#ifndef __CCREATURESET_H__ #define __CCREATURESET_H__ #include "../global.h" #include #include "HeroBonus.h" class CCreature; class CGHeroInstance; class CArmedInstance; //a few typedefs for CCreatureSet typedef si32 TSlot; typedef si32 TQuantity; typedef ui32 TCreature; //creature id const int ARMY_SIZE = 7; class DLL_EXPORT CStackInstance : public CBonusSystemNode { public: int idRand; //hlp variable used during loading game -> "id" placeholder for randomization const CArmedInstance *armyObj; //stack must be part of some army, army must be part of some object const CCreature *type; TQuantity count; ui32 getMinDamage() const; ui32 getMaxDamage() const; ui32 experience; //TODO: handle //TODO: stack artifacts template void serialize(Handler &h, const int version) { h & static_cast(*this); h & armyObj & type & count & experience; } //overrides CBonusSystemNode void getParents(TCNodes &out, const CBonusSystemNode *source = NULL) const; //retrieves list of parent nodes (nodes to inherit bonuses from), source is the prinary asker int getQuantityID() const; std::string getQuantityTXT(bool capitalized = true) const; void init(); CStackInstance(); CStackInstance(TCreature id, TQuantity count, const CArmedInstance *ArmyObj = NULL); CStackInstance(const CCreature *cre, TQuantity count); void setType(int creID); }; typedef std::map TSlots; class DLL_EXPORT CCreatureSet //seven combined creatures { public: TSlots slots; //slots[slot_id]=> pair(creature_id,creature_quantity) ui8 formation; //false - wide, true - tight const CStackInstance operator[](TSlot slot) const; const TSlots &Slots() const {return slots;} void addToSlot(TSlot slot, TCreature cre, TQuantity count, bool allowMerging = true); //Adds stack to slot. Slot must be empty or with same type creature void addToSlot(TSlot slot, const CStackInstance &stack, bool allowMerging = true); //Adds stack to slot. Slot must be empty or with same type creature void addStack(TSlot slot, const CStackInstance &stack); //adds new stack to the army, slot must be empty bool setCreature (TSlot slot, TCreature type, TQuantity quantity); //slots 0 to 6, if quantity=0, erases stack void clear(); void setFormation(bool tight); void setStackCount(TSlot slot, TQuantity count); //stack must exist! void eraseStack(TSlot slot); const CStackInstance& getStack(TSlot slot) const; const CCreature* getCreature(TSlot slot) const; //workaround of map issue; int getAmount (TSlot slot) const; TSlot getSlotFor(TCreature creature, ui32 slotsAmount=ARMY_SIZE) const; //returns -1 if no slot available bool mergableStacks(std::pair &out, TSlot preferable = -1) const; //looks for two same stacks, returns slot positions; bool validTypes(bool allowUnrandomized = false) const; //checks if all types of creatures are set properly bool slotEmpty(TSlot slot) const; int stacksCount() const; virtual bool needsLastStack() const; //true if last stack cannot be taken int getArmyStrength() const; //sum of AI values of creatures ui64 getPower (TSlot slot) const; //value of specific stack std::string getRoughAmount (TSlot slot) const; //rough size of specific stack bool contains(const CStackInstance *stack) const; template void serialize(Handler &h, const int version) { h & slots & formation; } operator bool() const { return slots.size() > 0; } void sweep(); }; #endif // __CCREATURESET_H__