/* * CStack.cpp, part of VCMI engine * * Authors: listed in file AUTHORS in main folder * * License: GNU General Public License v2.0 or later * Full text of license available in license.txt file, in main folder * */ #include "StdInc.h" #include "CStack.h" #include #include #include "CGeneralTextHandler.h" #include "battle/BattleInfo.h" #include "spells/CSpellHandler.h" #include "NetPacks.h" VCMI_LIB_NAMESPACE_BEGIN ///CStack CStack::CStack(const CStackInstance * Base, const PlayerColor & O, int I, ui8 Side, const SlotID & S): CBonusSystemNode(STACK_BATTLE), base(Base), ID(I), type(Base->type), baseAmount(base->count), owner(O), slot(S), side(Side) { health.init(); //??? } CStack::CStack(): CBonusSystemNode(STACK_BATTLE), owner(PlayerColor::NEUTRAL), slot(SlotID(255)), initialPosition(BattleHex()) { } CStack::CStack(const CStackBasicDescriptor * stack, const PlayerColor & O, int I, ui8 Side, const SlotID & S): CBonusSystemNode(STACK_BATTLE), ID(I), type(stack->type), baseAmount(stack->count), owner(O), slot(S), side(Side) { health.init(); //??? } const CCreature * CStack::getCreature() const { return type; } void CStack::localInit(BattleInfo * battleInfo) { battle = battleInfo; assert(type); exportBonuses(); if(base) //stack originating from "real" stack in garrison -> attach to it { attachTo(const_cast(*base)); } else //attach directly to obj to which stack belongs and creature type { CArmedInstance * army = battle->battleGetArmyObject(side); assert(army); attachTo(*army); attachTo(const_cast(*type)); } nativeTerrain = type->getNativeTerrain(); //save nativeTerrain in the variable on the battle start to avoid dead lock CUnitState::localInit(this); //it causes execution of the CStack::isOnNativeTerrain where nativeTerrain will be considered position = initialPosition; } ui32 CStack::level() const { if(base) return base->getLevel(); //creature or commander else return std::max(1, static_cast(getCreature()->getLevel())); //war machine, clone etc } si32 CStack::magicResistance() const { auto magicResistance = IBonusBearer::magicResistance(); si32 auraBonus = 0; for(const auto * one : battle->battleAdjacentUnits(this)) { if(one->unitOwner() == owner) vstd::amax(auraBonus, one->valOfBonuses(Bonus::SPELL_RESISTANCE_AURA)); //max value } vstd::abetween(auraBonus, 0, 100); vstd::abetween(magicResistance, 0, 100); float castChance = (100 - magicResistance) * (100 - auraBonus)/100.0; return static_cast(100 - castChance); } BattleHex::EDir CStack::destShiftDir() const { if(doubleWide()) { if(side == BattleSide::ATTACKER) return BattleHex::EDir::RIGHT; else return BattleHex::EDir::LEFT; } else { return BattleHex::EDir::NONE; } } std::vector CStack::activeSpells() const { std::vector ret; std::stringstream cachingStr; cachingStr << "!type_" << Bonus::NONE << "source_" << Bonus::SPELL_EFFECT; CSelector selector = Selector::sourceType()(Bonus::SPELL_EFFECT) .And(CSelector([](const Bonus * b)->bool { return b->type != Bonus::NONE; })); TConstBonusListPtr spellEffects = getBonuses(selector, Selector::all, cachingStr.str()); for(const auto & it : *spellEffects) { if(!vstd::contains(ret, it->sid)) //do not duplicate spells with multiple effects ret.push_back(it->sid); } return ret; } CStack::~CStack() { detachFromAll(); } const CGHeroInstance * CStack::getMyHero() const { if(base) return dynamic_cast(base->armyObj); else //we are attached directly? for(const CBonusSystemNode * n : getParentNodes()) if(n->getNodeType() == HERO) return dynamic_cast(n); return nullptr; } std::string CStack::nodeName() const { std::ostringstream oss; oss << owner.getStr(); oss << " battle stack [" << ID << "]: " << getCount() << " of "; if(type) oss << type->getNamePluralTextID(); else oss << "[UNDEFINED TYPE]"; oss << " from slot " << slot; if(base && base->armyObj) oss << " of armyobj=" << base->armyObj->id.getNum(); return oss.str(); } void CStack::prepareAttacked(BattleStackAttacked & bsa, vstd::RNG & rand) const { auto newState = acquireState(); prepareAttacked(bsa, rand, newState); } void CStack::prepareAttacked(BattleStackAttacked & bsa, vstd::RNG & rand, const std::shared_ptr & customState) { auto initialCount = customState->getCount(); // compute damage and update bsa.damageAmount customState->damage(bsa.damageAmount); bsa.killedAmount = initialCount - customState->getCount(); if(!customState->alive() && customState->isClone()) { bsa.flags |= BattleStackAttacked::CLONE_KILLED; } else if(!customState->alive()) //stack killed { bsa.flags |= BattleStackAttacked::KILLED; auto resurrectValue = customState->valOfBonuses(Bonus::REBIRTH); if(resurrectValue > 0 && customState->canCast()) //there must be casts left { double resurrectFactor = resurrectValue / 100.0; auto baseAmount = customState->unitBaseAmount(); double resurrectedRaw = baseAmount * resurrectFactor; auto resurrectedCount = static_cast(floor(resurrectedRaw)); auto resurrectedAdd = static_cast(baseAmount - (resurrectedCount / resurrectFactor)); auto rangeGen = rand.getInt64Range(0, 99); for(int32_t i = 0; i < resurrectedAdd; i++) { if(resurrectValue > rangeGen()) resurrectedCount += 1; } if(customState->hasBonusOfType(Bonus::REBIRTH, 1)) { // resurrect at least one Sacred Phoenix vstd::amax(resurrectedCount, 1); } if(resurrectedCount > 0) { customState->casts.use(); bsa.flags |= BattleStackAttacked::REBIRTH; int64_t toHeal = customState->MaxHealth() * resurrectedCount; //TODO: add one-battle rebirth? customState->heal(toHeal, EHealLevel::RESURRECT, EHealPower::PERMANENT); customState->counterAttacks.use(customState->counterAttacks.available()); } } } customState->save(bsa.newState.data); bsa.newState.healthDelta = -bsa.damageAmount; bsa.newState.id = customState->unitId(); bsa.newState.operation = UnitChanges::EOperation::RESET_STATE; } std::vector CStack::meleeAttackHexes(const battle::Unit * attacker, const battle::Unit * defender, BattleHex attackerPos, BattleHex defenderPos) { int mask = 0; std::vector res; if (!attackerPos.isValid()) attackerPos = attacker->getPosition(); if (!defenderPos.isValid()) defenderPos = defender->getPosition(); BattleHex otherAttackerPos = attackerPos + (attacker->unitSide() == BattleSide::ATTACKER ? -1 : 1); BattleHex otherDefenderPos = defenderPos + (defender->unitSide() == BattleSide::ATTACKER ? -1 : 1); if(BattleHex::mutualPosition(attackerPos, defenderPos) >= 0) //front <=> front { if((mask & 1) == 0) { mask |= 1; res.push_back(defenderPos); } } if (attacker->doubleWide() //back <=> front && BattleHex::mutualPosition(otherAttackerPos, defenderPos) >= 0) { if((mask & 1) == 0) { mask |= 1; res.push_back(defenderPos); } } if (defender->doubleWide()//front <=> back && BattleHex::mutualPosition(attackerPos, otherDefenderPos) >= 0) { if((mask & 2) == 0) { mask |= 2; res.push_back(otherDefenderPos); } } if (defender->doubleWide() && attacker->doubleWide()//back <=> back && BattleHex::mutualPosition(otherAttackerPos, otherDefenderPos) >= 0) { if((mask & 2) == 0) { mask |= 2; res.push_back(otherDefenderPos); } } MAYBE_UNUSED(mask); return res; } bool CStack::isMeleeAttackPossible(const battle::Unit * attacker, const battle::Unit * defender, BattleHex attackerPos, BattleHex defenderPos) { return !meleeAttackHexes(attacker, defender, attackerPos, defenderPos).empty(); } std::string CStack::getName() const { return (getCount() == 1) ? type->getNameSingularTranslated() : type->getNamePluralTranslated(); //War machines can't use base } bool CStack::canBeHealed() const { return getFirstHPleft() < static_cast(MaxHealth()) && isValidTarget() && !hasBonusOfType(Bonus::SIEGE_WEAPON); } bool CStack::isOnNativeTerrain() const { //this code is called from CreatureTerrainLimiter::limit on battle start auto res = nativeTerrain == ETerrainId::ANY_TERRAIN || nativeTerrain == battle->getTerrainType(); return res; } bool CStack::isOnTerrain(TerrainId terrain) const { return battle->getTerrainType() == terrain; } const CCreature * CStack::unitType() const { return type; } int32_t CStack::unitBaseAmount() const { return baseAmount; } bool CStack::unitHasAmmoCart(const battle::Unit * unit) const { for(const CStack * st : battle->stacks) { if(battle->battleMatchOwner(st, unit, true) && st->getCreature()->getId() == CreatureID::AMMO_CART) { return st->alive(); } } //ammo cart works during creature bank battle while not on battlefield const auto * ownerHero = battle->battleGetOwnerHero(unit); if(ownerHero && ownerHero->artifactsWorn.find(ArtifactPosition::MACH2) != ownerHero->artifactsWorn.end()) { if(battle->battleGetOwnerHero(unit)->artifactsWorn.at(ArtifactPosition::MACH2).artifact->artType->getId() == ArtifactID::AMMO_CART) { return true; } } return false; //will be always false if trying to examine enemy hero in "special battle" } PlayerColor CStack::unitEffectiveOwner(const battle::Unit * unit) const { return battle->battleGetOwner(unit); } uint32_t CStack::unitId() const { return ID; } ui8 CStack::unitSide() const { return side; } PlayerColor CStack::unitOwner() const { return owner; } SlotID CStack::unitSlot() const { return slot; } std::string CStack::getDescription() const { return nodeName(); } void CStack::spendMana(ServerCallback * server, const int spellCost) const { if(spellCost != 1) logGlobal->warn("Unexpected spell cost %d for creature", spellCost); BattleSetStackProperty ssp; ssp.stackID = unitId(); ssp.which = BattleSetStackProperty::CASTS; ssp.val = -spellCost; ssp.absolute = false; server->apply(&ssp); } VCMI_LIB_NAMESPACE_END