mirror of https://github.com/vcmi/vcmi.git synced 2025-02-07 13:08:09 +02:00
Michał W. Urbańczyk 617e1f962e New files for lib:
* lib/ERMScriptModule.cpp
* lib/ERMScriptModule.h
* lib/CObstacleInstance.h

More jugglery with callbacks. Moving stuff from CGameState to CGameInfoCallback. Work on unified game events interface for player (AI or GUI) and script module. Directing events to ERM interpretetr, first attempts of calling some triggers. Crashy, if there any scripts.
Some other changes, including fighting amount of includes in includes and tracking of hero visits (need further work).
2011-05-09 22:20:47 +00:00

150 lines
5.8 KiB

#include "../global.h"
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <map>
#include <set>
#include "../lib/HeroBonus.h"
#include "../lib/ConstTransitivePtr.h"
* CCreatureHandler.h, part of VCMI engine
* Authors: listed in file AUTHORS in main folder
* License: GNU General Public License v2.0 or later
* Full text of license available in license.txt file, in main folder
class CLodHandler;
class CCreatureHandler;
class CCreature;
class DLL_EXPORT CCreature : public CBonusSystemNode
std::string namePl, nameSing, nameRef; //name in singular and plural form; and reference name
std::vector<ui32> cost; //cost[res_id] - amount of that resource
std::set<ui32> upgrades; // IDs of creatures to which this creature can be upgraded
ui32 hitPoints, speed, attack, defence;
ui32 fightValue, AIValue, growth, hordeGrowth, shots, spells;
ui32 damageMin, damageMax;
ui32 ammMin, ammMax;
ui8 level; // 0 - unknown
std::string abilityText; //description of abilities
std::string abilityRefs; //references to abilities, in text format
std::string animDefName;
si32 idNumber;
si8 faction; //-1 = neutral
ui8 doubleWide;
///animation info
float timeBetweenFidgets, walkAnimationTime, attackAnimationTime, flightAnimationDistance;
int upperRightMissleOffsetX, rightMissleOffsetX, lowerRightMissleOffsetX, upperRightMissleOffsetY, rightMissleOffsetY, lowerRightMissleOffsetY;
float missleFrameAngles[12];
int troopCountLocationOffset, attackClimaxFrame;
///end of anim info
bool isDoubleWide() const; //returns true if unit is double wide on battlefield
bool isFlying() const; //returns true if it is a flying unit
bool isShooting() const; //returns true if unit can shoot
bool isUndead() const; //returns true if unit is undead
bool isGood () const;
bool isEvil () const;
si32 maxAmount(const std::vector<si32> &res) const; //how many creatures can be bought
static int getQuantityID(const int & quantity); //0 - a few, 1 - several, 2 - pack, 3 - lots, 4 - horde, 5 - throng, 6 - swarm, 7 - zounds, 8 - legion
bool isMyUpgrade(const CCreature *anotherCre) const;
bool valid() const;
void addBonus(int val, int type, int subtype = -1);
std::string nodeName() const OVERRIDE;
//void getParents(TCNodes &out, const CBonusSystemNode *root /*= NULL*/) const;
template<typename RanGen>
int getRandomAmount(RanGen &ranGen)
if(ammMax == ammMin)
return ammMax;
return ammMin + (ranGen() % (ammMax - ammMin));
template <typename Handler> void serialize(Handler &h, const int version)
h & static_cast<CBonusSystemNode&>(*this);
h & namePl & nameSing & nameRef
& cost & upgrades
& fightValue & AIValue & growth & hordeGrowth & hitPoints & speed & attack & defence & shots & spells
& damageMin & damageMax & ammMin & ammMax & level
& abilityText & abilityRefs & animDefName
& idNumber & faction
& timeBetweenFidgets & walkAnimationTime & attackAnimationTime & flightAnimationDistance
& upperRightMissleOffsetX & rightMissleOffsetX & lowerRightMissleOffsetX & upperRightMissleOffsetY & rightMissleOffsetY & lowerRightMissleOffsetY
& missleFrameAngles & troopCountLocationOffset & attackClimaxFrame;
h & doubleWide;
friend class CCreatureHandler;
class DLL_EXPORT CCreatureHandler
private: //?
CBonusSystemNode allCreatures, creaturesOfLevel[CREATURES_PER_TOWN + 1];//index 0 is used for creatures of unknown tier or outside <1-7> range
std::set<int> notUsedMonsters;
std::set<TCreature> doubledCreatures; //they get double week
std::vector<ConstTransitivePtr<CCreature> > creatures; //creature ID -> creature info
bmap<std::string,int> nameToID;
bmap<int,std::string> idToProjectile;
bmap<int,bool> idToProjectileSpin; //if true, appropriate projectile is spinning during flight
std::vector<si8> factionAlignments; //1 for good, 0 for neutral and -1 for evil with faction ID as index
int factionToTurretCreature[F_NUMBER]; //which creature's animation should be used to dispaly creature in turret while siege
std::map<TBonusType, std::pair<std::string, std::string> > stackBonuses; // bonus => name, description
std::vector<std::vector<ui32> > expRanks; // stack experience needed for certain rank, index 0 for other tiers (?)
std::vector<ui32> maxExpPerBattle; //%, tiers same as above
si8 expAfterUpgrade;//multiplier in %
void deserializationFix();
void loadCreatures();
void buildBonusTreeForTiers();
void loadAnimationInfo();
void loadUnitAnimInfo(CCreature & unit, std::string & src, int & i);
void loadStackExp(Bonus & b, BonusList & bl, std::string & src, int & it);
void loadMindImmunity(Bonus & b, BonusList & bl, std::string & src, int & it); //multiple bonuses at once
int stringToNumber(std::string & s);//help function for parsing CREXPBON.txt
bool isGood (si8 faction) const;
bool isEvil (si8 faction) const;
int pickRandomMonster(const boost::function<int()> &randGen = 0, int tier = -1) const; //tier <1 - CREATURES_PER_TOWN> or -1 for any
void addBonusForTier(int tier, Bonus *b); //tier must be <1-7>
void addBonusForAllCreatures(Bonus *b);
template <typename Handler> void serialize(Handler &h, const int version)
//TODO: should be optimized, not all these informations needs to be serialized (same for ccreature)
h & notUsedMonsters & creatures & nameToID & idToProjectile & idToProjectileSpin & factionToTurretCreature;
h & stackBonuses & expRanks & maxExpPerBattle & expAfterUpgrade;
h & allCreatures;
h & creaturesOfLevel;