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* CGameState.h, part of VCMI engine
* Authors: listed in file AUTHORS in main folder
* License: GNU General Public License v2.0 or later
* Full text of license available in license.txt file, in main folder
#pragma once
#include "bonuses/CBonusSystemNode.h"
#include "IGameCallback.h"
#include "LoadProgress.h"
namespace boost
class shared_mutex;
class EVictoryLossCheckResult;
class Services;
class IMapService;
class CMap;
struct CPack;
class CHeroClass;
struct EventCondition;
struct CampaignTravel;
class CStackInstance;
class CGameStateCampaign;
class TavernHeroesPool;
struct SThievesGuildInfo;
template<typename T> class CApplier;
class CBaseForGSApply;
struct DLL_LINKAGE RumorState
enum ERumorType : ui8
enum ERumorTypeSpecial : ui8
ERumorType type;
std::map<ERumorType, std::pair<int, int>> last;
RumorState(){type = TYPE_NONE;};
bool update(int id, int extra);
template <typename Handler> void serialize(Handler &h, const int version)
h & type;
h & last;
struct UpgradeInfo
CreatureID oldID; //creature to be upgraded
std::vector<CreatureID> newID; //possible upgrades
std::vector<ResourceSet> cost; // cost[upgrade_serial] -> set of pairs<resource_ID,resource_amount>; cost is for single unit (not entire stack)
UpgradeInfo(){oldID = CreatureID::NONE;};
class BattleInfo;
DLL_LINKAGE std::ostream & operator<<(std::ostream & os, const EVictoryLossCheckResult & victoryLossCheckResult);
class DLL_LINKAGE CGameState : public CNonConstInfoCallback
friend class CGameStateCampaign;
//we have here all heroes available on this map that are not hired
std::unique_ptr<TavernHeroesPool> heroesPool;
virtual ~CGameState();
void preInit(Services * services);
void init(const IMapService * mapService, StartInfo * si, Load::ProgressAccumulator &, bool allowSavingRandomMap = false);
void updateOnLoad(StartInfo * si);
ConstTransitivePtr<StartInfo> scenarioOps, initialOpts; //second one is a copy of settings received from pregame (not randomized)
PlayerColor currentPlayer; //ID of player currently having turn
ConstTransitivePtr<BattleInfo> curB; //current battle
ui32 day; //total number of days in game
ConstTransitivePtr<CMap> map;
std::map<PlayerColor, PlayerState> players;
std::map<TeamID, TeamState> teams;
CBonusSystemNode globalEffects;
RumorState rumor;
static boost::shared_mutex mutex;
void updateEntity(Metatype metatype, int32_t index, const JsonNode & data) override;
bool giveHeroArtifact(CGHeroInstance * h, const ArtifactID & aid);
void apply(CPack *pack);
BattleField battleGetBattlefieldType(int3 tile, CRandomGenerator & rand);
void fillUpgradeInfo(const CArmedInstance *obj, SlotID stackPos, UpgradeInfo &out) const override;
PlayerRelations getPlayerRelations(PlayerColor color1, PlayerColor color2) const override;
bool checkForVisitableDir(const int3 & src, const int3 & dst) const; //check if src tile is visitable from dst tile
void calculatePaths(const CGHeroInstance *hero, CPathsInfo &out) override; //calculates possible paths for hero, by default uses current hero position and movement left; returns pointer to newly allocated CPath or nullptr if path does not exists
void calculatePaths(const std::shared_ptr<PathfinderConfig> & config) override;
int3 guardingCreaturePosition (int3 pos) const override;
std::vector<CGObjectInstance*> guardingCreatures (int3 pos) const;
void updateRumor();
// ----- victory, loss condition checks -----
EVictoryLossCheckResult checkForVictoryAndLoss(const PlayerColor & player) const;
bool checkForVictory(const PlayerColor & player, const EventCondition & condition) const; //checks if given player is winner
PlayerColor checkForStandardWin() const; //returns color of player that accomplished standard victory conditions or 255 (NEUTRAL) if no winner
bool checkForStandardLoss(const PlayerColor & player) const; //checks if given player lost the game
void obtainPlayersStats(SThievesGuildInfo & tgi, int level); //fills tgi with info about other players that is available at given level of thieves' guild
bool isVisible(int3 pos, const std::optional<PlayerColor> & player) const override;
bool isVisible(const CGObjectInstance * obj, const std::optional<PlayerColor> & player) const override;
int getDate(Date mode=Date::DAY) const override; //mode=0 - total days in game, mode=1 - day of week, mode=2 - current week, mode=3 - current month
// ----- getters, setters -----
/// This RNG should only be used inside GS or CPackForClient-derived applyGs
/// If this doesn't work for your code that mean you need a new netpack
/// Client-side must use CRandomGenerator::getDefault which is not serialized
/// CGameHandler have it's own getter for CRandomGenerator::getDefault
/// Any server-side code outside of GH must use CRandomGenerator::getDefault
CRandomGenerator & getRandomGenerator();
template <typename Handler> void serialize(Handler &h, const int version)
h & scenarioOps;
h & initialOpts;
h & currentPlayer;
h & day;
h & map;
h & players;
h & teams;
h & heroesPool;
h & globalEffects;
h & rand;
h & rumor;
h & campaign;
// ----- initialization -----
void preInitAuto();
void initNewGame(const IMapService * mapService, bool allowSavingRandomMap, Load::ProgressAccumulator & progressTracking);
void checkMapChecksum();
void initGlobalBonuses();
void initGrailPosition();
void initRandomFactionsForPlayers();
void randomizeMapObjects();
void randomizeObject(CGObjectInstance *cur);
void initPlayerStates();
void placeStartingHeroes();
void placeStartingHero(const PlayerColor & playerColor, const HeroTypeID & heroTypeId, int3 townPos);
void removeHeroPlaceholders();
void initStartingResources();
void initHeroes();
void placeHeroesInTowns();
void initFogOfWar();
void initStartingBonus();
void initTowns();
void initMapObjects();
void initVisitingAndGarrisonedHeroes();
void initCampaign();
// ----- bonus system handling -----
void buildBonusSystemTree();
void attachArmedObjects();
void buildGlobalTeamPlayerTree();
void deserializationFix();
// ---- misc helpers -----
CGHeroInstance * getUsedHero(const HeroTypeID & hid) const;
bool isUsedHero(const HeroTypeID & hid) const; //looks in heroes and prisons
std::set<HeroTypeID> getUnusedAllowedHeroes(bool alsoIncludeNotAllowed = false) const;
std::pair<Obj,int> pickObject(CGObjectInstance *obj); //chooses type of object to be randomized, returns <type, subtype>
HeroTypeID pickUnusedHeroTypeRandomly(const PlayerColor & owner); // picks a unused hero type randomly
HeroTypeID pickNextHeroType(const PlayerColor & owner); // picks next free hero type of the H3 hero init sequence -> chosen starting hero, then unused hero type randomly
UpgradeInfo fillUpgradeInfo(const CStackInstance &stack) const;
// ---- data -----
std::shared_ptr<CApplier<CBaseForGSApply>> applier;
CRandomGenerator rand;
Services * services;
/// Ponter to campaign state manager. Nullptr for single scenarios
std::unique_ptr<CGameStateCampaign> campaign;
friend class IGameCallback;
friend class CMapHandler;
friend class CGameHandler;