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* CRmgTemplateZone.cpp, part of VCMI engine
* Authors: listed in file AUTHORS in main folder
* License: GNU General Public License v2.0 or later
* Full text of license available in license.txt file, in main folder
#include "StdInc.h"
#include "CRmgTemplateZone.h"
#include "../mapping/CMapEditManager.h"
#include "../mapping/CMap.h"
#include "../VCMI_Lib.h"
#include "../CTownHandler.h"
#include "../CCreatureHandler.h"
#include "../spells/CSpellHandler.h" //for choosing random spells
#include "../mapObjects/CommonConstructors.h"
#include "../mapObjects/MapObjects.h" //needed to resolve templates for CommonConstructors.h
#include "../mapObjects/CGPandoraBox.h"
#include "../mapObjects/CRewardableObject.h"
class CMap;
class CMapEditManager;
//class CGObjectInstance;
CRmgTemplateZone::CTownInfo::CTownInfo() : townCount(0), castleCount(0), townDensity(0), castleDensity(0)
int CRmgTemplateZone::CTownInfo::getTownCount() const
return townCount;
void CRmgTemplateZone::CTownInfo::setTownCount(int value)
if(value < 0)
throw rmgException("Negative value for town count not allowed.");
townCount = value;
int CRmgTemplateZone::CTownInfo::getCastleCount() const
return castleCount;
void CRmgTemplateZone::CTownInfo::setCastleCount(int value)
if(value < 0)
throw rmgException("Negative value for castle count not allowed.");
castleCount = value;
int CRmgTemplateZone::CTownInfo::getTownDensity() const
return townDensity;
void CRmgTemplateZone::CTownInfo::setTownDensity(int value)
if(value < 0)
throw rmgException("Negative value for town density not allowed.");
townDensity = value;
int CRmgTemplateZone::CTownInfo::getCastleDensity() const
return castleDensity;
void CRmgTemplateZone::CTownInfo::setCastleDensity(int value)
if(value < 0)
throw rmgException("Negative value for castle density not allowed.");
castleDensity = value;
CTileInfo::CTileInfo():nearestObjectDistance(INT_MAX), terrain(ETerrainType::WRONG)
occupied = ETileType::POSSIBLE; //all tiles are initially possible to place objects or passages
float CTileInfo::getNearestObjectDistance() const
return nearestObjectDistance;
void CTileInfo::setNearestObjectDistance(float value)
nearestObjectDistance = std::max<float>(0, value); //never negative (or unitialized)
bool CTileInfo::shouldBeBlocked() const
return occupied == ETileType::BLOCKED;
bool CTileInfo::isBlocked() const
return occupied == ETileType::BLOCKED || occupied == ETileType::USED;
bool CTileInfo::isPossible() const
return occupied == ETileType::POSSIBLE;
bool CTileInfo::isFree() const
return occupied == ETileType::FREE;
bool CTileInfo::isUsed() const
return occupied == ETileType::USED;
void CTileInfo::setOccupied(ETileType::ETileType value)
occupied = value;
ETileType::ETileType CTileInfo::getTileType() const
return occupied;
ETerrainType CTileInfo::getTerrainType() const
return terrain;
void CTileInfo::setTerrainType(ETerrainType value)
terrain = value;
CRmgTemplateZone::CRmgTemplateZone() :
terrainType (ETerrainType::GRASS),
terrainTypes = getDefaultTerrainTypes();
TRmgTemplateZoneId CRmgTemplateZone::getId() const
return id;
void CRmgTemplateZone::setId(TRmgTemplateZoneId value)
if(value <= 0)
throw rmgException(boost::to_string(boost::format("Zone %d id should be greater than 0.") %id));
id = value;
ETemplateZoneType::ETemplateZoneType CRmgTemplateZone::getType() const
return type;
void CRmgTemplateZone::setType(ETemplateZoneType::ETemplateZoneType value)
type = value;
int CRmgTemplateZone::getSize() const
return size;
void CRmgTemplateZone::setSize(int value)
if(value <= 0)
throw rmgException(boost::to_string(boost::format("Zone %d size needs to be greater than 0.") % id));
size = value;
boost::optional<int> CRmgTemplateZone::getOwner() const
return owner;
void CRmgTemplateZone::setOwner(boost::optional<int> value)
if(!(*value >= 0 && *value <= PlayerColor::PLAYER_LIMIT_I))
throw rmgException(boost::to_string(boost::format ("Owner of zone %d has to be in range 0 to max player count.") %id));
owner = value;
const CRmgTemplateZone::CTownInfo & CRmgTemplateZone::getPlayerTowns() const
return playerTowns;
void CRmgTemplateZone::setPlayerTowns(const CTownInfo & value)
playerTowns = value;
const CRmgTemplateZone::CTownInfo & CRmgTemplateZone::getNeutralTowns() const
return neutralTowns;
void CRmgTemplateZone::setNeutralTowns(const CTownInfo & value)
neutralTowns = value;
bool CRmgTemplateZone::getTownsAreSameType() const
return townsAreSameType;
void CRmgTemplateZone::setTownsAreSameType(bool value)
townsAreSameType = value;
const std::set<TFaction> & CRmgTemplateZone::getTownTypes() const
return townTypes;
void CRmgTemplateZone::setTownTypes(const std::set<TFaction> & value)
townTypes = value;
void CRmgTemplateZone::setMonsterTypes(const std::set<TFaction> & value)
monsterTypes = value;
std::set<TFaction> CRmgTemplateZone::getDefaultTownTypes() const
std::set<TFaction> defaultTowns;
auto towns = VLC->townh->getDefaultAllowed();
for(int i = 0; i < towns.size(); ++i)
if(towns[i]) defaultTowns.insert(i);
return defaultTowns;
bool CRmgTemplateZone::getMatchTerrainToTown() const
return matchTerrainToTown;
void CRmgTemplateZone::setMatchTerrainToTown(bool value)
matchTerrainToTown = value;
const std::set<ETerrainType> & CRmgTemplateZone::getTerrainTypes() const
return terrainTypes;
void CRmgTemplateZone::setTerrainTypes(const std::set<ETerrainType> & value)
assert(value.find(ETerrainType::WRONG) == value.end() && value.find(ETerrainType::BORDER) == value.end() &&
value.find(ETerrainType::WATER) == value.end() && value.find(ETerrainType::ROCK) == value.end());
terrainTypes = value;
std::set<ETerrainType> CRmgTemplateZone::getDefaultTerrainTypes() const
std::set<ETerrainType> terTypes;
static const ETerrainType::EETerrainType allowedTerTypes[] = {ETerrainType::DIRT, ETerrainType::SAND, ETerrainType::GRASS, ETerrainType::SNOW,
ETerrainType::SWAMP, ETerrainType::ROUGH, ETerrainType::SUBTERRANEAN, ETerrainType::LAVA};
for (auto & allowedTerType : allowedTerTypes)
return terTypes;
void CRmgTemplateZone::setMinesAmount (TResource res, ui16 amount)
mines[res] = amount;
std::map<TResource, ui16> CRmgTemplateZone::getMinesInfo() const
return mines;
void CRmgTemplateZone::addConnection(TRmgTemplateZoneId otherZone)
connections.push_back (otherZone);
void CRmgTemplateZone::setQuestArtZone(CRmgTemplateZone * otherZone)
questArtZone = otherZone;
std::vector<TRmgTemplateZoneId> CRmgTemplateZone::getConnections() const
return connections;
void CRmgTemplateZone::setMonsterStrength (EMonsterStrength::EMonsterStrength val)
assert (vstd::iswithin(val, EMonsterStrength::ZONE_WEAK, EMonsterStrength::ZONE_STRONG));
zoneMonsterStrength = val;
void CRmgTemplateZone::addTreasureInfo(CTreasureInfo & info)
std::vector<CTreasureInfo> CRmgTemplateZone::getTreasureInfo()
return treasureInfo;
std::set<int3>* CRmgTemplateZone::getFreePaths()
return &freePaths;
float3 CRmgTemplateZone::getCenter() const
return center;
void CRmgTemplateZone::setCenter(const float3 &f)
//limit boundaries to (0,1) square
center = float3 (std::min(std::max(f.x, 0.f), 1.f), std::min(std::max(f.y, 0.f), 1.f), f.z);
bool CRmgTemplateZone::pointIsIn(int x, int y)
return true;
int3 CRmgTemplateZone::getPos() const
return pos;
void CRmgTemplateZone::setPos(const int3 &Pos)
pos = Pos;
void CRmgTemplateZone::addTile (const int3 &pos)
std::set<int3> CRmgTemplateZone::getTileInfo () const
return tileinfo;
void CRmgTemplateZone::discardDistantTiles (CMapGenerator* gen, float distance)
//TODO: mark tiles beyond zone as unavailable, but allow to connect with adjacent zones
//for (auto tile : tileinfo)
// if (tile.dist2d(this->pos) > distance)
// {
// gen->setOccupied(tile, ETileType::USED);
// //gen->setOccupied(tile, ETileType::BLOCKED); //fixme: crash at rendering?
// }
vstd::erase_if (tileinfo, [distance, this](const int3 &tile) -> bool
return tile.dist2d(this->pos) > distance;
void CRmgTemplateZone::clearTiles()
void CRmgTemplateZone::initFreeTiles (CMapGenerator* gen)
vstd::copy_if (tileinfo, vstd::set_inserter(possibleTiles), [gen](const int3 &tile) -> bool
return gen->isPossible(tile);
if (freePaths.empty())
freePaths.insert(pos); //zone must have at least one free tile where other paths go - for instance in the center
void CRmgTemplateZone::createBorder(CMapGenerator* gen)
for (auto tile : tileinfo)
gen->foreach_neighbour (tile, [this, gen](int3 &pos)
if (!vstd::contains(this->tileinfo, pos))
gen->foreach_neighbour (pos, [this, gen](int3 &pos)
if (gen->isPossible(pos))
gen->setOccupied (pos, ETileType::BLOCKED);
void CRmgTemplateZone::fractalize(CMapGenerator* gen)
for (auto tile : tileinfo)
if (gen->isFree(tile))
std::vector<int3> clearedTiles (freePaths.begin(), freePaths.end());
std::set<int3> possibleTiles;
std::set<int3> tilesToClear; //will be set clear
std::set<int3> tilesToIgnore; //will be erased in this iteration
//the more treasure density, the greater distance between paths. Scaling is experimental.
int totalDensity = 0;
for (auto ti : treasureInfo)
totalDensity += ti.density;
const float minDistance = 10 * 10; //squared
for (auto tile : tileinfo)
if (gen->isFree(tile))
else if (gen->isPossible(tile))
assert (clearedTiles.size()); //this should come from zone connections
if (type != ETemplateZoneType::JUNCTION)
//junction is not fractalized, has only one straight path
//everything else remains blocked
while (possibleTiles.size())
//link tiles in random order
std::vector<int3> tilesToMakePath(possibleTiles.begin(), possibleTiles.end());
RandomGeneratorUtil::randomShuffle(tilesToMakePath, gen->rand);
for (auto tileToMakePath : tilesToMakePath)
//find closest free tile
float currentDistance = 1e10;
int3 closestTile(-1, -1, -1);
for (auto clearTile : clearedTiles)
float distance = tileToMakePath.dist2dSQ(clearTile);
if (distance < currentDistance)
currentDistance = distance;
closestTile = clearTile;
if (currentDistance <= minDistance)
//this tile is close enough. Forget about it and check next one
//if tiles is not close enough, make path to it
if (currentDistance > minDistance)
crunchPath(gen, tileToMakePath, closestTile, id, &tilesToClear);
break; //next iteration - use already cleared tiles
for (auto tileToClear : tilesToClear)
//move cleared tiles from one set to another
vstd::erase_if_present(possibleTiles, tileToClear);
for (auto tileToClear : tilesToIgnore)
//these tiles are already connected, ignore them
vstd::erase_if_present(possibleTiles, tileToClear);
if (tilesToClear.empty()) //nothing else can be done (?)
tilesToClear.clear(); //empty this container
for (auto tile : clearedTiles)
//now block most distant tiles away from passages
float blockDistance = minDistance * 0.25f;
for (auto tile : tileinfo)
if (!gen->isPossible(tile))
bool closeTileFound = false;
for (auto clearTile : freePaths)
float distance = tile.dist2dSQ(clearTile);
if (distance < blockDistance)
closeTileFound = true;
if (!closeTileFound) //this tile is far enough from passages
gen->setOccupied(tile, ETileType::BLOCKED);
if (PRINT_FRACTALIZED_MAP) //enable to debug
std::ofstream out(boost::to_string(boost::format("zone %d") % id));
int levels = gen->map->twoLevel ? 2 : 1;
int width = gen->map->width;
int height = gen->map->height;
for (int k = 0; k < levels; k++)
for(int j=0; j<height; j++)
for (int i=0; i<width; i++)
char t = '?';
switch (gen->getTile(int3(i, j, k)).getTileType())
case ETileType::FREE:
t = ' '; break;
case ETileType::BLOCKED:
t = '#'; break;
case ETileType::POSSIBLE:
t = '-'; break;
case ETileType::USED:
t = 'O'; break;
out << t;
out << std::endl;
out << std::endl;
out << std::endl;
//logGlobal->infoStream() << boost::format ("Zone %d subdivided fractally") %id;
bool CRmgTemplateZone::crunchPath (CMapGenerator* gen, const int3 &src, const int3 &dst, TRmgTemplateZoneId zone, std::set<int3>* clearedTiles)
make shortest path with free tiles, reachning dst or closest already free tile. Avoid blocks.
do not leave zone border
bool result = false;
bool end = false;
int3 currentPos = src;
float distance = currentPos.dist2dSQ (dst);
while (!end)
if (currentPos == dst)
result = true;
auto lastDistance = distance;
gen->foreach_neighbour (currentPos, [this, gen, &currentPos, dst, &distance, &result, &end, clearedTiles](int3 &pos)
if (!result) //not sure if lambda is worth it...
if (pos == dst)
result = true;
end = true;
if (pos.dist2dSQ (dst) < distance)
if (!gen->isBlocked(pos))
if (vstd::contains (tileinfo, pos))
if (gen->isPossible(pos))
gen->setOccupied (pos, ETileType::FREE);
if (clearedTiles)
currentPos = pos;
distance = currentPos.dist2dSQ (dst);
else if (gen->isFree(pos))
end = true;
result = true;
int3 anotherPos(-1, -1, -1);
if (!(result || distance < lastDistance)) //we do not advance, use more advaced pathfinding algorithm?
//try any nearby tiles, even if its not closer than current
float lastDistance = 2 * distance; //start with significantly larger value
gen->foreach_neighbour(currentPos, [this, gen, &currentPos, dst, &lastDistance, &anotherPos, &end, clearedTiles](int3 &pos)
if (currentPos.dist2dSQ(dst) < lastDistance) //try closest tiles from all surrounding unused tiles
if (vstd::contains(tileinfo, pos))
if (gen->isPossible(pos))
if (clearedTiles)
anotherPos = pos;
lastDistance = currentPos.dist2dSQ(dst);
if (anotherPos.valid())
if (clearedTiles)
gen->setOccupied(anotherPos, ETileType::FREE);
currentPos = anotherPos;
if (!(result || distance < lastDistance || anotherPos.valid()))
//FIXME: seemingly this condition is messed up, tells nothing
//logGlobal->warnStream() << boost::format("No tile closer than %s found on path from %s to %s") % currentPos %src %dst;
return result;
void CRmgTemplateZone::addRequiredObject(CGObjectInstance * obj, si32 strength)
requiredObjects.push_back(std::make_pair(obj, strength));
void CRmgTemplateZone::addCloseObject(CGObjectInstance * obj, si32 strength)
closeObjects.push_back(std::make_pair(obj, strength));
bool CRmgTemplateZone::addMonster(CMapGenerator* gen, int3 &pos, si32 strength, bool clearSurroundingTiles, bool zoneGuard)
//precalculate actual (randomized) monster strength based on this post
int mapMonsterStrength = gen->mapGenOptions->getMonsterStrength();
int monsterStrength = (zoneGuard ? 0 : zoneMonsterStrength) + mapMonsterStrength - 1; //array index from 0 to 4
static const int value1[] = {2500, 1500, 1000, 500, 0};
static const int value2[] = {7500, 7500, 7500, 5000, 5000};
static const float multiplier1[] = {0.5, 0.75, 1.0, 1.5, 1.5};
static const float multiplier2[] = {0.5, 0.75, 1.0, 1.0, 1.5};
int strength1 = std::max(0.f, (strength - value1[monsterStrength]) * multiplier1[monsterStrength]);
int strength2 = std::max(0.f, (strength - value2[monsterStrength]) * multiplier2[monsterStrength]);
strength = strength1 + strength2;
if (strength < 2000)
return false; //no guard at all
CreatureID creId = CreatureID::NONE;
int amount = 0;
std::vector<CreatureID> possibleCreatures;
for (auto cre : VLC->creh->creatures)
if (cre->special)
if (!vstd::contains(monsterTypes, cre->faction))
if ((cre->AIValue * (cre->ammMin + cre->ammMax) / 2 < strength) && (strength < cre->AIValue * 100)) //at least one full monster. size between average size of given stack and 100
if (possibleCreatures.size())
creId = *RandomGeneratorUtil::nextItem(possibleCreatures, gen->rand);
amount = strength / VLC->creh->creatures[creId]->AIValue;
if (amount >= 4)
amount *= gen->rand.nextDouble(0.75, 1.25);
else //just pick any available creature
creId = CreatureID(132); //Azure Dragon
amount = strength / VLC->creh->creatures[creId]->AIValue;
auto guard = new CGCreature();
guard->ID = Obj::MONSTER;
guard->subID = creId;
guard->character = CGCreature::HOSTILE;
auto hlp = new CStackInstance(creId, amount);
//will be set during initialization
guard->putStack(SlotID(0), hlp);
//logGlobal->traceStream() << boost::format ("Adding stack of %d %s. Map monster strenght %d, zone monster strength %d, base monster value %d")
// % amount % VLC->creh->creatures[creId]->namePl % mapMonsterStrength % zoneMonsterStrength % strength;
placeObject(gen, guard, pos);
if (clearSurroundingTiles)
//do not spawn anything near monster
gen->foreach_neighbour (pos, [gen](int3 pos)
if (gen->isPossible(pos))
gen->setOccupied(pos, ETileType::FREE);
return true;
bool CRmgTemplateZone::createTreasurePile(CMapGenerator* gen, int3 &pos, float minDistance, const CTreasureInfo& treasureInfo)
CTreasurePileInfo info;
std::map<int3, CGObjectInstance *> treasures;
std::set<int3> boundary;
int3 guardPos (-1,-1,-1);
info.nextTreasurePos = pos;
int maxValue = treasureInfo.max;
int minValue = treasureInfo.min;
ui32 desiredValue = (gen->rand.nextInt(minValue, maxValue));
int currentValue = 0;
CGObjectInstance * object = nullptr;
while (currentValue <= desiredValue - 100) //no objects with value below 100 are avaiable
treasures[info.nextTreasurePos] = nullptr;
for (auto treasurePos : treasures)
gen->foreach_neighbour(treasurePos.first, [gen, &boundary](int3 pos)
for (auto treasurePos : treasures)
//leaving only boundary around objects
vstd::erase_if_present(boundary, treasurePos.first);
for (auto tile : boundary)
//we can't extend boundary anymore
if (!(gen->isBlocked(tile) || gen->isPossible(tile)))
ObjectInfo oi = getRandomObject(gen, info, desiredValue, maxValue, currentValue);
if (!oi.value) //0 value indicates no object
vstd::erase_if_present(treasures, info.nextTreasurePos);
object = oi.generateObject();
//remove from possible objects
auto oiptr = std::find(possibleObjects.begin(), possibleObjects.end(), oi);
assert (oiptr != possibleObjects.end());
if (!oiptr->maxPerZone)
//update treasure pile area
int3 visitablePos = info.nextTreasurePos;
if (oi.templ.isVisitableFromTop())
info.visitableFromTopPositions.insert(visitablePos); //can be accessed from any direction
info.visitableFromBottomPositions.insert(visitablePos); //can be accessed only from bottom or side
for (auto blockedOffset : oi.templ.getBlockedOffsets())
int3 blockPos = info.nextTreasurePos + blockedOffset + oi.templ.getVisitableOffset(); //object will be moved to align vistable pos to treasure pos
currentValue += oi.value;
treasures[info.nextTreasurePos] = object;
//now find place for next object
int3 placeFound(-1,-1,-1);
//randomize next position from among possible ones
std::vector<int3> boundaryCopy (boundary.begin(), boundary.end());
//RandomGeneratorUtil::randomShuffle(boundaryCopy, gen->rand);
auto chooseTopTile = [](const int3 & lhs, const int3 & rhs) -> bool
return lhs.y < rhs.y;
boost::sort(boundaryCopy, chooseTopTile); //start from top tiles to allow objects accessible from bottom
for (auto tile : boundaryCopy)
if (gen->isPossible(tile)) //we can place new treasure only on possible tile
bool here = true;
gen->foreach_neighbour (tile, [gen, &here, minDistance](int3 pos)
if (!(gen->isBlocked(pos) || gen->isPossible(pos)) || gen->getNearestObjectDistance(pos) < minDistance)
here = false;
if (here)
placeFound = tile;
if (placeFound.valid())
info.nextTreasurePos = placeFound;
break; //no more place to add any objects
if (treasures.size())
//find object closest to zone center, then connect it to the middle of the zone
int3 closestFreeTile (-1,-1,-1);
if (info.visitableFromBottomPositions.size()) //get random treasure tile, starting from objects accessible only from bottom
closestFreeTile = findClosestTile (freePaths, *RandomGeneratorUtil::nextItem(info.visitableFromBottomPositions, gen->rand));
closestFreeTile = findClosestTile (freePaths, *RandomGeneratorUtil::nextItem(info.visitableFromTopPositions, gen->rand));
int3 closestTile = int3(-1,-1,-1);
float minDistance = 1e10;
for (auto visitablePos : info.visitableFromBottomPositions) //objects that are not visitable from top must be accessible from bottom or side
if (closestFreeTile.dist2d(visitablePos) < minDistance)
closestTile = visitablePos + int3 (0, 1, 0); //start below object (y+1), possibly even outside the map (?)
minDistance = closestFreeTile.dist2d(visitablePos);
if (!closestTile.valid())
for (auto visitablePos : info.visitableFromTopPositions) //all objects are accessible from any direction
if (closestFreeTile.dist2d(visitablePos) < minDistance)
closestTile = visitablePos;
minDistance = closestFreeTile.dist2d(visitablePos);
assert (closestTile.valid());
for (auto tile : info.occupiedPositions)
if (gen->map->isInTheMap(tile)) //pile boundary may reach map border
gen->setOccupied(tile, ETileType::BLOCKED); //so that crunch path doesn't cut through objects
if (!crunchPath (gen, closestTile, closestFreeTile, id))
//we can't connect this pile, just block it off and start over
for (auto treasure : treasures)
if (gen->isPossible(treasure.first))
gen->setOccupied (treasure.first, ETileType::BLOCKED);
return true;
//update boundary around our objects, including knowledge about objects visitable from bottom
for (auto tile : info.visitableFromBottomPositions)
gen->foreach_neighbour(tile, [tile, &boundary](int3 pos)
if (pos.y >= tile.y) //don't block these objects from above
for (auto tile : info.visitableFromTopPositions)
gen->foreach_neighbour(tile, [&boundary](int3 pos)
bool isPileGuarded = currentValue >= minGuardedValue;
for (auto tile : boundary) //guard must be standing there
if (gen->isFree(tile)) //this tile could be already blocked, don't place a monster here
guardPos = tile;
if (guardPos.valid())
for (auto treasure : treasures)
int3 visitableOffset = treasure.second->getVisitableOffset();
placeObject(gen, treasure.second, treasure.first + visitableOffset);
if (addMonster(gen, guardPos, currentValue, false))
{//block only if the object is guarded
for (auto tile : boundary)
if (gen->isPossible(tile))
gen->setOccupied(tile, ETileType::BLOCKED);
//do not spawn anything near monster
gen->foreach_neighbour(guardPos, [gen](int3 pos)
if (gen->isPossible(pos))
gen->setOccupied(pos, ETileType::FREE);
else //mo monster in this pile, make some free space (needed?)
for (auto tile : boundary)
if (gen->isPossible(tile))
gen->setOccupied(tile, ETileType::FREE);
else if (isPileGuarded)//we couldn't make a connection to this location, block it
for (auto treasure : treasures)
if (gen->isPossible(treasure.first))
gen->setOccupied(treasure.first, ETileType::BLOCKED);
delete treasure.second;
return true;
else //we did not place eveyrthing successfully
return false;
void CRmgTemplateZone::initTownType (CMapGenerator* gen)
//FIXME: handle case that this player is not present -> towns should be set to neutral
int totalTowns = 0;
auto cutPathAroundTown = [gen, this](const CGTownInstance * town)
//cut contour around town in case it was placed in a middle of path. TODO: find better solution
for (auto tile : town->getBlockedPos())
gen->foreach_neighbour(tile, [gen, &tile](int3& pos)
if (gen->isPossible(pos))
gen->setOccupied(pos, ETileType::FREE);
auto addNewTowns = [&totalTowns, gen, this, &cutPathAroundTown](int count, bool hasFort, PlayerColor player)
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
auto town = new CGTownInstance();
town->ID = Obj::TOWN;
if (this->townsAreSameType)
town->subID = townType;
if (townTypes.size())
town->subID = *RandomGeneratorUtil::nextItem(townTypes, gen->rand);
town->subID = *RandomGeneratorUtil::nextItem(getDefaultTownTypes(), gen->rand); //it is possible to have zone with no towns allowed
town->tempOwner = player;
if (hasFort)
for (auto spell : VLC->spellh->objects) //add all regular spells to town
if (!spell->isSpecialSpell() && !spell->isCreatureAbility())
if (!totalTowns)
//first town in zone sets the facton of entire zone
town->subID = townType;
//register MAIN town of zone
//first town in zone goes in the middle
placeAndGuardObject(gen, town, getPos() + town->getVisitableOffset(), 0);
addRequiredObject (town);
if ((type == ETemplateZoneType::CPU_START) || (type == ETemplateZoneType::PLAYER_START))
//set zone types to player faction, generate main town
logGlobal->infoStream() << "Preparing playing zone";
int player_id = *owner - 1;
auto & playerInfo = gen->map->players[player_id];
if (playerInfo.canAnyonePlay())
PlayerColor player(player_id);
townType = gen->mapGenOptions->getPlayersSettings().find(player)->second.getStartingTown();
if (townType == CMapGenOptions::CPlayerSettings::RANDOM_TOWN)
if (townTypes.size())
townType = *RandomGeneratorUtil::nextItem(townTypes, gen->rand);
townType = *RandomGeneratorUtil::nextItem(getDefaultTownTypes(), gen->rand); //it is possible to have zone with no towns allowed
auto town = new CGTownInstance();
town->ID = Obj::TOWN;
town->subID = townType;
town->tempOwner = player;
for (auto spell : VLC->spellh->objects) //add all regular spells to town
if (!spell->isSpecialSpell() && !spell->isCreatureAbility())
//towns are big objects and should be centered around visitable position
placeAndGuardObject(gen, town, getPos() + town->getVisitableOffset(), 0); //generate no guards, but free path to entrance
//register MAIN town of zone only
gen->registerZone (town->subID);
logGlobal->traceStream() << "Fill player info " << player_id;
// Update player info
playerInfo.allowedFactions.insert (townType);
playerInfo.hasMainTown = true;
playerInfo.posOfMainTown = town->pos - town->getVisitableOffset();
playerInfo.generateHeroAtMainTown = true;
//now create actual towns
addNewTowns (playerTowns.getCastleCount() - 1, true, player);
addNewTowns (playerTowns.getTownCount(), false, player);
type = ETemplateZoneType::TREASURE;
if (townTypes.size())
townType = *RandomGeneratorUtil::nextItem(townTypes, gen->rand);
townType = *RandomGeneratorUtil::nextItem(getDefaultTownTypes(), gen->rand); //it is possible to have zone with no towns allowed
else //no player
if (townTypes.size())
townType = *RandomGeneratorUtil::nextItem(townTypes, gen->rand);
townType = *RandomGeneratorUtil::nextItem(getDefaultTownTypes(), gen->rand); //it is possible to have zone with no towns allowed
addNewTowns (neutralTowns.getCastleCount(), true, PlayerColor::NEUTRAL);
addNewTowns (neutralTowns.getTownCount(), false, PlayerColor::NEUTRAL);
if (!totalTowns) //if there's no town present, get random faction for dwellings and pandoras
//25% chance for neutral
if (gen->rand.nextInt(1, 100) <= 25)
townType = ETownType::NEUTRAL;
if (townTypes.size())
townType = *RandomGeneratorUtil::nextItem(townTypes, gen->rand);
else if (monsterTypes.size())
townType = *RandomGeneratorUtil::nextItem(monsterTypes, gen->rand); //this happens in Clash of Dragons in treasure zones, where all towns are banned
void CRmgTemplateZone::initTerrainType (CMapGenerator* gen)
if (matchTerrainToTown && townType != ETownType::NEUTRAL)
terrainType = VLC->townh->factions[townType]->nativeTerrain;
terrainType = *RandomGeneratorUtil::nextItem(terrainTypes, gen->rand);
//TODO: allow new types of terrain?
if (pos.z)
if (terrainType != ETerrainType::LAVA)
terrainType = ETerrainType::SUBTERRANEAN;
if (terrainType == ETerrainType::SUBTERRANEAN)
terrainType = ETerrainType::DIRT;
paintZoneTerrain (gen, terrainType);
void CRmgTemplateZone::paintZoneTerrain (CMapGenerator* gen, ETerrainType terrainType)
std::vector<int3> tiles;
for (auto tile : tileinfo)
tiles.push_back (tile);
gen->editManager->drawTerrain(terrainType, &gen->rand);
bool CRmgTemplateZone::placeMines (CMapGenerator* gen)
std::vector<Res::ERes> required_mines;
static const Res::ERes woodOre[] = {Res::ERes::WOOD, Res::ERes::ORE};
static const Res::ERes preciousResources[] = {Res::ERes::GEMS, Res::ERes::CRYSTAL, Res::ERes::MERCURY, Res::ERes::SULFUR};
for (const auto & res : woodOre)
for (int i = 0; i < mines[res]; i++)
auto mine = new CGMine();
mine->ID = Obj::MINE;
mine->subID = static_cast<si32>(res);
mine->producedResource = res;
mine->producedQuantity = mine->defaultResProduction();
addCloseObject(mine, 1500);
for (const auto & res : preciousResources)
for (int i = 0; i < mines[res]; i++)
auto mine = new CGMine();
mine->ID = Obj::MINE;
mine->subID = static_cast<si32>(res);
mine->producedResource = res;
mine->producedQuantity = mine->defaultResProduction();
addRequiredObject(mine, 3500);
for (int i = 0; i < mines[Res::GOLD]; i++)
auto mine = new CGMine();
mine->ID = Obj::MINE;
mine->subID = static_cast<si32>(Res::GOLD);
mine->producedResource = Res::GOLD;
mine->producedQuantity = mine->defaultResProduction();
addRequiredObject(mine, 7000);
return true;
bool CRmgTemplateZone::createRequiredObjects(CMapGenerator* gen)
logGlobal->traceStream() << "Creating required objects";
for(const auto &obj : requiredObjects)
int3 pos;
if ( ! findPlaceForObject(gen, obj.first, 3, pos))
logGlobal->errorStream() << boost::format("Failed to fill zone %d due to lack of space") %id;
return false;
placeObject (gen, obj.first, pos);
guardObject (gen, obj.first, obj.second, (obj.first->ID == Obj::MONOLITH_TWO_WAY), true);
//paths to required objects constitute main paths of zone. otherwise they just may lead to middle and create dead zones
for (const auto &obj : closeObjects)
std::vector<int3> tiles(possibleTiles.begin(), possibleTiles.end()); //new tiles vector after each object has been placed
// smallest distance to zone center, greatest distance to nearest object
auto isCloser = [this, gen](const int3 & lhs, const int3 & rhs) -> bool
return (this->pos.dist2dSQ(lhs) * 0.5f - gen->getNearestObjectDistance(lhs)) < (this->pos.dist2dSQ(rhs) * 0.5f - gen->getNearestObjectDistance(rhs));
boost::sort (tiles, isCloser);
setTemplateForObject(gen, obj.first);
auto tilesBlockedByObject = obj.first->getBlockedOffsets();
bool result = false;
for (auto tile : tiles)
//object must be accessible from at least one surounding tile
if (!isAccessibleFromAnywhere(gen, obj.first->appearance, tile, tilesBlockedByObject))
//avoid borders
if (gen->isPossible(tile))
if (areAllTilesAvailable(gen, obj.first, tile, tilesBlockedByObject))
placeObject(gen, obj.first, tile);
guardObject(gen, obj.first, obj.second, (obj.first->ID == Obj::MONOLITH_TWO_WAY), true);
result = true;
if (!result)
logGlobal->errorStream() << boost::format("Failed to fill zone %d due to lack of space") % id;
return false;
return true;
void CRmgTemplateZone::createTreasures(CMapGenerator* gen)
int mapMonsterStrength = gen->mapGenOptions->getMonsterStrength();
int monsterStrength = zoneMonsterStrength + mapMonsterStrength - 1; //array index from 0 to 4
static int minGuardedValues[] = { 6500, 4167, 3000, 1833, 1333 };
minGuardedValue = minGuardedValues[monsterStrength];
auto valueComparator = [](const CTreasureInfo & lhs, const CTreasureInfo & rhs) -> bool
return lhs.max > rhs.max;
//place biggest treasures first at large distance, place smaller ones inbetween
boost::sort(treasureInfo, valueComparator);
int totalDensity = 0;
for (auto t : treasureInfo)
//discard objects with too high value to be ever placed
vstd::erase_if(possibleObjects, [t](const ObjectInfo& oi) -> bool
return oi.value > t.max;
totalDensity += t.density;
//treasure density is inversely proportional to zone size but must be scaled back to map size
//also, normalize it to zone count - higher count means relatively smaller zones
//this is squared distance for optimization purposes
const double minDistance = std::max<float>((125.f / totalDensity), 2);
//distance lower than 2 causes objects to overlap and crash
do {
//optimization - don't check tiles which are not allowed
vstd::erase_if(possibleTiles, [gen](const int3 &tile) -> bool
return !gen->isPossible(tile);
int3 pos;
//If we are able to place at least one object with value lower than minGuardedValue, it's ok
if (!findPlaceForTreasurePile(gen, minDistance, pos, t.min))
createTreasurePile(gen, pos, minDistance, t);
} while (true);
void CRmgTemplateZone::createObstacles1(CMapGenerator * gen)
if (pos.z) //underground
//now make sure all accessible tiles have no additional rock on them
std::vector<int3> accessibleTiles;
for (auto tile : tileinfo)
if (gen->isFree(tile) || gen->isUsed(tile))
gen->editManager->drawTerrain(terrainType, &gen->rand);
void CRmgTemplateZone::createObstacles2(CMapGenerator* gen)
typedef std::vector<ObjectTemplate> obstacleVector;
//obstacleVector possibleObstacles;
std::map <ui8, obstacleVector> obstaclesBySize;
typedef std::pair <ui8, obstacleVector> obstaclePair;
std::vector<obstaclePair> possibleObstacles;
//get all possible obstacles for this terrain
for (auto primaryID : VLC->objtypeh->knownObjects())
for (auto secondaryID : VLC->objtypeh->knownSubObjects(primaryID))
auto handler = VLC->objtypeh->getHandlerFor(primaryID, secondaryID);
if (handler->isStaticObject())
for (auto temp : handler->getTemplates())
if (temp.canBePlacedAt(terrainType) && temp.getBlockMapOffset().valid())
for (auto o : obstaclesBySize)
possibleObstacles.push_back (std::make_pair(o.first, o.second));
boost::sort (possibleObstacles, [](const obstaclePair &p1, const obstaclePair &p2) -> bool
return p1.first > p2.first; //bigger obstacles first
auto sel = gen->editManager->getTerrainSelection();
auto tryToPlaceObstacleHere = [this, gen, &possibleObstacles](int3& tile, int index)-> bool
auto temp = *RandomGeneratorUtil::nextItem(possibleObstacles[index].second, gen->rand);
int3 obstaclePos = tile + temp.getBlockMapOffset();
if (canObstacleBePlacedHere(gen, temp, obstaclePos)) //can be placed here
auto obj = VLC->objtypeh->getHandlerFor(temp.id, temp.subid)->create(temp);
placeObject(gen, obj, obstaclePos, false);
return true;
return false;
//reverse order, since obstacles begin in bottom-right corner, while the map coordinates begin in top-left
for (auto tile : boost::adaptors::reverse(tileinfo))
//fill tiles that should be blocked with obstacles or are just possible (with some probability)
if (gen->shouldBeBlocked(tile) || (gen->isPossible(tile) && gen->rand.nextInt(1,100) < 60))
//start from biggets obstacles
for (int i = 0; i < possibleObstacles.size(); i++)
if (tryToPlaceObstacleHere(tile, i))
bool CRmgTemplateZone::fill(CMapGenerator* gen)
freePaths.insert(pos); //zone center should be always clear to allow other tiles to connect
addAllPossibleObjects (gen);
logGlobal->infoStream() << boost::format ("Zone %d filled successfully") %id;
return true;
bool CRmgTemplateZone::findPlaceForTreasurePile(CMapGenerator* gen, float min_dist, int3 &pos, int value)
float best_distance = 0;
bool result = false;
bool needsGuard = value > minGuardedValue;
//logGlobal->infoStream() << boost::format("Min dist for density %f is %d") % density % min_dist;
for(auto tile : possibleTiles)
auto dist = gen->getNearestObjectDistance(tile);
if ((dist >= min_dist) && (dist > best_distance))
bool allTilesAvailable = true;
gen->foreach_neighbour (tile, [&gen, &allTilesAvailable, needsGuard](int3 neighbour)
if (!(gen->isPossible(neighbour) || gen->shouldBeBlocked(neighbour) || (!needsGuard && gen->isFree(neighbour))))
allTilesAvailable = false; //all present tiles must be already blocked or ready for new objects
if (allTilesAvailable)
best_distance = dist;
pos = tile;
result = true;
if (result)
gen->setOccupied(pos, ETileType::BLOCKED); //block that tile //FIXME: why?
return result;
bool CRmgTemplateZone::canObstacleBePlacedHere(CMapGenerator* gen, ObjectTemplate &temp, int3 &pos)
if (!gen->map->isInTheMap(pos)) //blockmap may fit in the map, but botom-right corner does not
return false;
auto tilesBlockedByObject = temp.getBlockedOffsets();
for (auto blockingTile : tilesBlockedByObject)
int3 t = pos + blockingTile;
if (!gen->map->isInTheMap(t) || !(gen->isPossible(t) || gen->shouldBeBlocked(t)))
return false; //if at least one tile is not possible, object can't be placed here
return true;
bool CRmgTemplateZone::isAccessibleFromAnywhere (CMapGenerator* gen, ObjectTemplate &appearance, int3 &tile, const std::set<int3> &tilesBlockedByObject) const
bool accessible = false;
for (int x = -1; x < 2; x++)
for (int y = -1; y <2; y++)
if (x && y) //check only if object is visitable from another tile
int3 offset = appearance.getVisitableOffset() + int3(x, y, 0);
if (!vstd::contains(tilesBlockedByObject, offset))
int3 nearbyPos = tile + offset;
if (gen->map->isInTheMap(nearbyPos))
if (appearance.isVisitableFrom(x, y) && !gen->isBlocked(nearbyPos))
accessible = true;
return accessible;
void CRmgTemplateZone::setTemplateForObject(CMapGenerator* gen, CGObjectInstance* obj)
if (obj->appearance.id == Obj::NO_OBJ)
auto templates = VLC->objtypeh->getHandlerFor(obj->ID, obj->subID)->getTemplates(gen->map->getTile(getPos()).terType);
if (templates.empty())
throw rmgException(boost::to_string(boost::format("Did not find graphics for object (%d,%d) at %s") % obj->ID %obj->subID %pos));
obj->appearance = templates.front();
bool CRmgTemplateZone::areAllTilesAvailable(CMapGenerator* gen, CGObjectInstance* obj, int3& tile, std::set<int3>& tilesBlockedByObject) const
for (auto blockingTile : tilesBlockedByObject)
int3 t = tile + blockingTile;
if (!gen->map->isInTheMap(t) || !gen->isPossible(t))
//if at least one tile is not possible, object can't be placed here
return false;
return true;
bool CRmgTemplateZone::findPlaceForObject(CMapGenerator* gen, CGObjectInstance* obj, si32 min_dist, int3 &pos)
//we need object apperance to deduce free tile
setTemplateForObject(gen, obj);
//si32 min_dist = sqrt(tileinfo.size()/density);
int best_distance = 0;
bool result = false;
//si32 w = gen->map->width;
//si32 h = gen->map->height;
//logGlobal->infoStream() << boost::format("Min dist for density %f is %d") % density % min_dist;
auto tilesBlockedByObject = obj->getBlockedOffsets();
for (auto tile : tileinfo)
//object must be accessible from at least one surounding tile
if (!isAccessibleFromAnywhere(gen, obj->appearance, tile, tilesBlockedByObject))
auto ti = gen->getTile(tile);
auto dist = ti.getNearestObjectDistance();
//avoid borders
if (gen->isPossible(tile) && (dist >= min_dist) && (dist > best_distance))
if (areAllTilesAvailable(gen, obj, tile, tilesBlockedByObject))
best_distance = dist;
pos = tile;
result = true;
if (result)
gen->setOccupied(pos, ETileType::BLOCKED); //block that tile
return result;
void CRmgTemplateZone::checkAndPlaceObject(CMapGenerator* gen, CGObjectInstance* object, const int3 &pos)
if (!gen->map->isInTheMap(pos))
throw rmgException(boost::to_string(boost::format("Position of object %d at %s is outside the map") % object->id % pos));
object->pos = pos;
if (object->isVisitable() && !gen->map->isInTheMap(object->visitablePos()))
throw rmgException(boost::to_string(boost::format("Visitable tile %s of object %d at %s is outside the map") % object->visitablePos() % object->id % object->pos()));
for (auto tile : object->getBlockedPos())
if (!gen->map->isInTheMap(tile))
throw rmgException(boost::to_string(boost::format("Tile %s of object %d at %s is outside the map") % tile() % object->id % object->pos()));
if (object->appearance.id == Obj::NO_OBJ)
auto terrainType = gen->map->getTile(pos).terType;
auto templates = VLC->objtypeh->getHandlerFor(object->ID, object->subID)->getTemplates(terrainType);
if (templates.empty())
throw rmgException(boost::to_string(boost::format("Did not find graphics for object (%d,%d) at %s (terrain %d)") %object->ID %object->subID %pos %terrainType));
object->appearance = templates.front();
gen->editManager->insertObject(object, pos);
//logGlobal->traceStream() << boost::format ("Successfully inserted object (%d,%d) at pos %s") %object->ID %object->subID %pos();
void CRmgTemplateZone::placeObject(CMapGenerator* gen, CGObjectInstance* object, const int3 &pos, bool updateDistance)
//logGlobal->traceStream() << boost::format("Inserting object at %d %d") % pos.x % pos.y;
checkAndPlaceObject (gen, object, pos);
auto points = object->getBlockedPos();
if (object->isVisitable())
points.insert(pos + object->getVisitableOffset());
for(auto p : points)
if (gen->map->isInTheMap(p))
gen->setOccupied(p, ETileType::USED);
if (updateDistance)
for(auto tile : possibleTiles) //don't need to mark distance for not possible tiles
si32 d = pos.dist2dSQ(tile); //optimization, only relative distance is interesting
gen->setNearestObjectDistance(tile, std::min<float>(d, gen->getNearestObjectDistance(tile)));
if (object->ID == Obj::SEER_HUT) //debug
CGSeerHut * sh = dynamic_cast<CGSeerHut *>(object);
auto artid = sh->quest->m5arts.front();
logGlobal->warnStream() << boost::format("Placed Seer Hut at %s, quest artifact %d is %s") % object->pos % artid % VLC->arth->artifacts[artid]->Name();
void CRmgTemplateZone::placeAndGuardObject(CMapGenerator* gen, CGObjectInstance* object, const int3 &pos, si32 str, bool zoneGuard)
placeObject(gen, object, pos);
guardObject(gen, object, str, zoneGuard);
std::vector<int3> CRmgTemplateZone::getAccessibleOffsets (CMapGenerator* gen, CGObjectInstance* object)
//get all tiles from which this object can be accessed
int3 visitable = object->visitablePos();
std::vector<int3> tiles;
auto tilesBlockedByObject = object->getBlockedPos(); //absolue value, as object is already placed
gen->foreach_neighbour(visitable, [&](int3& pos)
if (gen->isPossible(pos))
if (!vstd::contains(tilesBlockedByObject, pos))
if (object->appearance.isVisitableFrom(pos.x - visitable.x, pos.y - visitable.y) && !gen->isBlocked(pos)) //TODO: refactor - info about visitability from absolute coordinates
return tiles;
bool CRmgTemplateZone::guardObject(CMapGenerator* gen, CGObjectInstance* object, si32 str, bool zoneGuard, bool addToFreePaths)
logGlobal->traceStream() << boost::format("Guard object at %s") % object->pos();
std::vector<int3> tiles = getAccessibleOffsets (gen, object);
int3 guardTile(-1,-1,-1);
for (auto tile : tiles)
//crunching path may fail if center of the zone is directly over wide object
//make sure object is accessible before surrounding it with blocked tiles
if (crunchPath (gen, tile, findClosestTile(freePaths, tile), id, addToFreePaths ? &freePaths : nullptr))
guardTile = tile;
if (!guardTile.valid())
logGlobal->errorStream() << boost::format("Failed to crunch path to object at %s") % object->pos();
return false;
if (addMonster (gen, guardTile, str, false, zoneGuard)) //do not place obstacles around unguarded object
for (auto pos : tiles)
if (!gen->isFree(pos))
gen->setOccupied(pos, ETileType::BLOCKED);
gen->foreach_neighbour (guardTile, [&](int3& pos)
if (gen->isPossible(pos))
gen->setOccupied (pos, ETileType::FREE);
gen->setOccupied (guardTile, ETileType::USED);
else //allow no guard or other object in front of this object
for (auto tile : tiles)
if (gen->isPossible(tile))
gen->setOccupied (tile, ETileType::FREE);
return true;
ObjectInfo CRmgTemplateZone::getRandomObject(CMapGenerator* gen, CTreasurePileInfo &info, ui32 desiredValue, ui32 maxValue, ui32 currentValue)
//int objectsVisitableFromBottom = 0; //for debug
std::vector<std::pair<ui32, ObjectInfo>> tresholds;
ui32 total = 0;
//calculate actual treasure value range based on remaining value
ui32 maxVal = desiredValue - currentValue;
ui32 minValue = 0.25f * (desiredValue - currentValue);
//roulette wheel
for (ObjectInfo &oi : possibleObjects) //copy constructor turned out to be costly
if (oi.value >= minValue && oi.value <= maxVal && oi.maxPerZone > 0)
int3 newVisitableOffset = oi.templ.getVisitableOffset(); //visitablePos assumes object will be shifter by visitableOffset
int3 newVisitablePos = info.nextTreasurePos;
if (!oi.templ.isVisitableFromTop())
//there must be free tiles under object
auto blockedOffsets = oi.templ.getBlockedOffsets();
if (!isAccessibleFromAnywhere(gen, oi.templ, newVisitablePos, blockedOffsets))
//NOTE: y coordinate grows downwards
if (info.visitableFromBottomPositions.size() + info.visitableFromTopPositions.size()) //do not try to match first object in zone
bool fitsHere = false;
if (oi.templ.isVisitableFromTop()) //new can be accessed from any direction
for (auto tile : info.visitableFromTopPositions)
int3 actualTile = tile + newVisitableOffset;
if (newVisitablePos.areNeighbours(actualTile)) //we access other removable object from any position
fitsHere = true;
for (auto tile : info.visitableFromBottomPositions)
int3 actualTile = tile + newVisitableOffset;
if (newVisitablePos.areNeighbours(actualTile) && newVisitablePos.y >= actualTile.y) //we access existing static object from side or bottom only
fitsHere = true;
else //if new object is not visitable from top, it must be accessible from below or side
for (auto tile : info.visitableFromTopPositions)
int3 actualTile = tile + newVisitableOffset;
if (newVisitablePos.areNeighbours(actualTile) && newVisitablePos.y <= actualTile.y) //we access existing removable object from top or side only
fitsHere = true;
for (auto tile : info.visitableFromBottomPositions)
int3 actualTile = tile + newVisitableOffset;
if (newVisitablePos.areNeighbours(actualTile) && newVisitablePos.y == actualTile.y) //we access other static object from side only
fitsHere = true;
if (!fitsHere)
//now check blockmap, including our already reserved pile area
bool fitsBlockmap = true;
std::set<int3> blockedOffsets = oi.templ.getBlockedOffsets();
blockedOffsets.insert (newVisitableOffset);
for (auto blockingTile : blockedOffsets)
int3 t = info.nextTreasurePos + newVisitableOffset + blockingTile;
if (!gen->map->isInTheMap(t) || vstd::contains(info.occupiedPositions, t))
fitsBlockmap = false; //if at least one tile is not possible, object can't be placed here
if (!(gen->isPossible(t) || gen->isBlocked(t))) //blocked tiles of object may cover blocked tiles, but not used or free tiles
fitsBlockmap = false;
if (!fitsBlockmap)
total += oi.probability;
//assert (oi.value > 0);
tresholds.push_back (std::make_pair (total, oi));
//logGlobal->infoStream() << boost::format ("Number of objects visitable from bottom: %d") % objectsVisitableFromBottom;
if (tresholds.empty())
ObjectInfo oi;
//Generate pandora Box with gold if the value is extremely high
if (minValue > 20000) //we don't have object valuable enough
oi.generateObject = [minValue]() -> CGObjectInstance *
auto obj = new CGPandoraBox();
obj->ID = Obj::PANDORAS_BOX;
obj->subID = 0;
obj->resources[Res::GOLD] = minValue;
return obj;
oi.setTemplate(Obj::PANDORAS_BOX, 0, terrainType);
oi.value = minValue;
oi.probability = 0;
else //generate empty object with 0 value if the value if we can't spawn anything
oi.generateObject = [gen]() -> CGObjectInstance *
return nullptr;
oi.setTemplate(Obj::PANDORAS_BOX, 0, terrainType); //TODO: null template or something? should be never used, but hell knows
oi.value = 0; // this field is checked to determine no object
oi.probability = 0;
return oi;
int r = gen->rand.nextInt (1, total);
for (auto t : tresholds)
if (r <= t.first)
return t.second;
assert (0); //we should never be here
//FIXME: control reaches end of non-void function. Missing return?
void CRmgTemplateZone::addAllPossibleObjects(CMapGenerator* gen)
ObjectInfo oi;
oi.maxPerMap = std::numeric_limits<ui32>().max();
int numZones = gen->getZones().size();
std::vector<CCreature *> creatures; //native creatures for this zone
for (auto cre : VLC->creh->creatures)
if (!cre->special && cre->faction == townType)
for (auto primaryID : VLC->objtypeh->knownObjects())
for (auto secondaryID : VLC->objtypeh->knownSubObjects(primaryID))
auto handler = VLC->objtypeh->getHandlerFor(primaryID, secondaryID);
if (!handler->isStaticObject() && handler->getRMGInfo().value)
for (auto temp : handler->getTemplates())
if (temp.canBePlacedAt(terrainType))
oi.generateObject = [gen, temp]() -> CGObjectInstance *
return VLC->objtypeh->getHandlerFor(temp.id, temp.subid)->create(temp);
auto rmgInfo = handler->getRMGInfo();
oi.value = rmgInfo.value;
oi.probability = rmgInfo.rarity;
oi.templ = temp;
oi.maxPerZone = rmgInfo.zoneLimit;
vstd::amin(oi.maxPerZone, rmgInfo.mapLimit / numZones); //simple, but should distribute objects evenly on large maps
//levels 1, 5, 10, 20, 30
static int prisonExp[] = { 0, 5000, 15000, 90000, 500000 };
static int prisonValues[] = { 2500, 5000, 10000, 20000, 30000 };
for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++)
oi.generateObject = [i, gen, this]() -> CGObjectInstance *
auto obj = new CGHeroInstance;
obj->ID = Obj::PRISON;
std::vector<ui32> possibleHeroes;
for (int j = 0; j < gen->map->allowedHeroes.size(); j++)
if (gen->map->allowedHeroes[j])
auto hid = *RandomGeneratorUtil::nextItem(possibleHeroes, gen->rand);
obj->subID = hid; //will be initialized later
obj->exp = prisonExp[i];
gen->map->allowedHeroes[hid] = false; //ban this hero
obj->appearance = VLC->objtypeh->getHandlerFor(Obj::PRISON, 0)->getTemplates(terrainType).front(); //can't init template with hero subID
return obj;
oi.setTemplate(Obj::PRISON, 0, terrainType);
oi.value = prisonValues[i];
oi.probability = 30;
oi.maxPerZone = gen->getPrisonsRemaning() / 5; //probably not perfect, but we can't generate more prisons than hereos.
//all following objects are unlimited
oi.maxPerZone = std::numeric_limits<ui32>().max();
auto subObjects = VLC->objtypeh->knownSubObjects(Obj::CREATURE_GENERATOR1);
//don't spawn original "neutral" dwellings that got replaced by Conflux dwellings in AB
static int elementalConfluxROE[] = { 7, 13, 16, 47 };
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
vstd::erase_if_present(subObjects, elementalConfluxROE[i]);
for (auto secondaryID : subObjects)
auto dwellingHandler = dynamic_cast<const CDwellingInstanceConstructor*>(VLC->objtypeh->getHandlerFor(Obj::CREATURE_GENERATOR1, secondaryID).get());
auto creatures = dwellingHandler->getProducedCreatures();
if (creatures.empty())
auto cre = creatures.front();
if (cre->faction == townType)
float nativeZonesCount = gen->getZoneCount(cre->faction);
oi.value = cre->AIValue * cre->growth * (1 + (nativeZonesCount / gen->getTotalZoneCount()) + (nativeZonesCount / 2));
oi.probability = 40;
for (auto temp : dwellingHandler->getTemplates())
if (temp.canBePlacedAt(terrainType))
oi.generateObject = [gen, temp, secondaryID, dwellingHandler]() -> CGObjectInstance *
auto obj = VLC->objtypeh->getHandlerFor(Obj::CREATURE_GENERATOR1, secondaryID)->create(temp);
//dwellingHandler->configureObject(obj, gen->rand);
obj->tempOwner = PlayerColor::NEUTRAL;
return obj;
oi.templ = temp;
static const int scrollValues[] = { 500, 2000, 3000, 4000, 5000 };
for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++)
oi.generateObject = [i, gen]() -> CGObjectInstance *
auto obj = new CGArtifact();
obj->ID = Obj::SPELL_SCROLL;
obj->subID = 0;
std::vector<SpellID> out;
//TODO: unify with cb->getAllowedSpells?
for (ui32 spellid = 0; spellid < gen->map->allowedSpell.size(); spellid++) //spellh size appears to be greater (?)
const CSpell *spell = SpellID(spellid).toSpell();
if (gen->map->allowedSpell[spell->id] && spell->level == i + 1)
auto a = CArtifactInstance::createScroll(RandomGeneratorUtil::nextItem(out, gen->rand)->toSpell());
obj->storedArtifact = a;
return obj;
oi.setTemplate(Obj::SPELL_SCROLL, 0, terrainType);
oi.value = scrollValues[i];
oi.probability = 30;
//pandora box with gold
for (int i = 1; i < 5; i++)
oi.generateObject = [i]() -> CGObjectInstance *
auto obj = new CGPandoraBox();
obj->ID = Obj::PANDORAS_BOX;
obj->subID = 0;
obj->resources[Res::GOLD] = i * 5000;
return obj;
oi.setTemplate(Obj::PANDORAS_BOX, 0, terrainType);
oi.value = i * 5000;;
oi.probability = 5;
//pandora box with experience
for (int i = 1; i < 5; i++)
oi.generateObject = [i]() -> CGObjectInstance *
auto obj = new CGPandoraBox();
obj->ID = Obj::PANDORAS_BOX;
obj->subID = 0;
obj->gainedExp = i * 5000;
return obj;
oi.setTemplate(Obj::PANDORAS_BOX, 0, terrainType);
oi.value = i * 6000;;
oi.probability = 20;
//pandora box with creatures
static const int tierValues[] = { 5000, 7000, 9000, 12000, 16000, 21000, 27000 };
auto creatureToCount = [](CCreature * creature) -> int
int actualTier = creature->level > 7 ? 6 : creature->level - 1;
float creaturesAmount = ((float)tierValues[actualTier]) / creature->AIValue;
if (creaturesAmount <= 5)
creaturesAmount = boost::math::round(creaturesAmount); //allow single monsters
if (creaturesAmount < 1)
return 0;
else if (creaturesAmount <= 12)
(creaturesAmount /= 2) *= 2;
else if (creaturesAmount <= 50)
creaturesAmount = boost::math::round(creaturesAmount / 5) * 5;
creaturesAmount = boost::math::round(creaturesAmount / 10) * 10;
return creaturesAmount;
for (auto creature : creatures)
int creaturesAmount = creatureToCount(creature);
if (!creaturesAmount)
oi.generateObject = [creature, creaturesAmount]() -> CGObjectInstance *
auto obj = new CGPandoraBox();
obj->ID = Obj::PANDORAS_BOX;
obj->subID = 0;
auto stack = new CStackInstance(creature, creaturesAmount);
obj->creatures.putStack(SlotID(0), stack);
return obj;
oi.setTemplate(Obj::PANDORAS_BOX, 0, terrainType);
oi.value = (2 * (creature->AIValue) * creaturesAmount * (1 + (float)(gen->getZoneCount(creature->faction)) / gen->getTotalZoneCount())) / 3;
oi.probability = 3;
//Pandora with 12 spells of certain level
for (int i = 1; i <= GameConstants::SPELL_LEVELS; i++)
oi.generateObject = [i, gen]() -> CGObjectInstance *
auto obj = new CGPandoraBox();
obj->ID = Obj::PANDORAS_BOX;
obj->subID = 0;
std::vector <CSpell *> spells;
for (auto spell : VLC->spellh->objects)
if (!spell->isSpecialSpell() && spell->level == i)
RandomGeneratorUtil::randomShuffle(spells, gen->rand);
for (int j = 0; j < std::min<int>(12, spells.size()); j++)
return obj;
oi.setTemplate(Obj::PANDORAS_BOX, 0, terrainType);
oi.value = (i + 1) * 2500; //5000 - 15000
oi.probability = 2;
//Pandora with 15 spells of certain school
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
oi.generateObject = [i,gen]() -> CGObjectInstance *
auto obj = new CGPandoraBox();
obj->ID = Obj::PANDORAS_BOX;
obj->subID = 0;
std::vector <CSpell *> spells;
for (auto spell : VLC->spellh->objects)
if (!spell->isSpecialSpell() && spell->school[(ESpellSchool)i])
RandomGeneratorUtil::randomShuffle(spells, gen->rand);
for (int j = 0; j < std::min<int>(15, spells.size()); j++)
return obj;
oi.setTemplate(Obj::PANDORAS_BOX, 0, terrainType);
oi.value = 15000;
oi.probability = 2;
// Pandora box with 60 random spells
oi.generateObject = [gen]() -> CGObjectInstance *
auto obj = new CGPandoraBox();
obj->ID = Obj::PANDORAS_BOX;
obj->subID = 0;
std::vector <CSpell *> spells;
for (auto spell : VLC->spellh->objects)
if (!spell->isSpecialSpell())
RandomGeneratorUtil::randomShuffle(spells, gen->rand);
for (int j = 0; j < std::min<int>(60, spells.size()); j++)
return obj;
oi.setTemplate(Obj::PANDORAS_BOX, 0, terrainType);
oi.value = 30000;
oi.probability = 2;
//seer huts with creatures or generic rewards
//if (questArtZone) //we won't be placing seer huts if there is no zone left to place arties
if (false) //FIXME: Seer Huts are bugged
static const int genericSeerHuts = 8;
int seerHutsPerType = 0;
const int questArtsRemaining = gen->getQuestArtsRemaning().size();
//general issue is that not many artifact types are available for quests
if (questArtsRemaining >= genericSeerHuts + creatures.size())
seerHutsPerType = questArtsRemaining / (genericSeerHuts + creatures.size());
else if (questArtsRemaining >= genericSeerHuts)
seerHutsPerType = 1;
oi.maxPerZone = seerHutsPerType;
RandomGeneratorUtil::randomShuffle(creatures, gen->rand);
auto generateArtInfo = [this](ArtifactID id) -> ObjectInfo
ObjectInfo artInfo;
artInfo.probability = std::numeric_limits<ui16>::max(); //99,9% to spawn that art in first treasure pile
artInfo.maxPerZone = 1;
artInfo.value = 2000; //treasure art
artInfo.setTemplate(Obj::ARTIFACT, id, this->terrainType);
artInfo.generateObject = [id]() -> CGObjectInstance *
auto handler = VLC->objtypeh->getHandlerFor(Obj::ARTIFACT, id);
return handler->create(handler->getTemplates().front());
return artInfo;
for (int i = 0; i < std::min<int>(creatures.size(), questArtsRemaining - genericSeerHuts); i++)
auto creature = creatures[i];
int creaturesAmount = creatureToCount(creature);
if (!creaturesAmount)
int randomAppearance = *RandomGeneratorUtil::nextItem(VLC->objtypeh->knownSubObjects(Obj::SEER_HUT), gen->rand);
oi.generateObject = [creature, creaturesAmount, randomAppearance, gen, this, generateArtInfo]() -> CGObjectInstance *
auto obj = new CGSeerHut();
obj->ID = Obj::SEER_HUT;
obj->subID = randomAppearance;
obj->rewardType = CGSeerHut::CREATURE;
obj->rID = creature->idNumber;
obj->rVal = creaturesAmount;
obj->quest->missionType = CQuest::MISSION_ART;
ArtifactID artid = *RandomGeneratorUtil::nextItem(gen->getQuestArtsRemaning(), gen->rand);
this->questArtZone->possibleObjects.push_back (generateArtInfo(artid));
return obj;
oi.setTemplate(Obj::SEER_HUT, randomAppearance, terrainType);
oi.value = ((2 * (creature->AIValue) * creaturesAmount * (1 + (float)(gen->getZoneCount(creature->faction)) / gen->getTotalZoneCount())) - 4000) / 3;
oi.probability = 3;
static int seerExpGold[] = { 5000, 10000, 15000, 20000 };
static int seerValues[] = { 2000, 5333, 8666, 12000 };
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) //seems that code for exp and gold reward is similiar
int randomAppearance = *RandomGeneratorUtil::nextItem(VLC->objtypeh->knownSubObjects(Obj::SEER_HUT), gen->rand);
oi.setTemplate(Obj::SEER_HUT, randomAppearance, terrainType);
oi.value = seerValues[i];
oi.probability = 10;
oi.generateObject = [i, randomAppearance, gen, this, generateArtInfo]() -> CGObjectInstance *
auto obj = new CGSeerHut();
obj->ID = Obj::SEER_HUT;
obj->subID = randomAppearance;
obj->rewardType = CGSeerHut::EXPERIENCE;
obj->rID = 0; //unitialized?
obj->rVal = seerExpGold[i];
obj->quest->missionType = CQuest::MISSION_ART;
ArtifactID artid = *RandomGeneratorUtil::nextItem(gen->getQuestArtsRemaning(), gen->rand);
return obj;
oi.generateObject = [i, randomAppearance, gen, this, generateArtInfo]() -> CGObjectInstance *
auto obj = new CGSeerHut();
obj->ID = Obj::SEER_HUT;
obj->subID = randomAppearance;
obj->rewardType = CGSeerHut::RESOURCES;
obj->rID = Res::GOLD;
obj->rVal = seerExpGold[i];
obj->quest->missionType = CQuest::MISSION_ART;
ArtifactID artid = *RandomGeneratorUtil::nextItem(gen->getQuestArtsRemaning(), gen->rand);
return obj;
void ObjectInfo::setTemplate (si32 type, si32 subtype, ETerrainType terrainType)
templ = VLC->objtypeh->getHandlerFor(type, subtype)->getTemplates(terrainType).front();