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Ivan Savenko f238d89601 NKAI - Prefer giving fast units to scouts
Nullkiller AI will now prefer giving its scout heroes faster units to
optimize their movement points on next turns.

Unit selection logic:
- AI prefers to give 'weak' units that won't affect army strength of main
hero. Unit is considered 'weak' if its level below 4 or if its AI value
is below 1% of total army strength. So AI can give high-tier unit to
scout, but only if main hero already has massive army.

- Within weak units, if hero is moving on terrain with penalty, AI will
always prefer units that are native to this terrain. So on snow AI will
always prefer unit from Tower even if its speed is lower than unit from
another faction.

- Within remaining candidates, AI will prefer unit that will give higher
movement points limit. This also means that in case of H3 rules, all
units with 11+ speed will be viewed as equally good

- If there are multiple units with same speed, AI will prefer unit with
lowest AI value
2025-02-11 16:37:54 +00:00

475 lines
12 KiB

* AINodeStorage.cpp, part of VCMI engine
* Authors: listed in file AUTHORS in main folder
* License: GNU General Public License v2.0 or later
* Full text of license available in license.txt file, in main folder
#include "StdInc.h"
#include "Actors.h"
#include "../AIGateway.h"
#include "../Engine/Nullkiller.h"
#include "../../../CCallback.h"
#include "../../../lib/mapObjects/MapObjects.h"
#include "../../../lib/mapping/CMapDefines.h"
#include "../../../lib/pathfinder/TurnInfo.h"
#include "Actions/BuyArmyAction.h"
using namespace NKAI;
const CCreatureSet emptyArmy;
bool HeroExchangeArmy::needsLastStack() const
return true;
std::shared_ptr<SpecialAction> HeroExchangeArmy::getActorAction() const
std::shared_ptr<SpecialAction> result;
result.reset(new AIPathfinding::BuyArmyAction());
return result;
ChainActor::ChainActor(const CGHeroInstance * hero, HeroRole heroRole, uint64_t chainMask)
:hero(hero), heroRole(heroRole), isMovable(true), chainMask(chainMask), creatureSet(hero),
baseActor(this), carrierParent(nullptr), otherParent(nullptr), actorExchangeCount(1), armyCost(), actorAction()
initialPosition = hero->visitablePos();
layer = hero->boat ? hero->boat->layer : EPathfindingLayer::LAND;
initialMovement = hero->movementPointsRemaining();
initialTurn = 0;
armyValue = getHeroArmyStrengthWithCommander(hero, hero);
heroFightingStrength = hero->getHeroStrength();
ChainActor::ChainActor(const ChainActor * carrier, const ChainActor * other, const CCreatureSet * heroArmy)
:hero(carrier->hero), heroRole(carrier->heroRole), isMovable(true), creatureSet(heroArmy), chainMask(carrier->chainMask | other->chainMask),
baseActor(this), carrierParent(carrier), otherParent(other), heroFightingStrength(carrier->heroFightingStrength),
actorExchangeCount(carrier->actorExchangeCount + other->actorExchangeCount), armyCost(carrier->armyCost + other->armyCost), actorAction()
armyValue = getHeroArmyStrengthWithCommander(hero, heroArmy);
ChainActor::ChainActor(const CGObjectInstance * obj, const CCreatureSet * creatureSet, uint64_t chainMask, int initialTurn)
:hero(nullptr), heroRole(HeroRole::MAIN), isMovable(false), creatureSet(creatureSet), chainMask(chainMask),
baseActor(this), carrierParent(nullptr), otherParent(nullptr), initialTurn(initialTurn), initialMovement(0),
heroFightingStrength(0), actorExchangeCount(1), armyCost(), actorAction()
initialPosition = obj->visitablePos();
layer = EPathfindingLayer::LAND;
armyValue = creatureSet->getArmyStrength();
int ChainActor::maxMovePoints(CGPathNode::ELayer layer)
throw std::logic_error("Asking movement points for static actor");
return hero->movementPointsLimit(layer);
std::string ChainActor::toString() const
return hero->getNameTranslated();
ObjectActor::ObjectActor(const CGObjectInstance * obj, const CCreatureSet * army, uint64_t chainMask, int initialTurn)
:ChainActor(obj, army, chainMask, initialTurn), object(obj)
const CGObjectInstance * ObjectActor::getActorObject() const
return object;
std::string ObjectActor::toString() const
return object->getObjectName() + " at " + object->visitablePos().toString();
HeroActor::HeroActor(const CGHeroInstance * hero, HeroRole heroRole, uint64_t chainMask, const Nullkiller * ai)
:ChainActor(hero, heroRole, chainMask)
exchangeMap.reset(new HeroExchangeMap(this, ai));
const ChainActor * carrier,
const ChainActor * other,
const HeroExchangeArmy * army,
const Nullkiller * ai)
:ChainActor(carrier, other, army)
exchangeMap.reset(new HeroExchangeMap(this, ai));
armyCost += army->armyCost;
actorAction = army->getActorAction();
void ChainActor::setBaseActor(HeroActor * base)
baseActor = base;
hero = base->hero;
heroRole = base->heroRole;
layer = base->layer;
initialMovement = base->initialMovement;
initialTurn = base->initialTurn;
armyValue = base->armyValue;
chainMask = base->chainMask;
creatureSet = base->creatureSet;
isMovable = base->isMovable;
heroFightingStrength = base->heroFightingStrength;
armyCost = base->armyCost;
actorAction = base->actorAction;
actorExchangeCount = base->actorExchangeCount;
void HeroActor::setupSpecialActors()
auto allActors = std::vector<ChainActor *>{this};
for(ChainActor & specialActor : specialActors)
for(int i = 0; i <= SPECIAL_ACTORS_COUNT; i++)
ChainActor * actor = allActors[i];
actor->allowBattle = (i & 1) > 0;
actor->allowSpellCast = (i & 2) > 0;
actor->allowUseResources = (i & 4) > 0;
actor->battleActor = allActors[i | 1];
actor->castActor = allActors[i | 2];
actor->resourceActor = allActors[i | 4];
ExchangeResult ChainActor::tryExchangeNoLock(const ChainActor * specialActor, const ChainActor * other) const
if(!isMovable) return ExchangeResult();
return baseActor->tryExchangeNoLock(specialActor, other);
ExchangeResult HeroActor::tryExchangeNoLock(const ChainActor * specialActor, const ChainActor * other) const
const ChainActor * otherBase = other->baseActor;
ExchangeResult result = exchangeMap->tryExchangeNoLock(otherBase);
if(!result.actor || !result.lockAcquired) return result;
if(specialActor == this)
return result;
int index = vstd::find_pos_if(specialActors, [specialActor](const ChainActor & actor) -> bool
return &actor == specialActor;
result.actor = &(dynamic_cast<HeroActor *>(result.actor)->specialActors.at(index));
return result;
HeroExchangeMap::HeroExchangeMap(const HeroActor * actor, const Nullkiller * ai)
:actor(actor), ai(ai), sync()
for(auto & exchange : exchangeMap)
if(!exchange.second) continue;
delete exchange.second->creatureSet;
for(auto & exchange : exchangeMap)
if(!exchange.second) continue;
delete exchange.second;
ExchangeResult HeroExchangeMap::tryExchangeNoLock(const ChainActor * other)
ExchangeResult result;
boost::shared_lock lock(sync, boost::try_to_lock);
result.lockAcquired = false;
return result;
auto position = exchangeMap.find(other);
if(position != exchangeMap.end())
result.actor = position->second;
return result;
boost::unique_lock uniqueLock(sync, boost::try_to_lock);
result.lockAcquired = false;
return result;
auto inserted = exchangeMap.insert(std::pair<const ChainActor *, HeroActor *>(other, nullptr));
result.actor = inserted.first->second;
return result; // already inserted
auto differentMasks = (actor->chainMask & other->chainMask) == 0;
if(!differentMasks) return result;
if(actor->allowSpellCast || other->allowSpellCast)
return result;
TResources resources = ai->cb->getResourceAmount();
if(!resources.canAfford(actor->armyCost + other->armyCost))
"Can not afford exchange because of total cost %s but we have %s",
(actor->armyCost + other->armyCost).toString(),
return result;
if(other->isMovable && other->armyValue <= actor->armyValue / 10 && other->armyValue < MIN_ARMY_STRENGTH_FOR_CHAIN)
return result;
TResources availableResources = resources - actor->armyCost - other->armyCost;
HeroExchangeArmy * upgradedInitialArmy = tryUpgrade(actor->creatureSet, other->getActorObject(), availableResources);
HeroExchangeArmy * newArmy;
newArmy = pickBestCreatures(upgradedInitialArmy, other->creatureSet);
newArmy->armyCost = upgradedInitialArmy->armyCost;
newArmy->requireBuyArmy = upgradedInitialArmy->requireBuyArmy;
delete upgradedInitialArmy;
newArmy = pickBestCreatures(actor->creatureSet, other->creatureSet);
newArmy = upgradedInitialArmy;
if(!newArmy) return result;
auto newArmyStrength = newArmy->getArmyStrength();
auto oldArmyStrength = actor->creatureSet->getArmyStrength();
if(newArmyStrength <= oldArmyStrength) return result;
auto reinforcement = newArmyStrength - oldArmyStrength;
"Exchange %s->%s reinforcement: %d, %f%%",
100.0f * reinforcement / actor->armyValue);
if(reinforcement <= actor->armyValue / 10 && reinforcement < MIN_ARMY_STRENGTH_FOR_CHAIN)
delete newArmy;
return result;
auto * exchanged = new HeroActor(actor, other, newArmy, ai);
exchanged->armyCost += newArmy->armyCost;
result.actor = exchanged;
exchangeMap[other] = exchanged;
return result;
HeroExchangeArmy * HeroExchangeMap::tryUpgrade(
const CCreatureSet * army,
const CGObjectInstance * upgrader,
TResources resources) const
auto * target = new HeroExchangeArmy();
auto upgradeInfo = ai->armyManager->calculateCreaturesUpgrade(army, upgrader, resources);
for(auto & slotInfo : upgradeInfo.resultingArmy)
auto targetSlot = target->getFreeSlot();
target->addToSlot(targetSlot, slotInfo.creature->getId(), TQuantity(slotInfo.count));
resources -= upgradeInfo.upgradeCost;
target->armyCost += upgradeInfo.upgradeCost;
for(auto slot : army->Slots())
auto targetSlot = target->getSlotFor(slot.second->getCreatureID());
target->addToSlot(targetSlot, slot.second->getCreatureID(), slot.second->count);
if(upgrader->ID == Obj::TOWN)
auto buyArmy = ai->armyManager->getArmyAvailableToBuy(target, ai->cb->getTown(upgrader->id), resources);
for(auto & creatureToBuy : buyArmy)
auto targetSlot = target->getSlotFor(creatureToBuy.creID.toCreature());
if (targetSlot.validSlot())
target->addToSlot(targetSlot, creatureToBuy.creID, creatureToBuy.count);
target->armyCost += creatureToBuy.creID.toCreature()->getFullRecruitCost() * creatureToBuy.count;
target->requireBuyArmy = true;
if(target->getArmyStrength() <= army->getArmyStrength())
delete target;
return nullptr;
return target;
HeroExchangeArmy * HeroExchangeMap::pickBestCreatures(const CCreatureSet * army1, const CCreatureSet * army2) const
auto * target = new HeroExchangeArmy();
auto bestArmy = ai->armyManager->getBestArmy(actor->hero, army1, army2, ai->cb->getTile(actor->hero->visitablePos())->getTerrainID());
for(auto & slotInfo : bestArmy)
auto targetSlot = target->getFreeSlot();
target->addToSlot(targetSlot, slotInfo.creature->getId(), TQuantity(slotInfo.count));
return target;
HillFortActor::HillFortActor(const CGObjectInstance * hillFort, uint64_t chainMask)
:ObjectActor(hillFort, &emptyArmy, chainMask, 0)
DwellingActor::DwellingActor(const CGDwelling * dwelling, uint64_t chainMask, bool waitForGrowth, int dayOfWeek)
: ObjectActor(
getDwellingCreatures(dwelling, waitForGrowth),
getInitialTurn(waitForGrowth, dayOfWeek)),
for(auto & slot : creatureSet->Slots())
armyCost += slot.second->getCreatureID().toCreature()->getFullRecruitCost() * slot.second->count;
delete creatureSet;
int DwellingActor::getInitialTurn(bool waitForGrowth, int dayOfWeek)
return 0;
return 8 - dayOfWeek;
std::string DwellingActor::toString() const
return dwelling->getTypeName() + dwelling->visitablePos().toString();
CCreatureSet * DwellingActor::getDwellingCreatures(const CGDwelling * dwelling, bool waitForGrowth)
auto * dwellingCreatures = new CCreatureSet();
for(auto & creatureInfo : dwelling->creatures)
auto creature = creatureInfo.second.back().toCreature();
return dwellingCreatures;
TownGarrisonActor::TownGarrisonActor(const CGTownInstance * town, uint64_t chainMask)
:ObjectActor(town, town->getUpperArmy(), chainMask, 0), town(town)
std::string TownGarrisonActor::toString() const
return town->getNameTranslated();