/* * CCampaignHandler.cpp, part of VCMI engine * * Authors: listed in file AUTHORS in main folder * * License: GNU General Public License v2.0 or later * Full text of license available in license.txt file, in main folder * */ #include "StdInc.h" #include "CampaignState.h" #include "../JsonNode.h" #include "../filesystem/ResourceID.h" #include "../VCMI_Lib.h" #include "../CGeneralTextHandler.h" #include "../mapping/CMapService.h" #include "../mapping/CMapInfo.h" #include "../mapping/CMap.h" #include "../mapObjects/CGHeroInstance.h" #include "../serializer/JsonDeserializer.h" #include "../serializer/JsonSerializer.h" VCMI_LIB_NAMESPACE_BEGIN void CampaignScenario::loadPreconditionRegions(ui32 regions) { for (int i=0; i<32; i++) //for each bit in region. h3c however can only hold up to 16 { if ( (1 << i) & regions) preconditionRegions.insert(static_cast(i)); } } CampaignRegions::RegionDescription CampaignRegions::RegionDescription::fromJson(const JsonNode & node) { CampaignRegions::RegionDescription rd; rd.infix = node["infix"].String(); rd.xpos = static_cast(node["x"].Float()); rd.ypos = static_cast(node["y"].Float()); return rd; } CampaignRegions CampaignRegions::fromJson(const JsonNode & node) { CampaignRegions cr; cr.campPrefix = node["prefix"].String(); cr.colorSuffixLength = static_cast(node["color_suffix_length"].Float()); for(const JsonNode & desc : node["desc"].Vector()) cr.regions.push_back(CampaignRegions::RegionDescription::fromJson(desc)); return cr; } CampaignRegions CampaignRegions::getLegacy(int campId) { static std::vector campDescriptions; if(campDescriptions.empty()) //read once { const JsonNode config(ResourceID("config/campaign_regions.json")); for(const JsonNode & campaign : config["campaign_regions"].Vector()) campDescriptions.push_back(CampaignRegions::fromJson(campaign)); } return campDescriptions.at(campId); } std::string CampaignRegions::getBackgroundName() const { return campPrefix + "_BG.BMP"; } Point CampaignRegions::getPosition(CampaignScenarioID which) const { auto const & region = regions[static_cast(which)]; return Point(region.xpos, region.ypos); } std::string CampaignRegions::getNameFor(CampaignScenarioID which, int colorIndex, std::string type) const { auto const & region = regions[static_cast(which)]; static const std::string colors[2][8] = { {"R", "B", "N", "G", "O", "V", "T", "P"}, {"Re", "Bl", "Br", "Gr", "Or", "Vi", "Te", "Pi"} }; std::string color = colors[colorSuffixLength - 1][colorIndex]; return campPrefix + region.infix + "_" + type + color + ".BMP"; } std::string CampaignRegions::getAvailableName(CampaignScenarioID which, int color) const { return getNameFor(which, color, "En"); } std::string CampaignRegions::getSelectedName(CampaignScenarioID which, int color) const { return getNameFor(which, color, "Se"); } std::string CampaignRegions::getConqueredName(CampaignScenarioID which, int color) const { return getNameFor(which, color, "Co"); } bool CampaignBonus::isBonusForHero() const { return type == CampaignBonusType::SPELL || type == CampaignBonusType::MONSTER || type == CampaignBonusType::ARTIFACT || type == CampaignBonusType::SPELL_SCROLL || type == CampaignBonusType::PRIMARY_SKILL || type == CampaignBonusType::SECONDARY_SKILL; } void CampaignHeader::loadLegacyData(ui8 campId) { campaignRegions = CampaignRegions::getLegacy(campId); numberOfScenarios = VLC->generaltexth->getCampaignLength(campId); } bool CampaignHeader::playerSelectedDifficulty() const { return difficultyChoosenByPlayer; } bool CampaignHeader::formatVCMI() const { return version == CampaignVersion::VCMI; } std::string CampaignHeader::getDescription() const { return description; } std::string CampaignHeader::getName() const { return name; } std::string CampaignHeader::getFilename() const { return filename; } std::string CampaignHeader::getModName() const { return modName; } std::string CampaignHeader::getEncoding() const { return encoding; } std::string CampaignHeader::getMusic() const { return music; } const CampaignRegions & CampaignHeader::getRegions() const { return campaignRegions; } bool CampaignState::isConquered(CampaignScenarioID whichScenario) const { return vstd::contains(mapsConquered, whichScenario); } bool CampaignState::isAvailable(CampaignScenarioID whichScenario) const { //check for void scenraio if (!scenario(whichScenario).isNotVoid()) { return false; } if (vstd::contains(mapsConquered, whichScenario)) { return false; } //check preconditioned regions for (auto const & it : scenario(whichScenario).preconditionRegions) { if (!vstd::contains(mapsConquered, it)) return false; } return true; } bool CampaignScenario::isNotVoid() const { return !mapName.empty(); } std::set CampaignState::getReservedHeroes() const { std::set result; for (auto const & scenarioID : allScenarios()) { if (isConquered(scenarioID)) continue; auto header = getMapHeader(scenarioID); result.insert(header->reservedCampaignHeroes.begin(), header->reservedCampaignHeroes.end()); } return result; } const CGHeroInstance * CampaignState::strongestHero(CampaignScenarioID scenarioId, const PlayerColor & owner) const { std::function isOwned = [owner](const JsonNode & node) { auto * h = CampaignState::crossoverDeserialize(node, nullptr); bool result = h->tempOwner == owner; vstd::clear_pointer(h); return result; }; auto ownedHeroes = scenarioHeroPool.at(scenarioId) | boost::adaptors::filtered(isOwned); if (ownedHeroes.empty()) return nullptr; return CampaignState::crossoverDeserialize(ownedHeroes.front(), nullptr); } /// Returns heroes that can be instantiated as hero placeholders by power const std::vector & CampaignState::getHeroesByPower(CampaignScenarioID scenarioId) const { static const std::vector emptyVector; if (scenarioHeroPool.count(scenarioId)) return scenarioHeroPool.at(scenarioId); return emptyVector; } /// Returns hero for instantiation as placeholder by type /// May return empty JsonNode if such hero was not found const JsonNode & CampaignState::getHeroByType(HeroTypeID heroID) const { static const JsonNode emptyNode; if (!getReservedHeroes().count(heroID)) return emptyNode; if (!globalHeroPool.count(heroID)) return emptyNode; return globalHeroPool.at(heroID); } void CampaignState::setCurrentMapAsConquered(std::vector heroes) { range::sort(heroes, [](const CGHeroInstance * a, const CGHeroInstance * b) { return a->getHeroStrength() > b->getHeroStrength(); }); logGlobal->info("Scenario %d of campaign %s (%s) has been completed", static_cast(*currentMap), getFilename(), getName()); mapsConquered.push_back(*currentMap); auto reservedHeroes = getReservedHeroes(); for (auto * hero : heroes) { HeroTypeID heroType(hero->subID); JsonNode node = CampaignState::crossoverSerialize(hero); if (reservedHeroes.count(heroType)) { logGlobal->info("Hero crossover: %d (%s) exported to global pool", hero->subID, hero->getNameTranslated()); globalHeroPool[heroType] = node; } else { logGlobal->info("Hero crossover: %d (%s) exported to scenario pool", hero->subID, hero->getNameTranslated()); scenarioHeroPool[*currentMap].push_back(node); } } } std::optional CampaignState::getBonus(CampaignScenarioID which) const { auto bonuses = scenario(which).travelOptions.bonusesToChoose; assert(chosenCampaignBonuses.count(*currentMap) || bonuses.empty()); if(bonuses.empty()) return std::optional(); if (!getBonusID(which)) return std::optional(); return bonuses[getBonusID(which).value()]; } std::optional CampaignState::getBonusID(CampaignScenarioID which) const { if (!chosenCampaignBonuses.count(which)) return std::nullopt; return chosenCampaignBonuses.at(which); } std::unique_ptr CampaignState::getMap(CampaignScenarioID scenarioId) const { // FIXME: there is certainly better way to handle maps inside campaigns if(scenarioId == CampaignScenarioID::NONE) scenarioId = currentMap.value(); CMapService mapService; std::string scenarioName = getFilename().substr(0, getFilename().find('.')); boost::to_lower(scenarioName); scenarioName += ':' + std::to_string(static_cast(scenarioId)); const auto & mapContent = mapPieces.find(scenarioId)->second; return mapService.loadMap(mapContent.data(), mapContent.size(), scenarioName, getModName(), getEncoding()); } std::unique_ptr CampaignState::getMapHeader(CampaignScenarioID scenarioId) const { if(scenarioId == CampaignScenarioID::NONE) scenarioId = currentMap.value(); CMapService mapService; std::string scenarioName = getFilename().substr(0, getFilename().find('.')); boost::to_lower(scenarioName); scenarioName += ':' + std::to_string(static_cast(scenarioId)); const auto & mapContent = mapPieces.find(scenarioId)->second; return mapService.loadMapHeader(mapContent.data(), mapContent.size(), scenarioName, getModName(), getEncoding()); } std::shared_ptr CampaignState::getMapInfo(CampaignScenarioID scenarioId) const { if(scenarioId == CampaignScenarioID::NONE) scenarioId = currentMap.value(); auto mapInfo = std::make_shared(); mapInfo->fileURI = getFilename(); mapInfo->mapHeader = getMapHeader(scenarioId); mapInfo->countPlayers(); return mapInfo; } JsonNode CampaignState::crossoverSerialize(CGHeroInstance * hero) { JsonNode node; JsonSerializer handler(nullptr, node); hero->serializeJsonOptions(handler); return node; } CGHeroInstance * CampaignState::crossoverDeserialize(const JsonNode & node, CMap * map) { JsonDeserializer handler(nullptr, const_cast(node)); auto * hero = new CGHeroInstance(); hero->ID = Obj::HERO; hero->serializeJsonOptions(handler); if (map) hero->serializeJsonArtifacts(handler, "artifacts", map); return hero; } void CampaignState::setCurrentMap(CampaignScenarioID which) { assert(scenario(which).isNotVoid()); currentMap = which; } void CampaignState::setCurrentMapBonus(ui8 which) { chosenCampaignBonuses[*currentMap] = which; } std::optional CampaignState::currentScenario() const { return currentMap; } std::optional CampaignState::lastScenario() const { if (mapsConquered.empty()) return std::nullopt; return mapsConquered.back(); } std::set CampaignState::conqueredScenarios() const { std::set result; result.insert(mapsConquered.begin(), mapsConquered.end()); return result; } std::set Campaign::allScenarios() const { std::set result; for (auto const & entry : scenarios) { if (entry.second.isNotVoid()) result.insert(entry.first); } return result; } int Campaign::scenariosCount() const { return allScenarios().size(); } const CampaignScenario & Campaign::scenario(CampaignScenarioID which) const { assert(scenarios.count(which)); assert(scenarios.at(which).isNotVoid()); return scenarios.at(which); } bool CampaignState::isCampaignFinished() const { return conqueredScenarios() == allScenarios(); } VCMI_LIB_NAMESPACE_END