->pitch + (ret->w - i - 1) * toRot->format->BytesPerPixel; (*((Uint8*)ret->pixels + j*ret->pitch + i*ret->format->BytesPerPixel)) = *p; } } } return ret; } Uint32 CSDL_Ext::SDL_GetPixel(SDL_Surface *surface, const int & x, const int & y, bool colorByte) { int bpp = surface->format->BytesPerPixel; /* Here p is the address to the pixel we want to retrieve */ Uint8 *p = (Uint8 *)surface->pixels + y * surface->pitch + x * bpp; switch(bpp) { case 1: if(colorByte) { return colorToUint32(surface->format->palette->colors+(*p)); } else return *p; case 2: return *(Uint16 *)p; case 3: /* #if (SDL_BYTEORDER == SDL_BIG_ENDIAN) return p[0] << 16 | p[1] << 8 | p[2]; #else */ return p[0] | p[1] << 8 | p[2] << 16; //#endif case 4: return *(Uint32 *)p; default: return 0; // shouldn't happen, but avoids warnings } } SDL_Surface * CSDL_Ext::alphaTransform(SDL_Surface *src) { Uint32 trans = SDL_MapRGBA(src->format, 0, 255, 255, 255); SDL_SetColorKey(src, 0, trans); src->flags|=SDL_SRCALPHA; SDL_Color transp; transp.b = transp.g = transp.r = 0; transp.unused = 255; if(src->format->BitsPerPixel == 8) { for(int yy=0; yyformat->palette->ncolors; ++yy) { SDL_Color cur = *(src->format->palette->colors+yy); //if(cur.r == 255 && cur.b == 255) if(yy==1 || yy==2 || yy==3 || yy==4 || yy==8 || yy==9) { SDL_Color shadow; shadow.b = shadow.g = shadow.r = 0; switch(cur.g) //change this values; make diffrerent for objects and shadows (?) { case 0: shadow.unused = 128; break; case 50: shadow.unused = 50+32; break; case 100: shadow.unused = 100+64; break; case 125: shadow.unused = 125+64; break; case 128: shadow.unused = 128+64; break; case 150: shadow.unused = 150+64; break; default: shadow.unused = 255; break; } SDL_SetColors(src, &shadow, yy, 1); } if(yy==0 || (cur.r == 255 && cur.g == 0 && cur.b == 0)) { SDL_SetColors(src, &transp, yy, 1); } } } return src; } // <=> void CSDL_Ext::blitWithRotate1(SDL_Surface *src,SDL_Rect * srcRect, SDL_Surface * dst, SDL_Rect * dstRect)//srcRect is not used, works with 8bpp sources and 24bpp dests { Uint8 *dp, *sp = (Uint8 *)src->pixels; for(int i=0; ih; i++) { dp = (Uint8 *)dst->pixels + (i+dstRect->y)*dst->pitch + (dstRect->x+dstRect->w)*dst->format->BytesPerPixel; for(int j=0; jw; j++, sp++) { const SDL_Color * const color = src->format->palette->colors+(*sp); *(--dp) = color->r; *(--dp) = color->g; *(--dp) = color->b; } } } void CSDL_Ext::blitWithRotate2(SDL_Surface *src,SDL_Rect * srcRect, SDL_Surface * dst, SDL_Rect * dstRect)//srcRect is not used, works with 8bpp sources and 24bpp dests { Uint8 *dp, *sp = (Uint8 *)src->pixels; for(int i=0; ih; i++) { dp = (Uint8 *)dst->pixels + (dstRect->y + dstRect->h - 1 - i)*dst->pitch + dstRect->x*dst->format->BytesPerPixel; for(int j=0; jw; j++, sp++) { const SDL_Color * const color = src->format->palette->colors+(*sp); *(dp++) = color->b; *(dp++) = color->g; *(dp++) = color->r; } } } void CSDL_Ext::blitWithRotate3(SDL_Surface *src,SDL_Rect * srcRect, SDL_Surface * dst, SDL_Rect * dstRect)//srcRect is not used, works with 8bpp sources and 24bpp dests { Uint8 *dp, *sp = (Uint8 *)src->pixels; for(int i=0; ih; i++) { dp = (Uint8 *)dst->pixels + (dstRect->y + dstRect->h - 1 - i)*dst->pitch + (dstRect->x+dstRect->w)*dst->format->BytesPerPixel; for(int j=0; jw; j++, sp++) { const SDL_Color * const color = src->format->palette->colors+(*sp); *(--dp) = color->r; *(--dp) = color->g; *(--dp) = color->b; } } } int CSDL_Ext::blit8bppAlphaTo24bpp(SDL_Surface * src, SDL_Rect * srcRect, SDL_Surface * dst, SDL_Rect * dstRect) { if(src && src->format->BytesPerPixel==1 && dst && (dst->format->BytesPerPixel==3 || dst->format->BytesPerPixel==4)) //everything's ok { SDL_Rect fulldst; int srcx, srcy, w, h; /* Make sure the surfaces aren't locked */ if ( ! src || ! dst ) { SDL_SetError("SDL_UpperBlit: passed a NULL surface"); return(-1); } if ( src->locked || dst->locked ) { SDL_SetError("Surfaces must not be locked during blit"); return(-1); } /* If the destination rectangle is NULL, use the entire dest surface */ if ( dstRect == NULL ) { fulldst.x = fulldst.y = 0; dstRect = &fulldst; } /* clip the source rectangle to the source surface */ if(srcRect) { int maxw, maxh; srcx = srcRect->x; w = srcRect->w; if(srcx < 0) { w += srcx; dstRect->x -= srcx; srcx = 0; } maxw = src->w - srcx; if(maxw < w) w = maxw; srcy = srcRect->y; h = srcRect->h; if(srcy < 0) { h += srcy; dstRect->y -= srcy; srcy = 0; } maxh = src->h - srcy; if(maxh < h) h = maxh; } else { srcx = srcy = 0; w = src->w; h = src->h; } /* clip the destination rectangle against the clip rectangle */ { SDL_Rect *clip = &dst->clip_rect; int dx, dy; dx = clip->x - dstRect->x; if(dx > 0) { w -= dx; dstRect->x += dx; srcx += dx; } dx = dstRect->x + w - clip->x - clip->w; if(dx > 0) w -= dx; dy = clip->y - dstRect->y; if(dy > 0) { h -= dy; dstRect->y += dy; srcy += dy; } dy = dstRect->y + h - clip->y - clip->h; if(dy > 0) h -= dy; } if(w > 0 && h > 0) { SDL_Rect sr; sr.x = srcx; sr.y = srcy; sr.w = dstRect->w = w; sr.h = dstRect->h = h; if(SDL_LockSurface(dst)) return -1; //if we cannot lock the surface if(dst->format->Rshift==0) //like in most surfaces { for(Uint16 y=0; yformat->palette->colors[*((Uint8*)src->pixels + (y+sr.y)*src->pitch + x + sr.x)]; //color to blit Uint8 * p = (Uint8*)dst->pixels + (y+dstRect->y)*dst->pitch + (x+dstRect->x)*dst->format->BytesPerPixel; //place to blit at // According analyze, the values of tbc.unused are fixed, // and the approximate ratios are as following: // // tbc.unused numbers // 192 2679 // 164 326907 // 82 705590 // 214 1292625 // 128 4842923 // 0 72138078 // 255 77547326 // // By making use of such characteristic, we may implement a // very fast algorithm for heroes3 without loose much quality. switch ((Uint32)tbc.unused) { case 255: break; case 0: p[0] = tbc.r; p[1] = tbc.g; p[2] = tbc.b; break; case 128: // optimized p[0] = ((Uint16)tbc.r + (Uint16)p[0]) >> 1; p[1] = ((Uint16)tbc.g + (Uint16)p[1]) >> 1; p[2] = ((Uint16)tbc.b + (Uint16)p[2]) >> 1; break; default: p[0] = ((((Uint32)p[0]-(Uint32)tbc.r)*(Uint32)tbc.unused) >> 8 + (Uint32)tbc.r) & 0xFF; p[1] = ((((Uint32)p[1]-(Uint32)tbc.g)*(Uint32)tbc.unused) >> 8 + (Uint32)tbc.g) & 0xFF; p[2] = ((((Uint32)p[2]-(Uint32)tbc.b)*(Uint32)tbc.unused) >> 8 + (Uint32)tbc.b) & 0xFF; //p[0] = ((Uint32)tbc.unused*(Uint32)p[0] + (Uint32)tbc.r*(Uint32)(255-tbc.unused))>>8; //red //p[1] = ((Uint32)tbc.unused*(Uint32)p[1] + (Uint32)tbc.g*(Uint32)(255-tbc.unused))>>8; //green //p[2] = ((Uint32)tbc.unused*(Uint32)p[2] + (Uint32)tbc.b*(Uint32)(255-tbc.unused))>>8; //blue break; } } } } else if(dst->format->Rshift==16) //such as screen { for(Uint16 y=0; yformat->palette->colors[*((Uint8*)src->pixels + (y+sr.y)*src->pitch + x + sr.x)]; //color to blit Uint8 * p = (Uint8*)dst->pixels + (y+dstRect->y)*dst->pitch + (x+dstRect->x)*dst->format->BytesPerPixel; //place to blit at switch ((Uint32)tbc.unused) { case 255: break; case 0: p[2] = tbc.r; p[1] = tbc.g; p[0] = tbc.b; break; case 128: // optimized p[2] = ((Uint16)tbc.r + (Uint16)p[2]) >> 1; p[1] = ((Uint16)tbc.g + (Uint16)p[1]) >> 1; p[0] = ((Uint16)tbc.b + (Uint16)p[0]) >> 1; break; default: p[2] = ((((Uint32)p[2]-(Uint32)tbc.r)*(Uint32)tbc.unused) >> 8 + (Uint32)tbc.r) & 0xFF; p[1] = ((((Uint32)p[1]-(Uint32)tbc.g)*(Uint32)tbc.unused) >> 8 + (Uint32)tbc.g) & 0xFF; p[0] = ((((Uint32)p[0]-(Uint32)tbc.b)*(Uint32)tbc.unused) >> 8 + (Uint32)tbc.b) & 0xFF; //p[2] = ((Uint32)tbc.unused*(Uint32)p[2] + (Uint32)tbc.r*(Uint32)(255-tbc.unused))>>8; //red //p[1] = ((Uint32)tbc.unused*(Uint32)p[1] + (Uint32)tbc.g*(Uint32)(255-tbc.unused))>>8; //green //p[0] = ((Uint32)tbc.unused*(Uint32)p[0] + (Uint32)tbc.b*(Uint32)(255-tbc.unused))>>8; //blue break; } } } } SDL_UnlockSurface(dst); } } return 0; } Uint32 CSDL_Ext::colorToUint32(const SDL_Color * color) { Uint32 ret = 0; ret+=color->unused; ret<<=8; //*=256 ret+=color->b; ret<<=8; //*=256 ret+=color->g; ret<<=8; //*=256 ret+=color->r; return ret; } void CSDL_Ext::update(SDL_Surface * what) { if(what) SDL_UpdateRect(what, 0, 0, what->w, what->h); } void CSDL_Ext::drawBorder(SDL_Surface * sur, int x, int y, int w, int h, int3 color) { for(int i=0;iformat->BitsPerPixel==8) { if(player != 255) *(sur->format->palette->colors+5) = graphics->playerColors[player]; else *(sur->format->palette->colors+5) = *graphics->neutralColor; } } int readNormalNr (std::istream &in, int bytCon) { int ret=0; int amp=1; unsigned char byte; if (in.good()) { for (int i=0; i & tor) { for (size_t i=0; (i