/* * TurnTimerWidget.cpp, part of VCMI engine * * Authors: listed in file AUTHORS in main folder * * License: GNU General Public License v2.0 or later * Full text of license available in license.txt file, in main folder * */ #include "StdInc.h" #include "TurnTimerWidget.h" #include "../CGameInfo.h" #include "../CPlayerInterface.h" #include "../battle/BattleInterface.h" #include "../battle/BattleStacksController.h" #include "../gui/CGuiHandler.h" #include "../media/ISoundPlayer.h" #include "../render/Graphics.h" #include "../widgets/Images.h" #include "../widgets/GraphicalPrimitiveCanvas.h" #include "../widgets/TextControls.h" #include "../../CCallback.h" #include "../../lib/CPlayerState.h" #include "../../lib/CStack.h" #include "../../lib/StartInfo.h" TurnTimerWidget::TurnTimerWidget(const Point & position) : TurnTimerWidget(position, PlayerColor::NEUTRAL) {} TurnTimerWidget::TurnTimerWidget(const Point & position, PlayerColor player) : CIntObject(TIME) , lastSoundCheckSeconds(0) , isBattleMode(player.isValidPlayer()) { OBJ_CONSTRUCTION_CAPTURING_ALL_NO_DISPOSE; pos += position; pos.w = 0; pos.h = 0; recActions &= ~DEACTIVATE; const auto & timers = LOCPLINT->cb->getStartInfo()->turnTimerInfo; backgroundTexture = std::make_shared(ImagePath::builtin("DiBoxBck"), pos); // 1 px smaller on all sides if (isBattleMode) backgroundBorder = std::make_shared(pos, ColorRGBA(0, 0, 0, 128), Colors::BRIGHT_YELLOW); else backgroundBorder = std::make_shared(pos, ColorRGBA(0, 0, 0, 128), Colors::BLACK); if (isBattleMode) { pos.w = 76; pos.h += 20; playerLabelsMain[player] = std::make_shared(pos.w / 2, pos.h - 10, FONT_BIG, ETextAlignment::CENTER, graphics->playerColors[player], ""); if (timers.battleTimer != 0) { pos.h += 20; playerLabelsBattle[player] = std::make_shared(pos.w / 2, pos.h - 10, FONT_BIG, ETextAlignment::CENTER, graphics->playerColors[player], ""); } if (!timers.accumulatingUnitTimer && timers.unitTimer != 0) { pos.h += 20; playerLabelsUnit[player] = std::make_shared(pos.w / 2, pos.h - 10, FONT_BIG, ETextAlignment::CENTER, graphics->playerColors[player], ""); } updateTextLabel(player, LOCPLINT->cb->getPlayerTurnTime(player)); } else { if (!timers.accumulatingTurnTimer && timers.baseTimer != 0) pos.w = 120; else pos.w = 60; for(PlayerColor player(0); player < PlayerColor::PLAYER_LIMIT; ++player) { if (LOCPLINT->cb->getStartInfo()->playerInfos.count(player) == 0) continue; if (!LOCPLINT->cb->getStartInfo()->playerInfos.at(player).isControlledByHuman()) continue; pos.h += 20; playerLabelsMain[player] = std::make_shared(pos.w / 2, pos.h - 10, FONT_BIG, ETextAlignment::CENTER, graphics->playerColors[player], ""); updateTextLabel(player, LOCPLINT->cb->getPlayerTurnTime(player)); } } backgroundTexture->pos = Rect::createAround(pos, -1); backgroundBorder->pos = pos; } void TurnTimerWidget::show(Canvas & to) { showAll(to); } void TurnTimerWidget::updateNotifications(PlayerColor player, int timeMs) { if(player != LOCPLINT->playerID) return; int newTimeSeconds = timeMs / 1000; if (newTimeSeconds != lastSoundCheckSeconds && notificationThresholds.count(newTimeSeconds)) CCS->soundh->playSound(AudioPath::builtin("WE5")); lastSoundCheckSeconds = newTimeSeconds; } static std::string msToString(int timeMs) { int timeSeconds = timeMs / 1000; std::ostringstream oss; oss << timeSeconds / 60 << ":" << std::setw(2) << std::setfill('0') << timeSeconds % 60; return oss.str(); } void TurnTimerWidget::updateTextLabel(PlayerColor player, const TurnTimerInfo & timer) { const auto & timerSettings = LOCPLINT->cb->getStartInfo()->turnTimerInfo; auto mainLabel = playerLabelsMain[player]; if (isBattleMode) { mainLabel->setText(msToString(timer.baseTimer + timer.turnTimer)); if (timerSettings.battleTimer != 0) { auto battleLabel = playerLabelsBattle[player]; if (timer.battleTimer != 0) { if (timerSettings.accumulatingUnitTimer) battleLabel->setText("+" + msToString(timer.battleTimer + timer.unitTimer)); else battleLabel->setText("+" + msToString(timer.battleTimer)); } else battleLabel->setText(""); } if (!timerSettings.accumulatingUnitTimer && timerSettings.unitTimer != 0) { auto unitLabel = playerLabelsUnit[player]; if (timer.unitTimer != 0) unitLabel->setText("+" + msToString(timer.unitTimer)); else unitLabel->setText(""); } } else { if (!timerSettings.accumulatingTurnTimer && timerSettings.baseTimer != 0) mainLabel->setText(msToString(timer.baseTimer) + "+" + msToString(timer.turnTimer)); else mainLabel->setText(msToString(timer.baseTimer + timer.turnTimer)); } } void TurnTimerWidget::updateTimer(PlayerColor player, uint32_t msPassed) { const auto & gamestateTimer = LOCPLINT->cb->getPlayerTurnTime(player); updateNotifications(player, gamestateTimer.valueMs()); updateTextLabel(player, gamestateTimer); } void TurnTimerWidget::tick(uint32_t msPassed) { for(const auto & player : playerLabelsMain) { if (LOCPLINT->battleInt) { const auto & battle = LOCPLINT->battleInt->getBattle(); bool isDefender = battle->sideToPlayer(BattleSide::DEFENDER) == player.first; bool isAttacker = battle->sideToPlayer(BattleSide::ATTACKER) == player.first; bool isMakingUnitTurn = battle->battleActiveUnit() && battle->battleActiveUnit()->unitOwner() == player.first; bool isEngagedInBattle = isDefender || isAttacker; // Due to way our network message queue works during battle animation // client actually does not receives updates from server as to which timer is active when game has battle animations playing // so during battle skip updating timer unless game is waiting for player to select action if (isEngagedInBattle && !isMakingUnitTurn) continue; } updateTimer(player.first, msPassed); } }